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This week I wanted to share my latest video.  I've been concentrating on Heart, Sacral and Root recently. I really love the sounds of these three together.

Singing bowls have been around since the 1980s. There is some thoughts that maybe our ancestors worked with crystals and more recently science has shown that these crystals resonate a sound that has proved beneficial to human cells.

Singing bowls can be used for meditation and just a relationship to the sound waves has shown positive impact on the human body. 

I have been working with the bowls, using the sound to help welcome relaxing and create a release in my body.  Excess energy seems to float away. 

This session was extremely helpful for me.  Even the dog let out a little call to let me know he was enjoying the session.  

I hope you enjoy.

The Astrological Guide to Self-Care - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Astrological Guide to Self-Care by Constance Stellas

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am identify as a magical Buddhist. I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I believe in spiritually and holistic wellness.  I find that we can heal the world if we just sit down and and listen to the breath.  I believe that magic, science and nutritional well being are the cornerstone to a well rounded holistic life. I have recently updated my site from Confessions of a Modern Witch to my new page To Live Whole.  I welcome you to come along for my journey of health, wellness and self exploration.

I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 438,000 views.

As you know I'll be switching over to reviewing only e-copies of books shortly.  I will miss handling the books but the amount of trash that I had piling up for all the shipping was just overwhelming.  I will be doing a giveaway for the remaining physical books that actually arrive as well as asking my publishers to provide giveaway copies shipped directly to my winner's homes going forward for all giveaways.

Looking at the physical book, this is a really big book. The cover is brilliantly colored and has a assorted illustrations of the zodiac on the front and back.  This book isn't a take along book. Due to it's size I would lean more toward a library or coffee table setting for this piece.  The type face is fantastic. Sticking with the size of the book the publisher has presented the copy with clear to read fonts in a bold color that is extremely easy on the eyes.  The pages are smooth to the touch and dedicated to words are there are no illustrations inside at all.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

The book begins with self care.  I'm seeing this topic being covered more frequently in my reviews. I think the industry has finally learned that we cannot pour from an empty cup and granted us some space to take care of ourselves in our busy magical lives.  This author has dedicated the first three chapters of this book to this exercise. I applaud this change and really appreciated the suggestions within. Chapters four through six, Part II,  take us on a journey of caring for ourselves with the elements. Earth, Air, Fire and Water are given the same treatment with an overview of the basic mythology, the astrological symbols and the signs and seasons associated. Each section then gives us ideas on how to apply self care to ourselves based on that particular element.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

As we get into Part III we start looking at the signs themselves. Each chapter from here to the end of the book is dedicated to each specific sign. In reviewing mine I found some really great information.  I also found it odd that there were so many references to eating fish.  I'm a fish! Why would I eat one?  LOL  I did find a lot of these things I already do.  My bed is full of pillows and my home is indeed a retreat.

Overall a fun book to read, it is a great conversation starter and I can see how it would be enjoyed by many.

Monday Meditation - Self Love

One of the most difficult things in my life that I have ever tried to overcome is my low self esteem. I am a people pleasure.  All my life has been me trying to be everything for everyone else, while not being enough for myself.  I spent so much of my time trying to be perfect. I would try to learn everything I could about a class BEFORE taking the class so I would know what the class was about before taking it.  The pressure I put on myself was  unbearable. It was obvious of the pain I was in just by looking at my health.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

While reading The Art of Living by Thich Nhat Hanh, I found the following paragraph profound:

People who are not at peace with their lives tend to let their minds wander back to moments that have passed and are filled with remorse and regret. Those with self-esteem issues dwell on things that people have said to them and feel worse about themselves because they let these thoughts and actions penetrate and become more important than the actual reality.

I spent so much of my time in future worrying about things that hadn't happened yet, based on experiences I had from the past. I was already failing at a new thing because I felt I failed (which really means, it wasn't perfect) at something in the past. I think we are all hard on ourselves, but I believe I took mine to a degree of self abuse.

An example of this is my drawing.  I always felt I wanted to draw but when I would draw I would berate myself.  Nothing was good enough. I would compare myself to other artists even though I had only been drawing a few months.  Earlier this week I took a look at one of my old drawings. I really did a great job. I love this one. So much so that I might even pick up the pencil again. I need to love myself and stop looking for approval from other people.  I need to be ok, with who I am and where I am in my life.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Artwork - Maiden, Mother & Crone

I found a few videos that are helpful on this type of self work.  The first is to stop looking for approval from other people.

