Showing posts with label Samhain. Show all posts

My Gift to You for Samhain

For a limited time, from today until the end of October, you have the exclusive opportunity to acquire the Witchcraft 101 program from my website completely free of charge! This program offers a comprehensive exploration of witchcraft practices and traditions, providing valuable insights and knowledge. By using the coupon code "Samhain2024" during checkout, you can unlock this special offer and save $34.98 on the regular price. 

Once you enroll in the program, you will enjoy unrestricted access to the class materials for the entire lifespan of the website, allowing you to revisit the content at your own pace and convenience. Don't miss this chance to delve into the mystical world of witchcraft and expand your understanding of its ancient wisdom and modern applications!

Have a blessed Samhain

Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson

Connecting with the Ancestors - A Samhain Reading

Fall is my favorite time of the year. October is of course the best month as I feel more connected to, not only my witchiness but also to my ancestors. I love working with the dead more now than ever before in my life. As I begin to connect more with my Crone energy, I feel as though I am able to work better with the dead.  I sometimes start with an update to my ancestor altar.

Ancestor Altar

Samhain is traditionally the time of the year for working with the dead. This is the time of the year when the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest, allowing us to make contact and work with them directly.

Me, Renee Olson & My Grandmother, Julia Smith
Julia Smith & Renee Olson

 The last ten years has been a real change for me as I lost my grandmother and a dear aunt that I was very close to. These are the energies I call on when I do my work with the dead. There is a strength there and a love that each had that resonates with me as I do my spell work. With intent and focus I call their energies into the room and look to them for information, answers or just energy to guide me through my work.

I look to Samhain as my new year. I treat it much the same way others treat January 1st. I take this time to shake off the old energies and connect with the new. I cut ties and begin new ventures. In recent years I've started doing a special oracle reading to help me get started for the new year.  I'd like to share this year's reading with you.

1. Past - What you've learned - The Direction Guardian tells us to choose our path. We look in all directions and evaluate our options. We trust our instincts to take us down the right path.

2. Past - What you've lost - The Summer card tells us to bask in the joy and light.  The world is a little less bright right now. The joy seems to have faded.

3. The Present - The Shaman tells us to trust in higher forces. Look within to find that inspiration, that force or energy to push forward.

4. Future - What you'll learn - The Snake tells us to shed old skin. Don't be tied down to things simply because it is the way its always been done.  You are not your job, your race or your religion. Change can be good.

5. Future - What you'll gain - The Magick Guardian tells us to unlock the magick within. We should look within ourselves for this is where the magick is.  Cards, wands and robes do not, the witch make. You are the magick. Own it.

I hope you've enjoyed this reading. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions, leave comments if you'd like.  I have also added a message button to this page. You can click that and I'll respond as quickly as I can.

I hope you all have a save and blessed Samhain.



Getting into a New Life

 Samhain marks a new year for me. I think of it as a time when we morph into a newer form of ourselves and journey forward into a new life. We give a nod to the energies that come ever so near as the veil thins and bid them pass on their wisdom of the unknown. This is the time that I embrace change. These last few years have been incredible for me.  I have stood in awe watching things that I thought would be forever crumble around me.

I began to actually see what the Buddha meant by dukka. Our suffering, my suffering is rooted in attachment to things that are not permanent. By definition, this attachment causes suffering. I have found that as I begin to notice that things are indeed impermanent; it becomes easier to keep my sense of peace. 

One of the most profound things I have ever read was in an interview with Thich Nhat Hahn.   

I have noticed that people are dealing too much with the negative, with what is wrong. They do not touch enough on what is not wrong—it’s the same as some psychotherapists. Why not try the other way, to look into the patient and to see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom? - Thich Nhat Hahn

While some may thing this is sticking our heads in the sand, he goes on to explain that we can see what is wrong in the world but only water the seeds of things that bring us joy.

