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Between Light and Shadow: The Complex Legacy of Marion Zimmer Bradley

Greetings, fellow seekers,

As a witch and a Keybearer for the Covenant of Hekate, I navigate the realms of light and shadow not only in my spiritual practice but also in the broader landscapes of literature and ethics that inform our journey. Today, I delve into the deeply challenging topic of Marion Zimmer Bradley's troubling revelations and the implications for those of us who cherish her works, particularly The Mists of Avalon, a seminal book that reshaped many views on Arthurian legends with its powerful portrayal of female characters.

Marion Zimmer Bradley was more than a celebrated author; she was a figure who brought the stories of strong, mystical women to the forefront. However, her legacy was irrevocably tarnished by her deeply troubling criminal behaviors towards her daughter. 

These revelations compel us to confront uncomfortable questions about the intersection of personal morality and professional contributions. In my own experience, I've grappled with similar revelations about another author whose work initially guided me on my path. I kept their book, believing that owning it didn’t mean I condoned their behavior. Yet, after reading several accounts from Bradley’s victims, my stance has shifted. I've realized the significance of the symbols and energies we choose to surround ourselves with. This is something I will be remedying post haste, as I seek to realign my external influences with my internal ethics. What once guided me on my path now only flashes with negativity, hostility, and aggression.

The knowledge of Bradley’s actions presents a profound ethical dilemma. How do we reconcile the wisdom and empowerment found in her narratives with the darkness of her personal deeds? This question extends to the broader sphere of authors whose careers were launched or significantly influenced by her mentorship and patronage. Can the insights and breakthroughs facilitated by her support remain untainted by her personal failings? As a community, we must reflect on the ripple effects of supporting work tied to problematic figures and consider the full scope of their influence, both positive and negative. Do we continue to print her books, or should we allow her works to phase out of print? How do we weigh her literary contributions against her moral failings?

As a survivor of child rape, I know the trauma never fades. Even forty years later, driving past locations in my hometown where I was assaulted brings back vivid memories. I imagine Bradley’s victims feel a similar trigger when they encounter her works or hear how she changed lives as some sort of magical guru.

Owning a book by someone who has inflicted harm poses a significant moral question for us in the magical community. It compels us to consider the energy we emit when we keep such works on our shelves. What messages are we endorsing, and what energies are we fostering within our sacred spaces? Is there ever a time to "toss the baby out with the bathwater"? Sometimes, distancing ourselves from works that are overshadowed by their creators' misdeeds may be necessary to maintain the purity of our practices and the integrity of our environments. What is the impact of erasing these voices? Is our community better for not having learned of Bradley’s actions? Is it better to understand that perpetrators live among us from all walks of life and sometimes right under our noses, than to lie in denial and continue to support a work that could be a constant reminder of such horrible pain?

Moving forward, it is essential that we use these challenges as teaching moments. We must ask ourselves if the energies we invite into our lives align with the principles we uphold. Engaging in open discussions about the ethical implications of our literary and spiritual choices teaches critical thinking and ethical discernment to our community. Supporting creators who not only inspire but also live lives of ethical integrity is crucial in fostering a body of work that reflects our highest ideals. As a magical community I feel as though we should make it clear to others who may not have rooted much of their identity into the Mists of Avalon. Instead of coming with anger and fists shaking approach them with honest conversation and provide the facts. It's hard to argue alone; however, if we take this approach, I believe we can convey the seriousness of the situation without alienating the reader. 

As we advocate for change and ethical integrity, it's important to remember that the path to understanding and healing is long. Words hold power—'spelling' is not just about letters but about the energies we create and sustain. While I wouldn't recommend burning all copies, if destroying a book helps cleanse your personal space, then it may be a necessary step for some.

This path is not about easy answers but about the willingness to engage with complexity and make choices that reflect both the light of our wisdom and the depth of our integrity. Let us choose with wisdom and lead with courage, setting examples that future generations can look to as they navigate their own ethical landscapes. Ultimately, our goal here should be growth and healing. We need to learn from history and become better people because of it.

As we reflect on these complex legacies, how can we as a community support each other in making ethical choices that lead to real healing and growth?

