Showing posts with label divination. Show all posts

Using Pendulums

 Using Pendulums - Connecting with Divination Tools

A pendulum is a divination tool used for spiritual guidance, decision making and energy management. Pendulums can be made of any weighted object at the end of a chain or string that can create a constant movement. We don’t really know how long pendulums have been used in human history but we do see them being used as divination tools in ancient Egypt and Rome. Pendulums have also been used for mapping locations for gold or oil and even to help locate missing people and things.

Pendulums can be used in spiritual guidance by asking yes/no questions and determining the answer with the swing or with the assistance of a spirit board. A spirit board is usually a board with the letters of the alphabet and numbers, as well as the words, yes, no, maybe and ask again/later. Similar boards are used for Ouija sessions. The pendulum is held from the tip of the chain/cord and allowed to dangle over the board. The diviner asks the pendulum a question and based on the correspondences on the board, the message is delivered.

Dosing is another great use for the pendulum. Dosing can be conducted by walking in a space holding the pendulum and watching for changes in the device. Any changes are noted and the object of the divination session is located where the pendulum changes occurred.  This can also be conducted by holding the pendulum over a map and using those locations to find the missing objects or locate items such as mining locations, missing people or water. The USGS has a section on their site dedicated to water dowsing or Water Witches.

The first step to working with any divination source is training. Take the time to learn the history of the pendulum. Think about how it was used in antiquity. Who used it? How did it come to be a commonly used divination device?  Next, take some time to connect with  your tool. Hold it, use it, make sure it is something you like and can connect with. I have several different pendulums I work with but one that is my favorite. It is reliable and always seems to be ready to provide and answer for me. 

Finally practice, practice, practice. This is the best way to learn how to use your tool and how it will perform for you. The only way to get better at what you’re doing is to do it repeatedly. Try some of the exercises below to work with your pendulum and how to become a skilled pendulum diviner.



Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson - RSM, PMI-ACP

Ordained Spiritual Counselor

Certified Holistic Wellness Coach

International Yogi Certification

Certified Crystal Master & Aroma Therapy Practitioner


  1. Attune your pendulum

    1.  Ask your pendulum to show you how it will reveal the answer of yes.

    2.  Ask your pendulum to show you how it will reveal the answer of no.

  2. Now practice with your pendulum with a list of yes or no questions.

  1. Should I accept this position?

  2. Should I use this crystal?

  3. Should I continue on this path?

      3. Journal

  1. Jot down your questions and answers

  2. Rate your accuracy

  3. Repeat your questions to get better at your craft


Crystal  -

Merkaban Orgone -

Boards -


The Magickal Tarot - Guidebook & Deck - A Review


Today I'm reviewing The Magickal Tarot- Guidebook and Deck by Robyn Valentine.

Book Link

Author Link

Release Date - Jan 4, 2022

As many of you know from my previous posts, I'm not a huge Tarot reader. I found years ago that my attention span and my dyslexia prevented me from being able to accurately connect with the imagery on most cards. I literally needed to count the swords to even get a grasp on what was showing up.  My divination preference align with oracle readings. I will say however, I don't need cards to read someone. Usually that info is all right there for the taking.  You just need to be ready to see it.

Now on to the review.

The deck comes as a boxed set with the box as the "dust jacket" if you will, for the set. The book is a tall, but narrow paper back with a smooth cover. The font is small, smaller on the author/content pages and does pose a small issue when trying to make out the words for these old eyes of mine. 

The book is broken down by the major arcana and gives a brief background and correspondences of each. These come after the introduction chapters which include an overview of the major arcane, how they relate to magic and how you can relate to them.

