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Pagan Blog Project 2013 - A is for Anpsi

A is for Anpsi:

A term for psychic phenomena involving the interactions of animals with humans.

In doing my research for the first letter of the Pagan BlogProject 2013, I wanted something different but yet something I could relate to.  I have animals all around me.  I feel their energy and even talk to them.  Not like Mr. Ed, but more like a very subtle voice that creeps into my head when they are around.  Note, this is not something you can share with your psychologist.  (giggle)

In my research on the web there’s not a great deal of information about Anpsi or Animal Psi.  We've heard about the dog that traveled across the country to find his lost family.  Or the cat that ends up back at home after being lost for years.  These are the types of things that most attribute to Anspi.  There are even companies out there that will claim to use Anpsi to assist in helping with behavior therapy for pets. A quick Google Search for – Psychic who talks to animals – will give you a nice long list to review. 

I believe that we can indeed “communicate” with animals.  The main thing to remember is that the animals would be the one’s talking.  We should actually be “listening” to the animals.  I have two very real communicating animals in my house.

First we have Sheba.

Photo Credit - Elijah Olson

Sheba belonged to hubby before we got married.  She communicates with the dead.  She would sit for hours in a section of hubby’s grandmother’s house and chat away.  She’d meow at the chair or stand in front of the stove and just talk talk talk.  We believed that hubby’s grandmother’s spirit was still in the house.
After we packed her up and moved her across the county, she’s taken up residence on my ancestor altar.  She sits there for hours.  We also have a very active corner of the house where again, she sits and meows for hours. 
Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Next we have Melon.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Melon is my kids cat.  Melon came to use as part of a litter we rescued from the shelter.  We drove up there and the Lola picked out the one bright orange kitty in the litter. 

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

The lady told her, we will be putting the rest of the litter down.  She began to cry, so hubby took all of them.  We raised them and found the rest homes, but Melon stayed here.  Melon chats with me from time to time.  He can even physically say “mama”. 

When I lose things in the house; Melon knows where they are.  Several times, I’ll ask out loud, “Melon, where are the keys?” and a little voice will come in my head and tell me where they are.  He is terrified of loud noises and storms.  

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

He loves pets and drools.  He doesn't talk to the dead, but yet helps the absent minded living find the things they've misplaced.

I think this was a great find.  I knew that I could “talk” to the animals but just didn't know what it was called. Hope you've found this informative and entertaining.

Namaste & Blessed Be

What on Earth..... Embrace the Sparkle

So this is day two of me taking my vitamins again.  For a long time now, probably about six months, I've been not eating the best in world and neglecting my exercise and vitamin routine.

I started taking them again yesterday and earlier this week I had hubby pick up 6 pieces of fruit for me.  I used to eat that many pieces a day!  I have to say it's been a very long time since I took care of myself.  I was in a major mania since just before Thanksgiving.  I always get a little whackadoodle around the holidays but this time it was really bad.

Hubby and I headed out on Thanksgiving and we had to turn around and come home due to panic attacks.  We decided it was best if I stayed away from my family.  I have a huge amount of guilt associated with it.  But still it's probably for the best.

I got word yesterday that hubby will be working on Christmas day and my silly brain decided that I should go over to my Grandma's house.  I know inside that's not the right decision. No matter what happens my brain will turn it around to a negative.  If my sister speaks, I'll say she's putting on a front.  If she ignores me I'll be hurt she didn't try.  If she doesn't show, I'll judge it.  There's really no reason to do all that stuff.  I keep repeating the same behavior over and over.

So I've decided that this year, I'm not going to go.  I'm going to stay home with my animals and just veg.  Maybe I'll work on the shop, or practice my embroidery.  I'm not going to go over there and feed that crazy monster any more.

Instead, I'm going to "try" (I know Yoda I know... Try NOT ... DO)  to keep eating my fruits and getting my vitamins in me.  Maybe the reason I'm on a sparkle now is because my diet is fubared.  I need to keep my fruits coming in and stop eating so many carbs.  Yeah that's the ticket.

Since my mother left I've gone from a size 10/12 back to a 12/14.  I know not a HUGE difference but a big deal to me.  Hubby confessed that he preferred a little meat on my bones so at least I know he's not completely grossed out by me.

(put the bat down)

So today I've had my breakfast and I'm on my third glass of water before 9:30 am.  That's a good thing.  I'm looking forward to the new year.  Good things to come.

No one can take away from you what you do not give them.   Do not give them the power to hurt you.  Embrace the Sparkle.

Namaste & Blessed Be

Embrace the Sparkle - We're BAAAAACK

I've got a lot going on in my head today.  I've had several ideas for the blog post today and each one is pretty dang good if I do say so myself.  However I just can’t decide what I want to post on.  I made an amazing dinner last night and took step by step photos.  I was going to share that with you today.  But somehow I’m just not feeling it.

Then it’s Veteran’s Day.  I like this day.  When I was in the fifth grade at Eastern Wayne, I won classroom essay of the year and was awarded a certificate for an essay I wrote about Veteran’s Day.  I was very proud of that.  I even had to walk up on stage in an assembly.  This was huge for me, as I felt only a mediocre student.  My younger sister was the honor student with all the A’s and perfect all the time. She was the pretty one, I was plain. It was my one moment to shine.  I treasured it.  Again, something dear to me but somehow just not the topic I wanted to present today.

Photo Credit - Portrait - Renee Olson

I've come up with a new idea for a series of children’s books that I am going to co-write with my best friend and soul mate, my hubby.  It’s a darling idea that we came up with together as a way to help others learn about not only my religion but his lack of religion.  We’re really excited about it and may even just create an eBook and sell it ourselves.  Yet, again it just doesn't seem to fit into the day.