Thank you for joining me in this necessary reflection. May our choices always be guided by light, even when made in the shadow of complex legacies.

My Latest Crystal Bowl Session

This weekend I'm focused on our torso. The chakra's we are working are directly are the sacral, solar plexus, heart and throat.  I played this healing session for Eli who has a lower lumbar fusion and some disc damage in his neck.

This tend to be a problem area for stress. 

Feedback and comments welcome.

Daily Draw - Family

 Draw: Family

Message: "They love is present in the presence of thee. A comforting veil that warms the heart and hugs the soul.
Key words: Support, Roots, Tradition

This card features a family walking outdoors in a snow covered forest. Arm in arm, expressing love for each other. The taller of the two holds a small child. The message accompanying this card reminds of the love two people can share. The commitment and dedication to be together to love, honor and cherish. This card shows romantic love as well as familial love. It expresses the desire to be with someone (or someones) who can bring out the best in your and make your relationship complete.

It represents the love of a parent to child. Reminding us of the warm protective love that we often associate with a parental figure. Be that figure an auntie or a godparent. This love is what we share with our children. We want the best for them and do what we can give them safe harbor. This is what we think of when the holidays roll around. Either our desire to return to that love or our sorrow at not having that in our lives.

When we see this card in our draw it reminds us that there is love out there for us. It may change shapes or forms. It may come from neighbors, friends or strangers. It reminds us that everyone deserves this love and we should take some time to acknowledge that love and maybe even return it.

What's happening in your life today that this card, the family card is presenting itself to you? Reach out, if you feel you can do so safely and welcome that love into your day. Share that love with all you can. We are all children of the cosmos making us all and extended family.

This card comes from the Seasons of the Witch Yule Oracle by Lorriane Anderson & Juliet Diaz. Illustrated by Giada Rose. If you're looking for a single reading or creating an ongoing advisory relationship, I do have a few slots available. Learn more at neuse river witch dot com or confessions of a modern witch dot com.
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Daily Draw - Sanctity

 Card: Sanctity

Message: "Through offering, even the most mundane problem can become a sacrament."

Our card today reminds us that not everything needs to be a grandiose event when we're working towards the right path. We see Hanuman, the monkey god seated in the lotus position, his hands in the Bhairava Mudra with with Rama and Sita watching from above. Hanuman is described as the "son of Pawan", the Hindu god for wind, Hanuman is known for his extraordinary daring feats, strength and loyalty. He is love, compassion, devotion, strength and intelligence. The Bhairava Mudra is also called
Shiva or Shakit mudra, it is said to bring strength and power to the forefront.
A sacrament is a familiar word used across cultures. For some it means a gift or offering. Others it is a sacrificed or dedication to a deity. Sacraments are rites in which Hindus reaffirm their connection to the Divine. The Sanskrit word ​samskāra ​ means “groove in the mind,” or colloquially, “upbringing,” and indicates rituals and ceremonies intended to leave deep spiritual impressions on the individual's conscience.

So what is our card telling us. We're reminded here that even things that we see as day to day tasks can become something of an offering. I am reminded of Zen Master Hahn who believed that the simple act of washing dishes or having tea is an opportunity to connect to the energy of all. So take this message of the Sanctity card today and welcome the mindful mundane daily activities that can help guide us to enlightenment. The simple, the meaningful offerings of the one will open the door to nirvana.
How does this connect to you today? Maybe taking a moment to sit with the breath and listen to the world around you is the answer you seek.
This card is part of the Divine Abundance Oracle Deck by Tosha Silver, Art by Fena Gonzalez. If you're looking for a single reading or creating an ongoing advisory relationship, I do have a few slots available. Learn more at neuse river witch dot com or confessions of a modern witch dot com.


Daily Draw - Trust

 Card: Trust

Message: "Allow me, Divine, to give You my deepest longings, trusting You to know exactly how to handle them."

