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The Book of Blessings and Rituals - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Book of Blessings and Rituals - Magical Invocations For Healing, Setting Energy and Creating Sacred Space by Athena Perrakis, Ph.D.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Cover

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Release Date: 7/30/19

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

I'll begin this review with the physical book.  The review copy I received is a hard cover book but did not have a dust jacket.  The image on the front shows assorted religious emblems and is a very vibrant raised image on cover.  The art inside is illustrative art and lends itself nicely to the context of the book.  There is no index in this book but the table of contents is pretty extensive.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

The chapters are broken down by month and include an assortment of rituals and blessings that correspond.  January, for example has new year's blessings and directional invocations while September offers  prayers for Rosh Hashanah, Mabon  and a Honey Blessing Jar project.

As in many of her other books, the author provides a clear and concise delivery of the information within the pages. The chapters begin with a brief overview of each month which includes a brief history or explanation of that rites within.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

The October chapter provides a brief look at Samhain (Summer's End in Gaelic) and how the Celts may have celebrated this new year.  The author gives us several rituals and a project associated with the celebration of the dead. Creating an ancestor altar has been one of my yearly traditional for quite some time.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

I really enjoyed the diversity included in this book.  While reading up on Samhain I was delighted to find a section on Diwali.  Diwali is Sanskrit for light or lamp.  Its an ancient Hindu festival celebrated at the New Moon in October.

The blessing begins:

On this new moon,
we remember light's victory over darkness.
Diyas glow like treasures,
thunderous sounds boom triumphantly
illuminating the night with color and sound
Now is the time to delight in celebration.
Lakshmi, I honor you on this day.
Thank you for blessing us with your abundance.

Over all, this book is well organized, and provides a well rounded bit of information from an assortment of cultures. Including projects with each chapter provides the reader the opportunity to not only read about rituals they may not have heard about, but also the ability to put them into practice as well.   I believe this is a great book to have on your self to compliment an extensive religious text collection or to introduce yourself to new paths you may have otherwise missed.

Celebrating Samhain - A Giveaway

One of the most exciting times of the year for me is Samhain. I love the crisp air and the falling leaves. I love finding time to connect with the Ancestors.  Over the years I have compiled quite a list of Samhain posts.  Here's a link to all of my blog posts related to Samhain.

This year I decided to cut back and bit and take a moment to invite one of my readers to benefit from my bookshelf. Over the next week, I'll be accepting entries to win the books listed below.  These books are ones that I have reviewed and will ship to the winner at no charge.

Entries begin at blog publication, which is 10/19/18 at 12:00 AM
Entries close on 10/25/18 at 12:00 AM

There are several opportunities to qualify for extra entries, including sharing, commenting on the blog and a bonus entry to get more points by tweeting about the giveaway each day.

I will draw a name on 10/26/18 and contact the winner via the email they provided at registration. They will have 24 hours to contact me.  If they do not contact me, I will redraw a new winner and notify them.

This giveaway includes the following books.

In Focus Crystals
In Focus Astrology
In Focus Palmistry
In Focus Meditation
The Ultimate Guide to Chakras
Moon Magic
The Ultimate Guide to Divination

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Free shipping to lower 48 only, US Only, Void where prohibited. Facebook, Rafflecopter, Twitter and Blogger are in no way affiliated with this offer.

Please note this are advanced copies of these books in some cases provided by the media publishing company for reviews.

Star Power - A Simple Guide to Astrology for the Modern Mystic

Today I'm reviewing Star Power: A Simple Guide to Astrology for the Modern Mystic by Vanessa Montgomery.

Author Web Page
Amazon Book Link
Amazon Author Link
Good Reads Book Link
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Disclaimer: I am going to preface this review with the following statement.  I do not practice Wicca. I am not a priestess nor do I claim any religious affiliation.  I identify as an atheist witch and my review of any pagan/witchcraft books is presented from this point of view.

As always I'll start with the physical attributes of the book.  This book is solid. It is not as tall as some of the books I have reviewed but it is substantial. The front and back cover offer tables with the planets, signs and elements. There is no index in this book but there is a page of suggested reading. The images in the book are limited to clip art and some basic line drawings. If you're looking for a book that will tell your sign what to do with an investment I would recommend you select a different book.  If you're looking for instruction on how to fully understand a star chart, this is your book.

This book starts with a brief history of astrology.  And when I say brief, I mean brief. Only one - two pages are dedicated to this.  The book also includes a section on the language of astrology. This section is very useful. Time after time I see books that are this directed towards a specific topic, that they forget that someone may be picking up this book for the first time. While I appreciate the advanced studies in many of the pieces I have reviewed to this point, I feel a special connection to those authors who take the time to bring their reader up to speed. Be it with an introduction, a preface or including this type of glossary as a chapter as part of the book.  As someone who excelled in vocabulary, I believe that understanding the exact definition of the word the author is using helps me insure that I am on the same page and able to learn as much as I can from the text.  

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Star Power

I enjoyed the section on unlocking your birth chart (page 12) this section goes into detail about what they are, and how to use them. It contains great images of star charts and offers detailed instructions on learning to read them. The first step however is obtaining your star chart. I have found several websites that offer free star charts and there is a plethora of software out there that you can buy to help you create your own. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Star Power
Each section of this book builds on the previous, there are no quick references here. I have found that this is something you just need to sit down and read to be able to fully understand your own chart. 

Overall I found this book extremely informative and full of the complete details you need to decipher a star chart. I think that this book will benefit the learned reader but does offer some interest for the beginner. The author guides us through the art of learning to read our own charts and will perhaps open up a interest in reading for others. An excellent guide and I highly recommend.

