Showing posts with label everyday magic. Show all posts

The Effects of Sound - A Personal Account


Over the last few months I have been sharing about my work with sound therapy.  I have completed my Sound Healer Certification and practicing my bowls. I felt I was well on my way to developing a wonderful practice. People often ask me, does this really do anything?  After this last two weeks, I can say absolutely yes!

About two weeks ago I switched the music I have playing in my house from a 528hz DNA Healing Repair to one I used about 20 years ago. The old one was called Merlin's Magic. 

I listed to this many nights while fighting massive rapid cycling bipolar episodes. I was on a 1/2 gallon Ziplock bag of medications and was for all accounts pretty much unable to function in the real world. I had massive anxiety and this music helped me pull through it.  Or did it?

This is an excerpt from the track: Merlin's Magic.

This past week has been a little challenging. Since switching back to Merlin's Magic. My anxiety has increased. My daily meetings in my mundane job have become more challenging and most importantly my communication with Elijah had plummeted. We were snapping at each other, feeling unworthy and unable to communicate.  Finally yesterday, I thought, this music is not ok. I'm feeling so bad. 

I quickly switch back to my 528Mhz and it was like a cloud was lifted from our space. We both felt the changes in the mood and energy in the space. This solidifies my believe that Sound Therapy is one of the most power ways to treat conditions such as anxiety, depression and provide a solid foundation for spiritual and holistic wellness. 

This is an example of what I use as a background music everyday, all day and all night.

Sound Therapy uses sound, music and specialist instruments played in therapeutic ways, combined with deep self-reflection techniques to improve health and wellbeing. It is what I believe, a cornerstone in any holistic wellness treatment program.

As I continue learn and grown in my craft, I can honestly say that this experience has confirmed what I felt all along. Sound is power. Sound can be healing or destructive. It can be all the difference between a wonderful experience and a living nightmare. If you haven't had the opportunity to listen to sound healing I highly recommend it. 

I'll share a couple more of my healing sessions below. Take some time, close your eyes. Listen to the energy and allow this energy to join with yours. Feel free to provide feedback or open up a discussion with me. 


Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson

Lumbar Session

 This was a pretty amazing session today. I wanted to share it.  This was a intention healing session for the lumbar area or back area.  It is recommended to listen to this with your headphones on and just allow your body to merge with the energy of the sounds being played.

Apologies for the road noise, I'm working on a better place to record.

Feel free to leave feedback.

Everyday Magic - A Reivew

Today I'm reviewing Everyday Magic by Semra Haksever.

Image Credit - Book Cover

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

Starting this review as all my others, let's talk about the physical book. With the age of e-Books, I never get tired of opening my mailbox and find a physical book to hold on to. While I get the portability of e-Books one just can't escape the missing feeling of holding a physical book in your hands. This particular book has that smooth cover that feels almost velvet. It's a small hard cover book. It fits well in my hands and I can easily flip through without a great deal of effort. It offers a four page index, which in my opinion is critical for any book worth its weight in magic.

This book is separated in to two large sections after the introduction. The first is a Getting Started guide to witchcraft. Topics include a basic tool kit, using charcoal, spell accessories and how to cast a circle - just to name a very few from this section.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Content - Everyday Magic by Semra Haksever

I am a Keybearer for the Covenant of Hekate and one of the most frequently asked questioned by far is How to dispel Spell  Remnants.  This book offers a short and sweet explanation on how to to continue your magical energy by using burial, dispersal or flushing it.  It is only a paragraph or two but certainly provides the detail needed for new casters to make the most of their spell work.

The novice and advanced witch alike, will benefit from the easy read that this book provides. The section on How to Cast a Circle (page 24) focus on the directional spirits for example, instead of calling on specific deities or beings that may offers a more generalized approach to calling the quarters than I have found in most beginner magic books.

Section one goes on to address moon cycles and spell work as it relates to the energies of the lunar cycles. While like most books, the full moon gets the majority of attention, the author does include a brief passage on the Dark Moon and how best to work with this energy. Being my favorite lunar cycle to work with the dark moon offers a chance to finish up spell work that may be lingering, purification rituals and banishment lend themselves to this unique of spell intentions.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Content - Everyday Magic by Semra Haksever
After working through the first section the author takes us on a journey through spells and potions.  This chapter offers the reader detailed spells and instructions for tinctures and oils for magical uses. I really enjoyed the recipe for Psychic Tea. I have worked with mugwort quite often throughout the years, particularly at Samhain when working with the dead.  On page 66 the author gives us a recipe for what is called "Courage Oil".  For those looking for a boost in job interviews or public speaking, this oil professes to be the one for the job.  The money attract oil on page 130 also provides instruction on creation as well as use. All of the ingredients would be readily available in most standard kitchen witch cupboards that I have seen.

Cover texture aside, I believe this is an extremely valuable resource to have in your witches library whether you are a beginner or a seasoned practitioner; this book will fit the bill.