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Connecting with the Ancestors - A Samhain Reading

Fall is my favorite time of the year. October is of course the best month as I feel more connected to, not only my witchiness but also to my ancestors. I love working with the dead more now than ever before in my life. As I begin to connect more with my Crone energy, I feel as though I am able to work better with the dead.  I sometimes start with an update to my ancestor altar.

Ancestor Altar

Samhain is traditionally the time of the year for working with the dead. This is the time of the year when the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest, allowing us to make contact and work with them directly.

Me, Renee Olson & My Grandmother, Julia Smith
Julia Smith & Renee Olson

 The last ten years has been a real change for me as I lost my grandmother and a dear aunt that I was very close to. These are the energies I call on when I do my work with the dead. There is a strength there and a love that each had that resonates with me as I do my spell work. With intent and focus I call their energies into the room and look to them for information, answers or just energy to guide me through my work.

I look to Samhain as my new year. I treat it much the same way others treat January 1st. I take this time to shake off the old energies and connect with the new. I cut ties and begin new ventures. In recent years I've started doing a special oracle reading to help me get started for the new year.  I'd like to share this year's reading with you.

1. Past - What you've learned - The Direction Guardian tells us to choose our path. We look in all directions and evaluate our options. We trust our instincts to take us down the right path.

2. Past - What you've lost - The Summer card tells us to bask in the joy and light.  The world is a little less bright right now. The joy seems to have faded.

3. The Present - The Shaman tells us to trust in higher forces. Look within to find that inspiration, that force or energy to push forward.

4. Future - What you'll learn - The Snake tells us to shed old skin. Don't be tied down to things simply because it is the way its always been done.  You are not your job, your race or your religion. Change can be good.

5. Future - What you'll gain - The Magick Guardian tells us to unlock the magick within. We should look within ourselves for this is where the magick is.  Cards, wands and robes do not, the witch make. You are the magick. Own it.

I hope you've enjoyed this reading. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions, leave comments if you'd like.  I have also added a message button to this page. You can click that and I'll respond as quickly as I can.

I hope you all have a save and blessed Samhain.



Celebration! Cartomancer for the Covenant of Hekate

 Today I celebrate great news! I have been accepted ad the cartomancer for the Covenant of Hekate's  newsletter, Noumenia News. My first publication features cards from the Angels and Ancestors deck.  Take a moment and check out Noumenia News's information on the Covenant of Hekate's website.  You do not have to be a member to subscribe!  There's tons of great information in there and I highly recommend reading it.

Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray with art by Lily Moses

I'm thrilled to be back on the staff at Noumenia News. A few years ago I resigned my position as Editor in Chief after birthing this amazing piece of volunteer work in the name of the goddess. From the beginning the goal was provide a place for the members of the Covenant to come together and share their works of art and experiences around Hecate. 

Today, I feel like I am returning home. I look forward to working with the other staff members and I hope to provide a service to the community as a whole.

My readings will be listed each issue using, for now, either my go to deck, Angels and Ancestors or I may use decks that I will be reviewing.  Ultimately, I will be featuring my own, self printed cards (yes, I'm making the cards from scratch and printing them myself) dedicated to Hecate.

The images are created by my wonderful partner and best friend Elijah and will include a pdf booklet that will outline the meaning and layout of the deck. I'm using an old process to create this magical item the same way witches have done for years. I'll be making them by hand and crafting a single card at a time. The first deck will be mine to work with and get a connection to. Afterwards, I may offer printings for those interesting in obtaining a deck for their own work.  

Below is an example of one of the cards in the deck. I'm super excited about getting this deck completed and can't wait to share a few readings with you.

Crossroads Card from the Crossroads Oracle by Renee Sosanna Olson
Art by Elijah Trent Olson

Look for Issue 56 of Noumenia News here.
Thanks for joining me on this journey. 



Ancestors and Angels - Sacred Ones Three & Warrior Symbols

Today I'm exploring more into my new oracle deck Angels & Ancestors by Kyle Gray, art by Lily Moses. I wanted to start with a smaller part of the deck and become familiar with the it. Not just memorize the author's meaning of the cards but really fully connect with the intent of the card and what it says to me. 

We'll be going back to the deck and pulling four more cards one of the Sacred Ones cards and three Warrior Symbols. I hope you enjoy.

