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Healing Frequencies

Solfeggio frequencies are a set of 9 specific musical tones that are said to have healing and spiritual benefits. They are based on the ancient Western musical scale but differ from the notes we use today. The Solfeggio frequencies are:

174 Hz: Liberating Guilt and Fear

285 Hz: Healing Tissue and Organs

396 Hz: Releasing Negative Emotions

417 Hz: Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change

528 Hz: Transformation and Miracles

639 Hz: Connecting Relationships

741 Hz: Awakening Intuition

852 Hz: Returning to Spiritual Order

963 Hz: Divine Consciousness or Enlightenment

The theory behind Solfeggio frequencies is that they can resonate with our bodies and minds, helping heal us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

Sound frequencies: Sound waves can cause cells to vibrate, leading to changes in their structure and function. For example, studies have shown that exposure to low-frequency sound waves can increase the production of growth factors in cells, which can promote cell growth and differentiation.

Electromagnetic frequencies: Electromagnetic fields can also interact with cells. For example, exposure to radiofrequency waves can cause changes in the permeability of cell membranes, which can lead to the release of ions and molecules from cells. This can have several effects, including cell death, inflammation, and changes in gene expression.

Light frequencies: Light waves can also interact with cells. For example, exposure to ultraviolet light can cause damage to DNA, which can lead to cancer.

The effects of frequencies on cells can vary depending on the frequency, the intensity of the field, and the type of cell. In general, lower frequencies tend to have less of an effect on cells than higher frequencies. However, even low-frequency sound waves can significantly impact cells if they are applied for a long period.

The study of how frequencies impact cells is a rapidly growing field of research. Scientists are still learning about how frequencies can interact with cells and the potential implications for human health.

Here are some specific examples of how frequencies have been shown to impact cells:

Sound frequencies:

Low-frequency sound waves have been shown to increase the production of growth factors in cells, which can promote cell growth and differentiation.

High-frequency sound waves have been shown to kill cancer cells.

Electromagnetic frequencies:

Radiofrequency waves have been shown to cause changes in the permeability of cell membranes, which can lead to the release of ions and molecules from cells. This can have several effects, including cell death, inflammation, and changes in gene expression.

Microwaves have been shown to heat cells, damaging DNA and leading to cancer.

Light frequencies:

Ultraviolet light has been shown to cause damage to DNA, which can lead to cancer.

Visible light has been shown to promote wound healing and reduce inflammation.

It is important to note that the effects of frequencies on cells can be beneficial and harmful. More research is needed to understand the full range of effects of frequencies on cells and to develop safe and effective ways to use frequencies to promote health and healing.

Crystal Bowls

Crystal bowls can be tuned to specific frequencies, including the Solfeggio frequencies. The Solfeggio frequencies are a set of 9 musical tones that are said to have healing and spiritual benefits. When crystal bowls are tuned to these frequencies, they can create a sound bath that can help promote healing and well-being.

Crystal bowls are made from quartz crystal, which is a piezoelectric material. This means that when the bowls are struck or rubbed, they generate a specific sound frequency. This frequency can then be transferred to the body, where it is said to have several beneficial effects.

Some of the potential benefits of playing crystal bowls for health and wellness include:

Reduced stress and anxiety: The sound waves from crystal bowls can help to relax the body and mind, reducing stress and anxiety.

Improved sleep: The sound waves from crystal bowls can help to promote deep sleep.

Boosted mood: The sound waves from crystal bowls can help to improve mood and reduce depression.

Pain relief: The sound waves from crystal bowls can help to reduce pain, especially pain caused by tension or inflammation.

Enhanced creativity: The sound waves from crystal bowls can help to stimulate creativity and imagination.

Promoted healing: The sound waves from crystal bowls can help to promote healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level.

When crystal bowls are tuned to these frequencies, they can create a sound bath that can help to promote the healing and well-being associated with each frequency. For example, a crystal bowl tuned to 528 Hz can be used to create a sound bath that can help to promote love, transformation, and healing.

Using crystal bowls to create sound baths is a relatively new practice, but some scientific evidence supports its potential benefits. For example, one study found that sound baths can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Another study found that sound baths can help to improve sleep quality.