The Holy Wild - A Heathen Bible for the Untamed Woman - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Holy Wild - A Heathen Bible for the Untamed Woman by Danielle Dulsky.


Author Web Page
Amazon Book Link
Amazon Author Link
Good Reads Book Link
Good Reads Author Link
My Good Reads Profile
My Facebook Page

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

Staring with basic review of the physical book.  I was sent a soft cover to review.  The outside is made of that soft material that feels almost like fur. Not my favorite. However, I was blown away by the index. A full seven pages front and back are dedicated to helping you locate what you need to find quickly in this book. Many author's overlook this. In my opinion any good book will after at least a minimal index but this one goes over and above with this massive listing. The book has no illustrations or images. The cover image is impressive and I really enjoyed the forward by Bayo Aromolaf, PhD.

The chapters of the book are separated into books.  Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether.  Each include a section on verses and a section on rituals for each book. As my interest is piqued by Hecate I grabbed the index and found the Book of Ether, on page 212 was Hecate.  I was a bit disappointed to see that Hecate was referred to as the Crone/Hag goddess. We know historically that all depictions of her have been of a maiden.  Only early references to her by Aleister Crowley mention Hecate as a "hag".  That stuck and many authors use that description of her. She is a triple goddess but not in the maiden, mother, crone construct.

My favorite ritual by far in this book can be found on page 137.  It's called "Our Shared Crucible: A Three-Part Ritual of Deep Transmutation.  Further because of my interest in fire scrying I found the ritual "Pyromancy of the Prophetess: A Ritual of Divination by Firelight" to be extremely rewarding.

Over all, I believe this is a great book for any witchy library and has an uplifting "self help" quality to is. It is empowering and showcases the untamed women of witchcraft.

Can You Be Good Without God?

I fought with myself on creating this post.  Does responding give the accuser more power?  Should I sit back and say nothing?  Should I defend my honor?  You're probably thinking, Renee, what in the world are you talking about.

Recently I have had my character called into question simply based on one thing.  The title Atheist.  Over the years I have had my spiritual path ebb and flow as I expect most do.

As a small child I was baptized in a southern baptist church after being convinced by those in power that my poverty and sexual abuse was my own fault due to my sinful nature.  All I had to do (as a 9 year old) was accept Jesus as my savior and my troubles would be over.  Jesus would save me. Needless to say we all know how that went.  That very day my church bus driver told me as I stepped off the bus - "Tell (my abuser)'s name that I'll see him tonight at the show."  This destroyed me.  In my head - my church (my god) condoned the years of sexual abuse forced on me by my stepfather and condoned by my mother.

Fast forward 20 or so years and I was introduced to Wicca via a girlfriend.  It was a way to get close and yes, I was like dance naked?  Let's do it.  I began to study other alternative religions and hunted and pecked my way around paganism for the next 20 years.  Within the last 10 years, I was introduced to Hecate through a friend and found myself reading on the Covenant of Hekate, of which I am now a member.  I currently dedicate my spare time to assisting in administrative duties for the group such as moderator for various social media sites, editor of the monthly newsletter and a member of the administrative team.

More recently I have moved away from the idea of a divine creation for mankind and more in line with a scientific look at the world. I do believe there is energy and I do believe that there is a way to manipulate that energy, hence my identity as an atheist (does not believe in a divine creator) witch (believes in the manipulation of energy).

I fail to see how any of these beliefs make me unfit for public office, friendship or even just to be given the same respect that others receive. I believe that my public voice on this embodies the very virtues of Hecate or at least what we have assigned to her.

For now I will say to my naysayers, I am indeed comfortable on my path.  I do not expect, nor require your acceptance.  Your ability to judge and defame someone based only on their religious affiliation and not on the years of dedication to the cause speaks volumes about your character.

And with that, I'll share a few links for you on Atheism Science and Magic.

 Arthur C. Clarke: “Magic's just science that we don't understand yet.”

NaBloWriMo - Talented Tuesday 4 - Velody Dark

For this weeks Talented Tuesday I’m featuring Velody at Treegold & Beegold.  Her Facebook Page has an amazing message:

Quote from her Page:
Treegold and Beegold is about creating items influenced by modern and historic earth-based spirituality for both children and the whole family. Our goal is to fill a void for infant/toddler items that showcase common symbology, imagery or themes of earth-based faiths, often referred to as Pagan or Neo-Pagan.

Treegold & Beegold offers amazing assortment Pagan Family friendly items from custom embroidered bibs to little witch families for the back of the car.

Photo Credit - Treegold & Beegold

Photo Credit - Treegold & Beegold

Photo Credit - Treegold & Beegold

Velody has even thought about our pets!

Photo Credit - Treegold & Beegold

I've known Velody for a quite a few years now and have participated in many of her blog giveaways.  This past Ostara I won a prize of mix and match memory pieces from her shop.  She was a bit late in shipping it out and included a free Goddess for my car!  She was giving me something for free, for not sending my “free” item fast enough.

Photo Credit - Photographer - Renee Olson
Goddess Sticker - Treegold & Beegold -

It’s this attention to detail and honest desire to be fair to people that makes me love Velody’s work and dedication to helping us teach our children about our Pagan/Heathen roots.

Velody’s blog is on a temporary hiatus but you can still find her wonderful work at her Etsy shop.   Take a hop over there and check out her inventory.  She’s got a lot of amazing things to show you.

Namaste & Blessed Be