Showing posts with label Chakra. Show all posts

My Latest Crystal Bowl Session

This weekend I'm focused on our torso. The chakra's we are working are directly are the sacral, solar plexus, heart and throat.  I played this healing session for Eli who has a lower lumbar fusion and some disc damage in his neck.

This tend to be a problem area for stress. 

Feedback and comments welcome.

The Ultimate Guide to Energy Healing - A Review

 Today I'm reviewing The Ultimate Guide to Energy Healing - A beginner's Guide to Healing Your Chakras, Aura, and Energy Body by Kat Folwer.

Book Link

Author Link

Release Date - Feb 1, 2021

Let's start with a review of the physical book. It is an oversized book. For folks with small hands, like mine this may be a challenge to take on the go.  It will take a larger size bookbag or backpack to take with you. It is a smooth paperback with a lovely smooth cover. The images on the outside and within are vibrant and beautiful. I loved looking at it. The font size is great! Easy to read, even for these old eyes and I found it to be easily read from contents page to index without issue.

The book is broken down into three parts.  The Basics, The Preparation and Energy Healing Techniques & Exercises. The beginning includes a guide for using the book and an opening meditation which was really nice. I found the direction to be helpful and purposeful. Something that I think most of these types of book miss before delving into the book.

I found the sections on understanding your anatomy and the break down of each Chakra to be very informative. I think that many begin this type of healing with out fully understanding the process of Chakra energy and how to work with it. Knowing where these points are located and how they interact with the Auric Field is critical for any real work in using healing energies. The author also takes us through tools to use for this work such as crystals, light, water and sacred geometry. Something I feel very connected to. Line art, and geometry have been looked at from a magical perspective for thousands of years. From indigenous tattoos to wall art, we can find examples of sacred geometry across cultures around the world. 

Part two offers several exercises to prepare us to work with this energy for healing. From breathing meditations to setting up a sacred space, the author provides a step by step guide for getting the most out of this healing experience. I found the setting expectations section and the part on what to expect to be especially helpful for beginners. 

Finally part three gives us the exercises to begin our healing experience. I found the visualization section to be one of the most beneficial. Understanding the white bubble of light and how to use it to create a safe space for yourself is something that can be used in a mindful way as well.  Think about all the times in the every day grind that you're pushed to the edge. Remembering that bubble and pulling yourself back inside when you need is a great way to refocus stress and anxiety in order to return to the now, and be able to go on with your day. Sometimes my bubble includes the following verse - "I'm walking, and I know I'm walking.  I'm sitting and I know I'm sitting.  Right now, I am sitting. Nothing else is happening right now.  Just sitting/walking"  

The book continues with some more focused healing practices and a few to move you from beginner to intermediate to advanced. I was really in love with the section on the pendulum work. As one who connects greatly with earth energies and the magnetic pull on us, I can tell you that working with this energy will aid you in so many ways. This book has a step for you no matter which level of healing you are on. 

Overall I think this is a great book to have on the shelf of any energy healer. It is easy to read and offers a number of exercises to help move you through your healing journey. I do recommend taking the time to check out this book.



My Pocket Chakra Healing - A Reivew

Today I'm reviewing My Pocket Chakra Healing by Heidi E. Spear

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

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Release Sept 10, 2019

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 412,000 views.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

As always I'll start with a review of the physical book. This is a small soft cover book with an elastic band to keep it closed. The cover is made from a soft suede like material that always feels a little strange to me when I hold it.  I do like the size of the book.  The best books, to me, are ones that can be easily tossed into a backpack or handbag for on the go reading.  This one fits the bill.

This book gives the reader an overview of the basics of chakras as well as what the benefits to chakra healing.  It goes further to include a fantastic section on Balancing Chakras with Crystals, Colors and Reike.  The color therapy section is by far one of the best I have come across and I completely agree with the author on the section related to finding a professional Reike healer. Using your wardrobe to pull in the color therapy you need is key for a strong flow in your life. I wear red often to pull in the power of the root chakra and help bring about that energy to heal the body at a cellular level.  Red is also great for heart and blood circulation.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

The chapter on working with the breath or pranayama is something I really enjoyed. As someone with a certification in yoga much of my day is spent in a state of listening to the breath.  I have found this to be key in helping maintain a balance over my anxiety and stress.  Understanding how to do use Ujjay to find peace within is an amazing feat. It also can be neat way to bring your Star Wars loving friends into the "dark side" when they hear your breathing like Darth Vadar.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

Overall this is a fantastic beginner book to learning how to unblock, balance and strengthen your Chakras. I found the breath work extremely helpful and highly recommend taking the time to read this book.

