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Addressing the Confusion on THIS Atheist Witch

Image result for atheistI'm going to preface this piece with the assertion that I do not speak for all those who claim the title Atheist Witch. This speaks directly to my experience with religion over the years and the current quandary I find myself in related to what I believe my path is. I would also like to say, I find it extremely hilarious that there is an entire section of a website dedicated to "proving" that I do not believe in god(s).  Let me save you the trouble. I do not believe that a physical person walked this planet with three heads.  I do not believe that a man turned into a swan to have sex with a woman. I do not believe that Titans roamed the earth in the religious aspect.  There, I said it. This blog can now move on to new topics.  

To be sure we're on the same page, I am speaking on this subject with the following definitions in mind.  This is my belief.  I'm happy to answer questions.

Atheist - a person who does not believe in god or gods.
Witch - a person who uses magic to impart change on their world.

Oddly enough I have found more resistance from those in my Pagan community than those in the Christian Community. That tells me one thing.  Christians believe that Pagans and Atheists are the same thing. They see no difference between not believing in their God, regardless of perspective. If I believed in Pan instead of Jesus, they see that as an equal believe structure as not being in God at all.

What I found really surprising was the direct and out right attacks from those in the Pagan community. Now let me be clear, this isn't from "all" of them.  So please don't take the "No True Scotsman" approach here.   I'm speaking from a direct situation I seem to have found myself in with members of the Hellenic community.

Recently I have had several individuals send me direct messages on Facebook asking some interesting questions. They see me as an admin in several magical groups (groups that focus on magic or that are dedicated to a specific deity) and are confused by my religion listed on my profile which displays "Atheist".   The latest conversation consisted of someone who said, if I question the existence of Hecate, is that wrong?  I took a step back and thought, wow.  This is the same thing most people ask when stepping away from Christianity. Has Paganism become the new Christianity? Incredible.

While many people understand completely the natural progression of the trek many Atheists talk about on their journey from believe to non-belief. I was raised Southern Baptist in rural North Carolina and was told that my "sin" is what made my step-father rape me.  My "sin" is what made my family be on welfare.  My "sin" is what made me have the life I had. If I would simply donate money in the offering plate weekly and profess my "sin", God would forgive me and "bless" me.  I would then be worthy of having a good life.

Exactly how fucked up is that? What kind of message is that to give a seven year old? I wanted to be blessed.  Just like those rich folks who drove the church bus around to the poor neighborhoods bring in the poor kids to church. I put my pennies in the offering envelope, walked to the altar and prayed with the folks in the fancy suits and big diamonds, waiting for my turn to be "blessed".

As you can probably guess that time never came.

I was introduced to Paganism through a girlfriend when I was around 25 and used it as a way to explore my interest in science. Oddly enough the references to alchemy actually pulled me in. I'm pretty sure that is an odd way to end up in a religion.

Recently I was asked directly, what do you believe?

In 2013 I worked with The Covenant of Hekate to outline what the virtues of Hekate may be. This process is what started my exploration into Atheism.

We agreed to the following five virtues and definitions:

– Sympathy and/or concern for others who are suffering or find themselves in an
undesirable position. A person attempting to develop the virtue of Compassion
within their daily life and practise would desire to aid in the alleviation of any
undesirable situation or at the very least not be a contributing factor towards it.

Real Life Example – You could try to help the homeless or less fortunate be they of the
two or four legged variety. Volunteering at local shelters or organising food drives are
great ways to learn and show compassion.

– Strength or character or fortitude to stand firm in your convictions and face
adversity or distress without fear. A person attempting to develop the virtue of
Courage within their daily life and practise may chose to stand firm against those
who would chose to undermine their beliefs or convictions or to speak out
against those who hurt and undermine others.

Real Life Example – Try standing up for someone you or your friendship group may
deem unpopular. Also when someone shows remorse for a wrongdoing some people
will continue to be angry and unforgiving. Instead state your position calmly (in itself an
act of courage) and then allow the situation to pass.

– Moderation and self-control are both acts of Temperance. A person attempting to
develop the virtue of Temperance within their daily life and practise may chose to
restrict some part of their life be that thought or action in an attempt to find a
balance rather than choosing to allow extremes.

Real Life Example – Try abstaining from certain types of food or drink or showing
restraint in discussions online. An example would be to learn to hold one’s tongue and
listen a bit more before jumping into an argument.