We have to take a moment to breathe and listen to ourselves so that we can simply sip our tea or wash the dishes.  We can be in this moment to find joy.  I use the fourteen precepts to help me through our day. I'd like to share them with you in this post.

While you look over this new day with fear or happiness. Remember nothing is permanent. All things change. Where we are today is a different place than yesterday and tomorrow. We need to look into ourselves and find the seeds of happiness and water those seeds. We need to share those seeds with others around us until we have a garden of happiness around the world. 

In you, I see me.  We interare.

The Fourteen Precepts of Engaged Buddhism

  1. Do not be idolatrous about or bound to any doctrine, theory, or ideology, even Buddhist ones. Buddhist systems of thought are guiding means; they are not absolute truth.
  2. Do not think the knowledge you presently possess is changeless, absolute truth. Avoid being narrow-minded and bound to present views. Learn and practice nonattachment from views in order to be open to receive others’ viewpoints. Truth is found in life and not merely in conceptual knowledge. Be ready to learn throughout your entire life and to observe reality in yourself and in the world at all times.
  3. Do not force others, including children, by any means whatsoever, to adopt your views, whether by authority, threat, money, propaganda, or even education. However, through compassionate dialogue, help others renounce fanaticism and narrowness.
  4. Do not avoid contact with suffering or close your eyes before suffering. Do not lose awareness of the existence of suffering in the life of the world. Find ways to be with those who are suffering, including personal contact, visits, images, and sounds. By such means, awaken yourself and others to the reality of suffering in the world.
  5. Do not accumulate wealth while millions are hungry. Do not take as the aim of your life Fame, profit, wealth, or sensual pleasure. Live simply and share time, energy, and material resources with those who are in need.
  6. Do not maintain anger or hatred. Learn to penetrate and transform them when they are still seeds in your consciousness. As soon as they arise, turn your attention to your breath in order to see and understand the nature of your hatred.
  7. Do not lose yourself in dispersion and in your surroundings. Practice mindful breathing to come back to what is happening in the present moment. Be in touch with what is wondrous, refreshing, and healing both inside and around you. Plant seeds of joy, peace, and understanding in yourself in order to facilitate the work of transformation in the depths of your consciousness.
  8. Do not utter words that can create discord and cause the community to break. Make every effort to reconcile and resolve all conflicts, however small.
  9. Do not say untruthful things for the sake of personal interest or to impress people. Do not utter words that cause division and hatred. Do not spread news that you do not know to be certain. Do not criticize or condemn things of which you are not sure. Always speak truthfully and constructively. Have the courage to speak out about situations of injustice, even when doing so may threaten your own safety.
  10. Do not use the Buddhist community for personal gain or profit, or transform your community into a political party. A religious community, however, should take a clear stand against oppression and injustice and should strive to change the situation without engaging in partisan conflicts.
  11. Do not live with a vocation that is harmful to humans and nature. Do not invest in companies that deprive others of their chance to live. Select a vocation that helps realize your ideal of compassion.
  12. Do not kill. Do not let others kill. Find whatever means possible to protect life and prevent war.
  13. Possess nothing that should belong to others. Respect the property of others, but prevent others from profiting from human suffering or the suffering of other species on Earth.
  14. Do not mistreat your body. Learn to handle it with respect. Do not look on your body as only an instrument. Preserve vital energies (sexual, breath, spirit) for the realization of the Way. (For brothers and sisters who are not monks and nuns:) Sexual expression should not take place without love and commitment. In sexual relationships, be aware of future suffering that may be caused. To preserve the happiness of others, respect the rights and commitments of others. Be fully aware of the responsibility of bringing new lives into the world. Meditate on the world into which you are bringing new beings.

From “Interbeing: Fourteen Guidelines for Engaged Buddhism,” Revised edition: Oct. 1993 by Thich Nhat Hanh, published by Parallax Press, Berkeley, California.

