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Hecate and the Beloved Dead

In the vast pantheon of ancient gods and goddesses, Hecate stands as a unique figure, a powerful deity whose dominion includes the enigmatic realm of the restless dead. As we embark on this exploration, we'll uncover Hecate's role as a guardian of those who have passed and delve into how modern devotees can call upon her to continue this essential work. We'll also explore the profound practice of ancestor work, where the living connect with their forebears through Hecate's guidance.

Hecate, often depicted as a goddess of the night, crossroads, and magic, has been revered throughout history for her multifaceted nature. One of her lesser-known yet deeply significant roles is her guardianship of the restless dead. These spirits, often caught in the liminal space between life and the afterlife, find solace and guidance in the presence of Hecate.

One of Hecate's most renowned roles is that of a psychopomp, a guide of souls. In this capacity, she eases the transition of souls from the mortal realm to the afterlife. As a guardian of the crossroads, she stands at the threshold between life and death, ensuring that the spirits of the departed find their way.

The restless dead, a term often used to describe spirits who have not found their final resting place, are under Hecate's protection. These spirits linger in a state of unrest, whether due to tragic circumstances, unfulfilled desires, or a lack of proper funerary rites. Hecate's role is to guide and care for them, offering them solace and the opportunity for resolution.

Modern devotees of Hecate continue to seek her guidance and assistance in working with the restless dead. Through invocations, rituals, and offerings, they establish connections with this ancient goddess and invite her presence into their lives.

We provide a detailed psychopomp invocation to Hecate, enabling modern practitioners to call upon her to guide restless spirits to the afterlife. This ritual helps create a bridge between the realms, inviting the spirits to pass peacefully under Hecate's watchful eye.

Modern devotees can engage in rituals designed to honor and care for the restless dead. These rituals, inspired by ancient practices, provide a sacred space for communication with these spirits. They involve offerings, invocations, and symbolic actions that resolve these spirits' lingering concerns.

In the realm of ancestor work, Hecate also plays a vital role. This practice involves establishing connections with one's forebears, seeking their guidance, and honoring their memory. As a guardian of the dead, Hecate facilitates this connection and supports the living in forging meaningful relationships with their ancestors.

We provide a step-by-step guide on how to set up an ancestor altar, a sacred space dedicated to connecting with and honoring one's ancestors. This altar serves as a focal point for communication and offers a physical representation of the bond between the living and the deceased.

Various offerings and symbols can be placed on the ancestor altar to facilitate communication with the beloved dead. From candles and incense to photographs and personal items, these symbols serve as conduits for love, remembrance, and guidance from the ancestors.

We explore Hecate's role as a guide in ancestor work. Devotees call upon her to help establish connections with their forebears, seeking her support in this sacred endeavor. Hecate's presence ensures that the interactions with the beloved dead are respectful and meaningful.

Hecate's role as a guardian of the restless dead and her involvement in ancestor work showcases her enduring significance in modern devotion. In this article, we have delved into the intricate tapestry of Hecate's dominion, her ability to guide souls, and her role in forging connections between the living and the deceased.

As we continue to call upon Hecate for her guidance, we acknowledge her as the bridge between realms, the compassionate goddess who eases the passage of the restless dead and strengthens our connections with our ancestors. With her presence, we find solace, resolution, and a deeper understanding of the profound interplay between life and death.


Psychopomp Ritual Honoring Hecate: Guiding the Departed's Soul

A psychopomp ritual, invoking Hecate as a guide for the departed soul, can be a powerful and meaningful addition to a funeral rite. Hecate's symbolism of illumination, transition, and guidance makes her an ideal figure for this purpose. Below is a step-by-step guide to performing a psychopomp ritual in honor of Hecate, along with a supply list.


Three black candles or torches

Matches or a lighter

An image or statue of Hecate

A small dish of salt

A white candle

A small bowl of water

A piece of paper and a pen

A small offering, such as a coin or a piece of food

Incense or herbs associated with Hecate (e.g., lavender, rosemary)

A bell or chime

A quiet and sacred space



Choose a quiet and sacred space for the ritual. Ensure that you won't be disturbed during the ceremony.

Set up an altar at the center of the space. Place an image or statue of Hecate at the center, with the three black candles or torches arranged in a triangle around her.

Light the white candle, which represents the divine light and purity, and place it on the altar near Hecate's image.