– Moral and physical rightness are both aspects of Justice, as is the sometimes
contradictory act of behaving fairly towards other people. A person attempting to
develop the virtue of Justice within their daily life would strive to act fairly,
truthfully and with personal integrity when dealing with others and themselves.

Real Life Example – Try to treat others fairly, in action and tone be it online or in person.
Try to not pass judgement on another based upon your own feelings for a person, your
understanding of the situation or hearsay. There are often two (or more) sides to a story
and the truth lies somewhere between. If the truth cannot be ascertained then try being

– To have the common sense, foresight and understanding to think or act in a
manner most objectively and beneficially to any given situation. A person
attempting to develop the virtue of Wisdom within their daily life would strive to
apply their knowledge and experiences in a prudent and practical way.

Real Life Example – Try volunteering to share on a topic that you are knowledgeable
on with a local group or center. Offer to do a guest blog post or write an article for an eZine
on a particular subject.

Now, we agreed that we should all try to maintain these virtues in our daily lives. Look at each one of these; are they specific to Hecate? Are they specific to a follower of Hecate?

Not really. Any person can display these attributes. Any one who chooses to have wisdom or justice can do so without any requirement to commit to a deity.

So why have a deity?  We are creatures of habit. We need reminders. We like reminders. When we see a key, we think of unlocking mysteries. When we see a cross road we think of decisions or choices made. We apply so much more to the simple image than is actually there. So when we see Hecate for example we think of a mighty Titan Goddess who rules the underworld or walks through the space between the living and the dead. We ask for her guidance and her power to help us understand, remove or command those forces we feel only she can command. This is typical human behavior. If not, how would organized religion taken such a hold on our world.

I mean just over Easter my house payment was nearly late because my electronic banking system and payroll couldn't decide who was going to observe Good Friday. Why in the hell is my bank evolved in a religious holiday? The answer is, it shouldn't be.  But here we are.

For those out there questioning your current belief system, my direction to you is just read as much as you can. Open a book on science, talk to those who don't believe. Talk to those who do. Look for evidence. Most of all, think for yourself. Don't be bullied into agreeing with someone simply because they send you hateful messages or they are so deep in their own delusion that they cannot get past simple things like treating LGBT with dignity.  Any religion, any religion at all that tells you have to treat a group of people badly because they do not believe as you do is simply wrong. Oppression is not holy. Making others feel less than because they're not in your club is simply bulling.

Recently I was approached by a family member that said to me, You just want me to believe what you believe. You're witnessing, just like I am.  Actually, no.  No I'm not.  As long as you don't try to push religion into our legal system, or education system or individually oppress people, I really don't give two shits what you believe.  Want to worship someone who raped an six year old? (LINK) That's your business. If you want to follow the Christian bible, yeah well that's up to you too. (LINK)

Unlike those touting this belief, my worth isn't measured in the number of people I can bring under me. It's like Christianity is some big pyramid scheme. The more people I bring in under me the bigger my crown is in heaven.  What a crock of shit. (LINK)

Image result for arthur c clarke

So where does witchcraft fit in here. When I was a small child I watch "religiously" (pun intended) Arthur C. Clark's Mysterious World. (LINK)  This started my journey of questioning everything. I wanted to know more. I wanted to learn more and I knew that out there somewhere was the answers I was looking for. 

He formulated three adages that are known as Clarke's three laws, of which the third law is the best known and most widely cited:

  1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

To me, I believe in telepathy. I believe in the power of the mind to change your body's appearance. I believe in the mind to heal.  I believe in pre-cognition and the ability to learn from those who have passed on. Though it may not be in the traditional ways we think of them, each of these abilities are directly related to our brain and how it works in the world around us. 

  1. Phantom Pregnancy
  2. Memories Passed in DNA
  3. God Controls the Weather

I have rambled on with this post much longer than I expected. I want to clarify that I don't see my position as superior to any one else. This isn't a race or pie. There isn't a set amount out there. We can share knowledge and grown. I'm open to suggestions and education. I am however not going to fondle over a pile of scrolls found in a cave in antiquity when I have a machine in my hand that most of those people would have hailed as a god. 


Can You Be Good Without God?

I fought with myself on creating this post.  Does responding give the accuser more power?  Should I sit back and say nothing?  Should I defend my honor?  You're probably thinking, Renee, what in the world are you talking about.

