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Cuppa & Cards: Exploring the Mysteries of the Crossroads #4

The Engima & Recap Cuppa & Cards - Exploring the Mysteries of the Crossroads Oracle The Eclipse Card & Recap Episode 4 O Hecate, you who unveil hidden truths, Illuminate the mysteries that lie beyond our sight, Guide us through the labyrinthine paths of self-discovery, And whisper the wisdom of the divine into our souls. O Hecate, revealer of the unseen, Help us confront the shadows within, Lead us across the thresholds of transformation, And reflect our true selves with unwavering clarity. O Hecate, inspirer of curiosity, Encourage us to embrace the enigmas of existence, Provide sanctuary in times of solitude and reflection, And bless our sacred spaces with your presence. O Hecate, orchestrator of celestial cycles, Teach us the dance of light and darkness, Transform our spirits through your cosmic rhythms, And renew our beings with the power of your mysteries. Hail, Hecate, Triple-formed, ever-present guide, In your light and shadow, we find our way, In your mysteries, we are reborn. CARD RECAP The Veil: Symbolizing the boundary between the known and the unknown, urging us to seek deeper truths. The Labyrinth: Representing the complex journey of self-discovery, encouraging us to navigate life's twists with trust. The Oracle: Embodying divine messages and insights, reminding us to listen to the wisdom offered by higher powers. The Shadow: Highlighting the darker aspects of the self, inviting us to confront and integrate them for personal growth. The Threshold: Signifying points of transition, encouraging us to step confidently into new beginnings. The Mirror: Reflecting the importance of self-awareness and truth, urging us to see ourselves clearly. The Enigma: Embracing life's mysteries and puzzles, fostering a sense of curiosity and exploration. The Sanctuary: Representing sacred spaces of refuge and reflection, reminding us to create and honor our personal sanctuaries. The Altar: Symbolizing devotion and ritual, encouraging us to establish sacred practices that connect us with the divine. The Eclipse: Represents the powerful moments of revelation and transformation that occur during celestial alignments. The Crossroads Oracle is a deck created to use not only as a divination tool but as a way to develop a personal relationship with the Goddess Hecate. This deck can be found at All proceeds to go support the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo.

What is an Oracle?


An oracle is a person or a place regarded as a source of divine knowledge or prophecy. In ancient times, oracles were highly respected figures who were believed to possess the ability to communicate with the gods or divine entities and provide guidance, predictions, or answers to questions posed by individuals or communities.

Oracles could be individuals with special abilities, such as priestesses or priests, who acted as intermediaries between the mortal realm and the divine realm. They would enter a state of trance or altered consciousness through various methods, such as inhaling fumes, chanting, or performing rituals, to receive divine messages and insight.

Oracle sites, such as the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece, were also places where people would seek divinatory guidance. These sites were often associated with a particular deity, and individuals would visit the site and pose their questions or seek guidance through rituals, offerings, or direct interaction with the designated oracle.

The information provided by oracles was considered sacred and highly influential in decision-making processes, such as matters of state, warfare, or personal affairs. The guidance of oracles was sought for a wide range of topics, including the outcome of battles, the success of ventures, or advice on personal matters.

Oracles played a significant role in ancient societies, and their pronouncements held great weight and influence. While the prominence of oracles has diminished in modern times, the concept of seeking guidance or divinatory insights from spiritual or intuitive sources still persists in various forms today.

I often call on Hecate before and during my readings. However, She is primarily known in Greek mythology as a goddess associated with magic, witchcraft, and the night, rather than specifically as an oracle. While she possessed knowledge of hidden things and was believed to have prophetic abilities, her role as an oracle is not as prominent as that of other deities, such as Apollo or the Pythia at the Oracle of Delphi.

However, Hecate was considered a powerful and mystical deity who could grant visions and insights into the future. As a goddess associated with the crossroads, liminal spaces, and transitions, she was believed to have knowledge of the hidden paths and could guide individuals through uncertain times.