As you go through the section on the major arcana, the card image is displayed on one page and the "stats" if you will, on the other along with some magickal work sprinkled in.  If we look at The Empress card for example we see a full page view of her card along with the author's description on the facing page. She includes a section on the lunar phase, the energies and directions on how to leverage the energy of this card in magic. For this card, the author provides us with a fertility spell called "egg candle".  She provides detailed instructions on getting the most from the spell.  For me, I'm just going to sit this one aside.  I don't need any more babies up in here.  (laughing)

The art on these cards is just adorable. I love the artists take on the traditional cards, changing them, updating them but not losing the original design. I can tell who these cards are in relationship to the Rider-Waite deck, of which I am the most familiar.  Sometimes an artist takes so much license with changing the deck that it looks nothing like the original and I'm at a lost for what we are actually looking at.  The illustrator is Stasia Burrington and her work can be found here.

The book does not mention the minor arcana as a separate chapter.  They are included in the deck, but the focus of the book is harnessing the magical energies associated with the major arcana and using it to manifest the intent of the reader. 

Overall I think this is a nice deck and accompanying book. I like the way the author guides you into the energies of each of the major arcana. I like the way the spells are written out in an easy to understand and easy to follow. The packaging was a bit awkward, like many of the book/box desk combos. I wish publishers would stop with that. Find a new way. I'm tired of my deck falling out every time I open the box.  

If you're looking for a new deck to incorporate into your magical work, and want a place to get started, I recommend checking out the Magickal Tarot by Robyn Valentine. It is a unique interpretation of the Tarot that I believe you will enjoy.



Life Update - Goals & Desires

 It has been a while since I posted an update on the status of life here. I've been working on a few things this year and still have a few goals to reach before the end of the years. 

The majority of my year this year has been focused on my health. I had a situation with a hernia that needed to be repaired and had some issues with my iron levels. About 22 years ago I had a Roux n Y gastric bypass where the surgeon was incompetent and ended up removing most of my stomach and small intestines. This removal resulted in me becoming unable to absorb nutrients from any items that I ingest orally. In early January of this year I went for my physical and the resulting labs showed anemia. A follow up appointment showed it drop so much that I was referred to a hematologist for iron infusion therapy. Fast forward to today, I've had 5 infusion sessions which consist of 5 weekly iron iv drips at the hospital. After each of the sessions, I go back for another round of blood work which reveals another drop in my iron levels. It has been exhausting. 

This year we lost Turtle. She was such a powerful energy in the house. Since we first got her and took her for rides on the motorcycle to carrying to the vet for the last time, she was everything to me. Her voice ever so present, her energy, a force not to be ignored. It has been about 4 months or so now and I miss her terribly. There will never be another one, she was indeed my only one.

During this time, I completed three certifications for my mundane job and began to tidy things up for my shop. I now have all my items back on Etsy and am working to get the word out about my coaching services. I now offer holistic wellness, self help and personal counseling services. These range from divination/oracle/aura and photo readings to wellness management in lifestyle coaching for diet nutrition and general wellness. I've outlined that information on this page.


I have even created my own line of magical tools. I introduced Witch Tacks this year.  These are resin filled tacks that can be placed upright on a shelf, mantle or altar to surround your areas with magical intentions or alternatively they can be "tacked" into the ground around your property or in planters and such to create magical wards and protection circles around your space.

I also have created a protection set, a prosperity set and a healing set.  These also come as a set of four, but are clear and have magical herbs incased within each.

These would generally be placed on an altar or at the four directional points in a magic circle. You can find these in my Etsy shop here.

Overall it has been a pretty amazing year, even with the pandemic. Even with the illness and the lack of events. I'm trying to get this thing working as an online thing.  We'll see how it goes. Here's hoping for a better 2022!  I hope you have had a healthy and happy new year!



The Wild Goddess Oracle - A Review

Today I'm reviewing a new oracle deck called - "The Wild Goddess Oracle" by Amy Zerner & Monte Farber.

  • Deck Link
  • Author Link
  • Illustrator Link
  • Release Date - October 12, 2021

I'll start with a review of the physical book/deck.  This set comes as a cover/box type set. The deck sits in a square cutout on the left side and the softcover standard size book on the left.  I found this to be a bit annoying because each time I opened the cover the deck would fall out onto the book side. It seems without something to hold it in place there is no real way to keep this from happening. It may be a better idea for those creating these style boxes to put the deck on the right side to avoid this. The softcover book is held removable as the "box" is sort of a dust jacket style covering. The cover is beautifully illustrated and has a slight raise to the lettering. The title page is back to a normal size font and is completely legible. 