Sacred Ones

Spirit Fox

The Spirit Fox tells us to Trust your talents in changing times. This is the time to stay alert, change is coming. A fox knows what it is like to be hunted. They live in varied areas from urban to wild and even in the barren cold of the north and the heat of the desert. They survive by staying alert and watching what is around them. When we see this card in our spread we should embrace the fox medicine and remember to be present and alert for there is something that requires our attention coming. Trust our inner knowledge and we will prevail.


The Seer card tells us to See beyond the Current Situation. She is an intuitive being channeling information on what is happening now. Allowing us to see that our intentions can and do change the future. We can use this knowledge to not only change but create the best future for us.  When this card is pulled take some time to focus on what you can see coming and make the path better for yourself and those around you.

Warrior Symbols


The Eagle card tells us to see from a higher perspective.  Look at thing from different angles and see from all points of view.  The eagle is a powerful courageous guide that is able to view their domain from high in the clouds. It is able to see all around and is able to make decisions based on that wide view. When this card is pulled take a moment to stop and take the higher road, look at the situation from a different place. There may be something you're missing.


The Snake tells us to shed old skin.  Cast off the old and show your true colors.  Unleash your gifts and talents to the world.  The medicine of the snake is said to allow one to reach the highest spiritual potential.  The snake sheds it's skin and it left with brightly colored scales as it grows and changes.  When you see the snake in your draw take some time to think about what may be limiting you, what needs to be left behind in order for you to become a better version of you!

I hope you have enjoyed my take on these cards from the suit of  The Sacred Ones and Warrior Cards.  I'd love to have your feedback or questions. Post your comments here or sent a private message and we can certainly have a chat.  There's a button on the right of the page that will start an IM conversation with me if you choose.  

I have a few slots open for new clients, so if you're interested in that click the "become a client" link at the top of the page.


Ancestors and Angels - Sacred Ones Two

Today I'm exploring more into my new oracle deck Angels & Ancestors by Kyle Gray, art by Lily Moses. I wanted to start with a smaller part of the deck and become familiar with the it. Not just memorize the author's meaning of the cards but really fully connect with the intent of the card and what it says to me. 

We'll be going back to the deck and pulling four more of the Sacred Ones cards. I hope you enjoy.

Sacred Ones


The Elder card tells us to move beyond ancestral patterns. Look further than the path laid out for you by your ancestors and family.  Your spirit is stronger than what is created by patterns from our birth. The image on the card is a man of Aboriginal tribes. These are the oldest living people on the plant still alive today.  They represent the holding on of the strength of the ancestors but encompassing the intuition to adapt and change to continue to live in an ever changing world.   All while keeping one foot set in the spiritual realm.  When the Elder is pulled, he reminds us to keep our head up and focus on the healing work that needs to be done. We should look to move past the failures or hardships of the past because within us lies the power to thrive. 


The Shapeshifter tells us to transform and unveil your gifts.  The image on the card is a shapeshifting shaman. He is flanked by a hawk and wolf beneath the full moon. An image of a snake surrounds him and his eyes one human and one big cat looks deep within us.  Shifting allows us to see the world through different eyes. We can call upon the animal that speaks to us and use that animal medicine to guide us through times when we may need just a bit more support.  Each of these gifts we then have within us. We take the eyes of the hawk or the will of the elephant and apply them to our daily trials. When the Shapeshifter card is pulled it is letting us know that we will have the opportunity to call upon those strengths. Be alert to a particular animal you're seeing regularly. It may be that you need to harness the energy of this animal and use this power to help as the days move on.


The Hunter tells us to track down our fears and desires. This card depicts the god of the hunt, Cernunnos  He is the god of the hunt and the hunted. He connects us with our fears and our fearlessness.  We need only get past these fears to find our deepest desires. The stag is the proud animal. He is strong and resilient. He reminds us to put down these fears and walk tall on the earth. Focus our energy on achieving our goals. Find the things we desire and move towards obtaining them.  When this card is pulled it reminds us to move past the things that are stopping us and focus our energy on the things that we truly desire. We have the capacity to achieve our goals. We just need to do it.


The She-Wolf tells us to unleash the wild within.  Unleash the wild side and allow our desires to take over.  The image on this card is a shamanic half wolf, have woman howling at the boom. She is the alpha female. She can and will take charge of the situation. She is unfiltered and undeterred.  She reminds us to be free and unchained. As she throws back her head and howls to to the moon, she wants us to embrace that wild energy within us and take our pack into the future.  When this card is pulled it reminds us to focus on that wolf energy, track down where we want to go and don't let anyone that may attempt to deter us, stand in our way. We are on the path of our wild side, take charge and succeed!

