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Hecate and the Beloved Dead

In the vast pantheon of ancient gods and goddesses, Hecate stands as a unique figure, a powerful deity whose dominion includes the enigmatic realm of the restless dead. As we embark on this exploration, we'll uncover Hecate's role as a guardian of those who have passed and delve into how modern devotees can call upon her to continue this essential work. We'll also explore the profound practice of ancestor work, where the living connect with their forebears through Hecate's guidance.

Hecate, often depicted as a goddess of the night, crossroads, and magic, has been revered throughout history for her multifaceted nature. One of her lesser-known yet deeply significant roles is her guardianship of the restless dead. These spirits, often caught in the liminal space between life and the afterlife, find solace and guidance in the presence of Hecate.

One of Hecate's most renowned roles is that of a psychopomp, a guide of souls. In this capacity, she eases the transition of souls from the mortal realm to the afterlife. As a guardian of the crossroads, she stands at the threshold between life and death, ensuring that the spirits of the departed find their way.

The restless dead, a term often used to describe spirits who have not found their final resting place, are under Hecate's protection. These spirits linger in a state of unrest, whether due to tragic circumstances, unfulfilled desires, or a lack of proper funerary rites. Hecate's role is to guide and care for them, offering them solace and the opportunity for resolution.

Modern devotees of Hecate continue to seek her guidance and assistance in working with the restless dead. Through invocations, rituals, and offerings, they establish connections with this ancient goddess and invite her presence into their lives.

We provide a detailed psychopomp invocation to Hecate, enabling modern practitioners to call upon her to guide restless spirits to the afterlife. This ritual helps create a bridge between the realms, inviting the spirits to pass peacefully under Hecate's watchful eye.

Modern devotees can engage in rituals designed to honor and care for the restless dead. These rituals, inspired by ancient practices, provide a sacred space for communication with these spirits. They involve offerings, invocations, and symbolic actions that resolve these spirits' lingering concerns.

In the realm of ancestor work, Hecate also plays a vital role. This practice involves establishing connections with one's forebears, seeking their guidance, and honoring their memory. As a guardian of the dead, Hecate facilitates this connection and supports the living in forging meaningful relationships with their ancestors.

We provide a step-by-step guide on how to set up an ancestor altar, a sacred space dedicated to connecting with and honoring one's ancestors. This altar serves as a focal point for communication and offers a physical representation of the bond between the living and the deceased.

Various offerings and symbols can be placed on the ancestor altar to facilitate communication with the beloved dead. From candles and incense to photographs and personal items, these symbols serve as conduits for love, remembrance, and guidance from the ancestors.

We explore Hecate's role as a guide in ancestor work. Devotees call upon her to help establish connections with their forebears, seeking her support in this sacred endeavor. Hecate's presence ensures that the interactions with the beloved dead are respectful and meaningful.

Hecate's role as a guardian of the restless dead and her involvement in ancestor work showcases her enduring significance in modern devotion. In this article, we have delved into the intricate tapestry of Hecate's dominion, her ability to guide souls, and her role in forging connections between the living and the deceased.

As we continue to call upon Hecate for her guidance, we acknowledge her as the bridge between realms, the compassionate goddess who eases the passage of the restless dead and strengthens our connections with our ancestors. With her presence, we find solace, resolution, and a deeper understanding of the profound interplay between life and death.


Psychopomp Ritual Honoring Hecate: Guiding the Departed's Soul

A psychopomp ritual, invoking Hecate as a guide for the departed soul, can be a powerful and meaningful addition to a funeral rite. Hecate's symbolism of illumination, transition, and guidance makes her an ideal figure for this purpose. Below is a step-by-step guide to performing a psychopomp ritual in honor of Hecate, along with a supply list.


Three black candles or torches

Matches or a lighter

An image or statue of Hecate

A small dish of salt

A white candle

A small bowl of water

A piece of paper and a pen

A small offering, such as a coin or a piece of food

Incense or herbs associated with Hecate (e.g., lavender, rosemary)

A bell or chime

A quiet and sacred space



Choose a quiet and sacred space for the ritual. Ensure that you won't be disturbed during the ceremony.