Celebrating Samhain - A Giveaway

One of the most exciting times of the year for me is Samhain. I love the crisp air and the falling leaves. I love finding time to connect with the Ancestors.  Over the years I have compiled quite a list of Samhain posts.  Here's a link to all of my blog posts related to Samhain.

This year I decided to cut back and bit and take a moment to invite one of my readers to benefit from my bookshelf. Over the next week, I'll be accepting entries to win the books listed below.  These books are ones that I have reviewed and will ship to the winner at no charge.

Entries begin at blog publication, which is 10/26/18 at 12:00 AM
Entries close on 10/31/18 at 12:00 AM

There are several opportunities to qualify for extra entries, including sharing, commenting on the blog and a bonus entry to get more points by tweeting about the giveaway each day.

I will draw a name on 11/01/18 and contact the winner via the email they provided at registration. They will have 24 hours to contact me.  If they do not contact me, I will redraw a new winner and notify them.

This giveaway includes the following books.

Light Magic for Dark Times
The Holy Wild
Find Your Goddess
Protection Spells
Modern Witchcraft Guide to Natural Magic
Egyptian Numerology
Develop Your ESP - I didn't review this book, but thought it made a great addition to this giveaway so I'm including it in this box

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Free shipping to lower 48 only, US Only, Void where prohibited. Facebook, Rafflecopter, Twitter and Blogger are in no way affiliated with this offer.

Please note this are advanced copies of these books in some cases provided by the media publishing company for reviews.

Celebrating Samhain - A Giveaway

One of the most exciting times of the year for me is Samhain. I love the crisp air and the falling leaves. I love finding time to connect with the Ancestors.  Over the years I have compiled quite a list of Samhain posts.  Here's a link to all of my blog posts related to Samhain.

This year I decided to cut back and bit and take a moment to invite one of my readers to benefit from my bookshelf. Over the next week, I'll be accepting entries to win the books listed below.  These books are ones that I have reviewed and will ship to the winner at no charge.

Entries begin at blog publication, which is 10/19/18 at 12:00 AM
Entries close on 10/25/18 at 12:00 AM

There are several opportunities to qualify for extra entries, including sharing, commenting on the blog and a bonus entry to get more points by tweeting about the giveaway each day.

I will draw a name on 10/26/18 and contact the winner via the email they provided at registration. They will have 24 hours to contact me.  If they do not contact me, I will redraw a new winner and notify them.

This giveaway includes the following books.

In Focus Crystals
In Focus Astrology
In Focus Palmistry
In Focus Meditation
The Ultimate Guide to Chakras
Moon Magic
The Ultimate Guide to Divination

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Free shipping to lower 48 only, US Only, Void where prohibited. Facebook, Rafflecopter, Twitter and Blogger are in no way affiliated with this offer.

Please note this are advanced copies of these books in some cases provided by the media publishing company for reviews.

Witchy Wednesday - Sirens

I have always loved the myths related to sirens and mermaids.  There are so many great ones out there. Recently I came across this new show related to them.  Check out this trailer.

What do you think??  Personally I can't wait for it to start.  It is slated for 2018, trust me I'll be tuning in.

Have you had a chance to head over and check out the Samhain's Sirens October project?  Lots of fun going on over there.

I love this yearly project created by Kallan from Wildy Witch.  Remember to head over to the Siren's Facebook Page to stay up to date on all the fun.  It is a tough job.  Each year she puts together this amazing project, overcoming failed entries, lost emails and even direct sabotage. In the end, she always gets it done.  So get on over there, leave a comment. Show them some love! <3

Samhain's Sirens - Witchy Wednesday


Happy October!  It is that time of year that makes me sing and dance.

Google Images
As you may have heard I've teamed up with an amazing bunch of people for the month of October.  You'll find some amazing recipes, blogs, crafts and yes even giveaways over at the Samhain Siren's blog.  I highly recommend heading over there and checking it out! 

