Daily Draw - The Witch
Daily Draw - Witch
Dark Goddess Magic - A Review
Today I'm reviewing Dark Goddess Magick, Rituals and Spells for Reclaiming your Feminine Fire by C. Ara Cambell.
- Book Link
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- Release date Oct 19, 2021 - Fair Winds Press
Let's start with the physical book. This book is a medium sized soft cover book with a beautiful illustration of the dark goddess, Morrigan on the cover. The back features small silhouettes of some of the other dark goddesses within the book. The book offers a small glossary and an index in a very small font at the back of the book. The pages of the book are really smooth and thick to the touch. They have a good feel and makes holding and reading pleasant. The contents page lists out each of the twenty goddesses covered in the book with a small icon of their image on each.
The author begins by telling us about herself and how this book should be used. I found the section on intent and hexes to be well placed and a note that anyone should heede before beginning work with any thing related to what is often called the left handed path.
I'm not going to go through all twenty of the goddesses mentioned in this book. I will focus on the very first in the book because it has special meaning to me. As many can guess this goddess is Hecate. The author does give a nod to the origins of Hecate with a note on the spelling as well as to Perses and Asteria. She goes on to tell us about those items most associate with the Goddess including color, plants, symbols and crystals.
The author provides the reader with two spells, one for breaking a hex and one for clarity. The second spell maybe something one would use to help build up their skills in divination. Hecate is considered a lightbringer and can shed her light on things that one would miss in the darkness. So this is a great way to call upon that energy to ask her to use her keys to unlock hidden knowledge and grant her wisdom upon you. The next two pages offer recipes. One for for a smudge to be used before or after rituals in her honor. The second is for a witch's bottle of protection. Most witch's bottles can be created with herbs and trinkets found around the house and then placed in an area for protection of a space or person. These items are also used for healing, wards or other types of protection magic. Hecate, as great mother spirit, often called Hecate Soteria (savior) is excellent to invoke during this type of spellwork. I often work with her for this type of magic.
Though short, I felt that this was a great introduction into the goddess. It provided some basic information that a beginner to use to look up more information as well as some simple spell work to get that ole magical ball rolling so to speak.
The author goes on to replicate this type of delivery for nineteen other goddesses. These cross over through different backgrounds and countries to include amazing goddess energies such as Kali, Persephone, Ianna, Oya, and the Morrigan just to name a few. The artistry in this book is fantastic. I could see a publisher making theses images as altar cards or pocket cards and it would be a hit. Overall as an introduction, I think this is a great book. Not only good for beginners but also good for the advanced witch looking to expand their work with other deities. Take the time and grab this book, you'll love having this on your shelves for years to come.
Your Goddess Year - A Review
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Photo Source - Book |
Author Links - Link
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My Facebook Page
Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am identify as a magical Buddhist. I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I believe in spiritually and holistic wellness. I find that we can heal the world if we just sit down and and listen to the breath. I believe that magic, science and nutritional well being are the cornerstone to a well rounded holistic life. I have recently updated my site from Confessions of a Modern Witch to my new page To Live Whole. I welcome you to come along for my journey of health, wellness and self exploration.
I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft. I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 438,000 views.
As you know I'll be switching over to reviewing only e-copies of books shortly. I will miss handling the books but the amount of trash that I had piling up for all the shipping was just overwhelming. I will be doing a giveaway for the remaining physical books that actually arrive as well as asking my publishers to provide giveaway copies shipped directly to my winner's homes going forward for all giveaways.