The second is a mediation to learn self compassion.

Learning to love yourself is hard. It isn't something we're all born doing as second nature. For me, I am still working on this. I want to be the best I can be for me. I want to be strong, healthy and happy.  Most of all, happy.

Going Vegan - Your Daily Planner - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Going Vegan, Your Daily Planner: Everything You Need to Transition to a Vegan Diet by Michelle Neff.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Book
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My Facebook Page

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am identify as a magical Buddhist. I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I believe in spiritually and holistic wellness.  I find that we can heal the world if we just sit down and and listen to the breath.  I believe that magic, science and nutritional well being are the cornerstone to a well rounded holistic life. I have recently updated my site from Confessions of a Modern Witch to my new page To Live Whole.  I welcome you to come along for my journey of health, wellness and self exploration.

I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 438,000 views.

As you know I'll be switching over to reviewing only e-copies of books shortly.  I will miss handling the books but the amount of trash that I had piling up for all the shipping was just overwhelming.  I will be doing a giveaway for the remaining physical books that actually arrive as well as asking my publishers to provide giveaway copies shipped directly to my winner's homes going forward for all giveaways.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Book

My review copy was a soft cover slightly larger than average sized book. Its a soft cover book in a journal format that requires the reader to crease the seam in order to jot down all the daily food logging that this book recommends.  I should also add, that I am  not a vegan.  I do have a very vegan like diet. I believe that being vegan has a bit of a history around it and leads people to believe certain things about people who wear that badge.  I live a mindful, compassionate life.  I follow the eight fold path and practice meditation. I diet is best described as Whole Food Plant Based No Oil.  Being plant based, that means that it is a type of a vegan diet, however vegan diets include things like canola oil while excluding honey.  My way of eating would be opposite of that. I see tons of health benefits for honey, while oil on the other hand is quite harmful to the body.  That being said, many of the suggested recipes in this book would be strictly off limits for my household, but I'm getting ahead of myself.  Let's talk about the first part of the book before going into the recipes.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Book

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Book

This book starts out with the author giving us an overview of the Vegan diet as a whole. She covers vitamins and minerals and includes a section on that all important question we are all asked, "Where do you get your protein??"  I like the inclusion of a vegan pantry.  While, I wouldn't recommend going out and purchasing all this at one time, it is a great place to find a list of all the typical things one would find in a vegan pantry.  Keeping in mind that a large majority of people I am meeting in my groups are also gluten intolerant, I would skip the breads altogether in our house. And of course, no oil at all.  We don't use any type of processed oils, spreads, mixes, butters or anything of that nature. I think that some of these items are great to help wean you off of the bad stuff but overall they contain just as much harmful ingredients and should really just be skipped completely. I found the vegan substitution chart to be useful in some cases and in others a tad redundant.  The yogurt substitution is vegan yogurt.  I think that's pretty self explanatory and seemed like just a space filler.

There are a lot of charts in this book. One on fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, meat replacements and of course vegetables. There's even a few blank pages for you to fill in with the nutritional information around your own favorite foods.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Book

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Book

The planner section is next.  It is broken down into weekly sections over twelve weeks.  Each week has a recommendation for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack, with a review page to jot down what you ate, including the nutritional break down, a section for thoughts and a plate diagram to show your fruits, grains, protein, veg and even a little place to tick off your water consumption.

The very first day recommends whole grain toast with peanut butter and sugar free jam with a banana for breakfast.  A veggie burger on whole grain bread with cake and baked beans for lunch and vegetable marinara with whole grain pasta for dinner with a kale and tomato salad.  Not a horrible day but for me, I would have to do a lot of removing.  The pasta and bread are both highly processed and have gluten so both of those would be out for me.  I don't eat nut butters or jam, so both of those are out and of course that veggie burger is processed as well.  Instead of this I would have something like an oat bowl for breakfast with oat milk, blueberries, raisins and strawberries.  For lunch I might have a veggie stir fry *no oil* over brown rice or maybe some vegan Tom Kha soup with Soy Curls.