Hecate's connection to prophecy and divination is often related to her role as a mistress of magic and the occult. She was sometimes invoked for guidance and assistance in receiving prophetic dreams, visions, or messages. Her association with witchcraft and mystical practices suggests that she may have been consulted for divinatory purposes by those seeking her wisdom and guidance.

While Hecate is not specifically identified as an oracle in the same way as other figures in Greek mythology, her powers and insights were recognized, and she played a significant role in the realm of magic, mysticism, and the hidden knowledge of the supernatural.

What do you think? Do you call on her powers for your readings? Do you work with her as a messenger goddess? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Remember, stay present and mindful.
Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson
Keybearer to the CoH🗝
Founder of the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo.🔥

Daily Draw - The Survivor

 Daily Draw - The Survivor

This card comes with the message, "Things might not work out as planned, at least in the short term. Remember all you have endured and how resilient you have proven to be."

The Wild Goddess on this card is surrounded by her nature. The sun high in the clouds shines on her. The hawk and a doe are behind her watching and protecting her. She stands at the ready, accepting and driven to accomplish the next task. She is strong, knows her connection to the natural world will guide her through any challenges that are to come. She is not a victim, she is part of natural world and cannot be separated from it.

When we see the Survivor in a reading, we are being warned to prepare for change. Things will not work out the way we planned at the beginning. We need to focus on doing the right thing. Being strong and staying healthy. We have to face what is coming, there's no way to avoid it. There is a lesson to be learned and we have to ride it through before we can move past. With a positive mind and body, we will overcome this challenge.

What is happening your life right now that is putting you in this position? Is there health issues? Maybe finances or love woes? Stop avoiding the issue. Turn and face this challenge with your whole spirit. Until you do, it will drag on and on. The only way to move past this is to look it directly in the face, accept what is there and move on. Surviving is a step to thriving. Take a moment and focus, you can do this!

This card comes from the Wild Goddess Oracle by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber. If you're looking for a single reading or creating an ongoing advisory relationship, I do have a few slots available. Learn more at neuse river witch dot com shop at confessions of a modern witch dot com
Blessed Be
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Daily Draw - Witch

 Daily Draw - The Witch

The Witch card comes with the message, "Be aware of your reputation, your influence, and your power to create, preserve, or destroy. Powerful women are often misunderstood."

The Witch radiates power and majestic beauty. She sits, surrounded by the natural world with the full moon reflecting of water below in quiet contemplation, as she works her magic to contact those energies on other realms. In her hands she holds a crystal ball used for divination, much like the sister oracles before her. She understands how the natural world works and how it can be influenced to bend to her will. Her magic, begins with the knowledge of self and the strength to harness it.
When the Witch shows up in our draw we are reminded that all things are possible with knowledge. We must research what we are looking to accomplish and then understand, not only the how but also the why. We are the authority on this topic and should proceed as such. We may be judged by those around us that do not understand or who are jealous. To these people our success will seem effortless. Our rewards, endless. Our reputation gives us the power to create our own future and bring our desires to life.

Is there someone around you that looks up to you? Are you their teacher or trainer? Are you the authority on a topic and often called on for your opinion or to guide others? Is your place in the group that of nurturer or caretaker? Are there people dependent on your actions for their learning or care?

You are the sum of your experiences. Your past creates your path to the future, your knowledge and intuition creates the effort. Your poise and reputation are the external signs that will either attract or repel. It is your safeguard, your ward. You are the authority here, present yourself as such and you will succeed.

This card comes from the Wild Goddess Oracle by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber. If you're looking for a single reading or creating an ongoing advisory relationship, I do have a few slots available. Learn more at neuse river witch dot com or my shop website confessions of a modern witch dot com.
Blessed Be

Daily Draw - Family

 Draw: Family

Message: "They love is present in the presence of thee. A comforting veil that warms the heart and hugs the soul.
Key words: Support, Roots, Tradition

This card features a family walking outdoors in a snow covered forest. Arm in arm, expressing love for each other. The taller of the two holds a small child. The message accompanying this card reminds of the love two people can share. The commitment and dedication to be together to love, honor and cherish. This card shows romantic love as well as familial love. It expresses the desire to be with someone (or someones) who can bring out the best in your and make your relationship complete.