My review copy as a medium sized soft cover book that would easily travel in a larger handbag or backpack. This book has an extensive index! I really love a good index. What good is a book if you can't fine what you're looking for. This one does not disappoint. I jumped in looking up a couple of my favorite deities and found them quickly. Never underestimate the power of a good index.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Photo Source - Book |
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Photo Source - Book |
This book is divided up by the months of the year. Each month has an assortment of deities within. January contains Sophia, Skadi, Xi Wangmu, Athena and Brigid for example. I was pleasantly surprised to see that there are some of the more common deities such as Kalli and Diana but other deities like Maeve, Tiamat and the Spider Woman were also represented. The author did a really great job going across several cultures to pull together an assortment of Goddess figures that can appeal to a wide audience.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Photo Source - Book |
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Photo Source - Book |
I quickly jumped to my month to see what Skye Alexander had in store for those born in February. February (each month for that matter) begin with an brief introduction into the month. In my case a poem from Oscar Fay Adams was on the top of the chapter page with some beautiful birch trees in the background. We begin with Saraswati. The author provides insight on when we should invite her and provides a Herstory of the deity. She tells us about the symbols and corresponds as well as reasons to work with her. There is a section on how to invite her as well. For February we have four Goddesses presented each with the same outline as above. Joining Saraswati is Lilith, Nut and Aurora.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Photo Source - Book |
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Photo Source - Book |
I couldn't review this book without seeking out Hecate. I found her quickly in this book thanks to that handy dandy index in the back. Hecate was found in October! Where else? She was joined by Frigg, Ma'at, Hera and Aphrodite. The author recommends we work with Hecate from October 30 - Nov 5. She gives us a brief history of Hecate and but refers to her as an elder Goddess. Despite all the drawings and writings of Hecate, people still like to refer to her as a crone. Hecate has never been anything presented other than a maiden. I would like to see this reflect more in this newly written books. I did like the way the author said to leave veggies as an offering. This appeals to the vegan in me, however we know historically that offerings to deities were less compassionate.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Photo Source - Book |
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Photo Source - Book |
Overall I felt this is a great book for a house warming party or maybe for a graduation gift. It is certainly female positive in its language. I think this would be a great addition to any library focusing on female empowerment or a great way to bring the feminine divine anything any traditional magical library.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Photo Source - Book |
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Photo Source - Book |
All Dressed Up...
Does the goddess care about what we wear?
Robes or disrobed, yoga pants and hoodie - does she care?
And is she the "real" goddess? Is she the goddess of the ancients who worshiped before me.
I say yes, and here's why.
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Lunar Altar - Renee Sosanna Olson |
There is a lot of buzz in the Hecatean world right now around some assertions made about the goddess and what she does and does not approve of. Let me start by saying, frankly it isn't my business to care about what other's spiritual path may or may not be. Speaking specifically to Hecate, if you follow her as the MMC construct, that is your prerogative. I do not. If you follow her as an evil hag, that again, is your prerogative. I do not. So until recently I really had no real opinion of the current debate. I read Sorita d'Este's well written response to the original article with two feelings. One of connection as I felt deeply in alignment with Sorita's words and then one of "Utoh" - Now everyone is going to have a voice on this. Jason Miller, Cyndi Brannen that I have seen thus far and certainly probably some I haven't. I still did not feel compelled to comment.
Until I read this - LINK
This article made me look back into myself for what my beliefs are instead of looking out into the world. I thought about my spiritual practices and my magic. These are exactly what they are. Mine.
I thought about my candles and my music. I thought about my chants and my hymns. This is what I learned.
My personal path is one of magic and science. My chants call out the attributes that I want to empower in my life. My life needs Brimo, the fiery one. My life calls out sometime in desperation for Soteira. I need the mother of all to save me. On my dark days I call upon the Phosphoros, light-bringer to help me find my way. There are times when I need Nyktipolos or Prytania to deal with a loss or death. Each of these aspects of the goddess are within me. They are either strong or weak. They can be positive or negative but they are still within me.
“Lamp-bearer, shining and aglow, Selene, Star-coursing, heavenly, torch-bearer, fire-breather…” (IV, 2557). Note: In the PGM, Hekate is syncretized with other goddesses including Selene.
When I stand at my altar and light my candles, I focus my mind into itself and pull out these energies into the forefront of my manifestation. I watch the flames dance and bring Brimo into my spirit. I see her in all her glory waging the war to save those in need.
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Lunar Altar - Renee Sosanna Olson |
My rites are self reflective so that I can call upon those energies at anytime and speak up for those who are less fortunate. I can represent Kurotrophos in the fullest sense in the day to day world. My magic is self empowering calling upon the energies of the goddess by candle light and walking the walk by sun light. I'm not completely sure I would call it worship either.
Not everyone practices what I practice. Some practice exactly what I do while they're chopping vegetables. Their focus on each slice pulling into manifestation of a power they wish to possess. Sometimes having a different path is the best thing you can have. Sometimes, walking the line is the best thing you can do. Celebrate the differences and decide for yourself if you're chatting with the one Hecate. The one goddess? Back to our original thought, are we honoring Hecate? Are we following the spiritual path of the ancients? Does she wear saffron robes and bronze sandals?
I am. I believe they were connecting with an energy to help themselves in some way. Isn't that really what we all do? We connect with something, even if it is just ourselves with a purpose. To me that purpose is to become Krataiis, the strong one, and she may very well be in yoga pants and a hoodie.