Recently I have had my character called into question simply based on one thing.  The title Atheist.  Over the years I have had my spiritual path ebb and flow as I expect most do.

As a small child I was baptized in a southern baptist church after being convinced by those in power that my poverty and sexual abuse was my own fault due to my sinful nature.  All I had to do (as a 9 year old) was accept Jesus as my savior and my troubles would be over.  Jesus would save me. Needless to say we all know how that went.  That very day my church bus driver told me as I stepped off the bus - "Tell (my abuser)'s name that I'll see him tonight at the show."  This destroyed me.  In my head - my church (my god) condoned the years of sexual abuse forced on me by my stepfather and condoned by my mother.

Fast forward 20 or so years and I was introduced to Wicca via a girlfriend.  It was a way to get close and yes, I was like dance naked?  Let's do it.  I began to study other alternative religions and hunted and pecked my way around paganism for the next 20 years.  Within the last 10 years, I was introduced to Hecate through a friend and found myself reading on the Covenant of Hekate, of which I am now a member.  I currently dedicate my spare time to assisting in administrative duties for the group such as moderator for various social media sites, editor of the monthly newsletter and a member of the administrative team.

More recently I have moved away from the idea of a divine creation for mankind and more in line with a scientific look at the world. I do believe there is energy and I do believe that there is a way to manipulate that energy, hence my identity as an atheist (does not believe in a divine creator) witch (believes in the manipulation of energy).

I fail to see how any of these beliefs make me unfit for public office, friendship or even just to be given the same respect that others receive. I believe that my public voice on this embodies the very virtues of Hecate or at least what we have assigned to her.

For now I will say to my naysayers, I am indeed comfortable on my path.  I do not expect, nor require your acceptance.  Your ability to judge and defame someone based only on their religious affiliation and not on the years of dedication to the cause speaks volumes about your character.

And with that, I'll share a few links for you on Atheism Science and Magic.

 Arthur C. Clarke: “Magic's just science that we don't understand yet.”

Witchy Wednesday - What is Magic?

So what is magic? If I had a dollar for every time I had been asked that question...

I have been writing about magic for quite some time.  One of the things I like to use to break it down really simply to others is that magic crosses over religious guidelines.  It crosses into Santeria, Catholicism, Wicca and Witchcraft.  As a direct comparison think about a prayer. Prayers are a staple in most organized religion.  To me, the real difference is that while prayers are a plea to a higher power to "fix" something for you, a spell is taking matters into your own hands and putting out the energy to make the changes yourself.

Here are two photos taken one after the other during "Rite of her Sacred Fires", a worldwide rite to the Goddess Hecate.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Healing for example is something that every path seeks to provide to their followers.  For a millennia you can find healing spells/potions/prayers in all forms.  For example recently some of my work was the focus of a post related to the healing powers of copper.  You can see the full article here.  The same can be said for related magic such as fertility, love and yes even revenge. I have always believed that a witch that cannot curse cannot heal. In watching some of our modern day practitioners some could learn a think or two about cursing and remaining silent!

This photo was taken as part of a binding ritual. I am not the only one to call upon Hecate for banishing or cursing type magic.  You can find a great article about it here.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

So what is magic?  Magic is something that comes from within. It is the ability to recognize and harness the internal energy you have and use that energy to change things in the physical world. Magic can use candles and totems.  It can use herbs and flowers.  It can use crystals and stones, but all of those things would simply be objects without your ability to guide your energy with these objects and create that magical connection.

Take a moment.  Connect with that energy and focus on making a change.  Focus on sending that healing or aiding in a prosperity ritual.  Take that time to send out that energy and focus on that change that is required.

Here are a few other blog posts I have written regarding magic.

M is for Magic - Pagan Blog Project
Practical Magic - Witchy Wednesday
Spelling with Witches - Witchy Wednesday
What is a Witch - Confessions of a Modern Witch

Witchy Wednesday - Bringing the Magic Back to BaubleSmith

A little over 7 months ago a hurricane came thought and flooded a large portion of Eastern North Carolina.  My little corner of the world was included in the area.  We were luckier than most in that we only lost our vardo and our ability to vend for the next year.  Heartbreaking as it is so many people were in a much more harsh situation than we were/are in.  The water in the river is still very high and at this point we still have water on our property.  But at least we can stay on our property. Some cannot even return to their homes.