The book is simply a large version of the instruction booklet that comes with a set of tarot or oracle cards. Only this time, you can actually see all the cards and read the text that comes with the deck. The book starts with a view of all of the cards on the contents page which I found refreshing. Each one, though small, in full color and numbered. The author goes on to tell us how to use the cards and provides sample spreads.

The next (and best) part of the book is the cards.  After all, that's why we're here! Each of the 52 cards is featured with a full page image of the card in question. We see the image on one side and then we are presented with the message that each card comes with.  The author provides a few paragraphs on the card and then either an affirmation, a tip, and in some cases even a spell that can be used to channel the energy of the wild goddess represented on the card.

The artwork is eclectic and beautiful. Women across body types, skin colors and cultures are represented in this deck. The cards themselves are a bit wider than a standard deck of cards, but not too tall which my small hands appreciate. The image side of the card has the photo of our Wild Goddess and then the number and name of the card below. The interesting thing about this deck is that instead of a standard image on the back, each card has a blurb about the goddess.  On The Mermaid, for example it says the following: "Look below the surface of your emotional reactions to know what is really going on, for things are not always what they seem."

Overall this set is a really nice set. It is a different approach to working with Oracle cards and I appreciated the change. Currently my working deck is Angels and Ancestors but I may give this deck a try as working through this actually called to me to check out what the Wild Goddess may have for me. I recommend giving it a try for yourself!

If you pick up this deck or have used this deck feel free to leave a message in the comments on your experience.


In Focus - Runes - A Review

 Today I am reviewing - "In Focus - Runes" by Jan Budkowski.

  • Book Link
  • Author Link - I was unable to locate any link directly to this author's page. If you find something, feel free to message me and I'll update the page.
  • Release Date - November 30, 2021

I'll start with a physical review of the book. The book is a great backpack sized hardcover book with a vibrantly colored and well illustrated cover.  It has a standard index and glossary in the back of the book but does offer a reference wall chart for the reader. I'll go back to my last review from Quarto Knows to say that again the font on the title page is very small.  The color of the page, combined with the font size makes this page very difficult to read.

This ten chapter book is not short on information. The author begins our journey into the magical world of runes by giving us a history lesson. Pages eight through twenty give us the history of runes and their origins. Including a simple (and short) explanation of the Aesir Gods and the Vanir Gods and how they relate to one another. Included in this is a table that outlines a few of the gods and their associated rune.

From there, our author takes us on a look at some of the Nordic Mythology. We are guided through the tales of Odin, Aesir & Vanir, The Norn and the nine worlds of Yggdrasil.  Each broken down with basic information on location, residents and descriptions. Finally this chapter ends with three of the legends including the story of Ragnarok. Condensed, but an well written explanation of the tale. 

Next we're taken into the main object of this book.  Runes!  The author breaks down the runes into Freya's aett, Hagal's Aett and Tyr's Aett and provides meanings, key ideas and images for each. The rest of the book is focused on our runes and how we interact with them. From cleansings to readings the book takes you through a step by step processing on the creation and care of runes. From a single draw to large spreads the author shows how we can conduct our own rune castings and run magic.  

Overall this is a great book for the novice and learned practitioner a like. Even with my experience with runes, there was new information in this book that I found interesting. I feel the section on the Nordic Mythology as well as how the rune sets are broken down was extremely interesting. While a high level look at the history of runes, I believe it does provide a solid look at the tool and is worth the read. And the 18X24 wall chart isn't bad either!


In Focus - Divination - A Review

 Today I'm reviewing - "In Focus: Divination" by Steven Bright.

