- Protection Spells: Hecate was often invoked for protection, particularly at liminal spaces such as crossroads. Spells invoking Hecate for protection might include creating and placing protective charms or talismans, reciting incantations or prayers, or performing rituals at crossroads to ward off negative energies or spirits.
- Divination and Prophecy: As a goddess associated with magic and the night, Hecate was believed to have the power to grant visions and insights into the future. Spells related to divination and prophecy could involve invoking Hecate's guidance and assistance through rituals, offerings, or meditation to receive prophetic dreams, visions, or messages.
- Herbal Magic and Potions: Hecate was connected to the use of plants and herbs in magic and healing. Spells involving Hecate might include the preparation of potions, herbal infusions, or spell bags using specific plants associated with her, such as garlic, mandrake, or mugwort. These spells could be used for various purposes, including protection, healing, or enhancing magical abilities.
- Transformation and Transmutation: Hecate was believed to possess the power of transformation and transmutation. Spells related to this aspect might involve invoking Hecate to aid in personal transformation, spiritual growth, or the transformation of objects or circumstances. These spells might include ritual gestures, spoken incantations, or the use of symbolic items representing the desired transformation.
Is Hecate Associated with Prophecy?
As the Wheel Turns - Welcome Summer, Hecate & a New Deck
As the wheel moves forward we're coming up on Litha or the first day of summer here in the northern hemisphere. The symbols of Litha are the sun, roses, sunflowers, honeybees, lightning bugs, sand, and water. The colors of this holiday include yellow, green, gold, and red.
The people of pagan Europe would light bonfires and dance all night on Midsummer's Eve. Customs included bonfire jumping, with the highest jump believed to predict the height of the year's crop.
At each turn of the wheel, I try to make a change. This time I'm switching up my daily reading deck. A few months ago I picked up The Archangel Michale Sword of Light Oracle by Radleigh Valentine. My first take was oh no, not another "Jesus" focused Oracle deck. While I try to be tolerant of all religions, some have been used to destroy so many that it is hard to give them a pass. Christianity is one of those religions. That's not to say other religions are squeaky clean, it is just to say more death and destruction have been produced by this religion than any other. Even today in our modern time, it is being used as an excuse for removing women's rights, enslaving people of color as well as creating legislation against LGBTQI people. (Please do not message me with "not all Christians". I think we're beyond that now)
Getting back to this deck. It sat on my table for a while, then I tossed it up in my cabinet and when on with my standard decks. I recently pulled it out and decided to have a look at the cards. When I began to shuffle through them I was pleasantly surprised by the vibrant color of the imagery on the cards. As I read through the supporting booklet, I found that this author presents themselves as a direct messenger of the Archangel Michael and even included a letter from the Archangel to his readers. I did like the fact that the author states that not all higher powers are known by the same word and we should use what word we feel conformable with in each appearance of the word "God".
As I read through the booklet, it kept creeping up in my brain. Hecate - Mother of Angels - which I have seen in many modern publications.
In modern publications, you can find references to Hecate and angels in various forms of literature, art, and popular culture. Here are a few examples:
- Books: Many books draw inspiration from mythology and incorporate Hecate and angels into their narratives. Fictional works that explore themes of magic, witchcraft, or the supernatural may feature Hecate as a character or draw upon her symbolism. Similarly, books with religious or spiritual themes, especially those rooted in Abrahamic traditions, often mention or depict angels.
- Poetry: Hecate and angels can be found in poetry collections where authors delve into themes of mythology, spirituality, or the occult. Poets may use these figures as symbols or metaphors to explore various aspects of human experience or to convey specific emotions or ideas.
- Art: Artists often depict Hecate and angels in their visual creations. Paintings, illustrations, and sculptures can capture the mythical or spiritual qualities associated with these figures. Artworks may explore their symbolism, mystique, or religious significance, depending on the artist's interpretation.
- Occult and New Age Literature: Within occult and New Age literature, you can find references to Hecate and angels. Books on witchcraft, paganism, and esoteric practices sometimes include information about working with or invoking Hecate, while texts on angelology and spirituality may delve into the hierarchy, characteristics, and roles of angels.
- Fantasy and Role-Playing Games: Hecate and angels often appear in fantasy literature and role-playing games. These mediums frequently draw upon mythological and religious concepts to create fictional worlds and characters. In these contexts, Hecate may be reimagined or adapted to fit the narrative or game system, and angels may be portrayed with diverse abilities and appearances.
It's worth noting that while modern publications may reference Hecate and angels, interpretations and portrayals can vary, and creative liberties are often taken to suit the specific context of the work.