When our business sailed down the river, hubby and I discussed the best way to move forward and we thought about changing direction in our business and trying to become more mainstream vs. our direct Pagan/Witchy direction.  We revamped the website and I started marketing.  We have found that no matter how hard I try, I tend to sprinkle magic in here and there. Examples include - Hubby wants to make bath salts, I go off on a tangent about how wonderful that is and how we should do ritual bath soaks with ones for Samhain, Yule .... you get the picture.

Photo Credit - BaubleSmith

Next he wants to make resin bracelets.  My eyes glaze over as I start recommending pentacles and ravens and you see where I'm going.

Photo Credit - BaubleSmith

As we tried to make our more mainstream, the magic found its way in. As we rebuild from this devastation and it could be up to 3 years before the buyouts are completed by the state, We sit here trying to understand where we're going and what we're going to be doing while we wait for the uncertainty that is dealing with governmental agencies. All we can do is keep the magic flowing and direct our energies towards making life at this place better while we are here.

I'm beginning to pick up my clay again.  I may have some new items showing up in the shop soon. I've created some goddess pieces that I can't wait to share with you.  I have also added some candles back to the shop. These were always wonderful additions and I know that they will continue to help bring light to those who need it.

Photo Credit - BaubleSmith

So today, I'm waiting.  I'm watching. I'm spelling. Directing the forces of nature and the powers of the elements to guide this process to an end. I hear three years but, I long for 3 weeks.

So mote it be.

Witchy Wednesday - What is With All These Pagans??

It appears the talons are out and the Pagans are at it again.  What would this community be without all the infighting? Maybe successful? Maybe useful?  Yes, I said that.  Last night I found out that another batch of folks are jumping on the bandwagon to attack another practitioner.

It appears that Peter Dybing has decided he has the authority to speak for the Pagan community and request that Christian Day be banned from Paganism.  This is the same Peter Dybing who retired from Paganism just a few short years ago and the same one who still has a bio up on Patheos.  It isn't like he's the first.  For years, a blog has been maintained with no other purpose but to run down Christian Day.

Everyone seems to be getting into the fight too.  I believe the internet actually slowed to a crawl with all the shares and snagits happening.

Things escalated quickly so much so that Christian started to received death threats.

The amount of venom that is being displayed here is just incredible. I'm not sure if they are actually pissed at Christian or if they are jealous. This is more war like than I have ever seen in this community. They didn't get this upset when Kenny Klein was arrested and subsequently convicted on child porn charges. 

I sit back watching this around me and am really blown away at how people who call themselves Pagans behave. So much backstabbing and gossiping. I treasure my witchy space and how I am separated from all that. I have been on the receiving end of this type of thing but by all means no where near as hateful as what is happening right now to Christian Day.  I have been the subject of blogs and chatter online.  I have had them come to my page and rant away because I called them out on something. Each of these light and lovers, who celebrate inclusion are quick to lash out the minute they can and the voice is usually venom. There are folks out there who seem to work together with great ease but the numbers are very few and far between.  I tend to live and let live. I do however believe that honesty is the best policy and unfortunately, people have issues when you tell them the truth they don't want to hear.

So along with this current drama speeding across the webosphere at the speed of light saunters on, I'll be sitting over here, just a witch and her little dog.  Waiting for the next shoe to drop. Watching to see who crawls out of bed with whom when the sun comes up.

By NBC Television Network [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Besides, if you're not a good witch someone may just drop a house on you.

NOTE:  I wrote this post on Saturday to be delivered today.  As of yesterday the petition has been removed from the We Care Site.  All the posts and comments have been removed from various walls. I wonder if that means someone learned their lesson?  Probably not.

Witchy Wednesday - To Be Silent

"Noscere Audere Velle Tacere" - To Know. To Dare. To Will. To Keep Silent. (background)  Also known as The Witch's Pyramid, 4 Powers of the Magus, 4 Secrets of the Sphinx and the Hermetic Quatinary

These words mean more to some people than others.  As we look at social media today many people are very quick to talk a big game.  The anonymity of  the keyboard tends to make people become a bit more ugly (to use a word from my Grandma) than they would be in person.  But still, in this day and age one would think that those who practice would tend to follow some basic ideals around magic and witchcraft.  The line, for example back in the day, no one would know the "magical name" of another practitioner aside from their coven.  