Imagery of Butterflies continues on this new pull for today. If you recall butterflies represent change, transformation and hope. The artist has a velvety blue background with leaves and branches spread across the card. Near the center two hands cup one of the three butterflies presented on this card. The outstretched palms a symbol of welcome, peace and trust for a millennia. This is the Pushpaputa mudra can be practiced while meditating. Some of the benefits of the mudra include:
Promotes compassion toward others
Opens up the mind to be receptive of blessings of the universe
Promotes inner spaciousness
Helps to overcome fear
Relieves negative feelings and promotes positive attitude
Pushpaputa is a Sanskrit term which means "handful of flowers" and refers to the offering of flowers to God in this mudra.

This is the very definition of trust. As you move forward in your day today, try to find times to pull in or work with this energy today. Trust can be in many forms and can be visualized in different ways. Trust in caring for a loved one, be it human, feathered or fur. Between the physical and the divine with offerings to the gods/goddesses for their guidance and trust that you will find the message you need to move forward.
Take some time today and sit down and visualize your hope and dreams. Create an offering space, be it physical or a post on social media that allow you to focus your energies on creating that future that you desire. As you move forward today, remember that you are the creator of your future, you sing your song, you write your story. Take the pen and author the best life you can have.
This card is part of the Divine Abundance Oracle Deck by Tosha Silver, Art by Fena Gonzalez. If you're looking for a single reading or creating an ongoing advisory relationship, I do have a few slots available. Learn more at neuse river witch dot com or confessions of a modern witch dot com.

Midyear Magical Check-in - Correct or Stay the Course?

 Happy Summertime! We just hit July and it's a great time to look back at the first half of the year and make course corrections if needed.  What do I mean by that? Grab a tea, let's chat for a spell.

Back in the first part of the year we looked into the cards to see what they could tell us. Are you currently on track to make your goal?  Do you have questions on your progress?

I'll pull two more cards for the mid year check-in.

We have: The Truth

This card comes with the message, "You cannot be truthful with another person unless you are first truthful and honest with yourself. The truth is not afraid of questions."

As though she is on the battlefield this Wild Goddess, stands at the ready for anything that comes her way. Shield up, spear drawn and now she waits for the fight. She has the power to conquer all that comes in her way. She is the interrogator. Lies and secrets are not welcome in her realm.
When we see this card in our reading it is a reminder that we should be open to hearing the truth. The truth is constant and we should always welcome it in any conversation. We should listen for it and we should speak it. The truth should be delivered with honesty. Truth is not brutal. The purpose of the truth is not to bring someone down, but instead to build them up. The truth is what we should all strive for.
What is happening in your life right now that seems to be hidden in the shadows? Are there discussions happening that are in secret? Is there information missing that makes the picture incomplete? Are you being deceived? The truth just is. And while we must always speak the truth so also must we be willing to hear the truth. Take a step back and listen to what others are saying to you. Sometimes we turn away from things we don't want to hear. Stop. Listen. You need to hear this.

and we have: The Messenger

This card comes with the message, " Make sure that what is being said is what is being heard. The same words and messages can often mean different things to different people."

Life goes on behind her as she sits recording the messages delivered. Her winged helmet represents our logical mind. Her heart decorated with a visual representation of how much emotion impacts how we interpret information. Messages are filtered through all sorts of things before arriving at their destination and sometimes they are not as they originated.
When we see this card in our pull we are reminded that messages can changed based on who is hearing them and even the time they arrive. Even if the exact words are spoken, a simple inflection in the voice can change that message. It is always a good idea to be sure that your words are arriving as they were intended. Havoc can be avoided, feelings saved and successful spell work acquired simply by checking yourself and your delivery of the words that leave your mouth.
What is going on in your life today that could have been avoided or accomplished if the words spoken had arrived in a different way? How about your love life? Are the words you're saying truly reflective of how you feel about those around you? Are you speaking the truth? Channel the power of the Messenger and speak with the clarity of the logical mind and with the full love of the sacred heart. Someone is waiting for that message. It may even be you.

What are these cards telling you about your current situation? What about your future? Now is the time to readjust your sails and get out into the open ocean. Sail the world! You can do it!

Looking for more insight for the remainder of 2022? What does 2023 hold in store for you? I have spots available for monthly clients as well as ad hoc readings. Check out my offerings on this page and begin your journey into the next months with a clear insight on your path to a happy successful life.