The book does include a recipe for every day of the week in the book.  I found that the Vanilla Date Breakfast Smoothie looked really good. I use frozen bananas and dried dates for an assortment of recipes. Once you are able to cleanse, your taste buds will go back to their normal unprocessed setting and you'll find that things taste quite different that you are used to. For example, oats are naturally very sweet. Oat milk is amazing without any sweetener at all and I pour it over my oat bowl every morning.  Raisins are another great sweet treat. Once off the processed sugar you'll find that so many foods are just great tasting on their own.  Over the years (even documented in this blog) you'll find me posting about how much I hate onions, mushrooms and peppers.  I now eat them everyday. It is quite amazing how quickly you can switch over to a healthy lifestyle if given the chance.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Book

Overall I think this is a great book for becoming vegan. The daily entry allows you to take responsibility for your eating habits and the charts and tables provide a great deal of information. I think that going vegan is a great step in the right direction to getting back to where I believe we were naturally intended to eat. 

If you think you might be interested in learning more about the whole food plant based no oil lifestyle, be sure to check out my Facebook page - Real Rations and my Facebook group Real Rations Recipes.  Here my hubby and I share information on health, holistic wellness and nutrition as well as great recipes that will get you on the way. I have lost 137 pounds changing to this lifestyle and Elijah has lost 120.  We welcome you to come over and check it out!

3 Years WFPBNO

Your Astrological Cookbook - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Your Astrological Cookbook, The Perfect Recipe for Every Sign by Catherine Urban.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source Your Astrological Cookbook

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Amazon Book Link
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Good Reads Book Link
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My Facebook Page

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am identify as a magical Buddhist. I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I believe in spiritually and holistic wellness.  I find that we can heal the world if we just sit down and and listen to the breath.  I believe that magic, science and nutritional well being are the cornerstone to a well rounded holistic life. I have recently updated my site from Confessions of a Modern Witch to my new page To Live Whole.  I welcome you to come along for my journey of health, wellness and self exploration.

I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 438,000 views.

As always I'll start out with a review of the physical book.  This is a beautiful book. The cover is vibrant and has two lovely photos with a place setting with outlines the houses of the zodiac.  It's a hefty book and is large. I would think too large to put in a bag for a quick read on the go.  There is a lengthy index index in the back with references to pages for specific dishes, astrological signs and ingredients.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source Your Astrological Cookbook

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source Your Astrological Cookbook

As someone who is strictly whole food plant based I grabbed this book with hungry hands and a skeptical mind.  It is rare now to find dishes that don't include some form of animal product, sugar or oil.  The majority of recipes out there are overly processed and lack any attention to a real healthy meal. I have to say, even though this book does contain books with animal flesh, I was able to find some that fit into my lifestyle.   Of course I bounced directly to the back of the book looking for the recipes for Pisces!  I was not disappointed.

Pisces is described as the intuitive chef.  The author has this to say:

Mystical Pisces are represented by two celestial fish. Pisceans are truly enigmatic, compassionate souls with vivid imaginations and a fantastically unique sense of humor.  Pisceans live in their own private world as the undercover start of their own life novel.  Fluent in nonverbal communication these intuitive water signs soulfully connect with the messages emoted through music, art poetry and film.  Mutable Pisces can adapt to any environment, though they are also psychic sponges who need to regularly retreat from the world.  Every celestial fish has at least one ritualistic escape hatch they swim to - be popcorn and move, their yoga mat or the local dive bar.

Wow!  Great intro.  I'm hooked (pun intended)

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source Your Astrological Cookbook

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source Your Astrological Cookbook

As if she read my mind the first dish was Chili Masala Tofu Scramble.  While not considered a whole food, tofu is minimally processed and it is something that I eat from time to time.  Looking through the recipe I only had to remove the olive oil and it was something I could eat.  Cool 1 for 1!

Each chapter of the book is dedicated to one sign of the zodiac.  Continuing through my chapter I found several dishes that I could either eat directly or pull out an ingredient here or there to make it compliant.  The Ginger Peach Smoothie for example was easy to fix up with a simple plant based yogurt replacement. The Buddah Bowl was great minus the avocado oil, but the Premiere Popcorn nearly gave me a stroke just reading the ingredients. While not my taste, I can say that I cannot imagine eating popcorn with an entire pound of bacon; someone out there is sure to say it is exactly what they're looking for.