Today, people create Facebook pages for their magical alter-ego and invite people to like their latest (and usually plagiarized) spell. It really is fascinating to see some of these practitioners pull in the younger crowd in and basically fill their heads with nonsense.  While I'm not opposed to teachers taking in students, it is so dangerous for some people to have students. Unfortunately any Tom, Dick or Harry can become a grand poo ba of a pagan order and next thing you know we have people who have no business being in charge of people are suddenly allowed to not only allowed to officiate over ceremonies but also able to create a space were young vulnerable people are under their tutelage. 

It would seem that they neglected the pyramid themselves. To know.  What does that mean exactly? Associated with the element of Air, to know means to learn or to seek knowledge.  Today it seems that people are suddenly a Priestess of something they haven't even fully studied yet.  How is that even possible? To me it cheapens the entire magical community. Just as any other path, to know, means that you'll always be learning. Find a person who thinks they know everything and you'll meet someone who has much to learn.

To dare and will are both the similar. One means that  we have the courage to move forward. You need to be strong and have the courage to move forward. Forward in life and in magic. Each step you take in this journey can be something spectacular. You can make it what it can be. To will is exactly as it sounds. To force it. How much will you sacrifice to meet the goal. When you're working your magic, you'll need to see that magic finish it's course. You will need to visualize the action. You'll need to see it in your mind's eye to it's completion. Like dare, this is something that is only found within you.  You make the will, you can feel the magic seep inside your veins. Dare is what you feel in your within your being.  You own it.
Finally we're at silent. This is where the breakdown occurs in this world of instant updates, status messages and Twitter rants people forget to keep their mouth shuts about their magic. I have witnessed Facebook Page status messages proclaiming their latest spell and how effective it was.  POTUS as a one of these sad situations where while it might be a good idea to bind someone, making your intentions public only allows others to add their magic to the mix. Why would you do that?  Something similar happened with the Brock Turner incident as well.  While I'm not directly opposed to using magic in either case, the whole idea of making it public, to me, cheapens the whole thing.

So what do you think? What is your experience with the witch's pyramid?  What do you think about being silent? I would love to hear it in the comments.

Witchy Wednesday - Water Magic

As many of you know last year we lost our business due to Hurricane Matthew.  We re-branded and even though we can't attend the festivals as we normally would like to due to the loss of our Vardo, we are still making our jewelry and selling online.  This past weekend was the kick off to festival season and many of our friends attended Festival of Legends this past weekend and will be attending Mayfaire next weekend.  Ironically, we had another run in with the river this week.  There wasn't a huge amount of rain all at one time yet the Neuse decided that we needed to see her power again.

As I sit typing this my videos of the swollen river are uploading to YouTube.  I'm reminded of the chants from last year, "Water is life" and here I am realizing that it is also death.  Water plays a huge role in magic. Water can be used in spells for love, friendship, healing, sleep and fertility. The Chalice is often used to represent water on the pagan altar. I draw upon the element of water often in my spell work. As a Piscean, water is near and dear to my heart.  I have a healthy respect for water and after two near drowning experiences I tend to keep my distance, while always offering her respect.

I embraced her completely in this tarot card project I worked on where I represented the Star card.

The Star - Female Mystique Tarot

Many of the stones I work with in my wire weaving also represent water. Some of those stones are Amethyst, Aquamarine, Azurite, Celestite, Chrysocolla, Coral, Mother-of-pearl, Lapis lazuli, Lepidolite, Moonstone, Pearl, Blue and Pink Tourmaline, Sapphire, Selenite, and Sodalite.  As we were walking the property to survey the damage I found a few river rocks that I plan to use in my jewelry.  I plan to call upon the river energy to bless and protect the stones (and the wearer).  I will have these up in on the site soon.  I can't wait to share them with you.

I'll end with a few photos from the flooding we're having now.

This is the far side of the property.  There shouldn't be water here.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
 I turned around to take a photo of the house so you can see how close the water is to the house. It is about 100 feet from us on the side.  The tree line behind the house obscures the view so I couldn't show you that.  It is about 25 feed behind the house right now.
Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
 This is the boat ramp downtown Seven Springs. The river has taken over the bank and part of the parking lot.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
 This is the Main Street bridge.  Still in the boat ramp parking lot.  You can't see the part where you back your boat trailer up to put the boat in the water.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
 Next we stop at Cliffs of the Neuse State Park.  This is the overlook shot.  I take a lot of pictures here.  It doesn't really show the impact of the flood water, but it was a beautiful shot.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
 More of the Neuse River.
Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson

Respect the water energy, she brings life and death.