Beginning the Mid Year
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
I participated in Rite of her Sacred Fires this past full moon and found myself energized and ready to take on the world. Something I had not felt in a quite a while. I was in a living situation that prevented me from participating in ritual regularly. Now back in my space down by the river, I'm able to express those feelings again.
I've been working on my health. Focusing more on healing through a holistic approach. Spending time each morning in meditation and opening my mind to connect with the energies of our world. I have started reconnecting with Hecate as I felt our relationship was strained. She was not gone. She was waiting for me to catch up. I was close to her, close enough to feel the delicate touch of her robes as they feathered around her in the moonlight, but still, far.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
I spent a lot of time thinking about where I wanted to go. I felt myself moving towards atheism in my belief that we were not created by intelligent design but more so by an ever changing natural environment around us. The waters of world, too, ebb and flow with the energies that are our goddess. I took a break from some commitments that I had related to Hecate and I believe that break actually allowed me to reconnect with her. It became less of a chore and returned to the wonderful connection I had prior.
I've begun work on my dream of an Oracle deck for Hecate, that is 10 years in the making. I'm focused now with a fury that resembles Brimo and a curiosity that call to Hecate as no other. This re-dedication of sorts has opened my eyes to the places in my practices where I allowed others to dictate my process. I have returned to the point where I feel most comfortable and am now able to incorporate my daily practice back with ease and grace.
As the this month moves forward and I continue with this exploration I intend to focus more on my dedication to learn more and share that information far and wide. I plan to add more content on By Her Fires - my blog dedicate specifically to Hecate and her mysteries.
As we move throughout the remainder of this year, I pledge to spend more time focusing on my studies and removing those things that do not bring me joy. For a long time, I thought it was the work related to the goddess that was causing issues. I know now, it was not. I look forward to this new approach to magic and witchcraft. And while some would still call me an atheist as, I do not believe in the literal interpretations of gods and goddesses I do believe in the energy that surrounds them. I do believe in the growing process one takes by adopting a set of life virtues and living in those virtues. Be them related to a god or a pomegranate.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
When I was a child I attended a southern baptist church and they had an altar at the front with the words, "Do this in remembrance of me". (1 Corinthians 11:23-25) I used to wonder what it meant. I believe I know now. While not following this specific doctrine, I can see how using a reminder that we should be good to each other makes sense. And if it takes some words on an altar, writing on a box, lighting a candle daily, do what is good and what brings you joy in remembrance of the thing that most inspires you. This can be inside or outside a religious context.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
The idea here, is to be who you are, while spreading some understanding around the world. I purposely did not say spreading positive vibes. Looking around at the world, we know that things are just not positive right now. We are struggling in the United States as a nation. We're struggling as a people unable to come together due to racial divides. Our world is suffering from sea to sea and our mother earth is dying. There is so much negative and I too, want to say "Be Positive!". Instead, I ask you to be understanding. Be caring. Be compassion. Be courageous. Be the change you want to see in this world.
I'm starting today. Can you?
Crystal Healing & Sacred Pleasure - A Review
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Photo Credit - Book Cover |
Author Links - Link
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Good Reads Book Link
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My Facebook Page
NOTE: This book has works related to self pleasure and sexual energy. Reader discretion is advised.
Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch. I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft. I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.
As with my other reviews I'm going to start with the review of the physical book. This is a sizable book. It has a large hard cover with colorful imagery which lends itself to be a nice additional to a coffee table book or entry way addition. There are large full color photo quality images in the book that are simply breathtaking. Crystals, herbs and photos of the female human body are placed strategically through out the book and are very practical references to the subject matter. Crystal definitions and descriptions as well as tasteful representations of sensual magic are in abundance.
The back of the book houses my favorite section of any real reference book, the index. It includes an about the author section, an index and a list of resources. My favorite part is on page 200. The Crystals for specific needs section is laid out in table format and allows the reader to check a column for a specific crystal and see what Chakra, Zodiac, Element, Color energy and physical/emotional benefits of each. The chart advises that amethyst is associated with the Third Eye/Crown chakra, Aquarius, the elements air, water, the color energy of violet and calms anxious energy as well as quieting the mind to allow messages from a higher realm. The index also includes a list of Chakra characteristics, resources and acknowledgements.
