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The Ultimate Guide to Channeling - A Review

 Today I'm reviewing The Ultimate Guide to Channeling - Practical techniques to Connect with Your Spirit Guide by Amy Sikarskie, Founder of Spirit School.

Author Link

Book Link

Release Date - January 18, 2022

I'll start with a review of the physical book.  This is a larger sized soft cover book. It isn't going to fit in your carry along bag, but it will fit in a full size backpack. The cover is slightly raised and has a lovely color. The pages are glossy and have some very small fonts on the initial pages but does enlarge as we move through the book.  It does revert back to the smaller font in some of the pages which could be a bit annoying. The color scheme is a lovely shade of calming purple, blue and green which I love.

The introduction page is beautiful. I love the color and the message. It is really one of the best descriptions of channeling I have ever seen. I love that the author states that we can channel in all sorts of ways. Music, singing, dancing and even through art. Not many make this distinction and I feel that it should be put out there more often. I always feel closer to the mystical realm when I'm singing and dancing around my circle. I can feel the energy come through me and messages are often received in this state. To me, that is channeling.

This book is divided in sections. In part one we have the Art of channeling, explaining exactly what channeling is. Part two is preparing to channel and part three is the act of channeling. Here the author talks about working with guided meditation, using tools and how to advance the work of channeling.

On page 30, the author mentions using the ancestors as guides in your channel experience. I believe these ancestors can be those we are directly related to, or those who may occupy the spaces that we're channeling in. Finding that connection can greatly increase the effectiveness of your channeling. Similarly working with mother earth, the elements or other beings such as spirit animals or archangels can direct your channeling to a specific place. Using this connection opens up the information locked in these areas and can greatly improve the effectiveness and accuracy of your channeling experience. 

The section on the charka is, in my opinion, one of the highlights of the book. The author provides in great detail each chakra and how it impacts your channeling.  The connecting with the energies exercise is extremely detailed and really effective. Take the time to go through the 60 minute version. I found a few reconnecting videos (not related to this book) that are great for just rolling through each of these and making sure everything is in alignment before beginning your channeling sessions. I'll include some chakra resources at the end of this article.

The entire book places focus on how to work with your team of support in the meditative process. From selecting who you will be calling on to establishing boundaries and guideline, the process is deliberate and fully explained. The author provides exercises for setting up your space and then connecting with those energies to help further the channeling experience. I felt the "Let Your Energy Flow" exercise on page 126 was very well done. With more chakra work and relaxation techniques the author gives us the tools to move the energy in our bodies. This chapter has several exercises to help get your energy moving in the right direction for the best experience.

I've always been fascinated by automatic writing. To me one of the ways of connecting with other sources of energy is with this technique. I studied Edgar Cayce for years and was really amazed as his ability to lay down and enter a trance state and then have someone write down his comments. While not a traditional automatic writing technique more of a dream state or trance state channeling/divination session, I found that if we could write from our dreams automatically this would certainly be the way to do it. But back to the book, this author gives us an overview of automatic writing, how to light trance write and then provides exercises to connect with the process. I think the inclusion of the message from the Council of Light was a great addition to the chapter.  I really enjoyed this. When you try it out, come back and tell me how you did. 

By far, I think the strongest chapter in this book is related to the support connection. Having a stable connection with the guides we choose to work with in this process is key to how successful we will be. The emphasis on the chakras, the breath and energy focus is something that I have found missing in many books on this topic. The author guides us on how to deal with blocks and doubts as well as begin our connection with our guides. Working through the process of the interaction with them and what we should expect. 

Well written and excellently illustrated, I found this book to be a great resource for those interested in channeling both novice and experienced alike. The detailed exercises and focus on how we care for ourselves really pinpoints the essence of channeling work.  To do a job well, you must keep your tools well cared for. As a logger sharpens their axe, so must we hone our tools to do the work that we do in the spiritual realm. I highly recommend picking up this book.



Chakras Explained

Unblocking Chakra - Overnight meditation

Automatic Writing

Edgar Cayce

What is automatic Writing?