Keep a sharp eye out.  I'll be joining those extremely talented folks with a couple giveaway's of my own from BaubleSmith

Death and Dying in Reality

De mortuis nil nisi bonum - (“Of the dead, nothing unless good.”)

We hear this spoken usually after someone who was not a nice person dies.  I read a blog post recently that had the following quote:

"You should have got your criticism in when they were still alive, and preferably, while they still had some power. We don’t speak ill of the dead because it’s not just distasteful: it’s cowardly."  -Source

Well, while I get the gist of that.  I am completely one who will indeed speak my mind when presented with the opportunity.  Now that doesn't mean  I'm going to spread rumors, run someone down I have blocked on social media while professing some sort of spiritual superiority.  What it does mean that I am not going to support someone who I feel has their feet firmly placed in racism, bigotry or any negativity at all when they stand to the world professing spiritual awareness.  It means that while I will work within the bounds of professionalism, if someone comes to me me looking for what what you have to offer, I will direct them to someone else who has less baggage.  That's just a fact.  Now, that being said, why would I treat the dead any different? 

Back in 2011 I entered a blog contest to win a copy of Christian Day's Witches Book of the Dead. I wrote about my cousin Tony, who passed away while I was living in California.  His brothers had moved him while he was passed out and bound him to a stop sign at a three way crossroad near my house with plastic wrap as a joke.  He never regained consciousness.  The police ruled his death an accident. When the book arrived I got to page 137, The Ritual of the Crossroads the way Hecate is described as being at the crossroads, that point where the worlds of the living and dead can often meet was a powerful visualization for me.  

With the coming of Samhain many groups on social media are having discussions around ancestor altars and who should or should not be included on them.  My altar has an assortment of photos, trinkets and possessions of those who have moved on.  This is a very spiritual time for me, when I call upon those who have moved on to send energy and knowledge in exchange for my respecting and willingness to learn.  

There are those who are intentionally left off the altar.  I do not want their energy or their knowledge.  I knew them too well in physical world.  They caused too much pain here in this life to be honored in anyway in their passing.  

When starting your ritual altar on don't feel that you have to do anything like one book or one person says.  This is a personal space for you to honor those who have moved on from this life.  It is a time for you to do work that is important to you.  Don't feel like you have to add people or include energy that you're not comfortable with.

In my discussions, I found that some think they have to include a certain person for fear of them creating havoc in their home because they have "disrespected the dead".  Personally I believe that not all dead are worthy of respect.  Not every one who has crossed over is someone that should be honored no different than if they were here in the physical realm.  If you have unruly dead making mischief in your house you need to take control of the situation and move them out, not give in and place them in higher regard.  

Death is a transition to the next part of the energy exchange.  It can be sad but it should be looked at as a natural part of life.  Working with the dead is about listening and learning.  We should listen twice as much as we speak in order to learn as much as we can. We should also learn that our time on this planet is limited.  If we want to have others not speak ill of us after we move on, then maybe we should be a little more considerate of others while we have that opportunity.  Not the other way around.

I'd love to see what altars you create or what rituals you do working with the dead this week.  Feel free to post here or find me on social media at Tsu or Facebook.

Ancestor Altar - Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Blessed Samhain/Beltane

Over the years I've learned that everyone will not agree.  This year is no exception.  Two of my favorite times of the year are Beltane and Samhain.  I love the fiery nature of the day and I love what they both represent.  One with its sexual passion and the other it’s ending the cycle of life by honoring those passed.
This is a fantastic time to clean out negativity in your life.  Open the door to new beginnings and try to let go of those things that are dragging you down.  It is time to start anew.

This year I’m working on releasing a few things and welcoming a few things.

I release the expectation that others understand me.
I release the desire to explain myself to others.
I release the need to please others.
I welcome new friends.
I welcome new opportunities.
I welcome new understanding.

