Fall is my favorite time of the year. October is of course the best month as I feel more connected to, not only my witchiness but also to my ancestors. I love working with the dead more now than ever before in my life. As I begin to connect more with my Crone energy, I feel as though I am able to work better with the dead. I sometimes start with an update to my ancestor altar.
Samhain is traditionally the time of the year for working with the dead. This is the time of the year when the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest, allowing us to make contact and work with them directly.
The last ten years has been a real change for me as I lost my grandmother and a dear aunt that I was very close to. These are the energies I call on when I do my work with the dead. There is a strength there and a love that each had that resonates with me as I do my spell work. With intent and focus I call their energies into the room and look to them for information, answers or just energy to guide me through my work.
I look to Samhain as my new year. I treat it much the same way others treat January 1st. I take this time to shake off the old energies and connect with the new. I cut ties and begin new ventures. In recent years I've started doing a special oracle reading to help me get started for the new year. I'd like to share this year's reading with you.
1. Past - What you've learned - The Direction Guardian tells us to choose our path. We look in all directions and evaluate our options. We trust our instincts to take us down the right path.
2. Past - What you've lost - The Summer card tells us to bask in the joy and light. The world is a little less bright right now. The joy seems to have faded.
3. The Present - The Shaman tells us to trust in higher forces. Look within to find that inspiration, that force or energy to push forward.
4. Future - What you'll learn - The Snake tells us to shed old skin. Don't be tied down to things simply because it is the way its always been done. You are not your job, your race or your religion. Change can be good.
5. Future - What you'll gain - The Magick Guardian tells us to unlock the magick within. We should look within ourselves for this is where the magick is. Cards, wands and robes do not, the witch make. You are the magick. Own it.
I hope you've enjoyed this reading. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions, leave comments if you'd like. I have also added a message button to this page. You can click that and I'll respond as quickly as I can.
I hope you all have a save and blessed Samhain.