The author takes the reader on a journey in learning how we are sexual beings. On the heels of tantric magic or sex magic the author allows us to accept that individually we are sexual beings. Though out the book the author reminds us that some may be more sensitive to these energies. Bluntly put, this book is about self love and self pleasure. The author asks that while we may remain skeptical that we try the exercises in the book to become familiar with our own bodies.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Image Source - Crystal Healing & Sacred Pleasure |
After a few sections on the crystal energies and the chakras the author breaks down each chakra for the reader providing an entire section on Healing exercises and rituals to help remove the initial resistance we may have to this path and guide us into harnessing the power within to bring forth the changes we desire.
Chapters six through twelve are broken down into specific chakras with rituals, healing routines and detailed info on each.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Image Source - Crystal Healing & Sacred Pleasure |
Overall a really great additional to a healing and wellness library. This book is dedicated to the feminine and the imagery and illustrations are fantastic.
Celebrating Samhain - A Giveaway
This year I decided to cut back and bit and take a moment to invite one of my readers to benefit from my bookshelf. Over the next week, I'll be accepting entries to win the books listed below. These books are ones that I have reviewed and will ship to the winner at no charge.
Entries begin at blog publication, which is 10/26/18 at 12:00 AM
Entries close on 10/31/18 at 12:00 AM
There are several opportunities to qualify for extra entries, including sharing, commenting on the blog and a bonus entry to get more points by tweeting about the giveaway each day.
I will draw a name on 11/01/18 and contact the winner via the email they provided at registration. They will have 24 hours to contact me. If they do not contact me, I will redraw a new winner and notify them.
This giveaway includes the following books.
Light Magic for Dark Times
The Holy Wild
Find Your Goddess
Protection Spells
Modern Witchcraft Guide to Natural Magic
Egyptian Numerology
Develop Your ESP - I didn't review this book, but thought it made a great addition to this giveaway so I'm including it in this box
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Free shipping to lower 48 only, US Only, Void where prohibited. Facebook, Rafflecopter, Twitter and Blogger are in no way affiliated with this offer.
Please note this are advanced copies of these books in some cases provided by the media publishing company for reviews.
Addressing the Confusion on THIS Atheist Witch
To be sure we're on the same page, I am speaking on this subject with the following definitions in mind. This is my belief. I'm happy to answer questions.
Atheist - a person who does not believe in god or gods.
Witch - a person who uses magic to impart change on their world.
Oddly enough I have found more resistance from those in my Pagan community than those in the Christian Community. That tells me one thing. Christians believe that Pagans and Atheists are the same thing. They see no difference between not believing in their God, regardless of perspective. If I believed in Pan instead of Jesus, they see that as an equal believe structure as not being in God at all.
What I found really surprising was the direct and out right attacks from those in the Pagan community. Now let me be clear, this isn't from "all" of them. So please don't take the "No True Scotsman" approach here. I'm speaking from a direct situation I seem to have found myself in with members of the Hellenic community.
Recently I have had several individuals send me direct messages on Facebook asking some interesting questions. They see me as an admin in several magical groups (groups that focus on magic or that are dedicated to a specific deity) and are confused by my religion listed on my profile which displays "Atheist". The latest conversation consisted of someone who said, if I question the existence of Hecate, is that wrong? I took a step back and thought, wow. This is the same thing most people ask when stepping away from Christianity. Has Paganism become the new Christianity? Incredible.
While many people understand completely the natural progression of the trek many Atheists talk about on their journey from believe to non-belief. I was raised Southern Baptist in rural North Carolina and was told that my "sin" is what made my step-father rape me. My "sin" is what made my family be on welfare. My "sin" is what made me have the life I had. If I would simply donate money in the offering plate weekly and profess my "sin", God would forgive me and "bless" me. I would then be worthy of having a good life.
Exactly how fucked up is that? What kind of message is that to give a seven year old? I wanted to be blessed. Just like those rich folks who drove the church bus around to the poor neighborhoods bring in the poor kids to church. I put my pennies in the offering envelope, walked to the altar and prayed with the folks in the fancy suits and big diamonds, waiting for my turn to be "blessed".
As you can probably guess that time never came.
I was introduced to Paganism through a girlfriend when I was around 25 and used it as a way to explore my interest in science. Oddly enough the references to alchemy actually pulled me in. I'm pretty sure that is an odd way to end up in a religion.
Recently I was asked directly, what do you believe?