The Ultimate Guide to Energy Healing - A Review

 Today I'm reviewing The Ultimate Guide to Energy Healing - A beginner's Guide to Healing Your Chakras, Aura, and Energy Body by Kat Folwer.

Book Link

Author Link

Release Date - Feb 1, 2021

Let's start with a review of the physical book. It is an oversized book. For folks with small hands, like mine this may be a challenge to take on the go.  It will take a larger size bookbag or backpack to take with you. It is a smooth paperback with a lovely smooth cover. The images on the outside and within are vibrant and beautiful. I loved looking at it. The font size is great! Easy to read, even for these old eyes and I found it to be easily read from contents page to index without issue.

The book is broken down into three parts.  The Basics, The Preparation and Energy Healing Techniques & Exercises. The beginning includes a guide for using the book and an opening meditation which was really nice. I found the direction to be helpful and purposeful. Something that I think most of these types of book miss before delving into the book.

I found the sections on understanding your anatomy and the break down of each Chakra to be very informative. I think that many begin this type of healing with out fully understanding the process of Chakra energy and how to work with it. Knowing where these points are located and how they interact with the Auric Field is critical for any real work in using healing energies. The author also takes us through tools to use for this work such as crystals, light, water and sacred geometry. Something I feel very connected to. Line art, and geometry have been looked at from a magical perspective for thousands of years. From indigenous tattoos to wall art, we can find examples of sacred geometry across cultures around the world. 

Part two offers several exercises to prepare us to work with this energy for healing. From breathing meditations to setting up a sacred space, the author provides a step by step guide for getting the most out of this healing experience. I found the setting expectations section and the part on what to expect to be especially helpful for beginners. 

Finally part three gives us the exercises to begin our healing experience. I found the visualization section to be one of the most beneficial. Understanding the white bubble of light and how to use it to create a safe space for yourself is something that can be used in a mindful way as well.  Think about all the times in the every day grind that you're pushed to the edge. Remembering that bubble and pulling yourself back inside when you need is a great way to refocus stress and anxiety in order to return to the now, and be able to go on with your day. Sometimes my bubble includes the following verse - "I'm walking, and I know I'm walking.  I'm sitting and I know I'm sitting.  Right now, I am sitting. Nothing else is happening right now.  Just sitting/walking"  

The book continues with some more focused healing practices and a few to move you from beginner to intermediate to advanced. I was really in love with the section on the pendulum work. As one who connects greatly with earth energies and the magnetic pull on us, I can tell you that working with this energy will aid you in so many ways. This book has a step for you no matter which level of healing you are on. 

Overall I think this is a great book to have on the shelf of any energy healer. It is easy to read and offers a number of exercises to help move you through your healing journey. I do recommend taking the time to check out this book.



The Thrifty Witch's Book of Simple Spells

 Today I'm reviewing The Thrifty Witch's Book of Simple Spells by Wren Maple. 

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  • Release date: Jan 11, 2022

I'll start by reviewing the physical book.  This is a slightly larger size book that would fit well in a backpack or gym bag. It is paper back so be prepared for bent pages. The book has 160 pages with full color illustrations and includes a nice index. My only complaint is that the font is really small. I found that it was easy to ready with reading glasses but would have liked it to be a bit larger.

The book begins with some basic witchery 101. You can find out which witch is which in a section called "Types of Witches".  Its a very generalized overview of the types of witches that seem to be the most popular. I find myself, that there are many "cross-witches" if you will. Not everyone falls into a neat little box for organization. My recommendation here is to learn all you can about all types of magic and don't feel like there is something you can't do just because you're not that "kind" of witch.  As the author points out on page twelve, find your own way. Do what feels right, when it feels right.

The next few sections talk about the witch's "stuff". The author covers, herbs, crystals, and other magical tools and techniques. She does a good job breaking through the hype and giving a very basic overview of the tools of the trade. She moves into chapter two with tips on working the magic. Techniques, tips and tricks for things like personal motives, environmental considerations, including how to create your own witchy space for magic work. 