I've got a lot on my mind.  It’s coming into the holiday season.  That time of year when most are celebrating the joyous times, be it with friends and family or in self-reflection.  We've chatted many times before about my childhood and it seems that when we get closer to Thanksgiving and then rolling right into Christmas my manias tend to get a bit more frequent and my “sparkle” as I like to call it; rears its head and I change a bit.  My eyes tend to glaze over and I start to revert.  I’m more easily distracted by ‘shiny things’ and my brain starts going, what seems like a million miles an hour. 

Here’s a few family pictures of the holidays, I’m the oldest female child in these pics.  You can tell from my face something just isn't right.

Photo Credit - Jean Wiggs - Photographer

Photo Credit - Charlie Wiggs - Photographer

Photo Credit - Charlie Wiggs - Photographer

During this time I’m extremely creative and I feel as if there’s nothing in the world I can’t do.  My powers are all encompassing and all knowing.  Then, I crash.  I don’t see it.  I don’t know it.  I only realize it after it’s over.
Photo Credit - Renee Olson - Photographer

My thoughts will jump about and be sometimes random.  Sometimes I will be blunt or say things that seem a bit out of character for me.  It’s like Hyperactivity in Retrograde.  J

The main thing that keeps coming back into my mind today is my weight.  I’m back in my 14/16 jeans now.  10s long a thing of the past.  I can’t seem to just stay a small size.  I get there, and then bounce back.  Sure I could start exercising again.  That’s really all that’s changed.  I still eat really good food and I don’t eat crap.  I've just stopped working out.  And I don’t want to work out.  I want to be OK with who I am right now.  I need to be OK with that.  I prefer women with meat on their bones.  Nothing against you skinny girls out there, Goddess love you that you have the ability to maintain that form, but for me I’m more interested in curves. 

That may be where my downfall lies.  To me curves equal sexy.  But when I look in the mirror all I hear is that voice shouting at me.  Over and over, louder and louder….  Some of you out there may hear it too. 
So I sit here.  Thinking about my size, my shape …

Hubby has told me over and over that he loves me, no matter my size but is indeed more attracted to me at this size than when I was smaller.  He wants me happy.  I get that.  I want that.

Photo Credit - Elijah Olson - Photographer

So what do we do from here?  No clue.  I know I usually end my entries with a positive affirmation or some quip that will basic say, TAKE THAT WORLD.  Today I have nothing.   Just me sitting alone with my thoughts, looking for answers and hoping for the best.

Next time maybe I’ll add that new recipe.

Namaste & Blessed Be

Pagan Blog Project 2012 - U is for Unity

U is for Unity:  u·ni·ty/ˈyo͞onÉ™tÄ“/ 

Noun:   The state of being united or joined as a whole, esp. in a political context. Harmony or agreement between people or groups.

Unity.  As defined, unity is a harmonious agreement between people or groups.  Some may think of a circle as “unity”.  I would agree.  When we look around our community, be it a community of witches or a group of voters one thing that is lacking in my opinion is unity. 

Now you may ask the following question, “Sosanna, how can two completely different groups unify?”  
For this I have an answer.  We are not two completely different groups.  We may indeed have differences.  Much like a litter of kittens for example.  There may be white ones and black one, maybe even a calico one.   But, they are all kittens.  We can compare this to other things, like plants or trees.  There are all types of trees, but alas they are still unified in one thing.  They are still trees.

Looking around my different circles today I can see where the unity has become separated.  Meaning that in my personal life, my work life and my witch life, things are broken.  I am usually a pretty upbeat positive person, which people like to be around.  Over the course of this last year I've been blocked on Face Book by 5 people, two of which I’m related to.  Now at some point you have to say, well it is what it is and move on, however I believe that this is evidence that we as a group; we as humans have an inability to coexist.  I’m not saying you need to be friends with everyone on Facebook, but I am saying is that are we so sensitive that we cannot simply exist in our worlds, unified that we are indeed all human beings that should care for the general welfare of our own species and put the need to be right on the back burner?

Perhaps this is enlightenment.  Maybe this is the point that you get to when you can look at another and know that they completely and totally disagree with you and in fact have specifically said things against you, and you can say, I honor that light in you which is also in me. 


When a group has unity, their force is greater than that of one standing alone.  We together to join a fight, a cause or battle and reach a goal much quicker than one person fighting that battle alone.

So for this week’s Pagan Blog Project and my NaBloWriMo entry, I’m asking all of my readers to take up the fight and let’s take a stand to assist one team in Maryland reach their goal in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.   This team is at 50% of their goal and has only until Sunday to complete their pledge. 

I know it’s a tough time right now, financially so what I’ve decided to do is on top of promoting this great cause and this team I’m also going to do something for those donating.  ANYONE sending a donation in via this site before Sunday will receive a coupon code for Sosanna's Closet for 20% off their purchase.  Now your donation must be made by Sunday, but your coupon code will not expire until February.  So make your donation, $5, $10 any amount will help this great event.

Let’s unify for this fight.

Namaste & Blessed Be

NaBlogWriMo - Thursday Tirade 1

So Thursday Tirade is going to be about stuff that just annoys me.  I’m going to try my best to keep it clean and not use this day to do any damage.  These posts are completely my opinion and not representative of Pagans, Witches, Wiccans or Hecateans in general.  It’s what I think.

That being said today I’m going to focus something that REALLLY REALLY annoys the heck out of me.  If we look at the calendar that is used in many countries today we see that it is a Gregorian calendar.  Our calendar has changed many times over the years but still based on the old Roman Calendars.  Even the names, January – named for the god Janus, March for the god Mars and so on.  Our days of the week: Monday for Moons Day, Thursday for Thor’s Day.  The calendar we use today is Pagan.