Set up an altar at the center of the space. Place an image or statue of Hecate at the center, with the three black candles or torches arranged in a triangle around her.

Light the white candle, which represents the divine light and purity, and place it on the altar near Hecate's image.

Cleansing and Purification:

Begin by purifying the space and yourself. Sprinkle a small amount of salt in a circle around the altar. As you do this, say: "With this salt, I purify and consecrate this space for our sacred work."

Light incense or herbs associated with Hecate to further purify the atmosphere and create a sacred ambiance.


Stand before the altar, take a few deep breaths, and center yourself. Focus your intention on guiding the departed's soul.

Recite an invocation to Hecate, calling upon her as a guide for the departed. You can use a traditional invocation or create a personalized one that resonates with your intentions. 

For example:

"Hecate, Enigmatic Guide of Souls,

In this moment of transition and transformation,

I invoke your presence and wisdom.

Guide [Name of the Departed] on their journey

Through the crossroads of the afterlife.

Light their path with your torches,

And keep them safe in your embrace."

Lighting the Candles:

Light the three black candles or torches one by one, starting from the left and moving clockwise.

As you light each candle, say: "I light this torch in the name of Hecate, our guiding light in the darkness."

The Departed's Name:

Write the name of the departed on a piece of paper.

Place the paper in the small dish of salt, symbolizing the purification and release of their spirit. Say: "I release [Name of the Departed] to the care of Hecate."

Prayers and Offerings:

Recite prayers or words of farewell to the departed. Express your wishes for their safe journey and the guidance of Hecate.

Offer a small coin or a piece of food as a symbolic offering to Hecate, signifying your gratitude for her guidance.

Water and Bell:

Sprinkle a few drops of water over the departed's name in the salt. This represents the blessings of purification and renewal.

Ring a bell or chime three times to announce the departed's journey and signal the guidance of Hecate.

Meditation and Visualization:

Close your eyes and take a moment to visualize the departed's soul as a radiant light. Visualize Hecate's torches illuminating their path as they move through the crossroads.

Envision the departed's soul peacefully guided by Hecate, leaving behind the earthly realm and entering the spiritual realm.

Closing and Thanks:

Express your thanks to Hecate for her guidance. Say: "Hecate, Enigmatic Guide, I thank you for your presence and guidance. May you continue to watch over [Name of the Departed] in their journey."

Extinguishing the Candles:

Extinguish the black candles or torches, starting from the right and moving counterclockwise. As you do so, say: "As the torches are extinguished, we release [Name of the Departed] to the embrace of Hecate."

Final Reflection:

Spend a few moments in quiet reflection, acknowledging the departed's journey and the role of Hecate as their guide.

Closing the Ritual:

Conclude the ritual by thanking Hecate once more and formally closing the sacred space. You can say, "Hecate, Enigmatic Guide, your presence is honored. I close this sacred space with gratitude."

This psychopomp ritual can be adapted to suit your personal beliefs and the specific wishes of the departed and their loved ones. It is a way to invoke Hecate's guidance and presence as a comforting and guiding force for the departed's soul as they transition to the afterlife. 

Ritual for Healing with Hecate: Honoring the Beloved Dead

Losing a loved one is a deeply emotional and often overwhelming experience. Grief can be a complex journey, and finding ways to heal and remember those we've lost is important. This ritual, involving Hecate as a guide, is designed to help individuals find solace and healing after the passing of a loved one.


A small table or altar.

A black candle.

A white candle.

A photograph or memento of your loved one.

Fresh flowers.

A small bowl of water.

A small bowl of salt.

A piece of paper and a pen.

A quiet, comfortable space.



Set up your altar or table in a quiet, comfortable space.

Place the photograph or memento of your loved one at the center of the table.

Position the black candle on the left side of the photograph and the white candle on the right side.

Arrange fresh flowers in a vase or on the table.

Place the bowl of water and the bowl of salt on the table as well.