In Focus Chakra Healing - Your Personal Guide - A Review

Today I'm reviewing  In Focus: Chakra Healing - Your Personal Guide by Roberta Vernon.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

I'm going to begin with a review of the physical book.  My copy was a hard cover copy without a dust jacket that includes an 18 x 24 inch Chakra wall chart.  It is colorful and informative.  It tucks nicely into an envelope in the back of the book.  The cover is bright yellow with a dark black text that bounces off the cover.  The print is slightly raised giving a nice feel to the book when held.  It is a bit larger than some books but not too large to be tossed into a bag or backpack for reading on the go.  This is the third or fourth book I have reviewed as part of the In Focus collection from Quarto Knows and I found this to be a very good quality book and an easy read.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

The chapters are broken down into sections that review what the Chakras are and how they are divided with a chapter dedicated to the major and minor chakras alike. I found the chapter on identifying the weak chakra to be extremely beneficial. It reads like a troubleshooting guide for what ails you.  Quick, to the point and direct about which chakras you need to work with when dealing with issues like spiritual deference, the lymphatic system and even income and money.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Chapter seven talks about using crystals for healing the Chakras.  One of my favorite topics. This section has tips and tricks as well as some pretty good images related to setting up your crystals and selecting the correct crystal for specific issues. The chart on page 102 is great for a chakra crystal at a glance.  I could see this being a great reference for current practitioners and beginners alike.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Unlike many Chakra books I have reviewed, this book offers a chapter on magical techniques for working with the chakras. Basic altar discussion, candles, colors and meditations are provided. I was pleased to see that this book also included a section, although brief, on our furry friends as well.

Overall this is a great book to have in your Chakra library and I highly recommend.

The Chakras Handbook - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Chakras Handbook by Athena Perrakis, Ph.D.

Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Chakras Handbook

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Release Date 1-22-2019

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 15 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As with my other reviews we're going to start with a review of the physical book.  First, I love the size of this book.  It is large enough that the font size isn't an issue, but small enough I can toss into a handbag or backpack for on the go reading. I was sent a hardcover to review.  The cover is a brilliant purple and teal blue. The colors soothing and the cover smooth to the touch without going over into that suede feel that drives me insane.  This book has a very small index. With a total page count of 176 I would expect that.  I do miss a detailed index in any book, especially one whose title claims to be the handbook on a particular subject.  Unlike some other books I have read, this book offers a "purpose" if you will, in the prologue that tells us exactly what to expect from the book.  The pages are smooth, with a aligned page edge and brilliant photos.  The images in this book are simply amazing. I love the connection with each chapter to the color and explanation of the chakra represented.  Over all the physical presentation of this book is stellar.

Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Chakras Handbook
Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Chakras Handbook

Getting into the root (pun intended) of the book, each chapter is broken down by sections related to a definition of the chakra, a table of correspondences as well as gemstones, essential oils and herbs related to that chakra.  I'm going to look at the third eye chakra as that has been my focus over the last few months.

The author begins to explain the third eye to us on page 118.  They explain the chakra itself and then explain what we experience when that chakra is blocked.  For example if your third eye chakra is blocked you may feel unclear, unfocused, and unable to sense what is happening around you.  A clear third eye chakra would have you feeling you see the world in full vibrant colors. All of your senses are available and are sources of wisdom and information.

Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Chakras Handbook
Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Chakras Handbook

I was hit with a jolt when I saw that Hecate is associated with this chakra. While a modern connection, none the less it was an eye opener for me as I spend so much of my time working on divination and offering assistance for those at the threshold or crossroads, if you will, in their current life situations. With the author providing background on this connection I was not surprised to see several of the herbs, stones and crystals associated with Hecate to also be included in opening up or awakening this chakra.

The author tells us that Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite and Sodalite are all used to focus, open and strengthen the third eye chakra. The Labradorite looks to ignite the imagination while the Lapis Lazuli build confidence and self-esteem. Sodalite, the dream-catcher Stone is said to prevent nightmares and night terrors.  It helps release our fears and stay present and focused on the moment.  The author also includes references to herbs and oils to build focus and includes anointing oil blends at the end of the chapters.

Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Chakras Handbook
Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Chakras Handbook

Over all this book is a valuable resource to those interested in getting started with the Chakras. It is easy to read and offers vibrant images to keep your interest.  The recipes are easy to follow and provided you have a basic witch's pantry, pretty easy to replicate. I did see a few rare oils mentioned but with a little investigation, these can be replaced with more readily available alternatives.

This is a good resource for those beginning research in chakras and I do recommend this for your healing library.

Crystal Healing & Sacred Pleasure - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Crystal Healing & Sacred Pleasure  by Vanessa Cuccia

Photo Credit - Book Cover

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NOTE:  This book has works related to self pleasure and sexual energy.  Reader discretion is advised.