Chapter three is where the real magical work begins. The author spends the rest of the book sharing over assorted chapters all types of spell work.  From Protection & Deflection to Abundance & Healing, the author provides step by step instructions to complete the spell, potion or talisman in a simple and safe manner.  Even spending some time on self love and the importance of self esteem/protection in today's modern world.

This book is very cis female focused. There are spells for reproductive heal that focus on the vagina and on period cycle support. That's not to say that this book could not be enjoyed by witches of all gender perspectives, I did want to point this out as it could be triggering for some.

One of my favorite sections of this book is the section on Banishing & Binding Magic. Ward spells are some of the most power magic out there and I think that sometimes we think we have to bind someone (control their energy) as a way to project ourselves. But, back to banishing, keep these spells close to you, they do come in handy. I really like the spell on page 111 to banish toxic digital energy.  We could all use a bit of that from time to time. 

The book closes with sections dedicated to Sleep & Relaxation Magic and then Psychic Spells. The falls right in line with the over all message I got from this book which is self care. There are some great pieces in here for combating nightmares and even creating a jar for inner peace as well as to increase psychic ability. I think these are missing in a lot of magic today. 

Overall this is a great beginner's introduction to the world of magical spells and talismans. There isn't a great deal of history related to the source of these but it does offer some spells that you can do right now, with what you have in your house to get into magic immediately. I think this would be a great book for a heredity witchling or perhaps a teen getting started in the craft.

I hope you've enjoyed this review and find it helpful.  Feel free to leave a comment or send me a message if you have questions.



Witchcraft Therapy - A Review

 This is a review of the Book Witchcraft Therapy, Your Guide to Banishing Bullsh*t and Invoking your Inner Power by Mandi Em. 

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This is a great little hard cover book with bright blue graphics in the shape of flowers, crystals and feathers across the front and back of the book.  The size is perfect for tossing in a bag to read on the beach or at your favorite coffee or tea hangout.  The print inside is a nice size and it easy to read.  It is an average length book coming in at 217 pages not including the index. 

The index in the back of the book is of nice size. I always like it when an author includes an index. To me, an index makes the difference between a so-so book and a great book. I need to be able to get to your information quickly.  Help me find it by adding something like this author did with this six page index.

The author begins with a brief introduction into magic.  They provide techniques around energy work, grounding, creating magical spaces, manifestations, rituals and more.  There's even a brief section on safety when I found welcoming.  Coming from a family where more than one of my ancestors dresses caught on fire I can say watch your robes there because in a minute it can all go up in smoke!

One of the first things you'll notice about this book is that our author isn't your typical "thee and thou" magical writer. This book is written in a modern language with slang and the occasional "curse" word.
It isn't offensive, but very entertaining and I can feel the energy on each page.  

I'm not going to rewrite the spells included in the book, but I will say that they are simple to follow and include a host of supporting dialog that I believe would be great for a witch of any level. I really enjoyed the section on the cleansing practice for realigning energy. 

The journal prompts for breaking old habits I think is essential for anyone (witch or not) to learn.  WE need to learn to this in all aspects of our lives today.

The forgiveness spell on page 181 was another one of my favorites. I can see how doing with as a self healing exercise would be fantastic. 

Overall I found this book easy to read and frankly a joy to review.  The modern language and peppy step of the spells really appealed to me. I can see any young witch really being drawn to this book.  I highly recommend this as a graduation gift, a house warming or birthday present. I believe the age level for this is probably young adult up through mature. I do believe that anyone would benefit from this book.

Be sure to check back in for my other reviews coming soon!



Titania's Fortune Cards - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Titania's Fortune Cards by Titania Hardie.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 429,000 views.