Witchy Wednesday - So You Want to be a Witch...

One of the things that struck me when I first started exploring Paganism and Witchcraft was the number of books telling me what I should and shouldn't do in order to be a witch. There were books that said I could only be a witch if my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother were all witches, meaning a hereditary witch. There were books that said that I could only be a witch if I were to be initiated into a specific tradition and followed that tradition through the ranks eventually leading to priestess.  Everyone has their own idea about what I need to do in order to connect with my spirituality. They have rules and guidelines and if I don't follow them I'll surely miss out on the big... wait a second, that sounds and awful lot like organized religion.  Well yea, you see now don't you?

We have so many paths that fall under (even if it is just beneath the brim) of the Paganism Umbrella. While many shun the name Pagan, we have to remember that the word is intended to encompass all religions outside the three main Abrahamic Religions.  Those are Christianity, Judaism & Islam. That is how I am defining Pagans.

Screenshot - Wikipedia

While I am the first to proclaim that reading is one of the first major steps to following any path, there are some books out there that you should avoid like the plague. Each person has their own point of view about what a "real pagan leader" is.  Let me be clear on one thing.  An author is not a leader. They are a person who has the cash to have a book printed.  They are a person with an opinion that posts on a blog (like this one) or a website or in an e-book.  They put their pants on the same way you do every day. Any person who says they have the only way or the one true way to do anything at all should be taken with a grain of salt. I call your attention to a certain witch who told her teen readers to keep their practices secret from their parents. Many in the magical community openly criticized her comments and openly shunned her.

Pagan Elders are few and far between. There are authors out there with great things to say and I will recommend their books every single day. That being said you as an individual must seek out personal information on that author and make sure you agree with their path and want that energy in your ritual space before filling your shelves with (enter pompous author name full of shit here)'s new edition of enlightenment.  Over the last 10 years or so the amount of infighting in the Pagan Community has led many to take a step back from the word Pagan and try to identify with a different word to distance themselves from some of the negativity and attacks going on within.  I can't blame them.

In the number of times I have tried to work with Pagan groups it tends to end in disappointment. Most talk the talk but few walk the walk. We find those here and there that have the basics down. Meaning they want to celebrate and protect the earth. They want to become more in tune with the energy flow around them and understand that we are all from that same thing. We are all one. Yet, we have egos and attitudes that always spring forth and take over the moment. They are the self initiated authors, teachers or shop owners. They think they are the be all end all of everything magic. It quickly becomes obviously to the most novice acolyte that these people are complete frauds. They know they don't have the skill in magic so they resort to attacking others with gossip to damage reputations instead of trying to build the community up as a whole, they only want to have their Grandpoobah-ness be the exalted one on high, but I digress.

As you can see becoming a witch is a tricky path.  You can't believe everything you read.  You can't believe ever "leader" who claims to be one.  What you can do it watch those people.  Watch the authors.  Read their Twitter account. Look at their Facebook Pages. Do they conduct themselves in a way that makes you want to mirror them?

WikiHow -
Let's take a recent incident that occurred when a well known author used his coven to cast binding spells on others (one person was included in the spell by accident) and when approached with this the author played the victim and accused those HE attacked as being the guilty ones.  Now, just the fact that you cast a binding spell on the wrong person will pretty much cause me to burn your books in the first place.  I mean what kind of magic do you have that you don't even know who you are casting against?  Seriously.  Then when caught, you lie?  Hrmm yeah no.  That's not cool at all further, that's not energy I want to be associated with.

Public Domain,

You'll need to pay attention to what those around you do as well.  When someone in your local community steps out of line, do your fellow Pagans follow along?  Do they say Oh yeah, it's cool.  Don't worry, she didn't mean it like that.  He's isn't really that way, you just have to get to know him. Do they make excuses for bad behavior?  Is that the energy you want in your space? You'll need to understand that for the most part the path of the witch is a solitary one. While we can get together in groups on special occasions and work together for short times on projects, as in any other spiritual community there is always large egos that need feeding.  If you're not a feeder expect to be used as fodder.  It is simple as that.  If you want to be a witch expect that your days may be well spent a long in the woods connecting with the earth.  Bonding with the trees. Opening your eyes to the world what we share with the birds and the bugs. If you want to be a witch toss aside that crown of crystals and pick up a felled tree branch.  Drop that fancy robe or those spiffy deer antler crows you purchased at the last big Pagan Festival and drop to the ground and feel the earth beneath you.  Embrace the energy of the trees and the sounds of the earth around you.  Expect to be shunned by the mundane and even more shunned by the spiritual leader with a degree and a class room.  This is what the path of the witch is like.