The photos in this book were amazing. I loved the color and simple settings used to demonstrate each dish. I was disappointed that each recipe did not include a photo.  As someone who does a lot of recipes search for my site Real Rations, I can tell you that photos sell the dish. You have to have one to demonstrate the final product and I really think this book could have used that.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source Your Astrological Cookbook

Overall a great book with a lots of recipes for all sorts of tastes.  Something for everyone including some dishes for the vegans out there, which is hard to come by.  I was very pleased to see all sorts of tastes represented.

Unexpected Updates to the Blog

Hi Everyone!  I just wanted to reach out to let you know there have been some (obvious) unexpected updates to the blog.  My plan was to switch over to reviewing strictly e-books just after my birthday in February.  I was going to make a switch over, rename the blog and start focusing more on my writing and less on reviews.  My goal was to bring you into the world I'm living in now.

Confessions of a Modern Witch is now To Live Whole

When I escaped into the book review scene it was mostly out of sincere frustration and pain. My body was hurting all the time and I was angry most of the time.  My bipolar was out of control and I was feeling pretty helpless. I couldn't focus on writing a single sentence let alone and entire blog post with any coherency.
Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
The Rio Grande

My days were filled with frustration and anger. It has been a rocky three years.  I ended up taking a much needed break and heading out to Las Cruces NM for a while to soak up the sun and try to recharge my broken spirit.

We ended up staying there for a year while we waited for the county's decision on buying our property after Hurricane Matthew.  I took some classes and found one that was called Holistic Wellness.  That was the catalyst for me getting my head back in the game.  I finished three other classes including crystal healing certification, mindful meditation and yoga certification. I have to say that it has changed my life.
Photo Credit - Elijah Trent Olson

Eli and I managed to switch over completely to a WFPBNO lifestyle and in the process reversed all of our medical issues including my type two diabetes.  We dropped weight significantly.  I have lost 135 pounds as of today.  He's lost over 125.  Together we're taking some time to get back to ourselves. We're back in NC now but we're not letting the poor weather get us down. We have started meditation sessions twice a day and are cooking our meals together.  Always looking for a great recipe to share in our group over on Facebook.  Our page there shares many of the medical opinions that got us where we are today. We would love to have you join us.

As part of our meditation, Eli and I read an hour every morning when we wake about Buddhism. We have begun to see a real change in our lives. Just yesterday I was thrilled and surprised to find see my resting heart rate has dropped down to 49 from 79 a year ago.  Such an amazing change.  So as a part of this I wanted to reduce my carbon footprint and switch over to e-books and stop buying things from China.  I wanted to live simply and share that experience on a new blog.  So I purchased a domain (To Live Whole) and began the process of getting it set up.

Well, let me tell you, Google is super easy about adding your domain to your blogger account.  I literally clicked a single button and boom all my settings were updated and here I was with a new URL for my blog a mere 3 months ahead of schedule!!  Instead of fussing with getting it switched back over I just took it as a sign that I was ready to go and changed my social media accounts as well as my media contacts over to the new blog and here we are!

I hope that my change in the visual appearance of the page w/o make you jump ship.  I'll be sharing the same types of books with a few more related to health, wellness and Buddhism as well as the old magical favorites.  I'll be adding more frequent and personal posts related to what we're doing in the kitchen, what new advances we're seeing in science and maybe a post or two about the Dali Lamma.

I look forward to inviting some discussion on the page and welcome questions and comments. I hope that you'll hang around for the direction. I feel as though it will be something quite special.

Thank you so much for your readership and your attention and I hope I'll be able to share more soon.


My Pocket Gratitude - A Reivew

Today I'm reviewing My Pocket Gratitude by Courtney E. Ackerman.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - My Pocket Gratitude

Author Links - Link
Amazon Book Link
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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 429,000 views.

This book is a good size to be tossed into a backpack or bag for a quick trip. It is a soft cover book that has an elastic band around the back to mark your spot or keep the book closed.