Comparing the two, Hecate, a goddess from Greek mythology, and Archangel Michael, a prominent figure in Abrahamic traditions, do not have a direct or established connection in traditional mythology or religious texts. Their origins, roles, and characteristics belong to separate belief systems. However, if we explore some possible symbolic or conceptual connections between the two, we can consider the following:
- Protective Roles: Both Hecate and Archangel Michael are associated with protective qualities. Hecate is often seen as a guardian of crossroads and thresholds, while Archangel Michael is known as a powerful protector and warrior against evil forces. Although their methods and contexts differ, they both embody a sense of safeguarding and defending.
- Spiritual Guides: Hecate and Archangel Michael are also associated with guiding individuals on their spiritual journeys. Hecate is known as a goddess of witchcraft and magic, and her wisdom is sought by those seeking mystical knowledge. Archangel Michael is often considered a guide and supporter of souls on their spiritual paths, providing strength and guidance.
- Divine Messengers: While Hecate is not traditionally seen as a messenger deity, Archangel Michael is known as a primary messenger of God in some interpretations. He delivers divine messages and is often depicted with a sword, representing his role as a heavenly herald.
These connections, however, should be understood as more conceptual or symbolic rather than existing within traditional religious or mythological frameworks. It's important to respect the distinct contexts and beliefs surrounding Hecate in Greek mythology and Archangel Michael in Abrahamic traditions.
With this in mind, I decided to move forward with the deck. The artistry is amazing. From the vibrant colors to the diversity in content, I found that this was a beautiful deck. The messages are clear and visually stunning. I was quite surprised at how drawn to this deck I have become in such a short time.
Beginning on June 21st, I'll be updating my daily three card pulls that I publish on my Facebook page. Be sure to come over and get your daily reading! Here are a few photos from the deck.
Such beautiful cards. I cannot wait to being these readings. If you'd like to have a personal reading you can find those listed here.
Remember, stay present and mindful.

Walking the Talk - Living Life as a Keybearer for the Covenant of Hekate
Often as we go about our day we can forget about those steps that we certainly practice as Keybearers for the Covenant of Hekate.
As part of our dedication to the Goddess, we commit to following what we call the Five Virtues of Hecate.
These virtues are:
- Compassion
- Courage
- Temperance
- Justice
- Wisdom
We agree to reach each other with respect, honesty, and loving kindness. Too often as we go about our day or get caught up in the daily grind we forget that we should treat others how we want to be treated. We get busy and sometimes forget to be kind and compassionate with our actions and words.
A good rule to remember is:
- Is it true
- Is it necessary
- Is it kind
- Wait 5 minutes before replying
- Try to read the message from the other perspective
- Re-read everything you post
Prayer of the 5-Virtues of Hekate
Sacred Goddess Hekate
help me to manifest Justice in my actions
Temperance in my soul
Courage in my choices
Wisdom in my words
Compassion towards all beings.
What are the Five Virtues of Hekate?
(This article was written as part of a group project by members)
– Sympathy and/or concern for others who are suffering or find themselves in an undesirable position. A person attempting to develop the virtue of Compassion within their daily life and practice would desire to aid in the alleviation of any undesirable situation or at the very least not be a contributing factor towards it.
Real Life Example – You could try to help the homeless or less fortunate be they of the two or four-legged variety. Volunteering at local shelters or organizing food drives are great ways to learn and show compassion.
– Strength or character or fortitude to stand firm in your convictions and face adversity or distress without fear. A person attempting to develop the virtue of Courage within their daily life and practice may choose to stand firm against those who would choose to undermine their beliefs or convictions or to speak out against those who hurt and undermine others.
Real-Life Example – Try standing up for someone you or your friendship group may deem unpopular. Also when someone shows remorse for a wrongdoing some people will continue to be angry and unforgiving. Instead, state your position calmly (in itself an act of courage) and then allow the situation to pass.
– Moderation and self-control are both acts of Temperance. A person attempting to develop the virtue of Temperance within their daily life and practice may choose to restrict some part of their life be that thought or action in an attempt to find a balance rather than choosing to allow extremes.
Real-Life Example – Try abstaining from certain types of food or drink or showing restraint in discussions online. An example would be to learn to hold one’s tongue and listen a bit more before jumping into an argument.
– Moral and physical rightness are both aspects of Justice, as is the sometimes contradictory act of behaving fairly towards other people. A person attempting to develop the virtue of Justice within their daily life would strive to act fairly, truthfully, and with personal integrity when dealing with others and themselves.
Real-Life Example – Try to treat others fairly, in action and tone be it online or in person. Try to not pass judgment on another based on your own feelings for a person, your understanding of the situation, or hearsay. There are often two (or more) sides to a story and the truth lies somewhere between. If the truth cannot be ascertained then try being impartial.
– To have the common sense, foresight, and understanding to think or act in a manner most objectively and beneficially to any given situation. A person attempting to develop the virtue of Wisdom within their daily life would strive to apply their knowledge and experiences in a prudent and practical way.
Real-Life Example – Try volunteering to share a topic that you are knowledgeable about with a local group or center. Offer to do a guest blog post or write an article for an eZine on a particular subject.