Cleansing and Purification:

Begin by purifying the space and yourself. Sprinkle a small amount of salt in a circle around the altar. As you do this, say: "With this salt, I purify and consecrate this space for our sacred work."

Light incense or herbs associated with Hecate to further purify the atmosphere and create a sacred ambiance.


Stand before the altar, take a few deep breaths, and center yourself. Focus your intention on guiding the departed's soul.

Recite an invocation to Hecate, calling upon her as a guide for the departed. You can use a traditional invocation or create a personalized one that resonates with your intentions. 

For example:

"Hecate, Enigmatic Guide of Souls,

In this moment of transition and transformation,

I invoke your presence and wisdom.

Guide [Name of the Departed] on their journey

Through the crossroads of the afterlife.

Light their path with your torches,

And keep them safe in your embrace."

Lighting the Candles:

Light the three black candles or torches one by one, starting from the left and moving clockwise.

As you light each candle, say: "I light this torch in the name of Hecate, our guiding light in the darkness."

The Departed's Name:

Write the name of the departed on a piece of paper.

Place the paper in the small dish of salt, symbolizing the purification and release of their spirit. Say: "I release [Name of the Departed] to the care of Hecate."

Prayers and Offerings:

Recite prayers or words of farewell to the departed. Express your wishes for their safe journey and the guidance of Hecate.

Offer a small coin or a piece of food as a symbolic offering to Hecate, signifying your gratitude for her guidance.

Water and Bell:

Sprinkle a few drops of water over the departed's name in the salt. This represents the blessings of purification and renewal.

Ring a bell or chime three times to announce the departed's journey and signal the guidance of Hecate.

Meditation and Visualization:

Close your eyes and take a moment to visualize the departed's soul as a radiant light. Visualize Hecate's torches illuminating their path as they move through the crossroads.

Envision the departed's soul peacefully guided by Hecate, leaving behind the earthly realm and entering the spiritual realm.

Closing and Thanks:

Express your thanks to Hecate for her guidance. Say: "Hecate, Enigmatic Guide, I thank you for your presence and guidance. May you continue to watch over [Name of the Departed] in their journey."

Extinguishing the Candles:

Extinguish the black candles or torches, starting from the right and moving counterclockwise. As you do so, say: "As the torches are extinguished, we release [Name of the Departed] to the embrace of Hecate."

Final Reflection:

Spend a few moments in quiet reflection, acknowledging the departed's journey and the role of Hecate as their guide.

Closing the Ritual:

Conclude the ritual by thanking Hecate once more and formally closing the sacred space. You can say, "Hecate, Enigmatic Guide, your presence is honored. I close this sacred space with gratitude."

This psychopomp ritual can be adapted to suit your personal beliefs and the specific wishes of the departed and their loved ones. It is a way to invoke Hecate's guidance and presence as a comforting and guiding force for the departed's soul as they transition to the afterlife. 

Ritual for Healing with Hecate: Honoring the Beloved Dead

Losing a loved one is a deeply emotional and often overwhelming experience. Grief can be a complex journey, and finding ways to heal and remember those we've lost is important. This ritual, involving Hecate as a guide, is designed to help individuals find solace and healing after the passing of a loved one.


A small table or altar.

A black candle.

A white candle.

A photograph or memento of your loved one.

Fresh flowers.

A small bowl of water.

A small bowl of salt.

A piece of paper and a pen.

A quiet, comfortable space.



Set up your altar or table in a quiet, comfortable space.

Place the photograph or memento of your loved one at the center of the table.

Position the black candle on the left side of the photograph and the white candle on the right side.

Arrange fresh flowers in a vase or on the table.

Place the bowl of water and the bowl of salt on the table as well.

Ensure you have some privacy and a peaceful environment for this ritual.

Invocation to Hecate:

Light both the black and white candles.

Begin by standing quietly before the altar.

Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and focus on the photograph or memento of your loved one.

Say the following or similar words: "Hecate, goddess of the crossroads, guardian of the restless dead, I invoke your presence. I seek your guidance in this time of healing and remembrance. Help me find solace and peace as I honor the memory of my beloved [Name of the deceased]. Guide their spirit and grant me the strength to heal."

Creating Sacred Space:

Imagine a sacred and protected space around you. Visualize a gentle, warm light surrounding you, providing comfort and safety.