Ensure you have some privacy and a peaceful environment for this ritual.

Invocation to Hecate:

Light both the black and white candles.

Begin by standing quietly before the altar.

Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and focus on the photograph or memento of your loved one.

Say the following or similar words: "Hecate, goddess of the crossroads, guardian of the restless dead, I invoke your presence. I seek your guidance in this time of healing and remembrance. Help me find solace and peace as I honor the memory of my beloved [Name of the deceased]. Guide their spirit and grant me the strength to heal."

Creating Sacred Space:

Imagine a sacred and protected space around you. Visualize a gentle, warm light surrounding you, providing comfort and safety.

Water and Salt Purification:

Dip your fingers into the bowl of water and sprinkle a few drops over the photograph or memento. As you do this, say, "With this water, I cleanse and purify this space and the memory of my beloved."

Next, dip your fingers into the bowl of salt and sprinkle a few grains over the photograph. Say, "With this salt, I cleanse and purify this space and the memory of my beloved."

Reflection and Writing:

Sit quietly before the altar and take some time to reflect on your memories of your loved one.

Use the piece of paper and pen to write a letter to your loved one. Express your feelings, your love, and your grief. Share any thoughts or messages that you wish to convey.

Communication with the Beloved:

Read the letter you've written aloud to the photograph or memento, as if you're speaking directly to your loved one. Feel their presence as you do this.


Place the fresh flowers on the table as an offering to your loved one. Speak words of love and remembrance as you do so.

Meditation and Connection:

Close your eyes and take some time for meditation. Visualize your loved one's presence, and imagine a warm, gentle light enveloping you. Feel their love and warmth.

Closing the Ritual:

Thank Hecate for her guidance and support.

Blow out the candles, starting with the black candle and then the white one.


Keep the letter you wrote to your loved one. You can continue to write to them whenever you feel the need to communicate with them.

Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself to grieve and heal at your own pace.

This healing ritual with Hecate provides a sacred space for remembrance and communication with your loved one. It offers an opportunity to express your feelings and find solace as you continue to navigate your grief journey. Remember that healing is a personal and ongoing process, and Hecate can serve as a compassionate guide along the way.

Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson🔮
Keybearer to the Covenant of Hekate🗝
Founder of the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo🔥
#hekate #hecate #pagan #magic #magick #witchcraft #oracle #neuseriverwitch 
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Dedicated to Katina Smith - May your spirit soar.

Thoughts on Scalia's Death

As I sat drinking my tea and working on my Facebook Page I saw a trending story on that said "Justice Scailia Dead"  - my mouth slightly open and paused for a moment as many of these stories turn out to be the famous internet death hoax.

I did a bit of searching and sure enough, Supreme Court Justice Scailia had died.  For a moment I was in shock and then I was happy.  I know it sounds horrible to some.  I thought long and hard if I should even bother to blog about this.  My grandmother's voice in my head telling me that "If I didn't have anything good to say ....."

Yes, there's probably nothing good to say from my point of view on this supreme court justice.  He was one of the strongest opponents on the bench on LGBT rights.  Instead of ranting about the many statements he made in his life attacking us, instead I'll just give a light of sites that you can go to to see why just for a moment, my heart lifted a bit knowing that he would no longer be able to add his hate filled opinions to the opinions our highest court in the land.

These are just a limited few posts related to the dissenting opinion while on the bench and some of the other comments he had made regarding women and the LGBT community.  While I understand that certain things are legal, I also understand that they are wrong.  Apparently Justice Scailia had issues making a distinction between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.

“We’re all killers at heart,” he said. “Of course, I have never taken anybody’s life, but I have often read obituary notices with considerable satisfaction. It just happens that circumstances have favored me.” ~Clarence Darrow 1926~

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Transgender Day of Remembrance

This week my Throwing Thursday post will be silent.  I've decided to skip that in recognition of The Transgender Day of Remembrance.  

Each year members of the Trans* community are singled out simply based on the fact that they are gender non-conforming.  The are often raped and murdered simply for being who they are.  This year 226 people have been killed.  Today is a national day of remembrance for those who have lost their lives to hate and violence of bigotry.