As we look around the world today it is full of people who would rather toss us up on the proverbial stake as opposed to getting to know us, even in the smallest way.  We don’t need to spend our days destroying each other.  I’m saying that we ignore bad behavior or give a pass to those who are attacking others.  What I am saying it before you jump, stop and breathe.  Look at the evidence.  If you’re wrong, say you’re wrong and don’t follow that apology with the word “but”.

I wish each one of you a very blessed day, I’ll be honoring those in my life that have moved on and ask that Hecate with her fiery torches light the way for their journey. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Ancestor Altar 2013

I wish all health, prosperity and wisdom.



X is for Xmas

With Samhain behind us and Yule fast approaching its time for us to prepare ourselves for our all-time favorite, Holiday Memes.  Recently I saw a on Facebook a friend post “Keep Christ in Christmas”.   Now being raised in the south I can tell you that starting this time of year we see these on billboards, yard signs and on church marquees. 

Here’s an example of a billboard with a similar message.

Now, I love language.  Word origins and puns make my day.  With a little bit of digging and with the help of, I found the perfect way to explain to my Christian friends that Xmas, isn’t a four letter word.

Origins – X is from the Greek latter CHI (X), initial of Christos Christ) + mas = CHRIST MAS  or Christmas.

Perfect right?  I did it.  It is not Satan.  It is not Pagan’s attempting to derail their holiday.  IT IS Christmas.

Armed with this awesome information I headed over to a family member’s Facebook page.  I saw she posted that crazy message and she’s a pretty intelligent person.  So I figured, why let her continue to look stupid?  I posted on her message the link to the DICTIONARY and suggested that she have a look at the real meaning of Xmas.

Her response:

I don’t attack your religious beliefs, please don’t attack mine.

OK….  IF your religion is attacked by a dictionary, I think it is time to re-evaluate your beliefs.

SO…   needless to say when I saw this statement I was completely blown away by the ignorance.  Here I was trying to educate, let her know that Xmas wasn’t some sort of pagan highjacking of a Christian holiday and I get hit with that.  WOW

You know how pagans like to steal holidays…  Yeah.

So I went ahead and just removed her.  I wouldn’t want to offend her with the upcoming Yule season approaching.  I guess we’ll just let the Christians keep the Christ in Christmas


Namaste & Blessed B

NaBloWriMo - Witchy Wednesday 5 - Samhain

For my last Witchy Wednesday I’m writing a post about one of the major Sabbaths, Samhain

Samhain  (SOW – WIN) is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter and has often been called the Celtic New Year.  Though popularized and celebrated by children around the world as a day to get scared and get candy, Samhain is a very important religious/spiritual holiday for many Pagans.

Some Samhain customs include bonfires, turnip lanterns and leaving food out for any relatives that may return to visit on the night where the veil between the living and dead is thinnest.  

The wearing of costumes and staying close to home were ways in which humans could “guise” or ward off harmful spirits. Sometimes totems or little trinkets were use to assist in this warding.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson - Protection Ward

Honoring those that have passed and making a fresh start are typical events for Samhain.  Including divination, spell casting and contact with the dead are popular. Putting out offerings such as soul cakes or whiskey are popular. When adding my offerings to the Goddess Hecate I set out Leeks, Garlic, Honey, mushrooms and sometimes a bit of wine.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson - Offerings to the Goddess Hecate

To me, Samhain holds three very important meetings.  One, celebrating new things to come and sweeping out the old year are key in my rituals.  

Photo credit - Renee Olson - Hecate Altar

Secondly, my ancestor altar is one of my prized possessions.  I have it set up on a 100 year old server that my grandmother gave me.  It’s adorned with photos of those family members whose energy I would like to pull back into my home.  

