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The Effects of Sound - A Personal Account


Over the last few months I have been sharing about my work with sound therapy.  I have completed my Sound Healer Certification and practicing my bowls. I felt I was well on my way to developing a wonderful practice. People often ask me, does this really do anything?  After this last two weeks, I can say absolutely yes!

About two weeks ago I switched the music I have playing in my house from a 528hz DNA Healing Repair to one I used about 20 years ago. The old one was called Merlin's Magic. 

I listed to this many nights while fighting massive rapid cycling bipolar episodes. I was on a 1/2 gallon Ziplock bag of medications and was for all accounts pretty much unable to function in the real world. I had massive anxiety and this music helped me pull through it.  Or did it?

This is an excerpt from the track: Merlin's Magic.

This past week has been a little challenging. Since switching back to Merlin's Magic. My anxiety has increased. My daily meetings in my mundane job have become more challenging and most importantly my communication with Elijah had plummeted. We were snapping at each other, feeling unworthy and unable to communicate.  Finally yesterday, I thought, this music is not ok. I'm feeling so bad. 

I quickly switch back to my 528Mhz and it was like a cloud was lifted from our space. We both felt the changes in the mood and energy in the space. This solidifies my believe that Sound Therapy is one of the most power ways to treat conditions such as anxiety, depression and provide a solid foundation for spiritual and holistic wellness. 

This is an example of what I use as a background music everyday, all day and all night.

Sound Therapy uses sound, music and specialist instruments played in therapeutic ways, combined with deep self-reflection techniques to improve health and wellbeing. It is what I believe, a cornerstone in any holistic wellness treatment program.

As I continue learn and grown in my craft, I can honestly say that this experience has confirmed what I felt all along. Sound is power. Sound can be healing or destructive. It can be all the difference between a wonderful experience and a living nightmare. If you haven't had the opportunity to listen to sound healing I highly recommend it. 

I'll share a couple more of my healing sessions below. Take some time, close your eyes. Listen to the energy and allow this energy to join with yours. Feel free to provide feedback or open up a discussion with me. 


Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson

What Bad Can Happen with Sound Healing?

 Some people are sensitive to crystal bowls frequency or sound healing.  There are some physical impacts to participating in a healing session.  You can experience nasal drip, headaches, anxiety and even depression, depending on how you respond to the healing session.

Certain medical conditions should take care when attending healing sessions.

An example of those are:

  • Beginners: Start out with slow 5-minute sessions until you see how the singing bowls affect you.
  • Epilepsy: Singing bowls may trigger seizures. People with epilepsy should generally avoid singing bowls.
  • Metal implants: Avoid singing bowls if you have metal devices in your body, such as a pacemaker, coronary shunt, artificial heart valves, or metal pins or staples. The vibration of the singing bowl sound could possibly move the metal inside you, causing injury or malfunction of the device.
  • Bodily conditions: Avoid placing singing bowls directly on or near tumors, implants, screws, or artificial joints.
  • Mental health: Singing bowls often elicit deep memories, emotion, and thoughts. If you are diagnosed with a mental disorder like PTSD, anxiety, or depression, be sure to work with your doctor or therapist to make sure you can manage the thoughts and feelings that might arise.
  • Skin conditions: If you have an inflammatory skin condition like psoriasis, eczema, or hives, practitioners recommend not placing bowls on your body since they could aggravate the skin condition.
  • Pregnancy: In general, avoid singing bowls during pregnancy. If your doctor approves, you might try short sessions, but make sure the bowls are away from your belly and back.
  • Children: Be careful to monitor your child’s use of a singing bowl. Use incorrectly, it can damage hearing.
  • Surgery. After surgery, wait to place singing bowls on your body until sutures are removed and your skin is fully healed.

Sound healing is a wonderful tool to move forward through spiritual healing, emotional healing and chakra alignment. One thing to keep in mind is that in order to have the best experience is to be sure to share any information with the your sound healer.  You healer should ask you about your health, your current emotional status and your readiness to accept healing.

You can only get what you give in this instance. Be ready to accept the healing in order to have the best experience with your healing professional. 

Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson


I 't done one of these in a long time, however I listed to the music that's being sent and it's really really great.  I wanted to share this with my readers and give everyone a chance to reap the benefits of a giveaway over at "The Deepest Well" blog.

If you head over to this page, you can read about the giveaway and sign up for several chances to win.  Winner will be announced March 1st so head on over there!!

Namaste and Blessed Be