In 2013 I worked with The Covenant of Hekate to outline what the virtues of Hekate may be. This process is what started my exploration into Atheism.
We agreed to the following five virtues and definitions:
– Sympathy and/or concern for others who are suffering or find themselves in an
undesirable position. A person attempting to develop the virtue of Compassion
within their daily life and practise would desire to aid in the alleviation of any
undesirable situation or at the very least not be a contributing factor towards it.
Real Life Example – You could try to help the homeless or less fortunate be they of the
two or four legged variety. Volunteering at local shelters or organising food drives are
great ways to learn and show compassion.
– Strength or character or fortitude to stand firm in your convictions and face
adversity or distress without fear. A person attempting to develop the virtue of
Courage within their daily life and practise may chose to stand firm against those
who would chose to undermine their beliefs or convictions or to speak out
against those who hurt and undermine others.
Real Life Example – Try standing up for someone you or your friendship group may
deem unpopular. Also when someone shows remorse for a wrongdoing some people
will continue to be angry and unforgiving. Instead state your position calmly (in itself an
act of courage) and then allow the situation to pass.
– Moderation and self-control are both acts of Temperance. A person attempting to
develop the virtue of Temperance within their daily life and practise may chose to
restrict some part of their life be that thought or action in an attempt to find a
balance rather than choosing to allow extremes.
Real Life Example – Try abstaining from certain types of food or drink or showing
restraint in discussions online. An example would be to learn to hold one’s tongue and
listen a bit more before jumping into an argument.
– Moral and physical rightness are both aspects of Justice, as is the sometimes
contradictory act of behaving fairly towards other people. A person attempting to
develop the virtue of Justice within their daily life would strive to act fairly,
truthfully and with personal integrity when dealing with others and themselves.
Real Life Example – Try to treat others fairly, in action and tone be it online or in person.
Try to not pass judgement on another based upon your own feelings for a person, your
understanding of the situation or hearsay. There are often two (or more) sides to a story
and the truth lies somewhere between. If the truth cannot be ascertained then try being
– To have the common sense, foresight and understanding to think or act in a
manner most objectively and beneficially to any given situation. A person
attempting to develop the virtue of Wisdom within their daily life would strive to
apply their knowledge and experiences in a prudent and practical way.
Real Life Example – Try volunteering to share on a topic that you are knowledgeable
on with a local group or center. Offer to do a guest blog post or write an article for an eZine
on a particular subject.
Now, we agreed that we should all try to maintain these virtues in our daily lives. Look at each one of these; are they specific to Hecate? Are they specific to a follower of Hecate?
Not really. Any person can display these attributes. Any one who chooses to have wisdom or justice can do so without any requirement to commit to a deity.
So why have a deity? We are creatures of habit. We need reminders. We like reminders. When we see a key, we think of unlocking mysteries. When we see a cross road we think of decisions or choices made. We apply so much more to the simple image than is actually there. So when we see Hecate for example we think of a mighty Titan Goddess who rules the underworld or walks through the space between the living and the dead. We ask for her guidance and her power to help us understand, remove or command those forces we feel only she can command. This is typical human behavior. If not, how would organized religion taken such a hold on our world.
I mean just over Easter my house payment was nearly late because my electronic banking system and payroll couldn't decide who was going to observe Good Friday. Why in the hell is my bank evolved in a religious holiday? The answer is, it shouldn't be. But here we are.
For those out there questioning your current belief system, my direction to you is just read as much as you can. Open a book on science, talk to those who don't believe. Talk to those who do. Look for evidence. Most of all, think for yourself. Don't be bullied into agreeing with someone simply because they send you hateful messages or they are so deep in their own delusion that they cannot get past simple things like treating LGBT with dignity. Any religion, any religion at all that tells you have to treat a group of people badly because they do not believe as you do is simply wrong. Oppression is not holy. Making others feel less than because they're not in your club is simply bulling.
Recently I was approached by a family member that said to me, You just want me to believe what you believe. You're witnessing, just like I am. Actually, no. No I'm not. As long as you don't try to push religion into our legal system, or education system or individually oppress people, I really don't give two shits what you believe. Want to worship someone who raped an six year old? (LINK) That's your business. If you want to follow the Christian bible, yeah well that's up to you too. (LINK)
Unlike those touting this belief, my worth isn't measured in the number of people I can bring under me. It's like Christianity is some big pyramid scheme. The more people I bring in under me the bigger my crown is in heaven. What a crock of shit. (LINK)

So where does witchcraft fit in here. When I was a small child I watch "religiously" (pun intended) Arthur C. Clark's Mysterious World. (LINK) This started my journey of questioning everything. I wanted to know more. I wanted to learn more and I knew that out there somewhere was the answers I was looking for.