  • Book Link
  • Author Link
  • Release Date - November 30, 2021

I'll begin with the physical book.  I have reviewed other books in the In Focus series from Quarto Knows and they are all well made.  This hardcover edition comes with a lovely cover design as well as a 18X24 inch wall chart. It is full of illustrations and charts that provide a great deal of information, however I felt the font could be just a little larger on the title page. This book offers an well organized index, giving readers the ability to find information based on divination method or by object.

I have read several books based on divination.  Each had the typical methods that we all know. Mirror scrying, palmistry or firemancy to name a few.  This book delves off the beaten path by offering some methods that I had not heard of.  While including such topics as Tea Leaf Reading, Elder Futhark Runes, Reading colors and the I Ching; the author also includes some interesting chapters that I'll go into below.

Witches Runes - Based on incomplete text from the middle east, witches runes are said to be thirteen images that held power for the people of those times. According to the book, these runes are easier to read than some other types of runes based on their basic shapes and their limited number. The sun for example is a simple line drawing of the sun.  The same is the case for the star, the moon and the crossroads. The author provides a table with the runes and corresponding interpretations when the runes appear in pairs.  A pull of the man rune and the moon rune is said to indicate a secretive male.

Reading Shells - (Conhomancy) This type of divination is used around the world and according to this book they are central in practices originating in West Africa and is used in Santeria, Umbanda and Candomble religions. The author instructs the reader on how to choose a shell, the shapes and styles of shells and then breaks down each.  An Abalone for example is associated with peace, love and compassion. The way the shell falls can indicate its meaning, the dull side up would be a lack of these qualities, while shiny side up would be an abundance. 

Reading Flowers - (Floromancy) This type of divination is typically a handed down tradition kept within families with hand drawn images and meanings that are then interpreted by the reader with their own experiences added.  Some flowers have a widely accepted meaning that goes outside the magical community such as the red rose as being a symbol of love while the yellow a symbol for friendship.  The divination beings with the practitioner placing a group of flowers in a vase or on a table and the client picks one using their own intuition.  The reading is delivered based on the meaning of the flower chosen. Though typically meanings are kept within the practitioners lineage, the author has provided a simple chart with a list of flowers and their meanings for the reader. Gardenia equates to secret love, yellow carnation to rejection and the daisy to innocence or hope.  The author goes on to outline the parts of the flower and their meaning and give a detailed overview of flower scrying.  Over all one of the most interesting chapters for me in this book.

This book comes with so much more information. With over fourteen chapters, the author takes us on a journey of divination from around the world. PLUS a huge wall chart included!  I found it to be informative and entertaining. I believe this would be a great book for even the most experienced diviner as it offers a look into some not so common methods.  I highly recommend taking the time to check out this book.



Connecting with the Cards

Connecting with magical tools is a very personal experience. There are many tutorials on how to do just that with all types of magical tools. From tarot cards for reader to hammers for carpenters,  all tools need a connection. Some more than others. Learning the imagery of the deck for example, is one of the first steps of connecting with the cards.

Jessica Devine provided this video below on her take of connecting with the various magical tools in the witch's broom closet.

The only thing I would add to this is follow your own intuition when approaching each tool. Some may not resonate with keeping the deck under the pillow. Some may connect more by adding a daily reading of each card or by putting them on the wall as reminder.  I may use a whiteboard tool to connect. It is a deeply personal experience and should be approached as such.

As Eli and look to begin vending again with our new shop Ethereal Grind, I've been getting my tool kit together to go back to providing my readings and consultations for clients on site. This meant I needed to find a new deck for this new endeavor. That of course can only mean one thing. ROAD TRIP!  We headed out to Raleigh to stop by our favorite shop, Dancing Moon.  Dancing Moon has been open here in NC for 30 years and has a huge selection of magical tools and materials. They have a resource library and are quick to share their knowledge with new comers and sages alike.  I highly recommend stopping by if you have the chance.

Let's get into the cards.

This deck was published by Hay House with Kyle Gray in 2018.  Their website has the following description:

We are surrounded by countless guides who want to share their knowledge with us to bring healing and change. Among them are the Angels and Ancestors.