As always I'll start with a general review of the physical book.  The card pack I was sent had a few issues.  First, the book was directly attached to the box for the deck. This makes it hard to read in my opinion.  I would have to rip it off the glued box in order to read it as a book.  Folding the box in 1/2 to read the book is nearly impossible as the spine is extremely wide and does not fit in the hands well. Secondly the deck fits into a slot cut in the left side of the box cover.  When you open the box the deck is sitting on top of the book, instead of being nestled safely in the cover.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book
 Two things in my opinion that hurt the overall presentation of this deck.Though a small deck in comparison to other decks I have reviewed, this deck only has the image on the card which means the reader will need to commit their meaning (as outlined in the book) to memory.  There are no written words on the card to trigger the memorization so as opposed to many decks that offer an idea based on the scene in the card; here you'll need to read the book a few times to be able to successfully read the cards.  A note should be made here the type face in this book is extremely small.  Most of the cards definitions take up 1/2 a page so I'm confused as to why the decision to make the font so small was made.  If I were to release an updated version, I would increase the font size to ease in legibility.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

The book begins with an explanation of Madam LeNormand's famed cartomancer of the 19th century. The author provides us with the impact it had on their lives and then jumps directly into the card layouts. The Cross, 7 & 9 and even a 19 card layout are provided along with examples of how to read them.

There is a quick overview section that provides a thumbnail view of each of the card's face and a brief sentence on each.  Each offers the "see also" that directs the reader to the full description of each card.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

Each full description card page includes information on how to interpret the card based on how it falls in the spread as well as its meaning. The Cross card for example is said to be the card of destiny. It goes on to say that you are looked after and your road is in the hands of the gods.  If it falls by the heart, you're destined for love; if by the garden destine for a job.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

Over all an interesting deck with meanings that are only revealed in the study of the book. The images are muted but legible and offer the reader the opportunity to learn what the pairings are telling them.  Not my favorite deck but not the worse I have seen by far.

I found several YouTube videos dedicated to this deck.  Here's a couple to choose from.

I also found this introduction as well.

Amenti Oracle Feather Heart Deck & Guide Book - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Amenti Oracle Feather Heart Deck and Guide Book by Jennifer Sodini.  Illustrated by Natalee Miller.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Amenti Oracle

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 412,000 views.

Starting as usual with the physical attributes of the book, I have to say this is one of the softest books I have held.  The deck comes inside a covered box with the soft cover book laid on top. The book is a bit smaller than I would like but understandable considering the delivery.  The print is a bit small for my 50 year old eye and working to hold the book open was a bit of a struggle. But I did manage to be able to hold it, although awkwardly.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Amenti Oracle

The art on the cards is pretty amazing. It seems to be a cross between 1920's pop culture and 1990's flash.  The author gives us the background of the inspiration for the deck and includes a personal note on how it impacted her.  There are five options for reading the cards, from a standard one card draw to the more elaborate "As above so Below" draw.  The majority of the book is of course, definitions of the cards.  They are the 42 Ideals of Ma'at. I won't list them out here but I can say I found a special connection to "I live in Truth" and "I speak with Sincerity"

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Amenti Oracle

I generally have a difficult time with giving a fair evaluation of Tarot and Oracle cards, but the author helped me out quite a bit with a simple definition of the two. I had not really considered this until reading her piece on it.

"If the tarot serves as the blueprint of the spirit in structure and the archetypal elements that encompass the universe mind or consciousness, the oracle may be viewed as something of a Rorschach test, a peek into the subconscious mind and the language of dreams."

That indeed sums up exactly what I find when I use oracle cards and the approach I'm taking in working on my own deck.  I'll be publishing my own creation dedicated to the Goddess Hecate in the not too distant future.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Amenti Oracle

Overall this is a really nice deck. The art is fun and whimsical at times and feels very bold and modern. The descriptions are easy to read and the author provides an excellent backstory for the cards. I think this is a nice set for any oracle collector or devotee of Ma'at to have in their collection.

The Book of Blessings and Rituals - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Book of Blessings and Rituals - Magical Invocations For Healing, Setting Energy and Creating Sacred Space by Athena Perrakis, Ph.D.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Cover

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Release Date: 7/30/19

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

I'll begin this review with the physical book.  The review copy I received is a hard cover book but did not have a dust jacket.  The image on the front shows assorted religious emblems and is a very vibrant raised image on cover.  The art inside is illustrative art and lends itself nicely to the context of the book.  There is no index in this book but the table of contents is pretty extensive.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

The chapters are broken down by month and include an assortment of rituals and blessings that correspond.  January, for example has new year's blessings and directional invocations while September offers  prayers for Rosh Hashanah, Mabon  and a Honey Blessing Jar project.