I hope you have enjoyed my take on these cards from the suit of  The Sacred Ones.  I'd love to have your feedback or questions. Post your comments here or sent a private message and we can certainly have a chat.  There's a button on the right of the page that will start an IM conversation with me if you choose.  

I have a few slots open for new clients, so if you're interested in that click the "become a client" link at the top of the page.


Ancestors and Angels - Guardians - Two

Today I'm exploring more into my new oracle deck Angels & Ancestors by Kyle Gray, art by Lily Moses. I wanted to start with a smaller part of the deck and become familiar with the it. Not just memorize the author's meaning of the cards but really fully connect with the intent of the card and what it says to me. 

We'll be going back to the deck and pulling four more of the guardian cards. I hope you enjoy.


The Protection Guardian comes with the message "Drop your shields". She wants us to release what is standing between ourselves and the things that bring us joy.  She is protective and loving. Her intent is to help us drop that which is hiding our gifts and allow them to shine through. She is calm yet assertive and reminds us to release any pain or embarrassment from our souls and reach out past that to grow and embrace the fearlessness and courage we have within.  When this card is revealed, it reminds us we are stronger than we think we are and we are protected from harm.

The Magick Guardian delivers the message, "Unlock the Magick Within". Many times we look to the world around us for our magick. The Magick Guardian reminds us that the magick is actually within us. Magick allows us to manifest the power at our will.  She helps us direct our will to bring items either into creation or to move items at our will. She holds a cup in her hand showing the magick radiates from with her. When she arrives in a reading she tells us to look to ourselves from the power and not to the external. It is our power and we own that power.  She tells us we are the gift and we have the power to make our will, reality. 

The Heart Guardian reminds us to "Love and Let Yourself Be Loved" on her card.  She can be called on when working with all matters of the heart. Be it love gained or love lost, the Heart Guardian is there to support us in our relationships. The center of the card has the sacred heart which is a symbol of boundless and complete love.  Love is around all of us, all beings on the planet. Love should guide us in all we say and do.  When this card is drawn we are invited to welcome in others into our lives, and be open to what love can bring us. All relationships, self, romantic and familial are included in this representation.

The Direction Guardian tells us to "Choose Your Path". This card tells us to follow our deepest desires. Take the road that leads to happiness and joy.  When we are at a crossroad, the Direction Guardian appears to remind us that we need to choose not the easiest path, and not the hardest path, but the path that leads us to happiness.  This card refers to Ezekiel, who met four faces at a crossroad. A cherub, a bull, a lion and an eagle. This reminds us that our messengers can have many faces but are there to support us in a positive manner. When this card is pulled we should understand that there are many directions we can travel. There are no wrong directions, just ones with different challenges and opportunities.

I hope you have enjoyed my take on these Guardian Cards. Next week, I'll be delving further into the Ancestors and Angels deck. Feel free to add your comments or questions - or reach out directly for a personal connection.


Witchy Wednesday - Thinning of the Veil

Usually by this time I have the ancestor altar in full switch.  Candles, updated photos, flowers. Usually I have my photos taken and submitted to altar projects and I'm completely set for Samhain. This year is proving to be an exception. With the remodel of the house and our plans to move things have taken a turn for the "Huh?". (laughing) I may even start experimenting with vlogging.  I have been working with the video a bit more and I think I may look to test that out as we start making more progress for our move.

Over the last two weeks we have slowly sold off the majority of what we own. We are living full time in the RV now and getting set in our routine. My ancestor altar is only inches away from me every day now, instead of being across the room in my office. I have no pictures or flowers. Just a box of incense and a cat from time to time. Meanwhile, I think I have been more in touch with spirits over this time period than any other time in my life. With all the construction in the house it is a buzz with activity. Yesterday a closet door swung open while I was talking to Eli.

We have so much more work on the house to do and with me working full time, I'm not sure that I'll have the ability to do much more than seeing my altar and thinking of them. Sometimes you have more, sometimes less.

What are you doing to honor the dead this year?

I'm already having so much contact I'm really looking forward for any messages this year. I plan to sit and actively listen over the next two weeks to see what is coming.  I am having more vivid dreams which leads me to believe there's someone out there wanting to chat. Hopefully I'll have a visit.

Looking forward to what life has in store for me. Changes they are a coming.