If you want crystal bowl therapy, it is important to find a qualified practitioner who can help you choose the right bowls and frequencies for your individual needs. You can also find many online resources that can teach you more about crystal bowl therapy and how to use it.

In conclusion, there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that sound and music can have a positive impact on our health and well-being. From reducing stress and anxiety to promoting healing and well-being, sound and music can be powerful tools for improving our overall health and quality of life.

If you are looking for a natural way to reduce stress, anxiety, or pain, or to promote healing and well-being, consider incorporating sound and music into your daily routine. You can listen to calming music, attend a sound bath, or use crystal bowls or other instruments to create your sound healing experience.

The next time you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take a few minutes to listen to some calming music or sound. You may be surprised at how much better you feel.

What do you think? Is sound healing and frequencies something you think play a role in your life? Share your comments here or reach out directly in the chat.

Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson🔮
Keybearer to the Covenant of Hekate🗝
Founder of the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo🔥
#pagan #magic #magick #witchcraft #oracle #neuseriverwitch #frequency #healing #crystalbowls

The Effects of Sound - A Personal Account


Over the last few months I have been sharing about my work with sound therapy.  I have completed my Sound Healer Certification and practicing my bowls. I felt I was well on my way to developing a wonderful practice. People often ask me, does this really do anything?  After this last two weeks, I can say absolutely yes!

About two weeks ago I switched the music I have playing in my house from a 528hz DNA Healing Repair to one I used about 20 years ago. The old one was called Merlin's Magic. 

I listed to this many nights while fighting massive rapid cycling bipolar episodes. I was on a 1/2 gallon Ziplock bag of medications and was for all accounts pretty much unable to function in the real world. I had massive anxiety and this music helped me pull through it.  Or did it?

This is an excerpt from the track: Merlin's Magic.

This past week has been a little challenging. Since switching back to Merlin's Magic. My anxiety has increased. My daily meetings in my mundane job have become more challenging and most importantly my communication with Elijah had plummeted. We were snapping at each other, feeling unworthy and unable to communicate.  Finally yesterday, I thought, this music is not ok. I'm feeling so bad. 

I quickly switch back to my 528Mhz and it was like a cloud was lifted from our space. We both felt the changes in the mood and energy in the space. This solidifies my believe that Sound Therapy is one of the most power ways to treat conditions such as anxiety, depression and provide a solid foundation for spiritual and holistic wellness. 

This is an example of what I use as a background music everyday, all day and all night.

Sound Therapy uses sound, music and specialist instruments played in therapeutic ways, combined with deep self-reflection techniques to improve health and wellbeing. It is what I believe, a cornerstone in any holistic wellness treatment program.

As I continue learn and grown in my craft, I can honestly say that this experience has confirmed what I felt all along. Sound is power. Sound can be healing or destructive. It can be all the difference between a wonderful experience and a living nightmare. If you haven't had the opportunity to listen to sound healing I highly recommend it. 

I'll share a couple more of my healing sessions below. Take some time, close your eyes. Listen to the energy and allow this energy to join with yours. Feel free to provide feedback or open up a discussion with me. 


Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson

Sound Therapy - What's Next?

 Welcome to Part III of my journey into sound therapy. Sound has been a healing source for centuries. From wind chimes to healing baths, we use music, sound and even noise to create a feeling. 

How does sound do this? What does sound do?  Let's look at this video that explains some of the ways sound waves act.

Let's take a look at some of the sound tools out there.  Click play on each video and then with a note pad, jot down what each makes you feel.

We'll start with Koshi Chimes. These are elemental chimes and each one is for the four elements. Earth, Air, Fire and Water and are thought to release stress, relieve anxiety and help with insomnia.  

Next let's look at a video on a Nepal Singing Bowl Demonstration. These sessions are said to treat back and knee problems, pain, depression, stress, migraines and eyestrain and also for meditation and charging water. 

What do you think?  Does sound heal?  How about grow food?  Maybe change the way water molecules react when frozen? We know that it is capable of all those things and so much more.

Now what about the negative effects of sound.  Let's talk about what can happen when sound is use not for healing, but for control or negative purposes.

