As I begin wrapping up this year I'm coming to terms with the way my year of mastery has changed. How I have grown and how I have changed. When I started out with this year my goal was to focus on what I wanted to do with my shop and my crafts both my material crafts and as it turns out my spiritual crafts as well.
This post is about my relationship with my dreadlocks and Hecate.
Two and a half years ago I started my dreadlocks. Many days of confrontations and discussions about why I shouldn't have them and why I did have them later, I ended up with quite a healthy head full of them. I created them because of several references to the goddess I follow and words used in her references ....and her hair was like snakes. I wrote a blog about this and you can find it
here. You can also see a photo history of my dreadlock journey
The day before I cut my dreads - Photo Credit - Elijah Olson |
Over the days prior to November 30th, I had many discussions with my hubby about taking them out. Finally on the 30th I decided to take them out. Ironically enough on Hecate's Night. Read more about the references to this date and Hecate
here. I have felt my belief structure changing and growing. It now no longer sees the gods and goddesses as deities but more of an image, a personification of characteristics that we want to be or not be. It was though I was outgrowing a belief and becoming more independently spiritual, if that makes sense.
We started by cutting about six-eight inches off them.
Cut Locks - Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
This is me with the locks trimmed. The weight off my head made me feel like I had lost 10 pounds. They didn't weigh that much though. Trust me I weighed myself to make sure. For about 15 minutes I considered leaving them at this length.
Photo Credit - Elijah Olson |
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
This is the back side. I decided to just go ahead and start combing them out. I read one part on the web that said, expect to lose some hair. That is a gross understatement. I lost A TON of hair. Now remember that my locks were nearly 3 years old. Your hair grows and falls out or gets caught in your hair brush over this time and you hardly notice it. But if you had it all come out in the same day well you'd get a pile like below.
Next we spent hours and hours combing them out. My head was so sore. It took a lot of time, a lot of de-tangler and a lot of patience but we finally got them all combed out.
One of about 20 hair piles - Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
This is a photo of them all combed out. As you can see pretty fuzzy. I needed to apply some conditioner to it and straight keratin to it to calm it down a bit. Next I decided I wanted a bit of a wave to my hair so I made an appointment. I spent the next day thinking about my relationship and what this would me to it, if anything. I know that I am now leaning towards a more magical life and less in devotion to a goddess and more in line with taking control of my destiny and making things happen.
All combed out - Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson |
So here's the final photo. The circle is complete. I hope you have enjoyed this journey with them this year. I cannot wait for the year to come.
Photo Credit - Elijah Olson |