In whichever culture or religion they appear, Angels have always had one mission: to love, help and guide humans. On the earthly plane, Ancestors are the wise ones, healers and warriors who have offered to share their knowledge and magic with us. In this empowering 55-card oracle deck, Celtic, Native American, Aboriginal and Earth-based spiritualities bridge the gap between this world and the next. The Angels and Ancestors know what you need to know, and by using the accompanying guidebook you'll learn how to unlock their secrets and messages, and live a life touched by divine, magical guidance.

This deck is fabulously illustrated by Lily Moses. Her art is stunning and the main reason I chose these cards. You can see more of her work here.

As I thumbed through the assorted oracle card decks, I tried to connect with them. The look, the feel the energy that was in each. My very first thought was, God these cards are huge. I have small hands and just getting my hands around the deck was a challenge. Many sets were a turn off just because they wouldn't fit. Having the cards "feel" right is to me, one of the most important steps in find a good divination tool. It has to fit or its forced energy and that energy, will never fit.

As I began looking through the decks on the shelves, deciding which to pull out of the box, I bypassed the majority of the angel cards. I tend to stay away from religion and more towards the magical. This deck just spoke to me. I pulled it out and began looking at the stunning artwork. The multicultural nature of this deck is beyond compare.

I walked around the store this deck and one other in my hands just to see who wanted to leave with me. Eli helped a customer learn to use a singing bowl while I admired the buddha statues. I contemplated on the energy I felt coming from the cards. Which were speaking to me? Which was the one who had the message for me? As I walked closer to the front of the shop, Eli looked at me and said, "One is who you are, the other is who you want to be." 

Always, be who you are.  I sat the other deck back on the shelf and knew the ancestors were working through this deck to guide me on my choice.  I look forward to spending some time over the next few weeks with these cards; getting to know them and sharing that experience with you.

Truth In Story did a wonderful walkthrough of this deck. I loved how she talks about each card here and gives her take on then. I also like how she shows taking out elements that don't feel they fit into the deck. Last night as I was walking through this deck, my very first deck I felt, well this energy doesn't fit. I'm going to set this one aside. I was a little concerned as I have had only real experience with the tarot. When I saw her do the same thing, it resonated with me. I'm glad to see I was on track with this. So have a look at these beautiful cards.

Thank you for spending some time with me today. I look forward to getting back in the swing of writing, learning and sharing my magical world with you.



Modern Divination - Runes


Hecate's Blessing

Runes are based on an archaic German and Scandinavian alphabet, myth says that Odin discovered the meaning of  the runes as part of his nine day trial while hanging from Yggdrasil, the world tree.  The word rune is interpreted as to mean letter and secret.  He hung there forbidding any assistance until the pool from which Yggdrasil grew revealed the secrets of the runes to him. It is said, he gained the power to heal his wounds, to bind his enemies and protect his friends. He was able to gain lovers, banish malevolent magic and even wake the dead.
Elder Runes - Wiki Commons

The translation of Hamaval


I trow I hung on that windy Tree

nine whole days and nights,

stabbed with a spear, offered to Odin,

myself to mine own self given,

high on that Tree of which none hath heard

from what roots it rises to heaven.


None refreshed me ever with food or drink,

I peered right down in the deep;

crying aloud I lifted the Runes

then back I fell from thence.   ----- MORE

Today many wade out in the murky waters of  life, hoping to glean the knowledge that Odin sacrificed for. One such reader is Maggie Cunningham. Maggie agreed to share her process and her inspiration for her journey into the mystical world of divination through runes. Maggie works in Rune readings and seership.

I presented Maggie with the following questions:

Q: How did you get started?

A: I saw my first rune book in the 1990s, I've been hooked ever since.  I have read for friends since then and began reading professionally in 2010.

Q: Explain your process for getting started with a reading.