So what’s a calendar - 

So we see that the calendar has started to sculpted and molded into something different.  In general Pagans follow the cycles of the year and celebrate the calendar; some by following what is called the Wheel of the Year.  In my path, I’m not big on following each of the days but there are a few that are especially significant for me.  More of what I feel drawn to, and less of “You better honor this day” sorta thing.

As a small child I was raised in a small town with small minds.  We were taught that KISS the rock band were really “Knights In Satan’s Service” and that Christmas as an evil pagan holiday.  

NOTE there is swearing in this video!  Here's a clip of a couple people talking about the KISS issue.

Forty years later I’m back in that small town and now the minds have changed, but they’re still just as narrow.  Slowly over my limited years I've watched as Ostara is now celebrated in the local churches with “Spring Flings” and “Egg Hunts” for the kids.  Now I’m as much for a party as the next chick but exactly at what point did the little bunny roll the stone away and help Jesus rise from the grave?  When exactly did eggs come into your faith?  Yeah that’s what I thought. 

I won’t outline each of the holidays that have been taken and changed to suit the needs of others; instead I’ll go to the MAIN one that is really PISSING ME OFF.

Like witches around the world when October 1st rolls around, my whole mind set changes.  Life starts to take on a different meaning for me.  I get to smell pumpkin and see the leaves change.  The air gets a bit crisper and that familiar feeling of seeing your breath is starting to happen.  Samhain is an amazing time of the year.  I love it.  I also love that we have several holidays that fall side by side and I can be extremely respectful of the different cultures.

Here in my little town, so is something else.  Churches across my town are having something called “Harvest Festival” or “Jesusween” … guess when it is? No come on guess.. RIGHT!  October 31st.  I get to see their little church signs say things like “Family Harvest Festival, A safe place for your family”.  I understand you need to drum up business, but please, leave this one, this last holiday that you’ve not bastardized alone.  Do they do that?  No, the next thing I see is giant billboards for “Judgment House”.  For those not familiar with it, it’s basically taking the ole Halloween Haunted House and changing the “scary” scenes for scenes of “Sinners” in hell or going to hell, or being tortured.  And our typical sins are represented, abortions.

Our Holidays have even become the subject of Songs –

If you want to scare your followers into acting a certain way, that’s your business.  Please try to stop dragging other religions down in the process.  And please PLEASE let me have what’s left of my October. 

Namaste & Blessed Be

Dealing With Hurt

Over the last few months I've been dealing with a lot of family drama.  To the point of posts on my Facebook Page calling me names and even attacking my mental disorder.  I've been working through a lot of it with writing exercises (pros and cons) on dealing with my family as well as trying to come to terms with being ok with saying, No you don't get to treat me this way just because we are related.

At this point in my life I understand that I'm stuck at the age of about 16 and act accordingly.  I do manage to get myself to work each day and do for the most part, a good job of being a wife, when I'm not a complete brat.  I spend a lot of time saving animals, dying my hair purple and looking for witch boots at thrift stores.  Some people might say I'm childish.  I prefer "child like".  I'm the first to admit I'm naive. I tend to trust people just a little too much.  I always assume people are doing the right thing and never think that anyone would ever do anything to hurt me on purpose.

I try to always treat others the way I want to be treated.  I think first and then speak.  Generally I do not speak out of anger or hatred and when there is some sort of drama or altercation my disorder is such that I spend hours and hours dissecting it to see what I could have done differently to reach a better outcome.  I troubleshoot life.

All that being said, today I get a call from Walmart letting me know that my mother's prescriptions are ready.    I called the pharmacy to find out exactly what's ready and then being the type of person I am, instead of just saying screw her and all the drama that they gave me last week, I call her on the phone to let her know about the prescriptions and ask if she'd like me to pick them up.  I find out from the nurse there that she's decided to leave the home on the 23rd and move in with one of my sisters.

Ok.. news to me, thanks for letting me know.  I finally get her on the phone and confirm that she's moving out of the home.  I ask her about her mail and her stuff she has here and she tells me I should put all of it in my sister's name.  I told her about the bills coming and about me bringing up her paperwork to the home on the 18th.  I remind her that I've already paid for her to go to my grandmother's birthday and she didn't need to pay again.  I had paid for her, Eli and myself, but Eli and I wouldn't be attending.  She asked me why and I told her it was because my sister had threatened me with courts, lawyers, police and all sorts of other attacks and that I didn't feel it was right.  Her exact quote.  "Whatever".

Now I'm not one to hold on to false hope, and trust me I honestly thought that I really didn't give a rat's ass what she thought about anything. However when she said that, pain shot through my chest.  I think it finally hit me, that she didn't care that I brought her in my home.  She didn't care how hurt I was from all the family drama when I was a child.  She didn't care about how I felt now.  It was painfully obvious.

As I hung up the phone I went to the USPS online site to change her address, I started pulling the folders out with all the documentation I've collected over the last five months.  The Social Security Meetings, the Medicaid Meetings, the Cardiologist appointments and so on... I began to cry.  I couldn't control it, and I still do not know why.

I texted hubby and work and had a little chat and a pep talk to get myself back up in a better frame of mind. I do everything I can to help everyone and for the most part, most people are wonderful.  But there are those that can do nothing but hurt.  I'm not sure how to deal with the hurt.  I've tried tucking it away; I've tried burning it up, I've even cast it out away from me, but still some can bring it roaring back into my life with a vengeance.

So my countdown begins.  there are 7 days until I will be done with all the paperwork, all the updates, all the emails and messages.  I'll be changing over the prescription notifications along with all the other necessary information just in time for her to move in with my sister.

I'm taking some time to heal up before I go around any of them again.  I'm not sure when that will be.  I'm not even sure I'll be missed. I'm hoping this is the right way to deal with the hurt.  I know I certainly don't want to be hurt again.