 In World War II, during the German siege of the Soviet city of Stalingrad in 1942, Soviet troops kept German forces awake at night by playing Argentine tangos through loudspeakers. In Vietnam, U.S. forces turned sound into psychological warfare. And we are all aware of the event in Waco Texas where the Branch Davidians were holdup in a compound and stayed for days while the federal government bombarded the area with sound to make them surrender. And of course we all know about the fall of Jericho from the Old Testament in the Christian Bible. 

The story goes, that the Israelites marched on Jericho for six days and on the seventh day, they blew their trumpets and the walls fell.

The video below explains how in 1957, by accident, Dr. Vladimir Gavreau and his research team discovered that sound could also become a very deadly weapon.  Gavreau's team was working on robotics research, when they all became very ill.  After an investigation, it was discovered that there was an improperly installed ventilator motor in their building, that when coupled with a long airshaft, that acted like an organ pipe, had created an inaudible 7 Hz tone.

Let's change directions and move back into the positive with this piece. The 440hz frequency is said to ease the mind, improve sleep and create a sense of calm.  I play these while I'm sleeping at night.

Sound is a powerful tool that can be used for both positive and negative.  It is on the users to decide the best way to proceed in this area.  For me, I relate to nails on a chalkboard as a negative and the beautiful sound of windchimes as the positive. I am looking forward to my journey as a sound healer. I am confident that as long as we as a society look to improve the lives of those around us, we'll always be on the right path, with the right action.



Sound Therapy - Does It Work?

 Welcome to part 2 of my Sound Therapy series.  Today we'll talk about the effectiveness of sound therapy. Does it work? What can we do to help it work better as sound healers and what do we need from our clients.

As we go through our healing process sometimes we'll post our progress on social media and we get comments from those who say, "Does this actually work?"

Sound therapy uses certain instruments, recorded sound or music to combined with meditation to relief stress, focus healing and improve over all body wellness. As sound passes through our bodies, the vibration of that sound or the resonance can change the structure of DNA molecules. These vibrations encourage healing and over all wellness. Singing bowls, rain sticks, drums and tuning forks are examples of some of the tools that sound healers may use to help guide their clients into a meditative state that allows the body to work to heal. 

As a result of this process some clients may experience a sudden feeling of relief as though a huge weight has been lifted from their bodies. Others may have cold symptoms or may even experience a headache or be thirsty after a session. 

Some providers will offer their clients a sound bath. This is an immersive experience where the client is usually in a prone position on a mat or blanket resting comfortably.  The healer will direct the client to clear their mind as the work begins. Most focus on Chakra alignment.  This is where the Chakras, the energy points (wheels) in the body are encouraged to cleanse and realign allowing the client to become refreshed, and reenergized. Sound baths are usually in person but one can experience the same thing from the use of recorded music or conference call style sessions.

Sooner or later, you'll find someone who wants to tell you that this is just new age babble and has no place in science. I want to share a video from Stamford University Medical where they are using sound therapy to treat Parkinson's Disease.

This is a single video, but there are more out there that show the changes in disorders such as bipolar, anxiety, depression, pain relief, and much much more. We have to ask ourselves what can impact the results of using sound therapy.  One of the most common is the subjects ability to participate. This isn't like setting a broken bone.  The client must be willing to participate fully in the treatment. When that occurs, access the inner energy to create a place where health, happiness and wellness resides is something that anyone can achieve.


Remember working with sound is not new. From Pythagoras to Stamford University, the greatest minds are working to reveal exactly how this amazing process works in our bodies.  We have within us the power to help our bodies heal. Beginning with a healthy diet, working with the right path, meditation and right thought all guide us to a place where we can be where we are right now and be in happiness, pain-free and surrounded by the healing energy of sound.



Sound Therapy - Childhood & Science

 Sound therapy has been around for decades.  I began working with sound for soothing while I was a teenager. I found an old cassette tape next to the road while walking to the store.  Our family was very poor and I did not have these types of things available to me on a daily basis.  The tape was pulled out of the cassette and looked to have been tossed from a car window.

I took that tape and wound it back together and was able to lay in my bed at night with an old cassette player under my pillow and played the tape over and over. I learned every word of the song, and used it to keep me safe in a home where there was no safety or sense of self.