Water and Salt Purification:

Dip your fingers into the bowl of water and sprinkle a few drops over the photograph or memento. As you do this, say, "With this water, I cleanse and purify this space and the memory of my beloved."

Next, dip your fingers into the bowl of salt and sprinkle a few grains over the photograph. Say, "With this salt, I cleanse and purify this space and the memory of my beloved."

Reflection and Writing:

Sit quietly before the altar and take some time to reflect on your memories of your loved one.

Use the piece of paper and pen to write a letter to your loved one. Express your feelings, your love, and your grief. Share any thoughts or messages that you wish to convey.

Communication with the Beloved:

Read the letter you've written aloud to the photograph or memento, as if you're speaking directly to your loved one. Feel their presence as you do this.


Place the fresh flowers on the table as an offering to your loved one. Speak words of love and remembrance as you do so.

Meditation and Connection:

Close your eyes and take some time for meditation. Visualize your loved one's presence, and imagine a warm, gentle light enveloping you. Feel their love and warmth.

Closing the Ritual:

Thank Hecate for her guidance and support.

Blow out the candles, starting with the black candle and then the white one.


Keep the letter you wrote to your loved one. You can continue to write to them whenever you feel the need to communicate with them.

Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself to grieve and heal at your own pace.

This healing ritual with Hecate provides a sacred space for remembrance and communication with your loved one. It offers an opportunity to express your feelings and find solace as you continue to navigate your grief journey. Remember that healing is a personal and ongoing process, and Hecate can serve as a compassionate guide along the way.

Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson🔮
Keybearer to the Covenant of Hekate🗝
Founder of the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo🔥
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Dedicated to Katina Smith - May your spirit soar.


This week I wanted to share my latest video.  I've been concentrating on Heart, Sacral and Root recently. I really love the sounds of these three together.

Singing bowls have been around since the 1980s. There is some thoughts that maybe our ancestors worked with crystals and more recently science has shown that these crystals resonate a sound that has proved beneficial to human cells.

Singing bowls can be used for meditation and just a relationship to the sound waves has shown positive impact on the human body. 

I have been working with the bowls, using the sound to help welcome relaxing and create a release in my body.  Excess energy seems to float away. 

This session was extremely helpful for me.  Even the dog let out a little call to let me know he was enjoying the session.  

I hope you enjoy.

My Latest Crystal Bowl Session

This weekend I'm focused on our torso. The chakra's we are working are directly are the sacral, solar plexus, heart and throat.  I played this healing session for Eli who has a lower lumbar fusion and some disc damage in his neck.

This tend to be a problem area for stress. 

Feedback and comments welcome.

What Bad Can Happen with Sound Healing?

 Some people are sensitive to crystal bowls frequency or sound healing.  There are some physical impacts to participating in a healing session.  You can experience nasal drip, headaches, anxiety and even depression, depending on how you respond to the healing session.

Certain medical conditions should take care when attending healing sessions.

An example of those are:

  • Beginners: Start out with slow 5-minute sessions until you see how the singing bowls affect you.
  • Epilepsy: Singing bowls may trigger seizures. People with epilepsy should generally avoid singing bowls.
  • Metal implants: Avoid singing bowls if you have metal devices in your body, such as a pacemaker, coronary shunt, artificial heart valves, or metal pins or staples. The vibration of the singing bowl sound could possibly move the metal inside you, causing injury or malfunction of the device.
  • Bodily conditions: Avoid placing singing bowls directly on or near tumors, implants, screws, or artificial joints.
  • Mental health: Singing bowls often elicit deep memories, emotion, and thoughts. If you are diagnosed with a mental disorder like PTSD, anxiety, or depression, be sure to work with your doctor or therapist to make sure you can manage the thoughts and feelings that might arise.
  • Skin conditions: If you have an inflammatory skin condition like psoriasis, eczema, or hives, practitioners recommend not placing bowls on your body since they could aggravate the skin condition.
  • Pregnancy: In general, avoid singing bowls during pregnancy. If your doctor approves, you might try short sessions, but make sure the bowls are away from your belly and back.
  • Children: Be careful to monitor your child’s use of a singing bowl. Use incorrectly, it can damage hearing.
  • Surgery. After surgery, wait to place singing bowls on your body until sutures are removed and your skin is fully healed.