Namaste & Blessed Be

"F" Revisited and a Vent

So currently I'm participating in the Pagan Blog Project 2012 this past two weeks were on the letter F.  My week I chose the word Family and did my post on that.

I've been put in a position to where I'm taking care of my mother.  We never got along well and in fact up until January we didn't even really speak.  I liked it that way.  I didn't have to deal with all the old crap from my childhood.  I could go about my life, being happy with my hubby and spending time with our dogs.

How life changes in just a few months.  It's March now and here I sit at 8 in the morning barely rested because my mother woke me at 2 in the morning confused and standing in the hallway of our house.  She didn't make any sense at all and here I am trying to get her back into bed.  Apparently she had gotten lost from the bathroom to the bedroom.  Our bathroom door and the her bedroom door are literally 3 feet from each other.

I've had to update my calendar and change everything around because just in the month of April she's has 5 appointments, as well as an eye surgery scheduled after which she'll be completely blind for a number of hours.  The sight will return but we have to go back in for another treatment where again she'll be blind for a limited time.  I went from having no connection at all to having to be someone's complete caretaker.  It's becoming daunting.

I know that it's not her fault and I want to be the type of person to help others when they are in need.  I want to be able to assist someone in their transition to the underworld.  I need to find away to separate my old emotions from the person that's here today.  I also need to find a way to stop holding expectations of others.  I would gladly be here to help my hubby should he become in a state that he needed constant care.  But he never treated me like crap.  ARRRG  All the old stuff in my head.  Dealing with all this is so stressful that I've begun to put on weight and my tummy is on fire all the time.

Last night hubby says to me, you're not the same person any more.  In my effort to assist her, I've started to lose myself.  How is it that the "family" I have around me cannot see the toll this is taking on me and try to help me? 

We know why don't we?  It's because it's easier to let someone else do the work.  It's easier to sit back and toss out directions and offer suggestions but not actually do any of the work.  Something as complicated as working with Medicaid, getting the hospital bills paid and then suggestions around what's happening to the money. 

I have responsibilities too.  I have expectations and needs.  At one point I really wanted assistance.  I wanted help.  Now I'm jaded and bitter.  Now I don't want anything.  I just want to be here, finish my sentence and become free.

It sounds awful.  It sounds too much like someone I don't want to be.  However I cannot allow myself to hold expectations for others, only to be let down time and time again.  So I'm done.  I can count on one person and one person alone.  Together we will succeed.  Just like we did when we took care of his mother.  We'll get mine off to her afterlife and then we will move on.  No more information, no more calls, no more babying the situation.  It is what it is and I am done.

Family is not permission to be uncaring and hateful.  Family is not a pass to drop your responsibility in someone's lap just because you can.   Most of all, Family is not a group of people joined by DNA.  Family are those that lift you up.  Family make you smile.  Family see your burden and come over to shoulder the load.  Family may be blood, but generally its those people around you that CHOOSE to be related to you, not the ones that are there by blood.

If you know someone one that needs a bit of a lift, take this post as a reminder to pick up the phone, send them an email.  They just might not be as strong as you think they are.

Namaste and Blessed Be

Pagan Blog Project 2012 – F - 2

Pagan Blog Project – Letter F

Finding your deity
I’ve been a solitary for many years.  I had not felt much connection to any particular deity.  I did know that it was a female form but that was the extent of it.  Late last year I was chatting with a friend on Facebook and he mentioned Hekate to me.  I remember how odd I thought the spelling was because in my goddess chant and on several of my prayers I see the name spelled with a c and not a K.

I began to study Hekate and found that I was drawn to her.  As a child I was drawn to Greek mythology.  I read everything I could get my hands on.  My favorite was the story of Persephone and Hades, in which Hekate guides Persephone back and forth from the underworld.  During this time I also collected keys.  I found them intriguing and wanted to have lots of them.  I was not aware of Hekate’s status as a goddess and was unaware of the symbolism of the keys.
I experienced many experiences throughout my young adulthood of contact with the spirit world.  I had visits from those that had past looking for the correct place to go.  I would often bring home stray animals and have been drawn to dogs with masks and snakes.
Other links to Hekate in my life are these:
I worked on a blog project that some of you may remember called “What Makes You State Great?” for the “Hail Columbia” project against the NAR and Dominionism.  The goddess Columbia has often been compared to Hekate, also being a torchbearer.
An herb sacred to Hekate is belladonna.  I play an online game where for many years, my title was “Belladonna”. 
The Willow tree is my tree.
I spend a lot of time mapping cemeteries.  I started this when we moved here six years ago; very appropriate that my goddess is the goddess of graveyards. 

It took many years for me to find my Goddess.  Finding her was much more difficult than it was for her to find me.

In my adult practices I’ve had many visits from spirits that have passed.  I’ve seen aunts and uncles, cousins, friends and strangers.  This led me to enter a contest where I posted about my cousin’s passing and how he still visits me here.  He died at a cross roads, and without my knowledge of that event, I bought a house that ends at the exact opposite side of that place; also at a crossroad.  My blog entry resulted in my winning the contest and I got a copy of Christian Day’s book “The Witch’s book of the Dead”.  This is when I first formally met Hekate.
My studies opened up many things for me; my love of fire and torches, my connection to masks and magic; as well as my attraction to Samhain and keys to find me.  As I look back her influence has been there.  As the protector of the less fortunate, I feel that she has been here with me throughout my life, even if I have only just found her.

Sometimes it might not come to you right away, but finding your deity can be a wonderful experience.  

Below are some links that helped me find mine.
YouTube Channel – Hersacredfires
The Covenant of Hekate

This is a introduction video on Hekate.

 Namaste & Blessed Be


As I sat here over the last few days, full of worry about how I'm going to get all these things I need to get done completed, I became completely and utterly involved with my own problems.  I began to feel sorry for myself and think how could I ever get out of all this work that lay ahead.

What would I be able to do, how could I survive?? I actually began to feel completely negative.  I spent the full moon working and more working. The evening of course was spent in ritual.  It was the first drawing down that I've done since the dedication ceremony.  I felt completely filled with the energy of the Goddess.

I felt the warm energy surround my body and embrace me.  I felt safe and happy.  I felt at ease and calm as the warm waters from the ritual bath I took just before the ceremony.  My skin scented lightly with patchouli and myrrh.  I was at peace.

The next morning I got a message from a dear friend on Facebook. We've worked together on several pagan action's including the recent Hail Columbia project.  Heather approached me with an idea for an anti-bullying ritual for those children that are being attack in our nation's schools.  Working feverishly over the next few nights she put together this wonderful idea of holding a group circle over our network and joining together to send out a prayer of protection for these children.

I thought about her proposition and immediately could identify how my Goddess Hekate would certainly move to the foreground to protect children.  I've read where Hekate teaches justice and fairness, especially of those who are different.  I will spend the new moon this month sending out the light from my Goddess into the lives of these children, hoping to show them the path to happiness. The path to fulfillment and the path to justice.

I would love to be able to include my followers here and those that you can reach out to with your connections and create a web of inclusions, perhaps even a web of protection around these children.  If you can please join us on our Facebook event, or privately add us to your new moon rituals.

I'm including Heather's poem and spell below.  You can find them on our Facebook Event as well.

Dear Children - by Heather L. Mauldin

Namaste & Blessed Be

Supporting Our Community

Today I was able to attend one of the many wonderful events sponsored by Kay Soto at her store Truely Unique in Wilson NC.  Today Blake Octavian Blair  led a wonderful discussion on the value of Community in our Community.  He mentioned the current happenings in Bumecombe County where  Ginger Strivelli, co-founding priestess of The Appalachian Pagan Alliance, attempted to donate a box of pagan books to a school in Asheville that previously had given away Gideon Bibles just before the winter break in December.  The story has caught a bit of media attention and was even covered by Fox News as well as local news.

When Blake first mentioned her name, I have to say I was slightly embarrassed as I didn't know who she was. Then as he began to tell her story the room lit up as many, including myself, immediately remembered her plight and knew exactly who he was referring to.

Just to give a little background to the story, basically a box of Gideon's Bibles were donated to a school, an announcement was made that anyone who was interested could come to the office and pick one up.  This was brought to the attention of Ginger, whose son brought one home.  When Ginger offered to bring other religious texts to the school she was told they would be treated the same, but when she made good on the promise and arrived with her materials she was told that the board was reviewing the process and her books would not be accepted.

The main complain here, is that the school should not be giving out religious materials from one group
and not another. Personally, to me, religion belongs in the church and in the home not in schools or government.  That being said I felt that I would take some time to post about Ginger's situation on my blog tonight.  I was surprised to hear that this has escalated to the point of death threats.  I did some searching on the web and found that Selena Fox and the Lady Liberty League are calling out for a show of support for the Strivelli family.  I'm so glad to see that our community is stepping up to defend Ginger.  From the very first reporting I saw of the incident by Byron Ballard, Asheville's Village Witch on her Facebook page.

As Blake mentioned today, we are able in this day and age to support our community electronically.  We can send emails, like a page and post a note of encouragement to this family to show our support for what they are going through.  The Strivelli's have a Facebook Support page, where many are leaving comments, words of encouragement and well wishes for the family.  As Selena mentioned on a recent status update, this family could use support in the form of visitors to their page or rituals. Even a short message would probably be very helpful.

Tonight I'm setting lighting a candle and sending out protective energies for Ginger and her family.  I hope that all of you will be able to send them a note, post a blog, send a message, email a news group, do something to show support for our sister.

I would like to thank Blake for coming out and opening up a wonderful discussion as well as Kay at Truely Unique for the opportunity to attend.

Namaste & Blessed Be


So this week has been a week of change.  Thursday night hubby and I drove to Raleigh to pick up my mother.  She was turned down for all the rehab centers, she couldn't stay with my 96 year old grandmother and no one else could take her in.

I've spent this week filing for medicaid, applying for prescription drug programs and contacting different people in an effort to get my mother placed somewhere.  The majority of these things have ended in one word.  NO.

Tonight I went to Walmart to pick up her prescriptions and they were well over 300.00.  Hubby has been amazing.  He's been there helping me and running interference where needed.

I'm completely and totally exhausted.  My brain is tired and my body is going on auto pilot.  I'm really surprised at how pitiful our health care system is in this country.  How is it that we live in a place where one prescription can cost over 200.00?  How can it be so expensive to get oxygen paid for.  I used to think, Well they can't charge for air.. guess what?  They can.

On a more positive note my application to The Covenant of Hekate was approved!  Tonight I will be completing the rite.  I'm very very excited about it.  I already feel very connected to the Goddess and feel that it will be my final step to completing my dedication to Hekate.

I'm looking forward and thinking positive.  I'm challenging all the energies I can towards a positive outcome.

Namaste & Blessed Be

Embrace the Sparkle #9

Long time no sparkle eh?

No not really. I've been having a pretty active set of days since Thanksgiving. I've found a pattern to some of my manias. Many of the occur between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. As with many others the holidays are not easy times for me. Much of my time is spent speeding around the house.

I spend this time working. Working and more working. If I actually took time off during these two month's I'd probably go completely whack-a-doodle. I remember as a kid being at home the week before Christmas. My Stepfather played music in a country band. Most of the time we were left home with me babysitting my sisters. My mother would go to the bar with him and tell us to "be good" and you know how that goes. On one of these baby sitting trips I ended up walking with my two little sisters to the mall, my youngest at the time was about 7. She ended up breaking her arm as we ran down the rail road tracks to the Mall. Not the best example, but then I was only 11 or 12 years old.