As in many of her other books, the author provides a clear and concise delivery of the information within the pages. The chapters begin with a brief overview of each month which includes a brief history or explanation of that rites within.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

The October chapter provides a brief look at Samhain (Summer's End in Gaelic) and how the Celts may have celebrated this new year.  The author gives us several rituals and a project associated with the celebration of the dead. Creating an ancestor altar has been one of my yearly traditional for quite some time.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

I really enjoyed the diversity included in this book.  While reading up on Samhain I was delighted to find a section on Diwali.  Diwali is Sanskrit for light or lamp.  Its an ancient Hindu festival celebrated at the New Moon in October.

The blessing begins:

On this new moon,
we remember light's victory over darkness.
Diyas glow like treasures,
thunderous sounds boom triumphantly
illuminating the night with color and sound
Now is the time to delight in celebration.
Lakshmi, I honor you on this day.
Thank you for blessing us with your abundance.

Over all, this book is well organized, and provides a well rounded bit of information from an assortment of cultures. Including projects with each chapter provides the reader the opportunity to not only read about rituals they may not have heard about, but also the ability to put them into practice as well.   I believe this is a great book to have on your self to compliment an extensive religious text collection or to introduce yourself to new paths you may have otherwise missed.

25,000 Followers Celebration

We did it!!  25,000 are part of the Confessions of a Modern Witch family. To celebrate I'm going to kick off a giveaway.  I have two books by Skye Alexander that I'm going to give away to two lucky members.  I'll choose one at random from the top fans list and one at random using Rafflecopter.

For the Top fan, I'll be giving away a copy of 10-Minute Magic Spells, Simple Spells and Self-Care Practices to Harness Your Inner Power.  You can find my review of that book here.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Cover

And for the Rafflecopter give away, you'll enter to win a copy of 10 Minute Crystal Ball, Easy Tips for Developing Your Inner Wisdom and Psychic Powers.  You can find my review of that book here.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Credit - Cover

I'll open the rafflecopter giveaway for the next five days!  You can enter by checking out some of the pages that I manage and by tweeting about the giveaway on Twitter.  On the day of the drawing I'll pick at random a winner from rafflecopter and choose one of the Top Fans on the Confessions of a Modern Witch page to send a copy of the book.

A few rules, first Facebook, Blogger, Twitter and Rafflecopter are in no way associated with my giveaway. I will need you to send a shipping address within 24 hours of being notified of winning AND you must live in the United States.  Unfortunately shipping costs are so high I can only afford to send to US addresses.

You have from July 8, 2019 at 12:00 AM - July 13, 2019 at 12:00 AM to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Little Book of Self-Care for Leo - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Little Book of Self-Care for Leo by Constance Stellas.
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Src - Cover

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Good Reads Book Link
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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As always I'm going to start with a review of the physical book.  This is a small hard cover book, perfect size to toss in a bag or backpack.  The the cover has a textured finish and is colorful.  My copy came with a sticker "not for resale".  one of the more annoying aspects of doing book reviews.  The inside is printed in red ink and has no illustrations at all.  The contents page is six lines long. Yes, I said six, and there is no index. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Src - Cover

The author defines for the reader, self care and goes on to break it down into types of self care. Such as physical, emotional, mental and practical just to list a few of the section headers.  I enjoyed the section called "What Self-Care Isn't".  I think a lot of self proclaimed gurus forget this aspect and many who think they are taking time to careful themselves miss this entirely.

The author writes:

Self-care is restorative. Self-care is clarifying. Self-care is whatever you need to do to make yourself feel secure in the universe.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Src - Cover

The section on Governing Elements is incredible.  I think that this section is key to fully understanding Chapter 3 which defines the element of fire as it relates to the sign of Leo.  Leading directly into the second part of the book which includes self care rituals.  These rituals are short, sweet and to the point.  One ritual per page, front and back for over 100 pages.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Src - Book

While directed specifically at Leo, the suggestion on page 41 to decorate the house with peacock feathers hit the nail on the head for me.  Surround yourself with things that are beautiful and you will feel beautiful. 