Photo credit - Renee Olson - Ancestor Altar
Finally, my husband and I had our hand fasting ceremony on Samhain.  This year is our 10 year anniversary and we plan to renew our commitment to each other. I talk about our hand fasting in the Samhain's Sirens' Blog Extravaganza which is being published today.  There will be a giveaway of a hand fasting cord.  A hand fasting cord is an elaborate or very simple rope or cord that is tied around the wrists in a sign of commitment.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson - Hand Fasting Cord

Not every Pagan celebrates Samhain, and some non-pagans do.  It’s a really great time of the year when Mother Earth changes her robes from the bright summer colors and bundles up in her whites and grays to watch the seeds and earth rest for the winter.  The snow and ice come in and freeze the ground welcoming Yule and slowly the wheel continues to turn.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson - Wheel of the Year

For me, the wheel of the year is a magical thing and showing it off in your home or office when you can is a wonderful way to remember the seasons and how much our ancestors relied on this wheel for their very survival.
Photo Credit Renee Olson - Wheel of the Year

As we sit in the aftermath of the devastation of the natural disaster, Hurricane Sandy we have to remember but we are just a tiny speck on this great big planet and we need to remember that this earth is our mother and as such we should respect and honor her throughout the entire wheel.

Namaste & Blessed Be

NaBloWriMo - Saturday Craft-Tactular - 4

Today is the 27th of October.  Every Saturday this month I have sent you on a magical journey over to the Samhain's Sirens Blog to see my entries for the Amazing Craft-tactular!!  Today is my final entry for the project. It's been a amazing ride.  In just a few days the Sirens will be announcing the grand prize winner.

For today's craft I wanted to share with you a really nifty project.  A few years ago I found a  cute little poem about a Christmas spider.

I've read many different versions some use Santa and others use Jesus.  Some say the legend originated in Germany and this is a summary of my favorite.

An elderly lady who was very poor was getting her house ready for the holidays.  Each morning she cleaned her house and dusted the spider webs from her tree. The spiders would come in at night and see the lovely webs removed from the tree and spend the whole night covering the tree with the lovely glistening strands of silk.  On Christmas morning she woke early and stood by her tree and sobbed because of all the spider web on her tree.  (Some use Jesus here, or Santa) But a magical being appeared and saw her heart break, but also so the love and energy that those tiny little spiders put into making the tree beautiful.  That being changed all the spider web to tinsel  and that's why today people still put tinsel on a tree.

This little story always make me tear up.  A wonderful holiday a gift is a copy of this German folktale and one of these lovely Crystal Spider to help others see that there is beauty in all things.

So for this final Craft-Tacular head over to the Samhain's Sirens' blog and learn to make this great crystal spider and register to win the one below!    You can use fancy beads or plain ones, this is a great craft to share with kids.

Photo Credit - Elijah Olson

Photo Credit - Elijah Olson

Now through November 1st I'm offering a coupon code in my Etsy Shop for 20% off your purchase.  Please use SAMHAIN to get your discount.

Namaste & Blessed Be!!

NaBloWriMo - Saturday Craft-Tactular - 3

Every Saturday this month I'll be sending you on a journey over to the Samhain's Sirens Blog to see my entries for the Amazing Craft-tactular!!

You'll see things like this!!

There will be a wonderful how to post on creating a particular craft and then a wonderful giveaway!  So head over to Samhain's Sirens page and check it out!

Namaste & Blessed Be!!

NaBloWriMo - Talented Tuesday 3 - Saga's Cottage

This talented Tuesday is brought to you by Samhain's Sirens Blog Project and Giveaway.

Over the last few months I've found some wonderful new friends.  And some pretty talented ones.  For Talented Tuesday I've decided to introduce Saga's Cottage to you.  Loren Morris is an amazing artist and an all around great person.

As many of you know I'm a follower of Hecate.  I've found some amazing stuff in Loren's shop.  Here are a few examples.

Loren has several other pieces there that are just amazing.  Head over there and have a look at her amazing work.  As I mentioned I met Loren as part of the Samhain's Sirens Blog Extravaganza.  We've teamed up together to do a giveaway around the Goddess Hecate.

Head over to the blog to see just what goodies we have in store for you today!!