However, that's not really the point of this story, Christmas, yes that's the point. Today I don't have a Christmas tree in my house. Because year after year after year my step father could get drunk and tear it down.

I remember being awoke by his screaming and yelling or him dragging me out of bed and standing me in front of the tree calling me "whore" or "slut". He was an awful awful man. He was physically, emotionally and sexually abusive to me from age 5 until I ran away from home at 15. It didn't matter the month, if it was Friday or Saturday and his drunk ass was at home, we got bitched at. Years ago my Christmas tree fell over in my house and I nearly had a nervous breakdown. From that day forward no more trees.

We drive to my grandmother's for Christmas dinner, yelling and cussing in the car the entire way was my horrible step father. As we pulled up in the drive way we were warned to keep our mouths shut or we'd "GET IT". Then out of the car he'd pop out smiling, my mother by his side acting as if nothing had happened. The exact same scene played at Thanksgiving, minus the Christmas tree battle.

This year was the first year that hubby had to work so I was at grandma's with my Mother alone, on both days. I did have an Aunt there that helped keep me sane, however on New Year's Day, it was just me. Just me there with my mom, who by all accounts is a complete nut job that at times I think cannot even remember who I am. She grunted at me and when I tried to speak to her, jumped at me a bit much like Christmas and Thanksgiving.

I stayed a grand total of 20 minutes before I was out the door. Just couldn't take it. I battled the entire drive home to avoid all the fast food joints and junk food I could just to make it home to hide. At least I didn't binge, that's all I kept saying.

Today it seems a lifetime ago even though it was only a few days. I share my mother with 3 other siblings however I was the only one there that day. The only one that speaks to me had to work so I had to face those demons alone and failed miserably. My mind has been racing, I've barely slept and been going going going since then.

I know it's going to be slowing down soon. I have to embrace it, stop fighting it. Become one with the Sparkle. Understand that the sparkle is there to protect me. It keeps me from those that would hurt me and helps me know that I can do anything. (with in reason) I embrace the sparkle but keep my feet on the ground. I'm very proud of myself for keeping it together. I've even thought up several new crafts I want to work on for the Etsy Shop and come up with three or four great ideas for work.

This is when they come to me. I get so creative during this time. My energies flow and the ideas just come and come. Sometimes I wish I could stay here forever. But I know it makes those around me a bit crazy to deal with the go go go go .....

I'm hoping for some slow down soon.. maybe before my birthday... yea... maybe ...

Embrace the Sparkle
Namaste & Blessed Be

'An it harm none....

So I just got finished listening to the Wiccan Rede discussion with Christian Day, Lori Bruno and Sabrina The Ink Witch.

There's a lot going on in this broadcast. At first I was a little put off by the comments followers of the "Rede" take the easy way out and then it changes to "it's harder to follow the rede". In this discussion one sentiment stands out for me. You can't cast spells or live life without "harming" something. Oddly enough I found myself agreeing with this. I understand that at some point applying the letter of the law would be counter productive. For example, sending energies out to help a person come up with money to pay their bill, may take that money from another person who needs it as well.

I want to send out good energies and get energies back. I want to send positive out, yet recently I learned that one of my sister's took my mother's ATM card and cleaned out her bank account. She couldn't buy her insulin and needed to have one of my aunt get it for her. I found out afterwards. My very very first instinct was to call out to my fellow pagans to send out some energies to stop her from harming my mother. Her actions are causing harm. That's not justice, it's not equality, it's not fairness. It's just plain mean.

Am I right to want to correct this wrong? Does this violet the rede? Should I care? As many of you know I am solitary. I attempted to join a group in the summer which ended very poorly. Has my work as a solitary made me less likely to follow this "rede"? I'm just not sure any more.

I like the thought process behind "Harm None". I like to say that I do what I can to help others, and be a good person. A sense of ethics is important to me. But I have to say, if I could have whipped up a spell to turn her into a toad, a toad my sister would be!

I am a bit embarrassed that I felt that way. My grandmother always told me, if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all. :( For her, I had to say nothing.

During the show, Christian refers to "Throwing good money after bad". Again here I can completely relate. I have been giving money and giving money and helping her move and I today, I cannot give my mother cash. I'll drive her to the doctor, I'll do what I can to help her get her meds, but if I get her cash, she'll just give it to the one stealing from her. I can't do that any more. So here I can relate. I never really thought of this as not standing by the "rede".

But I guess when you think about it, it could very well be taken that way. I'm sure I'll continue to struggle with this. But I do believe that I will continue to try to send out positives, however with my new interest in working with the Dead and exploring magic I think I'll keep my mind a bit more open.

I'd love to hear thoughts around this..

Namaste and Blessed Be

Happy Holidays

Wishing everyone a joyous holiday season.

No matter how you celebrate it. Enjoy it.

Namaste & Blessed Be

December Traditions - Santa Claus

Most children grow up being taught that if they're good a jolly old man will bring them toys at Christmas and if they're naughty, they'll get a lump of coal. For my final posting on December tradition's I'm going to give you a history of Santa Claus.

The primary inspiration for Sinterklaas is thought to be Saint Nicholas of Myra. He was known for his work with the poor and needy.

Due to the German and Scandinavian influence on the holiday, many comparisons have been made between Santa and Odin. As many other traditions of the holiday were Christianized it's thought that the modern Santa was also pulled from this God worshiped by many of the Germanic people. Some stories include one of Odin riding an eight legged horse named Sleipnir that could leap great distances, here again tying to Santa's magical reindeer. The tradition says that the children would put carrots or straw in their boots by the chimney for Sleipnir to eat, Odin would reward the children by replacing the food with gifts or candy. This is where the idea of putting stockings by the fireplace are thought to have originated.