I light candles to honor the memory of those who have been taken too soon.  May they guide your way to the next realm.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Earlier this week the world lost an phenomenal voice for Trans-activism.  Author, activist, revolutionary communist, lesbian and human, Leslie Feinberg passed away on the 15th of this month from complications associated with Lyme Disease.   Leslie was in the company of  spouse Minnie-Bruce Pratt.  Their work associated with the rights of the disenfranchised all over the world was immense. Leslie gave notice to the world that no voice should be silenced.  With books like Stone Butch Blues and Transgender Warrior, Leslie shared life experiences and strength with the nation that shined a light on the inner workings of someone left on the outskirts of our society.  Leslie's work carried many through hard times in their lives and was an inspiration to me on a personal level.  The voice, the imagery and the action will certainly be missed.

"Feinberg preferred to use the pronouns she/zie and her/hir for herself, but also said: “I care which pronoun is used, but people have been disrespectful to me with the right pronoun and respectful with the wrong one. It matters whether someone is using the pronoun as a bigot, or if they are trying to demonstrate respect.”

Photo Credit - Leslie Feinberg - Image in the Sun

Information on Leslie Feinberg

Information on Transgender Day of Remembrance

Saying Goodbye

July 1, 2013

Today is a day I've been expecting for a very long time.  This morning the phone rang and my hubby answered it.  My grandmother was being worked on by the paramedics.  They called us to come immediately.

I sat in the truck watching the water roll off the window.  Showers again today.  We pulled along the ditch next to the house and he walked up to the house to get the confirmation.

As he walked back to the truck my eyes watched the water in the ditch puddle up.  She was gone.  Her life here was long. She grew up in a world without cable tv.  She told me stories of plucking chickens for Sunday dinner while we were making biscuits on Sundays. The light in her eyes has been growing dim over the last few years.  Her spirit, tired from being here on this earth so long.

When I’d see her she’d tell me…  “I miss Joe”   Her husband had passed over 50 years ago.  She is, was … was an amazing women and my life is better.  

Joseph Thomas Smith Sr. & Julia Eva Loftin Smith

I am better for living with her the first five years of my life.  I am better for knowing her these last 44 years.   I am better for having stood beside her every Sunday over the last 6 years, making biscuits with my grandma.

She’s a Christian woman, and wanted to be buried in a wood coffin, she believed, “Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.”

I hope she finds him there waiting for her.  Taking her hand and walking her into the next part of her journey.  For me, I light a single candle to aid her in her journey.

I love you Grandma

In loving memory of Julia Eva Loftin Smith 
July 23, 1915 - July 1, 2013

Namaste & Blessed Be

Pagan Blog Project 2013 - H is for Haunting

A haunting is usually a replay of something from the past.  Most hauntings are residual hauntings.  Meaning one moment in time gets replayed over and over.  One example of this might be of a farmer going outside to milk cows.  Usually it is something that the person did in their life over and over, and it’s like the needle is stuck on replay.    

When we started to remodel our carport to turn it into a kennel building for our dogs, hubby and I experienced a lot of residual paranormal activity.  On several separate occasions hubby saw an older gentleman walking first into the closet, which we used to store yard tools, then out the back door into the yard.  When I saw him, he was usually walking around in the back yard, wearing a blue baseball cap.  He never noticed us and seemed to be going about his daily chores.  The idea of residual hauntings is much like the “Stone Tape” theory.  Basically it means that the surroundings, trees, rocks and even buildings record the energy of an event, and under certain circumstances the brain can pick up these “tapped incidents” and the eyes see them.  When dealing with a residual haunting, the ghost or entity will not interact with the outside world.  It simply walks or moves through the paces of a previously completed pattern.

Now, at the same time, you can also have what is called an intelligent haunting.   Intelligent haunts are those which the energy or entity actually interacts with the living world.  This can range from knocking things off a shelf to having responses to questions.  I have had three incidents where I interacted with the energy here. 