Be sure not to misunderstand what I'm saying here.  I'm not saying you shouldn't read or try to understand those authors/pagans/leaders both in your area and online. In fact I'm saying the exact opposite. Read them, study them, learn them.  Take from them what resonates with you and leave the rest behind. By far there is much more to be forgotten than remembered when you're dealing with the magical community. There are many paths in the Pagan Community. From Shamanism to Wicca. From Hoodoo to Witch.  Find your path and learn all you can from those who came before you. Be objective, be critical and be honest with yourself about who you want to be. And always remember that you can question anything and anyone. No one is above you simply because they have some obscure title. You be you boo.

Witchy Wednesday - Trademarking Yule - PT 2

Last week we chatted about a Pagan business owner looking to put a trademark on the winter solstice holiday of Yule,  The owner of Sage Goddess,  filed a federal Trademark request to make YULE her trademark. She was sending cease and desist letters to other vendors who use the word Yule in their product names.

Several bloggers picked up the story and even The Wild Hunt got in on the act. As a result the owner of Sage Goddess abandoned her attempt to make Yule her trademark, much to the surprise of many in the industry.  I even noticed a new Facebook ad running yesterday to get likes to her FB page.  Makes one wonder if this was some sort of marketing campaign.  

In any case I confirmed and the request has indeed been abandoned. 

Photo Credit - Website Screen Capture

I would not have found out about this without the work of Charisssa and the Pagan Business Network.  If you have not heard of her, please check out her group on Facebook.  Under threat of libel she persisted and continue to voice her opposition to this case. I also want to give a shout out to Loren Morris of Primitive Witchery without her skill in investigation to bring out this story and her dedication to fight for what should be open to everything, I would have missed this story.  She brought the message to me personally and then to our Witches & Warlocks group on Facebook.  Great job to both Charissa and Loren for their support in getting this out in the open.

While I'm pleased that the trademark application was abandoned, I'm concerned about what this means for our community going forward. As a person who has been on the receiving end of frivolous legal action at the hands of someone who is clearly wrong, I am concerned about what it means to our community. In a world that hands over our eye of newt for a court room what does this mean for the magical community.  While I believe that we should indeed use mundane actions on mundane work, I'm also worried about the litigious nature of our community.

When did a simple disagreement online result in hiring an attorney?  When does one feel they have the right to own a holiday?  I'm not surprised by this action, as it is pretty much the world around us. I think that maybe I held our community to a higher standard.

When you're working with people who claim to hold energy high and you see this kind of behavior, it is disheartening. I know that in my personal case I was surprised to see so many people continuing to support someone against me who was so obviously wrong. It made me yearn for a community who would actually ostracize someone who was attacking others, instead of saying...  "It's just how they are.  You'll get use to it."

Today I'm happy that this application was abandoned, but I'm skeptical.  I think we should keep a close watch out.  I don't think this is the end of this story and I'm sure my witchy friends can feel it too.


Witchy Wednesday - Trademarking Yule

This week I want to use my blog to call attention to something I recently learned about.  A member of the Pagan community has decided that Yule belongs to her. Yes, you heard me kids. The owner of Sage Goddess, has filed a federal Trademark request to make YULE her trademark. She is also already sending cease and desist letters to other vendors who use the word Yule in their product names.

Here's a screenshot from  It appears that she is filing for this under the Cosmetics and Cleaning Products category, which I believe would include body wash, bath salts and scrubs or cleansing/ritual products. I know many of us have products in that category.

Screen-cap from
So what exactly is a trademark?

trademarktrade mark, or trade-mark[1] is a recognizable signdesign, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others,[2][3] although trademarks used to identify services are usually called service marks.[4][5] The trademark owner can be an individual, business organization, or any legal entity. A trademark may be located on a package, a label, a voucher, or on the product itself. For the sake of corporate identity, trademarks are often displayed on company buildings.  -Wikipedia

I found Sage Goddess, Inc on the web and a contact form.  I did leave her a message asking her to reconcider her application.  You can find her contact form here.  If she doesn't reconsider, we do have other options.  You can write an email to this link to oppose her hijacking our holiday.  Also, here's a link to a petition created by Charissa Iskiwitch for consumers who oppose it and this link for seller's who oppose it.

Remember to be considerate and professional when reaching out to these pages.  We want to be sure that we are heard and shouting usually results in the volume being turned down so speak clearly, eloquently and professionally.

We also need to consider that there is precedent here.  Meaning that other Pagan holidays have been Trademarked prior to this one. A quick search on the Trademark index found six entries for a trademark on Samhain.

Screenshot - TESS

I have to say I did sign the petitions.  I am writing the blog to call attention to this cause but after my participation in the discussions on Social Media Sites, I'm pretty sure that it is a moot point. Other holidays have been trademarked and nothing was done.  What makes Yule different?

I asked Charissa for a statement as she is the one spearheading this campaign to oppose the trademark of the word Yule.  She had this to say:

As consumers Yule is a standard search word we use to find scented product such as perfume, candles, room sprays, waters, colognes and incense.  Trademarking a word as widely used as this will limit those searches to the product of one company.  It will allow one company to force hundreds, if not thousands of small businesses to take that word out of their product names. 
I do not currently have any products in my business line using the word Yule.  For me personally, because I have not put any money into developing and marketing such a product I can easily choose a different name if I decided to offer a holiday scented product.  However, many small businesses run on a shoestring budget.  They have invested in listing fees, labels, printed marketing material and internet advertising.  It will cost them a significant amount of money and time to make those changes to their product line.  I believe that puts undue hardship on our business community.
My only goal in this is to protect our business community from trademarking generic descriptive words.  As businesses, we should be working together rather than competing.

However this is decided it is certain that people are becoming more willing to get involved in things that they feel violate their rights.  Does the community have a case here?  Will this trademark application be granted?  I'll continue to follow this story.  Feel free to leave your thoughts.


An article on The Wild Hunt indicated the the request for the trademark had been rescinded.  

From the article:
Screenshot from The Wild Hunt



Witchy Wednesday - To Hex or Not to Hex

There's a link going around social media right now regarding the Trump administration and witchcraft.

Basically this group wants witches to get together and do some hexing and binding on those in this administration to stop them from doing harm to others.

Binding can be serious business.  It takes a lot of personal energy to do a binding.  Personally  I prefer tossing them in a jar and putting in the freezer.  But that's just me.

This particular spell calls for actions on several different nights and with some higher and lower level magical action going on.  The kick off for this was last Friday the 24th. Here's the spell from the site.

(Light white candle)
Hear me, oh spirits
Of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air
Heavenly hosts
Demons of the infernal realms
And spirits of the ancestors
(Light inscribed orange candle stub)
I call upon you
To bind
Donald J. Trump
So that he may fail utterly
That he may do no harm
To any human soul
Nor any tree
or Sea
Bind him so that he shall not break our polity
Usurp our liberty
Or fill our minds with hate, confusion, fear, or despair
And bind, too,
All those who enable his wickedness
And those whose mouths speak his poisonous lies
I beseech thee, spirits, bind all of them
As with chains of iron
Bind their malicious tongues
Strike down their towers of vanity
(Invert Tower tarot card)
I beseech thee in my name
(Say your full name)
In the name of all who walk
Crawl, swim, or fly
Of all the trees, the forests,
Streams, deserts,
Rivers and seas
In the name of Justice
And Liberty
And Love
And Equality
And Peace
Bind them in chains
Bind their tongues
Bind their works
Bind their wickedness
(Light the small photo of Trump from the flame of the orange candle stub and hold carefully above the ashtray)
(Speak the following loudly and with increasing passion as the photo burns to ashes)
So mote it be!
So mote it be!
So mote it be!
(Blow out orange candle, visualizing Trump blowing apart into dust or ash*)
(Pinch or snuff out the white candle, ending the ritual)

I personally believe that a witch who cannot hex cannot heal.  So tell me your thoughts?  Should we bind Trump and Co.  Do you think it will help/hurt?  Talk to me in the comments, let's see what we can get going here.

----  UPDATE ----
So I wrote this prior to the 24th.  I have noticed a great deal of issues within the Pagan community about this event.  Comments of caution and warnings about destroying a USA based on binding the government.  Personally I believe that the energies should be to find a way to open the eyes of our government to the wrong they are doing.  Maybe that might be a better idea.