Namaste & Blessed Be

NaBloWriMo - Saturday Craft-Tactular - 2

Every Saturday this month I'll be sending you on a journey over to the Samhain's Sirens Blog to see my entries for the Amazing Craft-tactular!!

You'll see things like this!!

Photo Credit - Photographer & Artist - Renee Olson

There will be a wonderful how to post on creating a particular craft and then a wonderful giveaway!  So head over to Samhain's Sirens page and check it out!

Namaste & Blessed Be!!

NaBloWriMo - Saturday Craft-Tactular - 1

Every Saturday this month I'll be sending you on a journey over to the Samhain's Sirens Blog to see my entries for the Amazing Craft-tactular!!

You'll see things like this!!

There will be a wonderful how to post on creating a particular craft and then a wonderful giveaway!  So head over to Samhain's Sirens page and check it out!

Namaste & Blessed Be!!

NaBlogWriMo - Thursday Tirade 1

So Thursday Tirade is going to be about stuff that just annoys me.  I’m going to try my best to keep it clean and not use this day to do any damage.  These posts are completely my opinion and not representative of Pagans, Witches, Wiccans or Hecateans in general.  It’s what I think.

That being said today I’m going to focus something that REALLLY REALLY annoys the heck out of me.  If we look at the calendar that is used in many countries today we see that it is a Gregorian calendar.  Our calendar has changed many times over the years but still based on the old Roman Calendars.  Even the names, January – named for the god Janus, March for the god Mars and so on.  Our days of the week: Monday for Moons Day, Thursday for Thor’s Day.  The calendar we use today is Pagan.

So what’s a calendar - 

So we see that the calendar has started to sculpted and molded into something different.  In general Pagans follow the cycles of the year and celebrate the calendar; some by following what is called the Wheel of the Year.  In my path, I’m not big on following each of the days but there are a few that are especially significant for me.  More of what I feel drawn to, and less of “You better honor this day” sorta thing.

As a small child I was raised in a small town with small minds.  We were taught that KISS the rock band were really “Knights In Satan’s Service” and that Christmas as an evil pagan holiday.  

NOTE there is swearing in this video!  Here's a clip of a couple people talking about the KISS issue.

Forty years later I’m back in that small town and now the minds have changed, but they’re still just as narrow.  Slowly over my limited years I've watched as Ostara is now celebrated in the local churches with “Spring Flings” and “Egg Hunts” for the kids.  Now I’m as much for a party as the next chick but exactly at what point did the little bunny roll the stone away and help Jesus rise from the grave?  When exactly did eggs come into your faith?  Yeah that’s what I thought. 

I won’t outline each of the holidays that have been taken and changed to suit the needs of others; instead I’ll go to the MAIN one that is really PISSING ME OFF.

Like witches around the world when October 1st rolls around, my whole mind set changes.  Life starts to take on a different meaning for me.  I get to smell pumpkin and see the leaves change.  The air gets a bit crisper and that familiar feeling of seeing your breath is starting to happen.  Samhain is an amazing time of the year.  I love it.  I also love that we have several holidays that fall side by side and I can be extremely respectful of the different cultures.

Here in my little town, so is something else.  Churches across my town are having something called “Harvest Festival” or “Jesusween” … guess when it is? No come on guess.. RIGHT!  October 31st.  I get to see their little church signs say things like “Family Harvest Festival, A safe place for your family”.  I understand you need to drum up business, but please, leave this one, this last holiday that you’ve not bastardized alone.  Do they do that?  No, the next thing I see is giant billboards for “Judgment House”.  For those not familiar with it, it’s basically taking the ole Halloween Haunted House and changing the “scary” scenes for scenes of “Sinners” in hell or going to hell, or being tortured.  And our typical sins are represented, abortions.

Our Holidays have even become the subject of Songs –

If you want to scare your followers into acting a certain way, that’s your business.  Please try to stop dragging other religions down in the process.  And please PLEASE let me have what’s left of my October. 

Namaste & Blessed Be