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As with my other reviews I'm going to start with the review of the physical book.  This is a sizable book. It has a large hard cover with colorful imagery which lends itself to be a nice additional to a coffee table book or entry way addition.  There are large full color photo quality images in the book that are simply breathtaking.  Crystals, herbs and photos of the female human body are placed strategically through out the book and are very practical references to the subject matter.  Crystal definitions and descriptions as well as tasteful representations of sensual magic are in abundance.

The back of the book houses my favorite section of any real reference book, the index.  It includes an about the author section, an index and a list of resources. My favorite part is on page 200.  The Crystals for specific needs section is laid out in table format and allows the reader to check a column for a specific crystal and see what Chakra, Zodiac, Element, Color energy and physical/emotional benefits of each.  The chart advises that amethyst is associated with the Third Eye/Crown chakra, Aquarius, the elements air, water, the color energy of violet and calms anxious energy as well as quieting the mind to allow messages from a higher realm.  The index also includes a list of Chakra characteristics, resources and acknowledgements.

The author takes the reader on a journey in learning how we are sexual beings. On the heels of tantric magic or sex magic the author allows us to accept that individually we are sexual beings. Though out the book the author reminds us that some may be more sensitive to these energies.  Bluntly put, this book is about self love and self pleasure. The author asks that while we may remain skeptical that we try the exercises in the book to become familiar with our own bodies.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Crystal Healing & Sacred Pleasure

After a few sections on the crystal energies and the chakras the author breaks down each chakra for the reader providing an entire section on Healing exercises and rituals to help remove the initial resistance we may have to this path and guide us into harnessing the power within to bring forth the changes we desire.

Chapters six through twelve are broken down into specific chakras with rituals, healing routines and detailed info on each.
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Crystal Healing & Sacred Pleasure

Overall a really great additional to a healing and wellness library.  This book is dedicated to the feminine and the imagery and illustrations are fantastic.

The Ultimate Guide to Chakras - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Ultimate Guide to Chakras - The Beginner's Guide to Balancing, Healing, and Unblocking Your Chakras for Health and Positive Energy by Athena Perrakis, Ph.D. Founder of Sage Goddess.

Book Cover

Author Web Page
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Disclaimer: I am going to preface this review with the following statement.  I do not practice Wicca. I am not a priestess nor do I claim any religious affiliation.  I identify as an atheist witch and my review of any pagan/witchcraft books is presented from this point of view.

This is a nicely produced book.  The pages are large the print is a great size and the images are fantastic. I love the switch between the illustrations which I will share a couple with you, and the photos.  The Illustration is credited to Roberta Orpwood. She is an extraordinary artist.  You can find her on art work at Etsy, Instagram, and Facebook.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson
Photo Source - The Ultimate Guide to Chakras
Illustration - Roberta Orpwood

Photo Credit - Renee Olson
Photo Source - The Ultimate Guide to Chakras
Illustration - Roberta Orpwood

The photos are really well done too.  Too many times authors overlook the importance of including complementing imagery along with their content.  This is not the case with this book.  Each page brightly colored page pulled me into the book, and I was happy to go.  Of course I flipped quickly to the back of the book to look for my favorite part, the index. This book includes a full index with several cross references to help you locate exactly what you're looking for.

The book is broken down in sections dedicated to each chakra.  Reflection questions get you in a good frame of mind to begin the study with a table provided with correspondences for each chakra. To me, the most interesting part was the Goddess associated with the chakra. This was my first exposure to Hecate being connected to the Third Eye Chakra. (pg. 135 & 137).  The Third Eye Chakra is associated with intuition and clarity. I particularly like the incantation at the end of the section that reads:

"Oracle Goddesses and Goddesses of the Third Sight, illuminate me with your wisdom and your visions. I give thanks for your guidance. Amen, A'ho, So it is." 

As a reader I find myself asking for a similar gift while working with my client's submissions. At times reading can be a challenge when you allow the distractions of the world to seep in. I have called upon Hecate often when scrying for guidance. This chapter (as in all of the others) moves on to discuss the essential oils  and herbs of the chakra. Two of my favorite stones all into the third eye, which again, was a surprise to me - Labradorite and Lapis Lazuli.  There are oil recipes as well as exercises to activate the chakras, I could go on for hours about everything in this book but my favorite has to be the mantras that are included.  On page 148 the author tells us that in Sanskrit, Wah yantee is translated as "wisdom of infinity".  I was able to locate a video that uses this is mantra and have placed it below.