It represents the love of a parent to child. Reminding us of the warm protective love that we often associate with a parental figure. Be that figure an auntie or a godparent. This love is what we share with our children. We want the best for them and do what we can give them safe harbor. This is what we think of when the holidays roll around. Either our desire to return to that love or our sorrow at not having that in our lives.

When we see this card in our draw it reminds us that there is love out there for us. It may change shapes or forms. It may come from neighbors, friends or strangers. It reminds us that everyone deserves this love and we should take some time to acknowledge that love and maybe even return it.

What's happening in your life today that this card, the family card is presenting itself to you? Reach out, if you feel you can do so safely and welcome that love into your day. Share that love with all you can. We are all children of the cosmos making us all and extended family.

This card comes from the Seasons of the Witch Yule Oracle by Lorriane Anderson & Juliet Diaz. Illustrated by Giada Rose. If you're looking for a single reading or creating an ongoing advisory relationship, I do have a few slots available. Learn more at neuse river witch dot com or confessions of a modern witch dot com.
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Daily Draw - Karma

 Daily Draw: Karma

Message: "There's nothing from a past life that can't be addressed in the current life."

This beautiful card center on two hands crocheting a web like flower of life pattern. Around it birds and various shapes are present. Crocheting is the knotting. The act of joining strings together with a series of knots that creates a wonderful pattern. Much like life itself.

Karma is the idea that we spend many incarnations on this planet. After we die, we return to live again until our lesson has been learned at which time we can then move on to nirvana or enlightenment. The word 'karma' has originated from the Sanskrit root 'kri' which means 'to do' or 'to 'act and react'. In the Hindu and Buddhist religions, Nirvana is the highest spiritual state that can possibly be achieved. Entering the realm of Nirvana is only possible for those who have become pure. uncountable noun. People sometimes refer to a state of complete happiness and peace as nirvana.

While to some point, with this mindset we are a victim to our current karma, but we can change our future karma. To me this is very similar to the rule of three or the adage you reap what you sow. Basically it we get back what we put out. For this reason I'm quicker to ward than curse. This doesn't mean I don't believe in those things, it just means I care more about my karma than my pride.

When we pull this card, we should remember that we should always strive to treat others in a good way. Walk the right path and offer the right energy for the situation. All of this energy returns home. What do you want to see when you answer a knock at your door?

This card is part of the Divine Abundance Oracle Deck by Tosha Silver, Art by Fena Gonzalez. If you're looking for a single reading or creating an ongoing advisory relationship, I do have a few slots available. Learn more at neuse river witch dot com or confessions of a modern witch dot com.
#pagan #reading #witch #askaswitch #witchesoffacebook #witchesofinstagram #oracle #neuseriverwitch #riverwitch #karma

Daily Draw - Allowing

 Card: Allowing

Message: "Radical acceptance says yest to Reality in any given moment so what's needed can come next."

This card comes with the image of Shiva as Nataraja, God of the Dance. Shiva can show his power through dance—he controls the rhythm of life, and if he stops dancing, life stops. However, if he begins dancing, life begins again. It is an endless dance of creation, preservation, destruction, and paired graces is hidden a deep understanding of our universe. The Agamas proclaim, "The birth of the world, its maintenance, its destruction, the soul's obscuration and liberation are the five acts of His dance." This imagery represents creation and destruction. The beginning and the end.

When we pull this card, we are reminded that there is a beginning and ending to everything in our world. From birth to death, from day to night, each has it's own celebration of birth and welcoming of death. We as humans live in this cycle and will need to come to terms with those things around us that may not always arrive at the right time. We need to be willing to accept those things that arrive without warning so that the next in the progression can arrive. Just as Lord Nataraja begins the dance on one side to welcome life, he circles around and welcomes in the end in the next turn.

We have within us the power to either dwell in sadness and loneliness. Existing in the suffering of the world or we can open our minds to see what good can come from the events unfolding. We can see only sadness or like Lord Nataraja, circle the floor in glorious solute to the divine and dance the dance of apocalypse and creation as he dances away the illusory world of Maya transforming it into power and enlightenment.