A: I create sacred space and invoke spirit for guidance.  This is often my client's Disir circle (circle of guardian spirits in the northern tradition) but other guides do come through depending on the client.  I discuss the intentions for the reading with my client and then clear the rune bag to prepare the runes for the reading.  This ensures there aren't any residual energies in the bag that could cloud the reading and also let's the runes know we're about to read.  I then connect with my client while holding the runes.  The 'shape' of the reading comes through at this point.  Sometimes its a free form casting (throwing the runes upon a cloth) at other times a particular spread may come into my mind.

Maggie Cunningham - Casting Runes
Casting Runes - Maggie Cunningham

Q: How does the information come to you?

A: I combine kinaesthetic, visual and auditory information.  The runes tingle under my fingers so I know which ones to pick and the order to read them in.  I often see pictures as we are reading as well as hearing advice from the rune's themselves and the person's guiding spirits. 

Q: What other information would you like to share with my readers?

A: I am a northern tradition trainer and run courses on reading with the runes as well as using them for magics, healing and mysticism.  I also combine rune readings with birth runes work (based in runic astrology).

Maggie Cunningham - Rune Spread

I want to take a moment to thank Maggie for participating in our this exploration of divination via runes.  Be sure to visit Maggie at her website or via reach out to her via email at

Modern Divination - Crystals and Crystal Grids

Crystal healing has been around for centuries. My interest in crystals started as a small child looking for that "sparkle" amongst the common stones. Just last year I finished my crystal healer certification in 2018 and found that it was indeed not only a passion due to the beauty with in each piece but also because of the amazing power that emanates from each delicate facet of these stunning creations.

I remember my first crystal ball and the power I felt from it. I remember wearing my crystals of assorted types and remembering how they changed the world around me.  Wearing my amethyst ring for example lead to a higher bar tab. It was like the alcohol couldn't find me. 

My clear quart giving me the power to feel centered and the ability to take on the world. My labradorite to clear energy and help me follow my dreams.

So what is a crystal grid and how does it work?  Crystal grids is an alignment of crystals set to a geometrical pattern for the purpose of manifestation. There is a center stone with is the focus of the energy and the surrounding stones that modify and broadcast the intention into the universe.  Amplification stones, generally quartz crystals are then used to "power up" the grid. Finally the grid is activated.  It is a pretty powerful process and if you have the opportunity to learn more I highly recommend checking it out. I have several posts in this blog related to crystals.  Here's a link for your convivence.

When I met Crystal online, I was drawn to her carefree and playful energy. We have known each other for quite a few years and I have worked with her on several occasions to create jewelry and clay creation from her earthen treasures. 

I have always loved her crystal grids and when I thought of this project I knew I wanted to get her amazing grids in front of you.  I was thrilled when she agreed to participate.

Photo Credit - Crystal

Here are her interview questions.

Q: How did you get started?

A: I started digging quartz in Arkansas about a decade ago .I was amazed at how it feels to be the first person to touch these amazing gifts from earth.  I was researching what all  I could do with the crystals once I had dug them. I eventually tried a few grids and when I made one for my boss to win a fishing tournament (that failed) I revisited my intent and purpose in making the grids. I also moved to an area known for more mineral variety and my collection grew immensely. It allowed me to learn even more about our connection with earth.. I believe the crystals /grid components find us. They are a gift and should be used for positive intentions. Since then I've had great luck with every grid I've built. 

Photo Credit - Crystal

Q: Explain your process for getting started with a reading.

A: Before gridding I like to set intentions, research needed materials, then ground and cleanse my work area energies.  I set my grid with intention then charge it. 

Q: How does the information come to you?

A:  The information has always somewhat come intuitively. I sit quietly with all the different specimens I use. When I first started I read every book, I researched all over the web and I asked other healers for direction. I also meditated with different minerals to understand their energy. I can then use that information when charging the grid with my intentions. 

Photo Credit - Crystal

I want to take a moment to thank Crystal for participating in our this exploration of divination via runes.  If you'd like to contact Crystal, please leave a comment on this blog and I'll see that she gets your message.