The first time was when we first moved into our bedroom.  The end of my hall way seems to be the source of the energy.  I almost feel as though it is a conduit for the paranormal energy coming into and going out of the house.  On each side of the end of the hallway are doors.  One leads out offices and the other to our bedroom.  Originally when we set up the bedroom we had the head of the bed against that wall, with the foot facing east.  At night when I’d lay down, I’d feel a face come around the corner from the end of the hall and stare right into my face in a silent scream.  It became so worrisome that I had to move the bed to the opposite side of the room.  Now my head is pointing towards the east and the foot of my bed to the west in the direction of the door.
The next time I was sitting in the Kitchen and was doing research on the lady (Mrs. Mantha Rose) who owned the house before me.  She passed away and her family put the house up for sale.  I was reading her obituary in the local paper archives when I felt a presence in the room.  As I was reading her obituary out loud, I looked over my shoulder and there was a man standing by the pantry.  I said the first name Perry Brock and the entity shook his head no.  I then read Thurman Rose and he nodded in the affirmative and disappeared.

The final time I was sitting in my office working and I heard a loud crash from our bedroom.  I went inside the room and found my jewelry box flipped neatly upside down on the floor in front of the bed.  It had been sitting on the dresser.  It have flown 3-4 feet through the air and landed with open face down on the floor.  I started to pick my stuff up and I noticed that hubby’s mother’s ring was on the floor behind the bed.  It was a good 2 feet farther away than the rest of the contents of the box.  When I began putting my stuff back in the box I noticed that my amethyst crystal had shattered completely.  I've often felt the presence of energy here in the house and have come to accept that others may live here and it is OK.

Today I have my ancestor alter set up with photos of those who have passed.  I've included the ring that was tossed behind the bed, just to see if there is some energy associated it with. 

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

I make offerings to the dead on Samhain and pay my respects throughout the year.  I completely believe that hauntings are a real thing and usually aren't something to be afraid of.

Namaste & Blessed Be

Pagan Blog Project 2013 - A is for Anpsi

A is for Anpsi:

A term for psychic phenomena involving the interactions of animals with humans.

In doing my research for the first letter of the Pagan BlogProject 2013, I wanted something different but yet something I could relate to.  I have animals all around me.  I feel their energy and even talk to them.  Not like Mr. Ed, but more like a very subtle voice that creeps into my head when they are around.  Note, this is not something you can share with your psychologist.  (giggle)

In my research on the web there’s not a great deal of information about Anpsi or Animal Psi.  We've heard about the dog that traveled across the country to find his lost family.  Or the cat that ends up back at home after being lost for years.  These are the types of things that most attribute to Anspi.  There are even companies out there that will claim to use Anpsi to assist in helping with behavior therapy for pets. A quick Google Search for – Psychic who talks to animals – will give you a nice long list to review. 

I believe that we can indeed “communicate” with animals.  The main thing to remember is that the animals would be the one’s talking.  We should actually be “listening” to the animals.  I have two very real communicating animals in my house.

First we have Sheba.

Photo Credit - Elijah Olson

Sheba belonged to hubby before we got married.  She communicates with the dead.  She would sit for hours in a section of hubby’s grandmother’s house and chat away.  She’d meow at the chair or stand in front of the stove and just talk talk talk.  We believed that hubby’s grandmother’s spirit was still in the house.
After we packed her up and moved her across the county, she’s taken up residence on my ancestor altar.  She sits there for hours.  We also have a very active corner of the house where again, she sits and meows for hours. 
Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Next we have Melon.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Melon is my kids cat.  Melon came to use as part of a litter we rescued from the shelter.  We drove up there and the Lola picked out the one bright orange kitty in the litter. 

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

The lady told her, we will be putting the rest of the litter down.  She began to cry, so hubby took all of them.  We raised them and found the rest homes, but Melon stayed here.  Melon chats with me from time to time.  He can even physically say “mama”. 

When I lose things in the house; Melon knows where they are.  Several times, I’ll ask out loud, “Melon, where are the keys?” and a little voice will come in my head and tell me where they are.  He is terrified of loud noises and storms.  