Overall this is an adorable book that is available in all the signs of the zodiac. This would be a great graduation, birthday or bridal party gift. I highly recommend heading out and grabbing your copy today.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Src - Promo Materials

In Focus Chakra Healing - Your Personal Guide - A Review

Today I'm reviewing  In Focus: Chakra Healing - Your Personal Guide by Roberta Vernon.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

I'm going to begin with a review of the physical book.  My copy was a hard cover copy without a dust jacket that includes an 18 x 24 inch Chakra wall chart.  It is colorful and informative.  It tucks nicely into an envelope in the back of the book.  The cover is bright yellow with a dark black text that bounces off the cover.  The print is slightly raised giving a nice feel to the book when held.  It is a bit larger than some books but not too large to be tossed into a bag or backpack for reading on the go.  This is the third or fourth book I have reviewed as part of the In Focus collection from Quarto Knows and I found this to be a very good quality book and an easy read.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

The chapters are broken down into sections that review what the Chakras are and how they are divided with a chapter dedicated to the major and minor chakras alike. I found the chapter on identifying the weak chakra to be extremely beneficial. It reads like a troubleshooting guide for what ails you.  Quick, to the point and direct about which chakras you need to work with when dealing with issues like spiritual deference, the lymphatic system and even income and money.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Chapter seven talks about using crystals for healing the Chakras.  One of my favorite topics. This section has tips and tricks as well as some pretty good images related to setting up your crystals and selecting the correct crystal for specific issues. The chart on page 102 is great for a chakra crystal at a glance.  I could see this being a great reference for current practitioners and beginners alike.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Unlike many Chakra books I have reviewed, this book offers a chapter on magical techniques for working with the chakras. Basic altar discussion, candles, colors and meditations are provided. I was pleased to see that this book also included a section, although brief, on our furry friends as well.

Overall this is a great book to have in your Chakra library and I highly recommend.

10 Minute Crystal Ball - Tips for your Inner Powers - A Review

Today I'm reviewing 10 Minute Crystal Ball - Easy Tips for Developing Harness Your Inner  Wisdom and Psychic Powers by Skye Alexander.


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Release Date: May 14, 2019
ISBN: 9781592338825

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

Starting with a review of the physical book, I will say this is a well bound book. I received a hard copy to review without a dust jacket.  The images are more like clip art in the book vs. illustrations and have a lean towards the color gold.  I like the simplicity and the directness of the images and appreciate the color scheme.  It includes a short but directed index as well as a list of resources at the end which in my opinion are key to any decent reference book.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - 10 Minute Crystal Ball

The Author begins with a brief introduction into what the reader can glean from the text and direction on the exact process for attaining the most benefit from the book.  The book is divided into sections that address intuition, divination and examining the psychic tool box. One of favorite chapters is the section on our toolbox.  While touching base on the most common divination tools in modern magic, this book added a new one that I have not encountered until now.  Graphology is the art of examining handwriting for a look into the writers temperament, intellectual capacity, vocational potential, heal, relationship needs and more according to the author.   How intriguing!  I was sad to see such a short piece on it but it certainly gave me something to jot down and look up later.  I love it when a book does that!

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - 10 Minute Crystal Ball
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - 10 Minute Crystal Ball

My next favorite section was the part covering mental telepathy. I have often felt things before they happened or knew someone was going to call before they did.  And yes, I've picked a few good lotto numbers, LOL.  But I digress. Naysayers like to be the first to taunt us and say that if we were "real psychics" we would do X.  I'm quite happy with my current station in life, but back to the book.  The section from pages 136-163, in my opinion, are a great way to work on your psychic abilities. I love this addition to the book and think that others might pay attention here and offer a bit more in the teaching than the preaching.  :)

Overall, I was surprised by the content of the book. I expected a bit more fluff and was pleasantly surprised. I think that novice witches and even seasoned crones will benefit from adding this piece to their magical library.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - 10 Minute Crystal Ball