The contents are divided into six chapters that focus on way to cultivate self gratitude and mindfulness into one's daily life. The first chapter consists of exercises that one can incorporate as a daily mantra if you will, to improve the ability to remain present.  Things like, leaving a note for yourself or scheduling a date with yourself are ways this author is providing a means to induce self care at a fundamental level.
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - My Pocket Gratitude

The second chapter focus on a topic that I have been known to struggle with.  This chapter is a deep dive into cultivating gratitude towards the body.  From yoga sessions to times set aside for meditation and reflection, this book provides real world techniques for spending time with the body and understanding just what ever "body" needs.

Chapter three goes into caring for others.  I like the placement of this chapter. So many times we as empaths forget that we must take care of ourselves before we can help others. The techniques provided include writing letters of thanks, creating a list of all the people you love and give a gift to those you love.  To me, I love this part. I have some very special friends who are like family to me. Throughout the year I collect small gifts for them. Just small things, maybe a book or a figurine. Things that remind me of them. Then at Samhain I mail those boxes out and hope that when they open them they feel the joy and love that I have packed into each one. A gift doesn't need to be expensive to have impact. Choose with love and it will always be sent with the care of the most expensive gift in the world.
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - My Pocket Gratitude

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - My Pocket Gratitude

So many times we get so busy with daily life that we don't have time to really appreciate where we have come from or where we are going. Chapter four speaks directly to this. Taking time to meditate on the past and think about reasons to be proud of what you have accomplished are key to creating a well rounded path for traveling into the future. We don't want to dwell too long here but we do want to be able to look back and take what we need to move forward with dedication and pride as we graduate to the next chapters of our lives.

In Chapter five we discuss how to cultivate gratitude for our surroundings. I have to say this for me is key in creating a space for calm wellness to grow. I have a certain set of songs that are playing all the time in my home.  I have special incenses that I use for different occasions.  The author shares with us ideas for how to get in touch with our surroundings using our senses as we walk around our abode. Inspiration is all around us. We just need to slow down and listen.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - My Pocket Gratitude

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - My Pocket Gratitude

The final chapter helps us learn to cultivate gratitude in difficult times. This is hard for many of us. There are times that we may want to fall down into the pity party and sit wallow in self misery. We need to grab some of these great techniques such as creating a catalog of lessons learned, go hunting for the positive and commit to the flexibility it may take to change the current direction of life.  While sometime is to be said for going with the flow, we also don't want to be washed away by the tides. Taking a stand here to not only understand where we have been, but also to change our direction by working through our issues and putting our best foot forward are key!

Overall this is a great book for a birthday, housewarming or graduation gift. I can see where many would benefit from taking some time to focus on the things in life that really matter. And this book will help with that.  

Adaptogens Herbs for Strength, Stamina and Stress Relief

Today I'm reviewing Adaptogens Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief by David Winston.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Adaptogens

Author Links - Link
Amazon Book Link
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Good Reads Book Link
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My Facebook Page

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 412,000 views.

Today this book will be reviewed by Guest Reviewer Elijah Olson.  He is well versed in health, wellness and nutrition, currently working towards several nutritional studies degrees and a hobbyist in permaculture, and general gardening.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Adaptogens

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Adaptogens

Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief

Let's start by introducing the authors; David Winston, RH (AHG) , is a clinical herbalist and ethnobotanist with 50 years of training in Chinese, Western/Eclectic, and Southwestern herbal traditions. Steven Maimes has studied natural medicine for over 30 years. A researcher, freelance writer, and principle of SALAM Research.

The book has now been updated and expanded this year (2019) from its first edition in 2007. 

The information is laid out in a comprehensive three part layout. Part one gives a good introduction of what Herbal Adaptogens are, the history, actions and health benefits. Part two starts with full color monographs on adaptogens for identification, as well as in-depth information for the well researched adaptogens. 
Also covered in this section is comprehensive information on nervines, nootropics and restorative tonics.
Part three covers herbal adaptogens in use, including information on clinical use, herbs in combination and also an added chapter on adaptogens for our pets.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Adaptogens

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Adaptogens

I really enjoyed the layout of the book, it is easy to locate what you are looking for specifically. There is both a good index and glossary for those of us that may struggle with trying to remember or get lost in every clinical or herbal term. The authors have really given us a thorough reference book for daily use. 
So if you are interested in a very detailed, easy to pick up and find a tonic, tea, or food to prepare with ALL the healthy information including dosages attached...this is the book for you.