Sound healing is a wonderful tool to move forward through spiritual healing, emotional healing and chakra alignment. One thing to keep in mind is that in order to have the best experience is to be sure to share any information with the your sound healer.  You healer should ask you about your health, your current emotional status and your readiness to accept healing.

You can only get what you give in this instance. Be ready to accept the healing in order to have the best experience with your healing professional. 

Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson

Lumbar Session

 This was a pretty amazing session today. I wanted to share it.  This was a intention healing session for the lumbar area or back area.  It is recommended to listen to this with your headphones on and just allow your body to merge with the energy of the sounds being played.

Apologies for the road noise, I'm working on a better place to record.

Feel free to leave feedback.

Sound Therapy - What's Next?

 Welcome to Part III of my journey into sound therapy. Sound has been a healing source for centuries. From wind chimes to healing baths, we use music, sound and even noise to create a feeling. 

How does sound do this? What does sound do?  Let's look at this video that explains some of the ways sound waves act.

Let's take a look at some of the sound tools out there.  Click play on each video and then with a note pad, jot down what each makes you feel.

We'll start with Koshi Chimes. These are elemental chimes and each one is for the four elements. Earth, Air, Fire and Water and are thought to release stress, relieve anxiety and help with insomnia.  

Next let's look at a video on a Nepal Singing Bowl Demonstration. These sessions are said to treat back and knee problems, pain, depression, stress, migraines and eyestrain and also for meditation and charging water. 

What do you think?  Does sound heal?  How about grow food?  Maybe change the way water molecules react when frozen? We know that it is capable of all those things and so much more.

Now what about the negative effects of sound.  Let's talk about what can happen when sound is use not for healing, but for control or negative purposes.

 In World War II, during the German siege of the Soviet city of Stalingrad in 1942, Soviet troops kept German forces awake at night by playing Argentine tangos through loudspeakers. In Vietnam, U.S. forces turned sound into psychological warfare. And we are all aware of the event in Waco Texas where the Branch Davidians were holdup in a compound and stayed for days while the federal government bombarded the area with sound to make them surrender. And of course we all know about the fall of Jericho from the Old Testament in the Christian Bible. 

The story goes, that the Israelites marched on Jericho for six days and on the seventh day, they blew their trumpets and the walls fell.

The video below explains how in 1957, by accident, Dr. Vladimir Gavreau and his research team discovered that sound could also become a very deadly weapon.  Gavreau's team was working on robotics research, when they all became very ill.  After an investigation, it was discovered that there was an improperly installed ventilator motor in their building, that when coupled with a long airshaft, that acted like an organ pipe, had created an inaudible 7 Hz tone.

Let's change directions and move back into the positive with this piece. The 440hz frequency is said to ease the mind, improve sleep and create a sense of calm.  I play these while I'm sleeping at night.

Sound is a powerful tool that can be used for both positive and negative.  It is on the users to decide the best way to proceed in this area.  For me, I relate to nails on a chalkboard as a negative and the beautiful sound of windchimes as the positive. I am looking forward to my journey as a sound healer. I am confident that as long as we as a society look to improve the lives of those around us, we'll always be on the right path, with the right action.



Daily Draw - Family

 Draw: Family

Message: "They love is present in the presence of thee. A comforting veil that warms the heart and hugs the soul.
Key words: Support, Roots, Tradition

This card features a family walking outdoors in a snow covered forest. Arm in arm, expressing love for each other. The taller of the two holds a small child. The message accompanying this card reminds of the love two people can share. The commitment and dedication to be together to love, honor and cherish. This card shows romantic love as well as familial love. It expresses the desire to be with someone (or someones) who can bring out the best in your and make your relationship complete.

It represents the love of a parent to child. Reminding us of the warm protective love that we often associate with a parental figure. Be that figure an auntie or a godparent. This love is what we share with our children. We want the best for them and do what we can give them safe harbor. This is what we think of when the holidays roll around. Either our desire to return to that love or our sorrow at not having that in our lives.

When we see this card in our draw it reminds us that there is love out there for us. It may change shapes or forms. It may come from neighbors, friends or strangers. It reminds us that everyone deserves this love and we should take some time to acknowledge that love and maybe even return it.

What's happening in your life today that this card, the family card is presenting itself to you? Reach out, if you feel you can do so safely and welcome that love into your day. Share that love with all you can. We are all children of the cosmos making us all and extended family.