Father Christmas is usually seen as a jolly fat man with a beard and a long green robe. He represents the spirit of Christmas, that being good cheer. He is most notability depicted in Charles Dickens's story "A Christmas Carol".

After the 1823 publication of the poem "A Visit From St. Nicholas" the modern Santa gets most of the characteristics we know today. We know this as "Twas the Night Before Christmas". His clothes, his jolly face with rosy cheeks and even his reindeer are named.

To keep up with the modern age Santa sites are popping up all over the web. There's, and even

The real spirit of "Santa" or of Christmas is that of giving. Reaching out to those who are less fortunate and giving back the blessings we have in our own lives. The spirit is out there and alive, as we saw most recently with the Secret Santa gifts of paying off a layaway at a Kmart store and the 50,000.00 donation to the Salvation Army.

These are big gifts to some of us. In this economy some barely have enough to feed themselves much less go and payoff someone else's bills right? There are so many things you can do to give back that don't include cash. Volunteering is a great way to help others. Usually these groups need bodies. They need people to come down and help with a Soup Kitchen or a Food Bank. The local animal shelter needs people to come down and interact with the animals to help them be more familiar with people and possibly adopted. Tell someone they left their bread at the end of the register. Hold the door for someone who is busy with their kids.

It's easy to continue the giving traditions of St. Nick, Odin, Father Christmas and Santa Claus. We have the ability to open our hearts and give back.

Wishing each of you a joyous holiday season.

Namaste & Blessed Be!

December Traditions - Yule Log

Too many of us the term "Yule Log" refers to a tasty rolled cake usually made with chocolate and a rich cream inside that is amazingly tasty. I make a yule log out of pumpkin flavored cake with a cream cheese frosting that is completely to die for. I use this recipe but I add a bit of cinnamon to my frosting as well and I leave out the walnuts.

Another type of "Yule Log" is a piece of wood burned in a hearth or fireplace to celebrate the passing of the Yule season. Sometimes practiced on the Winter Solstice or during the twelve days of Christmas. A small piece of the log is removed from the fire and kept to burn in the following year's Yule celebration. At least that's how one story goes. It says the fire should be tended all night and kept burning, if it went out on the first attempt at lighting or through out the next twelve hours it would be a bad sign for the year to come. Most agree that the log should never be purchased however some say it should be taken from a neighbor's property as opposed to it's owner's yard.

Sometimes when a fireplace isn't available a yule log is set with candles and the candles take the place of the actual log burning.

Yule is the celebration of the Winter Solstice, as the Yule Log represents this time, we have Holly, Mistletoe, Rosemary, Oak, Spruce, Pine, Ivy, Fir and Poinsettia that also claim a spot in this holiday. The colors are red, green, white, silver and gold, or what I like to call Christmas colors. Most traditions celebrate with a meal and gift giving.

Some forms of Wicca celebrate this time as the rebirth of the Great Horned God, seen as the new sun, which interestingly enough can be seen in Christianity as well, where they celebrate the birth of the "son of God" in the form of the Baby Jesus in a manger.

There are many customs around the celebration of the Yule season as well as around the month of December. Just have a look at these:

Pancha Ganapati - This is a Hindu festival from the 21st - 25th that celebrates Lord Ganesha

Winter Solstice - a Celtic celebration from 21 to 23 each year in the Northern Hemisphere, and June 20 to 23 in the Southern Hemisphere

Yalda - a Persian celebration on the 21st in celebration of the Winter Solstice

Saturnalia - Ancient Roman festival held in honor of Saturn originally celebrated on the 17th

Boxing Day - A gift giving day observed in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and other areas

Flying Spaghetti Monster Day - Pastafarians have this day to reject all religious dogma, so yes, Virginia even Atheist's have "Pasta Claus"

For a list of some of the winter celebrations check here.

The point here is that as different as we try to be, the more similar we become. Happy Holidays vs. Merry Christmas? Really is it that big of a deal. Just live and let live.

For my family, we'll be having our first Yule log burning, as we just got a lovely wood stove. I'm not sure how I'll handle fishing out part to save for next year, but I will certainly do my best.

For those that don't have a fireplace, here's a video of a fire burning for your enjoyment.

I'll also be making the "other" Yule Log to take to Grandma's. So if you'd to see how to make one I found this video on YouTube.

For my fellow Pagans, I'd like to share this really nice Yule song I found on Youtube.

Namaste & Blessed Be

New Moon Rising

Over this last month plus I've been working with a group that was battling the New Apostolic Reformation's DC-40 self proclaimed prayer siege on our nation. Each day a group of us added blog posts and shared positive thoughts in a Facebook Group called "What Makes Your State Great?".

Today we're approaching two significant occurrences. One the coming of the New Moon and two Mercury will go into retrograde.

The new moon is a time for rejuvenation and a time for newness. I received an email from the organizer of the Hail Columbia site with information on a rite being requested by Caroline Kenner, organizer of the Celebration of the Divine Feminine in Washington DC.

The email contained a suggestion for all who can to send back this energy sent to us and to our nation using the New Moons energy to return it to its origin exactly as it had be sent out. I'd like to include the text of that email here:

Dear Ones, as promised, here is suggested language for returning to sender all the prayers and curses sent out by the New Apostolic Reformation during the past 51 days. If this spell is used as written, there should be no blowback. In general, "return to sender" spells are seen as ethically neutral by most Pagans. This is not a curse, it's more like faster Karma. Please be careful of your spelling in the spell, it is important: this is a contract with the Gods. If you decide to follow your own guidance, my advice would be to avoid putting yourself in the spell and simply ask our deities for help.

