Showing posts with label crystals. Show all posts

Modern Divination - Crystals and Crystal Grids

Crystal healing has been around for centuries. My interest in crystals started as a small child looking for that "sparkle" amongst the common stones. Just last year I finished my crystal healer certification in 2018 and found that it was indeed not only a passion due to the beauty with in each piece but also because of the amazing power that emanates from each delicate facet of these stunning creations.

I remember my first crystal ball and the power I felt from it. I remember wearing my crystals of assorted types and remembering how they changed the world around me.  Wearing my amethyst ring for example lead to a higher bar tab. It was like the alcohol couldn't find me. 

My clear quart giving me the power to feel centered and the ability to take on the world. My labradorite to clear energy and help me follow my dreams.

So what is a crystal grid and how does it work?  Crystal grids is an alignment of crystals set to a geometrical pattern for the purpose of manifestation. There is a center stone with is the focus of the energy and the surrounding stones that modify and broadcast the intention into the universe.  Amplification stones, generally quartz crystals are then used to "power up" the grid. Finally the grid is activated.  It is a pretty powerful process and if you have the opportunity to learn more I highly recommend checking it out. I have several posts in this blog related to crystals.  Here's a link for your convivence.

When I met Crystal online, I was drawn to her carefree and playful energy. We have known each other for quite a few years and I have worked with her on several occasions to create jewelry and clay creation from her earthen treasures. 

I have always loved her crystal grids and when I thought of this project I knew I wanted to get her amazing grids in front of you.  I was thrilled when she agreed to participate.

Photo Credit - Crystal

Here are her interview questions.

Q: How did you get started?

A: I started digging quartz in Arkansas about a decade ago .I was amazed at how it feels to be the first person to touch these amazing gifts from earth.  I was researching what all  I could do with the crystals once I had dug them. I eventually tried a few grids and when I made one for my boss to win a fishing tournament (that failed) I revisited my intent and purpose in making the grids. I also moved to an area known for more mineral variety and my collection grew immensely. It allowed me to learn even more about our connection with earth.. I believe the crystals /grid components find us. They are a gift and should be used for positive intentions. Since then I've had great luck with every grid I've built. 

Photo Credit - Crystal

Q: Explain your process for getting started with a reading.

A: Before gridding I like to set intentions, research needed materials, then ground and cleanse my work area energies.  I set my grid with intention then charge it. 

Q: How does the information come to you?

A:  The information has always somewhat come intuitively. I sit quietly with all the different specimens I use. When I first started I read every book, I researched all over the web and I asked other healers for direction. I also meditated with different minerals to understand their energy. I can then use that information when charging the grid with my intentions. 

Photo Credit - Crystal

I want to take a moment to thank Crystal for participating in our this exploration of divination via runes.  If you'd like to contact Crystal, please leave a comment on this blog and I'll see that she gets your message.

Crystal Lore, Legend & Myths - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Crystal Lore, legend and Myths by Athena Perrakis, PH.D.

Book Cover

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Crystal: Lore, Legends & Myths

As with all my reviews I'm starting with a review of the physical book.  It's a great size book to toss in a bag to read on the go.  The hardcover is fantastic for protecting the pages and the cover is made well.  The index is quite thorough which I like to see in this type of book.  I will see that on several of the crystals not all correspondences are listed. While there are references to Inanna and Dionysus; Hecate was not mentioned.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Crystal: Lore, Legends & Myths

The photos of the crystals are large and full color and the book has several tables that show their properties and place of origin. There are several chapters dedicated to the location of each and gives a brief history of the area and the crystals as well as their modern counterparts.  Chapter 8 provides a list of the crystals of the zodiac with a brief nod to each sign and how the crystal embodies the characteristics of the sign.
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Crystal: Lore, Legends & Myths

Overall this is a great book for the beginner and the seasoned witch alike. It offers a great deal of historic information as well as the basics you're looking for in a crystal handbook.  I highly recommend this book.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Crystal: Lore, Legends & Myths

Crystals - A Guide to Using the Crystal Compass

Today I'm reviewing Crystals - A Guide to Using the Crystal Compass for Energy, Healing, and Reclaiming Your Power by Aisha Amarfio.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Cover

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Release date - February 19 2019

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As with all my reviews I'll start with a review of the physical book.  It is a small book, in that it can easily fit into a backpack or purse for reading on the go.  I received a hard copy w/o a dust jacket to review. The outside is smooth and has color images of the author on the back as well as two large crystal compass on the front and back inner cover. The index is very small. Only two pages provided, both front and back one for the Symptoms Index and one for the Results Index.  

The introduction is quite lengthy and the author gives us her background on using crystals and the history of the crystal compass.  I enjoyed the section on how crystals work and their relationship to using their elemental qualities for wholeness.  This fits directly into several certifications I recently completed related to crystal healing.  This compass is a great way to bring those elements together in one place for ease of use and clarity. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Credit - Crystals

This book limits illustrations but the text is well written and easy to read.  The book contains a plethora of information and each chapter expands on the next in a linear but expansive thinking mindset.  The chapter on using crystals takes us through cleansing and creating a sacred space as well as defining earth, water, fire and air crystals and how each should be cleansed.  The energy exercises included are extremely helpful and I highly recommend taking the time to complete each in these initial chapters.

The remaining chapters of the book are separated by elements. Each chapter defines the area of life, symptoms of imbalances, how to nourish the physical energy body as well as exercises to "check in" on your current vibration state.  It is then followed by a chapter on that particular element's crystals and what they work with.  

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Credit - Crystals

The author tells us that the earth crystal related to earth is Jade.  It is for good health and vitality.  I won't give away all the tips on it but I will say that each chapter on the elemental crystals provide the original source location, history of the crystal as well as the qualities, what its good for, issues and a mantra in a quick reference section at the each of each description.

One of my favorites was the section on the Air Crystal - Purple Fluorite -  the qualities are mental clarity, psychic clarity, order and harmony.  Its good for clearing energy fields and problem solving.  It will help with confusion, or poor concentration.  The mantra provided is amazing.

I am clear, I think clearly, I see clearly, I perceive clearly, and I make my decision.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Credit - Crystals

Overall what I approached as "Just another crystal book" actually turned into something that I will refer to time and time again.  The author provides a great introduction as a beginner book, but then challenges the reader to rethink some of the old jargon around crystal healing and crystal work. This is a fantastic addition to any metaphysical or crystal healing library.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Credit - Crystals

The Divination Handbook - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Divination Handbook - The Modern Seer's Guide to Using Tarot, Crystals, Palmistry, and More.

Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Divination Handbook

Author Links - Link
Amazon Book Link
Amazon Author Link
Good Reads Book Link
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My Good Reads Profile
My Facebook Page
Release Date: Jan 22, 2019

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 15 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As with my other reviews, I'll be starting with a review of the physical book.  This book is a great size. I love that I can toss this is a purse or a backpack to read on the go. The introduction and index in this book are pretty much very little to nothing. While I understand it is a high level overview of the various divination methods, the key to any good resource book is being able to find information quickly.  I would love to see a bit larger index in this type of book.  The pages are smooth and aligned properly.  The cover is a hard cover book that is soft to the touch without branching over into that suede feeling. The images and illustrations in the book are very deliberate and appear only when to give a specific visual reference to a particular divination method.  An example would be in the section on crystals and the tarot.

Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Divination Handbook
Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Divination Handbook

I would have liked to see a more balanced representation on each divination method.  For example crystals (the first chapter) has a good twelve pages dedicated to defining crystals and their uses, yet the section on working with a pendulum is only five pages.  I would have liked to see a bit more on the history of the technique and maybe a bit more on the images.  Pendulums vary greatly and I their use is more common than one might think.

While not my method of choice, the section on the Tarot is extensive. The author gives us a brief overview of the tarot, an explanation of the structure of the desk and then breaks down each card in both the major and minor arcana.  The images are small and I would have liked to seem them a bit larger but they are completely adequate for learning the techniques provided in the text.  The author includes several basic spreads to get the learner ready for their journey into the tarot.

Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Divination Handbook
Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Divination Handbook
Overall this is a great introductory book on various divination methods. If you're unsure of where to start, this book gives a great deal of information on a wide variety of techniques allow the reader to make an informed decision on which path to walk. While not for the learned student, I could see this book being a great introduction or new witch's guide to divination.

Celebrating Samhain - A Giveaway

One of the most exciting times of the year for me is Samhain. I love the crisp air and the falling leaves. I love finding time to connect with the Ancestors.  Over the years I have compiled quite a list of Samhain posts.  Here's a link to all of my blog posts related to Samhain.

This year I decided to cut back and bit and take a moment to invite one of my readers to benefit from my bookshelf. Over the next week, I'll be accepting entries to win the books listed below.  These books are ones that I have reviewed and will ship to the winner at no charge.

Entries begin at blog publication, which is 10/19/18 at 12:00 AM
Entries close on 10/25/18 at 12:00 AM

There are several opportunities to qualify for extra entries, including sharing, commenting on the blog and a bonus entry to get more points by tweeting about the giveaway each day.

I will draw a name on 10/26/18 and contact the winner via the email they provided at registration. They will have 24 hours to contact me.  If they do not contact me, I will redraw a new winner and notify them.

This giveaway includes the following books.

In Focus Crystals
In Focus Astrology
In Focus Palmistry
In Focus Meditation
The Ultimate Guide to Chakras
Moon Magic
The Ultimate Guide to Divination

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Free shipping to lower 48 only, US Only, Void where prohibited. Facebook, Rafflecopter, Twitter and Blogger are in no way affiliated with this offer.

Please note this are advanced copies of these books in some cases provided by the media publishing company for reviews.

In Focus - Crystals: Your Personal Guide - A Review

I'm reviewing a few books from the "In Focus" series from Wellfleet Press.  The first is called In Focus Crystals - Your Personal Guide by Bernice Cockram.

In Focus Crystals

WellFleet Facebook Page
Bernice Cockram Twitter Page
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Author -  Good Reads - Page
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My - Good Reads - Page
Release Date - July 31, 2018

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 12 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

To begin, this book is very well made.  The cover is sturdy and the stitching is really nice.  I like the smooth feel and the neatly packed double sided grid cards included in the book.
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Crystals by Bernice Cockram

This book is loaded with tables and grids. If you're looking for something that will bring together an assortment of crystal work, this book is for you. There are sections on dowsing, working with Chakras, working with auras and much much more.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Crystals by Bernice Cockram

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Crystals by Bernice Cockram

The crystal images are rich and the descriptions are included in table and photo format. There is a section on crystal colors which I found really helpful in identifying what I was working with.

 In the very back of the book is an envelope with double-sided grid cards.  These cards are the size of the book itself and offer some common grids such as Tree of Life and then a new one for me Icosahedron.  Grids are a way of taking a crystals energy and focusing it on a specific goal or desire. Each stone added to the grid apply their specific energy to your goal bringing it to fruition.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Crystals by Bernice Cockram

Just a few of the tables in this book include Crystal Meanings, the magic square, birthstones, chakra stones, zodiac and numerology.   Over all this book is a great resource for novice and professional alike. The quick reference index at the back makes it a great reference book.  I believe this book is a great addition to any metaphysical library.

Recent Works - A Witch's View

Here are a few photos of some pieces I have been working on lately.  I've always wanted to learn a type of channel setting for stones using wire weave instead of soldering. These are my attempts at that process.

This first piece is a Labradorite with Goldstone Cabachons.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

This second piece is a Labradorite with Swavorski Crystals.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
I created a couple of videos so you can see the flash on the stones.  At the time of this writing all pieces are available for purchase.  My webhost is dragging their feet at updating my page so I can't post these for sale.  You can however message me directly on this blog or on my facebook page to purchase them.

Pendants, Pendants and More Pendants

Recently we had our first festival of the year at Festival of Legends.  Here are a few of the items I took along to sell.

Photographer - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photographer - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photographer - Renee Sosanna Olson