This card is part of the Divine Abundance Oracle Deck by Tosha Silver, Art by Fena Gonzalez. If you're looking for a single reading or creating an ongoing advisory relationship, I do have a few slots available. Learn more at neuse river witch dot com or confessions of a modern witch dot com.
#pagan #reading #witch #askaswitch #witchesoffacebook #witchesofinstagram #oracle #neuseriverwitch #riverwitch #allowing

Daily Draw = Grief

 Draw: Grief

Message: "Tears are what happens when the ice melts."

This card had an anatomical heart front and center. It is outlined by a light blue, almost teal icy field and then has shapes around the boarder. Some appear to be birds in flight, others the dharma wheel. The heart is our center. Through it, we express love and pain. There are medical confirmations that a person can die of a broken heart. No other symptoms, just the loss of someone dear to them to literally cause their heart to break and they do not recover. Our heart is capable of wonderous and horrendous things.

Our hearts can be warm and full of love. We can give to others, express empathy and joy. Our hearts can swell with emotion for all mankind. It can also be distant and alone. It can be hurtful and cause pain to others like no other weapon on this earth.

Fear, Sadness, and pain are the main reasons hearts freeze. We forget why we used to love a person. We are shocked into realizing the love we gave was not reciprocated. Our hearts often freeze to a point that even though we still love someone, the day to day grind ices it over and we forget to share that love. Then, they are gone. Our hearts break, and our love comes out as tears.

Grief is a powerful emotion. We grieve for those who have left this world as well as for the love, compassion and companionship lost. Grief can remind you of good as well as bad. Grief is healing. Grief opens the doors to allow you to grow and love again. When we pull this card we're reminded that grief is not permanent. It is a part of life. We are sad for our loss, but loss is attachment. We must overcome attachment and understand, happiness is only attainable in the present, our hearts will heal.

This card is part of the Divine Abundance Oracle Deck by Tosha Silver, Art by Fena Gonzalez. If you're looking for a single reading or creating an ongoing advisory relationship, I do have a few slots available. Learn more at neuse river witch dot com or confessions of a modern witch dot com.
#pagan #reading #witch #askaswitch #witchesoffacebook #witchesofinstagram #oracle #neuseriverwitch #riverwitch #grief

Daily Draw - Self-Love

 Card: Self-Love

Message: "Let the wall fall that separates me from my own vulnerable inner child. I long to take care of myself like I never have before."

This card is decorated with a lovely white flowers. The center of the card shows an adult and a child walking hand in hand. As the message indicates this is a relationship between our adult self and our inner child. For years I resisted inner child work. It took a very long time to see what damage I was doing to myself (my inner child) when I allowed things such as negative self talk to run rampant in my brain.

We have to look at the inner child as our inner self. That self that was growing and learning. And sometimes not taken care of. Not nurtured. Sometimes flat out abused. This child, our self, was often told to be seen and not heard. Our voices taken, when we were forced to hug an uncle or an aunt. Our body autonomy betrayed.

Some of us do not see that we continue that cycle laid down by our past with words like, "Sorry, I'm late, I'm so lazy." or "Oh my I forgot, sometimes I'm so stupid." We do not treat ourselves with the same care that we would grant a stranger. We allow others to take advantage of us and then eternalize the treatment as what we deserve.

Our card pull today reminds us that we protect ourselves as though we are a child. We should shield them from harm. Encourage them. Love them. Lift them up. Lift us up. Lift yourself up. We have the power within us to show love and compassion to all. Take some time today and show that love to yourself. There are so many ways to give time to your inner child. Give time to yourself. Take yourself out for a treat. Watch your favorite movie. Play an instrument. BE the parent you needed. Be the teacher you longed for.

This card is part of the Divine Abundance Oracle Deck by Tosha Silver, Art by Fena Gonzalez. If you're looking for a single reading or creating an ongoing advisory relationship, I do have a few slots available. Learn more at neuse river witch dot com or confessions of a modern witch dot com.
#pagan #reading #witch #askaswitch #witchesoffacebook #witchesofinstagram #oracle #neuseriverwitch #riverwitch #selflove