Change The World by One Meal a Day - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Changing the World by One Meal a Day by Suzy Amis Cameron.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - OMD

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Amazon Book Link
Amazon Author Link
Good Reads Book Link
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My Facebook Page

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 412,000 views.

As usual, I'm going to start my review with my opinion on the physical book. I received a hard cover dust jacketed book as a gift for contributing to the OMD Blog project.  You can find my interview here.  The forward of the book is written by Dr. Dean Ornish, MD.  A well renowned advocate for living a healthy lifestyle.  While not completely plant based I respect Dr. Ornish for his work related to helping create a holistic approach to lifestyle management. I have read many of his books and recommend them often.  My particular way of living is more in line with Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. I am a firm believer that oil is at the root of the majority of the diseases of affluence that impact our society today. This book boasts a nice since index and notes section.  It even includes a list of packaged foods that are acceptable to those living a vegan lifestyle.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - OMD

The premise of this book and the mission statement of OMD is to save the planet by switching one meal a day to a plant based meal. The book lists vegan options for reaching this goal.  To me, I believe in a whole food plant based approach to eating.  While it does fit the "vegan" moniker, it isn't your traditional vegan menu.  There are so many foods that are vegan but are not good for you.  Oreo cookies are vegan but are completely unhealthy. The book is a great resource for information on how much of our resources are used each day by continuing to eat meat and meat products. The author explains that having only one plant based meal a day for a year will save 675,250 gallons of water.  To put that in perspective, it is the same amount of water to fill an Olympic size pool.

I enjoyed the section of the book that included the lists of plant based sources for common vitamins and minerals. Page 113 for example, gives a pretty good list of Omega-3S sources.  A common source of Omega 3 is attributed to consuming fish.  The list contains 23 options for plant based sources of Omega 3 fatty acid.  Personally, I try to include chia seeds, sesame seeds and walnuts in my diet daily.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - OMD

Chapter five kicks off your journey to OMD living. The author provides a list of tips and tricks for making your experience a success.  The table of grab and go options are a life saver for those just starting on this journey. The idea here is you're only switching one meal a day. As you begin to see how much better you feel, you'll want to change more and slowly remove meat and animal products completely from your diet.  I started out my journey by ordering HungryRoot food delivery service.  This is a vegan home meal delivery kit that provides a great way to slowly wean yourself off of highly processed animal fat and chemical laden foods. The same holds true for the new craze of the Beyond Meat and the Impossible Burger which are making their way around fast food establishments across the united states.  While not on my menu, this is a great way to begin the path to removing animals from your diet.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - OMD

Chapter seven is where the fun begins. The author takes us on a culinary journey to delight the vegan taste buds of every newly transitioning foodie.  From Jasper's Red Shake to Food Forest Organics Coco-Mint Slice you'll find a tasty plant based recipe to fit any taste level.  You'll learn how to use tofu and coconut cream to make a delicious meal that will convert even the most strict meat eater. There are recipes for chili sauce, pesto and even spring rolls! Eating a plant based meal doesn't have to be bland and boring. After all, most of the meat prepared today has herbs and spices added to it to make it flavorful.  Herbs and spices are plants!  This book includes a 14 day All-In Meal plan and shopping list to get you ready for the big move to a healthier plant based life style.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - OMD

Over all this is a great book and I applaud the author for providing, to me, one of the most important parts of the book.  The Great Eater Meter on page 293 offers the reader a chance to see the impact of animal based foods on our environment. One stick of butter for example, takes 173 gallons of water to produce.  One cup of milk takes 43 gallons of water. When you begin to look at the impact of the individual choices we make everyday on our planet, you really can see how you can be the change you want to see in this world.

If you're on the fence about this, I highly recommend picking up a copy of this book and taking the time to really learn about a plant based lifestyle.  You can look up several documentaries on the subject such as Devour the Earth, Eating You Alive, Forks Over Knives and The Game Changers just to name a few.

Wellness Witch - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Wellness Witch  by Nikki Van De Car.  This post includes not only my review of the book but also a giveaway.  Be sure to enter the drawing for a copy of this amazing book.  I'll be selecting 3 winners, who will receive a copy directly from the publisher!  But first, let's talk about the book.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Cover

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 412,000 views.