This card comes from the Seasons of the Witch Yule Oracle by Lorriane Anderson & Juliet Diaz. Illustrated by Giada Rose. If you're looking for a single reading or creating an ongoing advisory relationship, I do have a few slots available. Learn more at neuse river witch dot com or confessions of a modern witch dot com.
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Sound Therapy - Does It Work?

 Welcome to part 2 of my Sound Therapy series.  Today we'll talk about the effectiveness of sound therapy. Does it work? What can we do to help it work better as sound healers and what do we need from our clients.

As we go through our healing process sometimes we'll post our progress on social media and we get comments from those who say, "Does this actually work?"

Sound therapy uses certain instruments, recorded sound or music to combined with meditation to relief stress, focus healing and improve over all body wellness. As sound passes through our bodies, the vibration of that sound or the resonance can change the structure of DNA molecules. These vibrations encourage healing and over all wellness. Singing bowls, rain sticks, drums and tuning forks are examples of some of the tools that sound healers may use to help guide their clients into a meditative state that allows the body to work to heal. 

As a result of this process some clients may experience a sudden feeling of relief as though a huge weight has been lifted from their bodies. Others may have cold symptoms or may even experience a headache or be thirsty after a session. 

Some providers will offer their clients a sound bath. This is an immersive experience where the client is usually in a prone position on a mat or blanket resting comfortably.  The healer will direct the client to clear their mind as the work begins. Most focus on Chakra alignment.  This is where the Chakras, the energy points (wheels) in the body are encouraged to cleanse and realign allowing the client to become refreshed, and reenergized. Sound baths are usually in person but one can experience the same thing from the use of recorded music or conference call style sessions.

Sooner or later, you'll find someone who wants to tell you that this is just new age babble and has no place in science. I want to share a video from Stamford University Medical where they are using sound therapy to treat Parkinson's Disease.

This is a single video, but there are more out there that show the changes in disorders such as bipolar, anxiety, depression, pain relief, and much much more. We have to ask ourselves what can impact the results of using sound therapy.  One of the most common is the subjects ability to participate. This isn't like setting a broken bone.  The client must be willing to participate fully in the treatment. When that occurs, access the inner energy to create a place where health, happiness and wellness resides is something that anyone can achieve.


Remember working with sound is not new. From Pythagoras to Stamford University, the greatest minds are working to reveal exactly how this amazing process works in our bodies.  We have within us the power to help our bodies heal. Beginning with a healthy diet, working with the right path, meditation and right thought all guide us to a place where we can be where we are right now and be in happiness, pain-free and surrounded by the healing energy of sound.



Daily Draw = Grief

 Draw: Grief

Message: "Tears are what happens when the ice melts."

This card had an anatomical heart front and center. It is outlined by a light blue, almost teal icy field and then has shapes around the boarder. Some appear to be birds in flight, others the dharma wheel. The heart is our center. Through it, we express love and pain. There are medical confirmations that a person can die of a broken heart. No other symptoms, just the loss of someone dear to them to literally cause their heart to break and they do not recover. Our heart is capable of wonderous and horrendous things.

Our hearts can be warm and full of love. We can give to others, express empathy and joy. Our hearts can swell with emotion for all mankind. It can also be distant and alone. It can be hurtful and cause pain to others like no other weapon on this earth.

Fear, Sadness, and pain are the main reasons hearts freeze. We forget why we used to love a person. We are shocked into realizing the love we gave was not reciprocated. Our hearts often freeze to a point that even though we still love someone, the day to day grind ices it over and we forget to share that love. Then, they are gone. Our hearts break, and our love comes out as tears.

Grief is a powerful emotion. We grieve for those who have left this world as well as for the love, compassion and companionship lost. Grief can remind you of good as well as bad. Grief is healing. Grief opens the doors to allow you to grow and love again. When we pull this card we're reminded that grief is not permanent. It is a part of life. We are sad for our loss, but loss is attachment. We must overcome attachment and understand, happiness is only attainable in the present, our hearts will heal.

This card is part of the Divine Abundance Oracle Deck by Tosha Silver, Art by Fena Gonzalez. If you're looking for a single reading or creating an ongoing advisory relationship, I do have a few slots available. Learn more at neuse river witch dot com or confessions of a modern witch dot com.
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