Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Summer - August 13, 2024
Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Turpentine - August 12, 2024
The Gift of Reading
Have you ever wondered if there are people who can see things that others cannot? People who can see injuries in the body or pain that others are in? These people are called photo readers and clairvoyants.
Photo readers can see injuries and pain in photos or other types of information. They can see the injuries as energy and often feel the person's pain or sometimes sense infidelity or deception.
Clairvoyants are people who can see things that are not physically present. They can see people's auras and often see injuries and pain in the aura.
The concept of auras has been around for centuries. It is mentioned in many ancient cultures, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. In the Western world, the study of auras was popularized by the work of Rudolf Steiner, a German philosopher and educator.
Some people believe they can see auras naturally, while others believe it takes training to develop this ability. There are many different methods for seeing auras, but some of the most common include:
Meditation: Some people believe meditation can help open the third eye, the chakra associated with clairvoyance.
Crystal gazing: Gazing into a crystal ball is said to help to reveal the auras of people around you.
Kirlian photography: Kirlian photography is a technique that uses high-voltage electricity to create images of auras.
The colors of auras are associated with different aspects of a person's being. For example, red is often associated with physical energy, while blue is associated with spirituality. However, the interpretation of aura colors can vary depending on the individual. Some people believe that auras are an important part of our overall well-being. They believe that auras can help us to understand ourselves better and that they can also help us to connect with others on a deeper level.
I am a photo reader and clairvoyant, and my gift is connected to Hecate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft. Hecate is also the goddess of knowledge and is said to be able to see things that others cannot. My gift is a manifestation of Hecate's gift of knowledge. I have even helped locate missing dogs.
I have seen injuries and pain in photos since my early 20s. I would often see injured people in photos and feel their pain. I didn't understand what was happening initially, but I learned I had a gift as I got older. I have used my gift to help people in many ways. I have helped people to find the medical care that they need, and I have also helped people to cope with their pain and suffering. My gift is a blessing, and I am grateful to use it to help others.
As people become more open to psychic abilities, there will be greater demand for photo readers and clairvoyants. Photo readers and clairvoyants will play a greater role in the medical field, helping doctors to diagnose illnesses and injuries.
Do you feel you have the gift? What can you do to help improve?
- Meditate regularly. Meditation can help open the third eye, the chakra associated with clairvoyance. There are many different types of meditation, so find one that works for you and stick with it.
- Practice seeing auras with your eyes closed. This can help you to focus on the energy field around the person rather than the physical body.
- Use crystals. Some people believe that crystals can help to enhance your ability to see auras. You can hold a crystal in your hand while you are meditating, or you can place it on the person's forehead.
- Take classes or workshops. Many people offer classes or workshops on how to see auras. This can be a great way to learn from experienced practitioners and to get feedback on your own progress.
- Be patient. It takes time and practice to develop the ability to see auras. Keep going even if you don't see anything at first. Just keep practicing, and you will eventually see results.
Here are some additional tips that may help you to improve your skill in seeing auras:
- Pay attention to your intuition. Oftentimes, you may get a gut feeling or a sense that you are picking up on something. Pay attention to these feelings and see if you can identify them.
- Be open-minded. It is important to be open to the possibility that auras exist. If you are skeptical, you will be less likely to be able to see them.
- Trust yourself. If you think you see an aura, don't second-guess yourself. Just trust your intuition and go with it.
I understand that not everyone is open to psychic abilities, but there is no harm in exploring these practices if you are curious. If you want to learn more about psychic readings, aura readings, and divination practices, please research on your own. There are many resources available online and in libraries. You can also talk to other people who have these abilities, and they can offer you some guidance.
Everyone has the potential to develop their psychic abilities. If you are open to the possibility, I encourage you to explore your own intuition and see what you can discover.
Thank you for reading!

What is an Oracle?
An oracle is a person or a place regarded as a source of divine knowledge or prophecy. In ancient times, oracles were highly respected figures who were believed to possess the ability to communicate with the gods or divine entities and provide guidance, predictions, or answers to questions posed by individuals or communities.
Oracles could be individuals with special abilities, such as priestesses or priests, who acted as intermediaries between the mortal realm and the divine realm. They would enter a state of trance or altered consciousness through various methods, such as inhaling fumes, chanting, or performing rituals, to receive divine messages and insight.
Oracle sites, such as the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece, were also places where people would seek divinatory guidance. These sites were often associated with a particular deity, and individuals would visit the site and pose their questions or seek guidance through rituals, offerings, or direct interaction with the designated oracle.
The information provided by oracles was considered sacred and highly influential in decision-making processes, such as matters of state, warfare, or personal affairs. The guidance of oracles was sought for a wide range of topics, including the outcome of battles, the success of ventures, or advice on personal matters.
Oracles played a significant role in ancient societies, and their pronouncements held great weight and influence. While the prominence of oracles has diminished in modern times, the concept of seeking guidance or divinatory insights from spiritual or intuitive sources still persists in various forms today.
I often call on Hecate before and during my readings. However, She is primarily known in Greek mythology as a goddess associated with magic, witchcraft, and the night, rather than specifically as an oracle. While she possessed knowledge of hidden things and was believed to have prophetic abilities, her role as an oracle is not as prominent as that of other deities, such as Apollo or the Pythia at the Oracle of Delphi.
However, Hecate was considered a powerful and mystical deity who could grant visions and insights into the future. As a goddess associated with the crossroads, liminal spaces, and transitions, she was believed to have knowledge of the hidden paths and could guide individuals through uncertain times.
Hecate's connection to prophecy and divination is often related to her role as a mistress of magic and the occult. She was sometimes invoked for guidance and assistance in receiving prophetic dreams, visions, or messages. Her association with witchcraft and mystical practices suggests that she may have been consulted for divinatory purposes by those seeking her wisdom and guidance.
While Hecate is not specifically identified as an oracle in the same way as other figures in Greek mythology, her powers and insights were recognized, and she played a significant role in the realm of magic, mysticism, and the hidden knowledge of the supernatural.
What do you think? Do you call on her powers for your readings? Do you work with her as a messenger goddess? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Is Hecate Associated with Prophecy?
- Protection Spells: Hecate was often invoked for protection, particularly at liminal spaces such as crossroads. Spells invoking Hecate for protection might include creating and placing protective charms or talismans, reciting incantations or prayers, or performing rituals at crossroads to ward off negative energies or spirits.
- Divination and Prophecy: As a goddess associated with magic and the night, Hecate was believed to have the power to grant visions and insights into the future. Spells related to divination and prophecy could involve invoking Hecate's guidance and assistance through rituals, offerings, or meditation to receive prophetic dreams, visions, or messages.
- Herbal Magic and Potions: Hecate was connected to the use of plants and herbs in magic and healing. Spells involving Hecate might include the preparation of potions, herbal infusions, or spell bags using specific plants associated with her, such as garlic, mandrake, or mugwort. These spells could be used for various purposes, including protection, healing, or enhancing magical abilities.
- Transformation and Transmutation: Hecate was believed to possess the power of transformation and transmutation. Spells related to this aspect might involve invoking Hecate to aid in personal transformation, spiritual growth, or the transformation of objects or circumstances. These spells might include ritual gestures, spoken incantations, or the use of symbolic items representing the desired transformation.
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