As usual I'll start with a review of the physical book.  This book was colorful and presented with lovely illustrations by Anisa Makhoul.  Its a good sized book to toss in a backpack or gym bag and includes a hefty three page index front and back. The pages are not textured as some books do and the font is easy on the eyes.

I have reviewed several books by this author and you can find a few of them listed here

This book is divided into sections called The Internal, The External and The Home. Each section has individual chapters for Healing, Soothing and Empowering that particular area. For example, the soothing chapters for each section include entries for healing bath rituals, charms for restful sleep and a recipe for lavender chamomile cupcakes. The author takes us on a journey of self healing by explaining that often the most powerful form of witchcraft is that which we do for ourselves. Self care is something that many overlook in the magical realm.  Recently I attended a panel discussion on separating yourself from your magical communities as a part of self preservation, or healing if you will.  Each of the speakers had their own personal situations that led to a separation and a time period specific to each when they could return to the groups they left and one even was still apart from it. Self care is imperative to a healthy life.  Work/Live balance is key.   Even if that work is magical work.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Wellness Witch
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Wellness Witch

The introduction of this covers our basic magical garden and our magical cupboard. Plants, crystals as well as essential oils are covered at a very high level with only 12 herbs, 7 crystals and 8 essential oils being included for their healing and soothing qualities. As one would expect lavender oil, amethyst crystal and rosemary hold a prominent role in healing and soothing the body and mind.

As we move into the Internal section of the book, the author takes us through the healing, soothing and empowering exercises. From growing Kombucha to creating a psychic power tincture the others provides a step by step guide to creating a sense of balance in those internal areas of our lives. My personal favorite begins on page 46 and covers the instructions on a divination tea recipe and a guide on Tasseography or Tea Leaf Reading.  I have not attempted this form of divination and frankly have never seen it covered in a Witch 101 style book, so this was a new experience for me.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Wellness Witch

The External section offers suggestions to tap into the strength required to deal with those things outside our own bodies. Massage oils, massage instruction and even a fire ritual.  My favorite part of this section is the "Finding Your Voice Lip Balm". Just from the title, without a spell included I could see myself stirring the ingredients together, sealing my intention in the mixture. Then when applying before I leave my home for a meeting or before engaging in any speaking engagement, reinforcing my intention to strengthen my voice.  Carry my message to the masses. By far, in my opinion one of the best pieces of this book.

The final section is dedicate to the home.  It offers an array of wellness practices to help transform the home into a sacred place. A place that the author promises will protect, recharge and purify you.  I recognized many of these practices from my own home.  They mention on page 100 about adding bells for your door, which as many witches have practiced across the decades, offers tones and vibrations to invite near energy into the space.  Making your own with clay, as the author suggests is a great way to bring your own energy directly into the bell or maybe take a bell from a second hand store and paint, write or draw sigils to set your intention. 

Wind chimes on page 110, the author tells us is a way to cleanse the energy. I have several sets around my home as well as out in the property to hear the spirit of air as it moves through my space.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson

Finally, incense!  What would a witch be without this powerful and moving ingredient.  I have several types of incense for different occasions. I personally love Nag Champa and Quan Am for daily use and a beautiful cone called Song of India for ritual.  The author however, provides a recipe for a different type of incense.  This is a way to invite visions or prophecy. Basically you take the herbs and sprinkle them over an open flame after taking the necessary preparations and welcome any visions that come about.  The author provides a list of herbs that are safe, and please remember not to use anything poisonous.  When in doubt, leave it out!

Overall, this is a great book on getting started into self care. So many witches (and mundanes for that matter) fail to take care of themselves before trying to help others.  You cannot pour from an empty vessel so be sure to take the time you need to heal yourself.  I found this book to be full of great tips that I had not heard of, as well as some affirmations of some of the changes I have implemented over the last few years to protect myself, my space and my magic from the ill effects of negativity and energy drains. I absolutely recommend this book for the beginner and the seasoned witch alike.

Drum Roll Please!  The wonderful publishers of this book have offered to award a copy of this wonderful book to three of my fans!  Please use the Rafflecopter link below to enter to win.  I will draw the winners this Friday.  You'll have 24 hours to respond with your mailing address to receive your copy.  Please be sure to add Confessions of a Modern Witch to your trusted senders so you don't miss that email!

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