The mantra is:
Wah yantee kar yantee, jag dut patee,
aadak it waha, brahmaday trayshaa guroo, it wahay guroo

Great Macroself, Creative Self. All that is creative through time, all that is the Great One. Three aspects of God: Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. That is Wahe Guru.*

*credit to for the translation and video link*

Over all I think this is a great book to have in your library.  The attention to detail, the amazing artwork and of course that index is enough to give this book five stars!

Witchy Wednesday - Practical Magic - Chapter 1

I thought I would kick off this Witchy Wednesday with a look at Practical Magic (Kindle) by Nikki Van De Car. Instead of a traditional review I thought I would take the next few weeks to go into each of the chapters with you at my first read as opposed to reading the entire book and then giving a review.  This will give me the chance to take questions or even discuss the sections with you guys as I read them.  Since I'm doing it this way take a moment to post some comment or continue to use the "message me" form to add to the discussion.

Cover Art - Practical Magic (Running Press)

So the introduction to this book appears to be directed towards those who are not magical in nature. For example there is a sentence that actually says, "This book is directed to those who finds their daily horoscope weirdly accurate...." I think that appealing to that market is actually a great idea. More people need to get in touch with their spiritual level. I think that the less time I spend in front of a TV or computer the more connected I am with the natural world. Of course we all know that is where the magical world resides.

Image from Sage Goddess

Part one of the book is called Healing for Hedge Witches and begins with Chakras.  It goes into the history of chakras and then breaks down the seven main ones that we focus on giving the name, color, sounds and essential oils associated with each.  It suggests that meditation is the key to having harmonious balanced chakras. Personally I'm not a huge meditation person. I find that my mind rarely slows down enough to concentrate on any specific thing for a long period of time.  For example right now my desk has two computers, music this book, this blog and my tablet all open at the same time. I jump back and forth between them all. When I sit without anything stimulating my brain it jumps around so much that I cannot focus. Hubby says I've over stimulated my brain so now it cannot be at peace with itself. I don't disagree with that.  (Lol)

I like the section on balancing the individual chakras using the associate oils and crystals mentioned in the book.  For example the author recommends going barefoot to feel the earth or look for the color red specifically in food when balancing Muladhara, the root chakra.  A balanced root chakra can make you feel fearless and safe. Recommending cedar, clove and myrrh as oils to aid in balancing.

If videos are your thing, here are a couple videos I found related to balancing the root chakra. (Note: these are not mentioned in the book)

I found it interesting that the Sahasrara (the crown) chakra being blocked can add to nightmares, insomnia and migraines. I have many friends who have migraines.  It would be interested to see if doing work around their crown chakra helped with that.  According to the author working with the color purple and frankincense essential oil can aid in balancing that chakra but the best way to work with this chakra is through meditation.

Here are a couple of videos on balancing the crown chakra.

So there you have it. Chapter one of this book Practical Magic by Nikki Van De Car.  I think at the end of this review I'll do a giveaway with this book, the matching kit and another book called Feng Crochet all by the same author.  

Book Cover - Feng Crochet

I will choose a winner at random from the comments on all the blog posts in this series.  Be sure to toss a comment to be included.  I look forward to seeing your comments and reading your messages on this post!

N is for Namaste

Namaste (NAH-mes-tay) is a greeting that comes from combining two Sanskrit words, Namah and Te.  Namah means “bow or adoration” and te means “to you”.  So translated literally, Namaste means I bow to you.  Namaste can be written or said when two people meet. 

There is a bow that is usually combined with the phrase where the hands are placed in a prayer position with the waist slightly turned and the head is bowed towards another.  It’s a respectful greeting that requires no contact, which is traditionally preferred in India.  This gesture can also be referred to as Anjali Mudra
My first contact with the word was when I started taking Yoga in California.  In working with yoga I found that there is a basic belief that there is a divine spark in the heart chakra, and it is expressed to others with this gesture.  The hands are raised to the heart to increase the flow of this divine love. 
This led me to start to learn about the Chakra’s.  

Because of my issues with side effects from pharmaceuticals, I looked for alternative means to treat my Borderline Personality Disorder and my Bipolar DisorderI learned that my issues were all related to an imbalance in the throat chakra.  I’ve since tried to work with videos on youtube and books to try to learn how to balance my chakras.  I’m still on that journey.

This is one of the exercises I’ve worked with.


I struggle with getting to a point where I can stop worrying about everything and slow my mind down enough to participate fully in the now.  It’s been quite a challenge and I know I’m not there yet.  

I look forward to each day and will do my best to be present in the now. 
Even as I sit here writing this, I can hear Yoda’s voice:

There is no try, DO.

Bad habits are extremely difficult to unlearn. 

Until then, I bow to you.

Namaste and Blessed Be