By the Power of (Insert favorite matron/patron deity here) all negative prayers and curses issued by the New Apostolic Reformation, including all so called prayer intercessors who took part in the DC40/51 Days of Reformation Intercession campaign between October 3rd, 2011 and November 22nd, 2011 shall be returned to their source and origin intact exactly as they were sent. By the Power of (insert favorite deity here) and the Powers of The Queen of Heaven, Columbia, Lady Liberty and Nemesis, so mote it be.

You can write this with a Sharpie marker on a plain white glass-enclosed novena-type candle easily purchased at many grocery stores, botanicas, metaphysical shops, etc. Set the candle to burn and leave it to go out, which may take a couple of days. I set mine in a bowl of water or in the bathtub. Or you can write it on a piece of parchment or paper, pray the spell aloud and burn it outside. The best window of time in which to perform this spell is from tonight at 12:01am on Wednesday, November 23rd until the New Moon begins on Thursday, November 24th. The New Moon begins 1:11:08am Eastern Standard time on Friday morning, but in the far west, the New Moon begins at 10:11:08pm Thursday night.

If you're able to spare some energy and take part in this cyber circle, it will certainly all go for a good cause. So starting tonight in the West take a moment to start a special circle for this action or add this energy back to your current new moon ritual.

Namaste & Blessed Be

Hail USA!

Well, we did it. We wrote, blogged, talked and sung about these great United States in order of statehood. We've covered from Hawaii to Delaware. I've made new friends and even lost one or two through this journey.

We started this in response to a challenge thrown down by the DC-40 Initiative. Beginning with a threat to lay siege to our land to a threat of flaming arrows aimed directly at the Pagans challenging them.

We answered that call by setting up actions, circles and setting up Facebook Groups to support our secular nation. I have had a wonderful time. I wanted to add a few notes here on those documents that have given us our freedom.

First I'd like to start with the Treaty of Triopli - This document has specific quotes that confirm that our nation was founded as a secular nation and NOT based on Christianity.

Next, I want to highlight the first amendment to the US Constitution. Here the first amendments says the following:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Our country is based on the premise that I can live my life, worship my Goddess and raise my family in the manner that I choose without fear of the government coming in and putting me in jail or taking away my family. The government cannot force a religion unto any person. This is one of the great things about the US. This is one of the very basic freedoms that one is born with and cannot be taken away. All my energies and thoughts will be directed at keeping this land exactly the way it was intended.

Namaste & Blessed Be

Hail Delaware!

Finally we're closing out the 50 states with the very first to become a state, Delaware. We've traveled all over this great country and posted a lot of facts, trivia and some sadness related to each. I for one have learned a great deal on this journey. I'd like to thank you for all the comments and discussion points brought up during this process and I look forward to more to come.

If you'd like to see the entire set of posts for this movement head over to our Facebook Group "What Makes Your State Great?". As always my facts come from

Hail Delaware!

Delaware was the first state to ratify the United States constitution. It did so on December 7, 1787.

Delaware is the only state without any National Park System units such as national parks, seashores, historic sites, battlefields, memorials, and monuments.

The log cabin originated in Finland. Finnish settlers arrived in Delaware in the mid-1600s and brought with them plans for the log cabin, one of the enduring symbols of the American pioneer. One of the cabins has been preserved and is on display at the Delaware Agricultural Museum in Dover.

Thomas Garret lost his entire fortune in his battle against slavery. He was sued by a Maryland slave owner and fined for aiding a black family in flight. Over his lifetime, Garrett reportedly helped more than 2,000 fugitive slaves move through Delaware, an important stop on the Underground Railroad.

Horseshoe crabs may be viewed in large numbers up and down the Delaware shore in May. The crabs endure extremes of temperature and salinity. They can also go for a year without eating and have remained basically the same since the days of the dinosaur.

The original inhabitants of Delaware are:

The Lenni Lenape tribe (the Delawares)
The Nanticoke tribe

I found this older video of the Naticoke Tribe in Delaware.

Sending love and protection to the great state of Delaware!

Hail Pennsylvania!

Today we're going to be focusing on the great state of Pennsylvania! If you'd like to take part in the wonderful discussion around this state or posts some great stuff about your own head over to our Facebook Group "What Makes Your State Great?". As always my facts come from

Hail Pennsylvania!

Hershey is considered the Chocolate Capital of the United States.

Philadelphia saw the first Zoological garden in July 1874.

The Liberty Tunnel in Pittsburgh opened in 1924. At that time the 5,700 foot facility was the longest artificially ventilated automobile tunnel in the world.

In June 1778, a 700 wagon caravan escorted the Liberty Bell on its return to Philadelphia from Allentown along Towamencin's Allentown Road. Nine months earlier, when British troops threatened to capture the city, the bell had been whisked into hiding via the same route.

George G. Blaisdell founded Zippo Manufacturing of Bradford in late 1932. He started with a simple idea: create a product that answers a real need, design it to work, and guarantee it to last.

Punxsutawney citizens are proud to be over shadowed by their town's most famous resident the world-renowned weather forecasting groundhog Punxsutawney Phil. Punxsutawney is billed as the weather capital of the world. On a personal note, I can't help but feel a little sad when they pull that poor little groundhog from his warm cozy hole and hold him up in the air. I know it doesn't hurt him but still poor little guy.

The original inhabitants of Pennsylvania are:

The Erie tribe
The Iroquois tribes (especially the Seneca and Oneida)
The Lenape tribe
The Munsee tribe
The Shawnee tribe
The Susquehannock tribe

This is a video I found on the Iroquois Confederacy and the Oral Tradition. The Iroquois lived across the north east including New York and Pennsylvania.

Namaste & Blessed Be!