Sosanna's Pagan Profile
My real name is Renee, my Wicca name is Sosanna
Location: Eastern North Carolina
Profession: Business Analyst
My hobbies are crocheting blankets, making quilts and researching my family tree. My newest hobby has become blogging.
Blog/Website name: Confessions of a Modern Witch
If your identity was hidden somehow, (i.e. if you were behind a dark curtain or a sound-proof booth) and someone else was asked to describe you to the person behind the curtain, how would you like to be described OR what would you like this blog circle to know about you?
A childlike trusting soul with a strong belief in equality.
Your spiritual path: Solitary Eclectic
How did you find your current path? I knew that something wasn't right with organized religion, for me, it was missing the basic belief that you should send out happiness and joy to others.
What drew you to and continues to keep you on this path? Each day when I wake, I feel closer to the earth and to nature. This is where I feel the safest.
What, if anything, disappoints you about your path - what would you change if you could? I think if I could change anything it might be that I were around more like minded people. Sometimes being solitary, is just that, very solitary.
What subjects are you interested in reading about - in books, in blogs, etc.? My main interest currently is in the state of our food. We are killing ourselves with chemicals and junk food and no one seems to notice it. There's more corn syrup in our food than nutrients. It's very sad.
What in your life do you consider “sacred?” My relationship with my soulmate, Elijah. He grounds me. He keeps me here in the present and helps me keep that nasty bipolar monster away.
What about you or your life are you working towards changing - short term/long term? I am currently dedicating a lot of time to my blogging. I'd really like to get it together and sit down to write that book I've always wanted to write. Maybe one day soon I'll put pen to pad and begin that journey. For now, it's the blog.
What energies do you want to rid yourself of - what energies do you want to bring in? I want to bring in self esteem and happiness. For many many years in my life I have been very unhappy. I'm finally back on the road I want to be on and I would love to get more positive about my self worth.
What about the world would you like to see change - short term/long term? I'd like to see less violence in the world. People treating people the way they want to be treated, not walking around taking and taking.
What has made and/or continues to make you truly happy? My Daughter and Husband make me happy. I am so glad that both my husband and I have been able to give my daughter the chance to not only go to college but to also attend grad school and live in London as she wants to do. I'm so glad that we were able to be there for her and to help her get what she wants out of life.
What is your favorite word? My favorite word is happiness.
What/who inspires you? My daughter inspires me. The Doctors told me she'd never talk, she's now working on her Master's in London at Goldsmith's University. My husband inspires me, he helps me see each day as a new day and helps me to not live in the past. Minnie Bruce Pratt inspires me. She's a writer and partner to Leslie Feinberg, transgendered author, speaker and activist. Molly McKay inspires me. She is the wife to Davina Kotulski as well as the media director for Marriage Equality USA. I have had the pleasure of walking in a number of pride marches with them both and have watched Leslie and Molly speak on several occasions.
If at the end of your life, you were given a new name, which in one word described your contribution to the the web of life (the connections you made, people you touched, etc., ) what would your name be?
I think my new name would be butterfly. I've started our in a humble way, but along the way I was able to transform myself and become something that is able to fly above the misery and do so with both beauty and honor.
Pagan Profile
February 15, 2011

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hi - i've now bookmarked your blog and will be back to read after my busy-ness quietens.
Awesome, I followed you as well :)
Thanks for sharing your pagan profile, I love seeing how much those of us who follow a pagan path have in common, no matter where in the world we live.
How are you doing with your family history, I've been researching mine for quite some years now and I still find it fascinating to discover a new ancestor and learn about them.
Frith be with you x.
@Dragonfly Quite welcome, I am glad to see so many others out there. I've traced much of my family back to Ireland, England and Germany. I have not been able to trace my paternal grandfather's line but still trying to do so. It's truly amazing what you find out. For example, on my mother's side everyone but one male was killed by native americans on the trip from NY Harbor to NC. Just one more shot and my whole line would have never been. Pretty amazing.
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