Wishing you much success and happiness for the remainder of 2022.


These cards come from the Wild Goddess Oracle by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber.

Using Pendulums

 Using Pendulums - Connecting with Divination Tools

A pendulum is a divination tool used for spiritual guidance, decision making and energy management. Pendulums can be made of any weighted object at the end of a chain or string that can create a constant movement. We don’t really know how long pendulums have been used in human history but we do see them being used as divination tools in ancient Egypt and Rome. Pendulums have also been used for mapping locations for gold or oil and even to help locate missing people and things.

Pendulums can be used in spiritual guidance by asking yes/no questions and determining the answer with the swing or with the assistance of a spirit board. A spirit board is usually a board with the letters of the alphabet and numbers, as well as the words, yes, no, maybe and ask again/later. Similar boards are used for Ouija sessions. The pendulum is held from the tip of the chain/cord and allowed to dangle over the board. The diviner asks the pendulum a question and based on the correspondences on the board, the message is delivered.

Dosing is another great use for the pendulum. Dosing can be conducted by walking in a space holding the pendulum and watching for changes in the device. Any changes are noted and the object of the divination session is located where the pendulum changes occurred.  This can also be conducted by holding the pendulum over a map and using those locations to find the missing objects or locate items such as mining locations, missing people or water. The USGS has a section on their site dedicated to water dowsing or Water Witches.

The first step to working with any divination source is training. Take the time to learn the history of the pendulum. Think about how it was used in antiquity. Who used it? How did it come to be a commonly used divination device?  Next, take some time to connect with  your tool. Hold it, use it, make sure it is something you like and can connect with. I have several different pendulums I work with but one that is my favorite. It is reliable and always seems to be ready to provide and answer for me. 

Finally practice, practice, practice. This is the best way to learn how to use your tool and how it will perform for you. The only way to get better at what you’re doing is to do it repeatedly. Try some of the exercises below to work with your pendulum and how to become a skilled pendulum diviner.



Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson - RSM, PMI-ACP

Ordained Spiritual Counselor

Certified Holistic Wellness Coach

International Yogi Certification

Certified Crystal Master & Aroma Therapy Practitioner


  1. Attune your pendulum

    1.  Ask your pendulum to show you how it will reveal the answer of yes.

    2.  Ask your pendulum to show you how it will reveal the answer of no.

  2. Now practice with your pendulum with a list of yes or no questions.

  1. Should I accept this position?

  2. Should I use this crystal?

  3. Should I continue on this path?

      3. Journal

  1. Jot down your questions and answers

  2. Rate your accuracy

  3. Repeat your questions to get better at your craft


Crystal  -

Merkaban Orgone -

Boards -


Magical Amplification - Getting the Results You Want

As a devoted magical practitioner, I want to be sure my magic is successful. I want to learn all I can, do all I can and be all I can be in order to make my magic the strongest magic I am capable of creating. Working with specific deities or a combination of deities or using certain crystals or tools are all great ways to get a little umph in your magic. I’m going to spend some time on each of these throughout this article.  I’ll add a few exercises at the end to help you work on your own magical amplification.

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” - Benjamin Franklin

The step to getting the best out of your spell work is planning. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the ritual that you plan to conduct. Working through the wording, even walking through the process will help make everything run a bit smoother.  If you plan to call the quarters, for example, go ahead and take the time to work on that part of the ritual. Take the time to place your candles, matches or lighter in the right place for easy access. Be sure to prepare yourself as well as your space for the event. Take a ritual bath, do a mediation session prior to getting started.  All of these things will help you prepare to welcome in the magical energy and ensure that your session will be a success.

Aces in their Places

When it comes to magic, all deities are not created equal. What I mean by this is that we really need to work with our aces in their places. The right god(des) for the right job.  Understand the deities that you work with. Look into their backgrounds, find out what they like. After all, if you come to me and ask for a favor, you won’t get my affection with onions.  I hate them. Know what offerings please those you are working with. Find out which ones work together better. For example, recently I was doing some spell work for a job promotion and planned to do some spell work with Jupiter. I wanted to pull in the abundance, fortune and expansion associated with this Roman deity but did not have a regular relationship with him. Hecate is referenced in some of the older writings as being a conduit or someone to be used to deliver a request to other deities. I used my relationship with her to help me call upon Jupiter to aid in my spell. Other examples include working with Hecate and Eros in love magic, or Hecate and Apollo for healing. Find the right deity to get your magic moving in the right direction.