He formulated three adages that are known as Clarke's three laws, of which the third law is the best known and most widely cited:
- When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
- The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
- Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
I have rambled on with this post much longer than I expected. I want to clarify that I don't see my position as superior to any one else. This isn't a race or pie. There isn't a set amount out there. We can share knowledge and grown. I'm open to suggestions and education. I am however not going to fondle over a pile of scrolls found in a cave in antiquity when I have a machine in my hand that most of those people would have hailed as a god.
Find Your Goddess - Skye Alexander - A Review
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Photo Credit - Simon & Schuster |
Simon & Schuster Link
Book Preview Link
Simon & Schuster Author Page for Sky Alexander
Amazon (I do not get money from this link)
Good Reads Book Page
Good Reads Author Page
Good Reads My Page
I want to start by prefacing this review as I do all my reviews. I do not follow Wicca. I am an atheist witch and follow the more scientific side of magic. I look at chemical reactions, elemental reasons and avoid attributing to the magical what can explained by the mundane. That being said I review each book based on the subject matter, the quality of the binding and the author's presentation of the material. I hope you enjoy.
I'll start out with the physical attributes of the books. When I hold a book, it has to feel good. I hate those slicky covers or the ones that feel like suede. This book is great. The size is nice, slightly shorter than most books but I find it more comfortable to hold when reading. The pages are slightly thicker than most pages as well which gives the book the feel of a deck of tarot cards. There are 75 Goddesses in this book and each one has a full color artist quality image of each. I was really impressed with this. I won't go through each of Goddesses listed and the photos attached are the photos from the publishers' page but I will say you will not be disappointed with these images.
Of course due to my relation with the Covenant of Hekate, my first desire was to find her in the book. I was pleased to see some actual historic reference to her and not surprised to see the author jump back into the old crone references just as quickly. I agree with her underworld associations and with the darker and even dead/death aspects, however just because one guy called her Crone doesn't set that in stone. As with most that follow the path of Wicca, this author did put her in that place and I was disappointed tot see that. (see references at the end of this review)
That aside I feel that this is a great book for an introduction to female deities across pantheons. Tiamat, Spider Woman and Hel all grace the pages of this book. I was pleased to see representations from around the globe to include not only the expected Greek/Roman deities but also Goddesses representing Africa, Egypt and even the Aztec culture. Freya, Sedna and Selene also make an appearance. My own ancestor line make an appearance with references to Celtic Goddesses, the Morrigan, Danu and Brigid.
Overall this is a really good beginner reference book for introducing the feminine deities and would recommend it as a way to get started.
Photos from the Publisher:
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Reference for Hecate not being a Crone
H is for Hecate - 2013
T is for Triple Goddess - 2013
Is Hekate a Crone - 2016
Throwing Thursday - Repairing Green & Bisque Ware
Recently I made the mistake of putting three spirit bottles in my bisque fire that had only been drying for about four days. To bisque fire successfully all pieces must be bone dry. Needless to say, those four day old pieces were no where near bone dry. When my kiln reached temp, the water in the clay body turned to steam and blew apart the bottles. They were destroyed. My statue was collateral damage. I found a repair site here.
When the kiln finally cooled down, this is what I saw.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
Taking her out of the kiln the crack is barely visible. This is how I know that she was hit from the outside and didn't rupture from the inside.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
I then sprayed the pieces to get them nice and wet.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
Next I had to use a vinegar and water mixture. The recipe is on the link at the top of the page. I scored the inside of each piece just as you would to attach wet clay together and coated it with the mixture.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
Next I attached the arm and put her on her side to fill the crack with slip.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
So far so good. I now put her outside to dry for a bit.
Two weeks have gone by since my last photo. I have gone out to the studio and applied several (and by several I mean 6 or so) coats of the slip mixture to fill in the cracks around her front and back side. This is what we have so far.
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
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Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
Next we wait. Because I saturated the inside layer with water, I want to treat her as though she is fresh off the wheel. I'm going to park this project and wait until mid February to put her in to bisque. That will be another two weeks away.
So here is the final update. I was able to put her in bisque fire last night. It has been over a month in the repair. She turned out pretty good however you can still see the crack.
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |