Showing posts with label craft. Show all posts

Astrology Embroidery - A Review

 This is a review of Astrology Embroidery by Maya Hanisch. 

Very different from my standard reviews, today I have a book on a craft. This book has been created to teach the magic of embroidery using the signs of the zodiac as inspiration. First I'll review the physical book.  The books is a large soft cover book with easy to read fonts and great graphics. I wouldn't expect anything different with the author being an illustrator. There is no index but this book really doesn't need one.

The artist/author takes the time to help the reader learning the individual stitches that are used in the book. The layout of the book begins with the teaching section with each stitch outlined and then goes into showing how they are used with a set of pages for each sign.

The book doesn't stop there! There is a section for smaller creations that I simply adored!  The cat and the knowing hands were my absolute favorites!  I plan on putting these on one of my jean jackets!

The back of the book even has templates that can be used with tracing paper or a photocopier to make the job easier!  


Over all, simple book with brilliant designs and a great introduction for witchy folks into the journey of embroidery. I could see using the knowing hands on a gris gris bag and chanting your incantations with each stitch!

If you try this out, let me know! I'd love to see your creations!



Ethereal Grind - Tumblers

 I thought I would create a few blog posts related to the things we're working on at Ethereal Grind. What's Ethereal Grind, you ask.  Ethereal Grind is our latest step in my goal to open a metaphysical store in my retirement. We're working now to create our online presence and will be looking to attend festivals and events as the state begins opening up since Covid.  

I wanted to share some of the goodies that we've been creating. This post will be dedicated to Elijah's amazing tumblers.  These are hot/cold 24 oz cups with a plastic lid that have some pretty amazing artwork applied to them and then are coated with resin. Elijah completes then by hand and drips the resin on in a fine layer to achieve almost miraculous results. 

But, what is it they say about pictures??  Yeah, let me hush and show you what I'm talking about.



I hope you enjoy this look at our tumblers.  Remember to head over and check out the shop.  Custom work available, housewares, ritual tools and more!


Final Samhain's Sirens Craft-tacular!

It's FREEZING outside this morning.  The days are getting shorter and this morning we had frost on the ground.  in just a few short days Samhain will be here.

Today I wanted to schedule a post to share my final Saturday Craft-tacular with the Samhain's Siren project.  This week I decided to do a little bit *older* craft, in that I wouldn't recommend this for younger children.  This is a great introductory craft to get started into the art of Pyrography.

Remember that not only will this post show you detailed photos and instructions but you also get a chance to win the finished product.  Head over to the Samhain's Sirens blog and enter to win!

Each entry also gives you an entry into the grand prize!


Samhain's Sirens Saturday Craft-tacular

Can you believe it's already the 19th?  October is winding down and Samhain will soon be here.  This month has been a crazy busy month.  I've been working on lots of projects and getting ready for the "Between Worlds Festival" in Durham at Thaumaturgy 777.

Today I want to point you over to the awesome Samhain's Sirens Saturday Craft-tacular!  Throughout the month of October the lovely sirens give you music, blogging, recipes and much much more!  Saturdays were given to me, and I have put together a weekly dose of crafts that can be done alone or with the kiddies.

Each Saturday I'll give you step by step instructions with photos on a particular craft and at the end, you can enter to win that craft by adding a comment and telling me about something you like in my Etsy shop or Facebook page.  Like these new hats we're carrying now!

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Take a moment to head over to the Samhain's Sirens Blogger page and participate in the all the fun!!


Samhain's Sirens Saturday Craft-Tacular

Want to learn a new craft that's pretty kid friendly?  The Samhain's Sirens event brings back the Saturday Craft-Tacular featuring yours truly!

Every Saturday for the month of October I'll be showing off step by step photos of how to do a simple Samhain/Halloween craft with your family.  The ages range but their is something for everyone.

This weekend head over and check out how to create a Jar-o-Lantern and comment with your email address to win the one demonstrated!!

Be sure to follow the Samhain's Sirens Facebook page for updates on all the wonderful, recipes and prizes to come!


Re-use Score!

Last night hubby and I went to the store to look for some cloak clasps for the shop.  We walked in the store through the garden center and I saw these cute little trees from Christmas.  They had artificial flowers in them and other decorations.  They were in a metal pot and were on clearance.

I picked one up and carried it in the store to check the price.  I scanned it and it said “.02”.  Yes, two cents.  So after we finished our shopping I went back to the garden center and found five of the little trees.  They’re probably about 8-12 inches tall.  I grabbed them all and went to check out.

The cashier rang them up for indeed two cents apiece. 

This morning I went outside and planted the little guys.  I’m not sure if they’ll live or not but check out what I got for a total of ten cents.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

And here's what it breaks down to:

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Five tree, five metal containers, five plastic planting containers, red cellophane for packing or wrapping gifts and lots of decor I can use for wreaths!

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Major Score!

I hope they live.

Namaste and Blessed Be

NaBloWriMo - Saturday Craft-Tactular - 3

Every Saturday this month I'll be sending you on a journey over to the Samhain's Sirens Blog to see my entries for the Amazing Craft-tactular!!

You'll see things like this!!

There will be a wonderful how to post on creating a particular craft and then a wonderful giveaway!  So head over to Samhain's Sirens page and check it out!

Namaste & Blessed Be!!

NaBloWriMo - Saturday Craft-Tactular - 2

Every Saturday this month I'll be sending you on a journey over to the Samhain's Sirens Blog to see my entries for the Amazing Craft-tactular!!

You'll see things like this!!

Photo Credit - Photographer & Artist - Renee Olson

There will be a wonderful how to post on creating a particular craft and then a wonderful giveaway!  So head over to Samhain's Sirens page and check it out!

Namaste & Blessed Be!!

NaBloWriMo - Saturday Craft-Tactular - 1

Every Saturday this month I'll be sending you on a journey over to the Samhain's Sirens Blog to see my entries for the Amazing Craft-tactular!!

You'll see things like this!!

There will be a wonderful how to post on creating a particular craft and then a wonderful giveaway!  So head over to Samhain's Sirens page and check it out!

Namaste & Blessed Be!!

Samhain's Sirens Blog Project & NaBloWriMo

Good Morning Everyone!!

This is going to be a very very busy month.  I've got a lot of stuff going on. First, I'm extremely pleased to announce that I am participating in the Samhain's Sirens Blog Project and Giveaway.

Over the next 31 days you'll be presented with informative, fun and amazing blog posts from our very on Samhain's Sirens.  We will be delivering messages related to our personal views on Samhain, Halloween and all things in-between.

I am your Crafty Siren and will be sharing all sorts of amazing craft ideas for this wonderful season as well as some great stuff around the Goddess Hecate.  Head over to our Samhain's Siren Blog for the info!

Remember to take  part in the give away complete all the steps necessary to qualify.  Following blogs, tweeting entries and sharing on Facebook will help you rack up the entries and qualify for some great stuff!

Next, I'm also taking part in the NaBloWriMo.  Thirty-one days of blogging madness.  This is the first year I've participated in this so I'm looking forward to it.

I'm hoping to stick to this schedule

Monday Memories - Stuff thought out my life
Talented Tuesday - Things I think are amazingly talented.  Music Art and so on.
Witchy Wednesday - What would October be like w/o Witchy stuff!
Thursday Tirade - Stuff that just ticks me off
Friday - Pagan Blog Project Post
Saturday - Samhain's Sirens' Saturday Craft-tacular
Sunday Shelter - Networking Pets that are looking for homes

Looking forward to an amazing month!

Namaste & Blessed Be

Back to Basics

I thought I'd make my post today about something some of us are very uncomfortable with. Periods. Yes, that's right I'm going there again. Over the last few years as many of you know I've been working to make myself healthier.

I've changed my diet, changed what other things I put in my body, like prescription medicines as well as making sure that I try to cover my body in as few chemicals as possible. I've switched from traditional deodorant to a the crystal and tried to replace my clothes, be it slowly, with clothes made from organic materials, such as organic cotton.

While looking into the idea of organic cotton, it dawned on me that perhaps my tampons were not good for me. There's a lot of myths out there about how bad they are, but there is some good information too. Snopes, a known mythbuster has this to say about tampons.

Tampons contain two potentially harmful things, Rayon for absorbency and Dioxin a chemical used for bleaching. Dioxin is a carcinogenic meaning associated with cancer and Rayon leaves fibers behind in the vagina which contributes to TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome).

After reading that I switched completely over to pads alone. I thought, Hey this has to be better for me. I mean, it's not up inside my body pushing those chemicals into my body. PLUS nothing is being flushed into our water system right? Wrong!

I found that the average woman throws away 250-300 pounds of tampons, pads and applicators in her lifetime. The majority end up in landfills. That's 15,0000 sanitary pads or tampons. The plastic applicator may not biodegrade for several hundred years and the most common form of trash on beaches are plastic tampon applicators. ~The Keeper~

With that in mind I decided to go back to basics. Yup that's right I made my own pads. With the help of a wonderful link to I found several different patterns and instructions for making different types of pads. I found one I liked and the result is below.

I made them last month and finally got to try them out this month and I have to say was I completely amazed. At first I really thought that I would have a mess on my hands. Hand washing pads in the sink? Eww right? Nope, it was easy breezy. I made a total of 7 pads and thought that would at least give me an example of what I could expect. First, I used less pads. Only one per day. I know you're thinking Ummm you should change more often, but honestly I did't need to. The way the pad absorbs is completely different than the commercial pads. There was no itchiness PLUS I didn't have to add anything to the landfills. WIN WIN!

I know some of you out there might be a little skeptical, but trust me, I too was blown away by the results. And don't worry, if you're not a great seamstress, it's ok. These patterns are really easy to follow. If you don't want to sew at all, you can visit and find a great number of shops that offer them for sale.

So this is what mine ended up looking like. You can see the pattern and the material I used. I started with an old flannel sheet and used some scrap cotton fabric for the lining. So for a total of about 5.00 I made a set of pads that I can toss in the washer and use month after month. SCORE!

That's my latest step towards going green. Becoming more sustainable and going back to basics is what I really long to do.

I hope you folks can find this useful!

Namaste & Blessed Be