Quid pro quo

When asking for a favor we don’t show up empty handed. Quid pro quo, (Latin: What for What) is when we basically say, I will do this, if you do that. These are the types of deals we make with our magical sources when we leave offerings to our deities. When used in spell work, we may look to leave things they like. On my altar to Hecate, I’ll include pomegranate and leeks. Some more traditional items might be olive oil, honey and bread. Research your deity and know the things that they like. Make offerings of those things regularly to keep them happy. This will make your requests much easier to digest and the deity more likely to grant them. 

Lucky Charms

Finally, when working with magical energy, finding the best items, charms or do dads to help give that energy a boost is a must. There are several ways to boost that energy and I’m going to give a list of them below. Each is going to have a short description and I recommend doing more research on each.

Pyramids - The power of the pyramid has been known and harnessed since antiquity. From the ancient Egyptians to Nikola Tesla, the power stored in these magical shapes has been legendary. Pyramids have been used for sharpening metal blades, preserving food and focusing electromagnetic energy.  To harness this energy in my space, I created what I call “Witch Tacks”.  These are pyramid shaped resin creations that are either filled with a specific set of herbs for the purpose or intention that I want to convey or dyed with the colors of the element I want to bring into my magical right. The filled pyramids can also include gemstones, images or other elements to bring your intentions to fruition.

Quartz Crystals - Clear quartz crystals are known as amplifying crystals. These are the crystals you use in your crystal grids to help focus and amply your energy fields. It has the power to enhance the energy of what you place around it.  If I were looking to create a crystal set for a client who had stage fright; I might select amethyst to help with anxiety, citrine as the composer stone and a clear quartz crystal to boost the effects of the other two stones. If I wanted to create a set for love, perhaps I would use rose quartz, lapis lazuli and again, add that clear quartz crystal to amplify their power. Taking this same approach, I have a set of crystals on my altar that I use for different types of spell magic, each combination I always end with my clear quartz crystal. To me, this ends my intent with an exclamation mark!

Cone of Power - Those students of Wicca will be familiar with the Cone of Power. This is the idea that when we come together as a group of witches and visualize this cone, we can focus our power together to create a specified outcome. The most notable instance is by Gerald Gardner and New Forest Coven as a way to amplify the magical energy of his coven against the invading Nazi forces. Using this requires the entire group to have a single goal in mind. It requires practice, dedication and a strongly connected coven to be successful.

I hope you have enjoyed this brief journey into Magical Amplification. I hope that some of the information is new to you and you find ways to bring this into your daily magical rituals. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have questions related to this and I’ll be happy to provide any support I can. 



Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson - RSM, PMI-ACP

Ordained Spiritual Counselor

Certified Holistic Wellness Coach

International Yogi Certification

Certified Crystal Master & Aroma Therapy Practitioner


  1. Begin your ritual with a bath or meditation session. Use your journal to document any changes you feel in how the energy flows in the session.

  2. Add Offerings to your selected deity in the days prior to your ritual. Take some time to walk into your altar space and place your items with intent and focus. Use this time to think about your connection to the deity (or energy) and how that will impact your upcoming rituals.

  3. Read about the Cone of Power. Explore how this impacted the invading forces of the Nazi troops and how it was used in other situations such as Vietnam, against the Spanish Armada and Napoleon.

  4. Connect with pyramid energy. Read about how the ancient Egyptians used this energy and what is being explored with it today. Add a pyramid to your ritual space and document how using other amplifiers such as crystals or stones impact your magical experience.


Handmade - Contact Renee Sosanna Olson for purchasing information

Witch Tacks - Resin

Spell Pendants - Stone and Wire

Gemstone Pyramids - Resin

Pendants - Stone