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

He loves pets and drools.  He doesn't talk to the dead, but yet helps the absent minded living find the things they've misplaced.

I think this was a great find.  I knew that I could “talk” to the animals but just didn't know what it was called. Hope you've found this informative and entertaining.

Namaste & Blessed Be

O is for Obituary



A notice of a death, esp. in a newspaper, typically including a brief biography of the deceased person.

For many writing assignments young authors are presented with the task of writing their own obituary.  This can be something that helps a lot with introspection.  I’ve seen a post going around Facebook that I’ve shared below:

As part of the Pagan Blog Project I’m supposed to take letters of the alphabet and create a pagany post on them.  This is our first week at the letter O.  O is a tough letter.  Right now there’s a huge trend in posting about Obesity.  And yes a subject near and dear to my heart; I couldn’t bring myself to write yet another article on it.

I woke this morning to the news of the shooting in Colorado and my mind quickly thought, what would be presented in the media about these people lost to this violence.  What would be said about them?  Then I thought ‘obituary’. 

As a pagan, specifically Hecatean, I am not going to have a funeral.  Not that this is especially pagan, but it’s a personal decision that I made.  Hecate is specifically connected to death and the underworld, and is thought to be a guide between the two worlds.  Death is not seen as an end, but yet a beginning to another part of life.  This is how I feel about my own mortality written in the form of an obituary.

Take a moment to think about what made us friends, what things made us family and remember, that even though as Pagans, we each have our own individual  “Valhalla”, we still leave many behind who will mourn our passing.

This song always reminds me of faeries.  This is what I will hear.

I have passed.  Today my journey with Hecate begins.  I’m moving from this world of the physical and into the mystical.  I leave behind me a wonderful family.  I have many things thing I am thankful for.  My husband, my child and my spiritual sisters that have joined me in this life are all things that I will take with me into the shadow realm.  I have opened my heart and life to those that are in need, from the four legged furry friends I have come to know and love to the two legged kind that have broken my heart.  Today I want no sadness or tears.  I want for love to pour forth from all that I know and share that same love that you saw and knew in me with every living being.  Today, this part of my journey changes course and moves into the world of the unknown.  Look for me in the trees, in the grass and in the flowers.  Hear my voice on the wind, as I was in life, so am I in death.  I am always with you.
Sending love and healing to those who have watched others cross over.

Namaste & Blessed Be

Paying the Ferryman

So I sit here today completing my preparations for my ritual tonight.  I plan to complete the ritual for Hekate tonight.  I have chosen her as my matron.  Oddly enough when I am choosing my spiritual mother I find myself at odds with my earthly mother.

Saturday I got call that my mother had a blood sugar of 20 and was on her way to the hospital.  My mother and I have no connection really.  She knew about my stepfather's abuse and I found out later that she indeed sacrificed me so that he would stay there and "pay the bills". After all, I guess I didn't really matter.  I ran away from home at 15 and never really had any type of relationship with my mother.  To this day we don't even really speak to each other.  Today I got a message that she was on her way to Wake Med (a big hospital) due to some heart problems and she wanted to talk to me.

I spent a few minutes debating with my husband if I should call.  Should I give her the chance to ask for forgiveness?  Should I help her in paying the ferryman?  Is it fair to me that she gets to make her peace with her God and I get left with years of more pain in dealing with her garbage?

I called.  I listened.  She said "I just wanted to tell you I'm going to Wake med".  "Do you want to talk to your sister?"

Yup, that's it folks.  No I'm sorry.  No, Hey you know I was a completely nasty person for letting you get treated the way I did... I got nothing.   Here again, let down by no one but myself, for even thinking for a second that there was any type of concern for my feelings at all.

Maybe one day I'll learn.

So now, I sit listening to my chants and singing along with the songs for the goddess. Tonight I commit myself to a higher level of understanding and with this ritual, I will look forward to new things and hope that soon all the pain will be gone.

Namaste & Blessed Be