Even earlier than that, as a small child, my parents would send me down to my grandmother's house to get this or that. It was a long dark dirt path to their house.  Fields of corn on each side, gently rustling in the breeze. The sounds brought visions of monsters walking in the corn while I made my way down the road.  I used to sing songs to the corn and to the energy around it to keep me safe.  I attribute my safe arrival to Charlie Pride and his song, the Snakes Crawl at Night.  This was a child's belief that when things were at play, they were not dangerous.

Moving forward, my love for music and the sense of protection it provided to me was instrumental in my desire to learn music. And is of course why I have a plethora of instruments in my home today.  My love of music is only outweighed by my equal love of science. I recall wanting to be a scientist throughout many parts of my childhood. I always wanted to know why and frequently took things apart to see how they worked. 

Sound has been used to heal for centuries in human society. We know that many tribal cultures connected the sound of the drum to the heartbeat of the earth and it was used in ceremonies for dance and pleasure as well as in ritual healing, cleansing as well as the welcoming of new life and departing of those who passed.  

When looking into those who have studied this field, even though this thought process is as old as we are the official study of it is relatively new. Even on YouTube there are those who will go into detail to explain the exact science around this practice.

One way to visualize sound healing is to look at sand bouncing on a metal plate next to a speaker. Or watch the ripples in water, when sound is played into it.  We, being over 70% water react much in the same way but on a cellular level.  Dr. Emoto, a leading scientist in this field demonstrated the effects of playing sound (positive/negative) on water and then freezing it, led to some remarkable findings.

This fascinates me. As I move forward on my sound journey, I am finding so much in this that resonates (pun intended) with me. I hope you are too.  

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments or reach out directly over my chat link below.



Healing Sounds - A Brief History

 Through our existence on this planet we have been attracted to the rhythmic beat of  the drum or the haunting sounds of the flute.  No matter how it was created, through bone or reed. Through animal skin or hollow log; the beat of the drum carried us to places that were safe, happy and healing. Sound is all around us. It has the power to join with us (resonate) or split us apart (dissonant). 

Healing sounds have been around since we humans picked up our first stick and tapped it against a fallen log. The medical uses of sound therapy walks the same path as treatments such as acupuncture. For example the Chinese believed that the body was affected by the tone and vibrations, and the pain of acupuncture could be dulled by making sounds to accompany the therapy.

Tibetan Cymbals

Sounds were used in healing through out almost every culture in existence. From the Egyptians to the modern world these societies pulled together their resources and experience to create a wellness treatment that consisted of sound.  Ancient Greeks treated physical injuries, sickness and mental distress with sound. This continued throughout Europe where religious ceremonies took on singing, chants and used them for spiritual enlightenment.

Our ancient ancestral cultures such as the Aborigines, Tibetans, Indians and of course the Egyptians all practiced sound therapy in some way.  They believed that the sound would resonate with our body and create an over all sense of calm or excitement based on the type of sound played. That sound held the power to heal our bodies, our minds and connect us to the gods.

Shamanic healers across all cultures are often seen as the produces of this sound healing magic. They were the one to go to and listen to in order to heal the body and mind. Usually the holders of this information were women. Even our Greek ancestors believed that music had the power to charm the savage beast and magicians across these same cultures used sound to provoke (and in some cases invoke) the power of magic through ritual sound.

One of the oldest instruments found is a 40,000 year old Neanderthal flute made of a vulture bone. Drums, rattles, shakers, flutes - anything we could use to make sound, our ancestors did and we still do today. As early as 500BC the Pythagoreans were linking sound to healing. Even our earth has its own frequency. 7.83hz is the heartbeat of our planet. And exposing our bodies to this frequency has shown improvement in focus, low energy, trouble sleeping and stress. 

Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing a lot of information (and science) with you on the power of the healing power of sounds. Together on this journey I'll help guide you to understanding what you can do on a daily basis to bring this power into your life. Experience the healing energy and the happiness that you can achieve though sound, harmonic healing and we'll explore the tools of the trade.

I hope you'll join me for the entire series.


Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson