Showing posts with label lgbt. Show all posts

Witchy Wednesday - Caring for Others

A few weeks ago we talked about Self Care - This week we're going to talk about caring for others. By this I what I am referring to is inclusiveness.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Over the last few weeks I have see an increase in the number of people deciding that they needed to voice their opinion on the inclusion of Trans Women in Female only spaces.  Myself, being a Cis-gendered woman I hesitate to speak directly on the experiences of Trans women.  I can however, comment what it looks like from my point of view living in a life as a SOFFA.  First let's define some words.

  • Cisgender - Having a gender identity that matches the gender assigned at birth. The opposite of Transgender.
  • SOFFA - Significant Others, Family, Friends and Allies of Trans People.
  • FTM - Female to Male also Trans Man.
  • MTF - Male to Female also Trans Woman
  • Gender Neutral -  Not definitive to a gender.
  • Non-Binary - Having a gender that does not fit into the two gender norm.

Now, over the last few weeks I have seen some pretty ugly statements related to Trans Women. I have even seen individuals describe them as "Trans Identified Men".  That is completely offensive. The base of the argument for not allowing Trans Women into Women only identified spaces is related to the incorrect belief that Trans Women are not women.  Or that Trans Women are somehow just men who are going through extreme measures to erase women.  Let's look at the process that a Trans Woman experiences when transitioning.

1. Mental Health Counseling - usually a requirement
2. Living as female for over a year
3. Hormone Therapy (which causes impotence)
4. Surgical procedures to turn the penis into a vagina
5. Surgical procedures to add breasts
6. Facial reconstruction
7. Electrolysis

Now, don't get me wrong, I think that people who attack you can go through some pretty long measures to do that but do you really, honestly in your heart of hearts think that a Cis gendered man, is going to go through all of that, simply to get into a women's only space and says ... Nah nah naha nah - I'm here in your space???   Seriously?

During these debates over the last few months. I've seen so much hatred towards Trans Women. They are blamed for the assaults that women experienced earlier in their lives. They are accused of "forcing" lesbians to date them pre-op and much much more.  One such exchanged can be found on this Facebook Thread - Trigger warning for Trans-phobic Language. LINK

Sometimes I think that these types of discussions are funny.  Simply because it is a bunch of Cis gendered people sitting around discussing if Trans people deserve to be in their space.  I mean when you think about it you could change the subject of this and add any power group in slot A and any oppressed group in slot B and there you have it.  Sadly this is coming from Cis Gendered women. This is sad because Cis Woman and Trans women are fighting the same fight.  Unfortunately the powers that be have managed to put fear into the hearts of Cis Women and turned them against the Trans women in an attempt to keep their hold over them.

Trans Women get raped. Trans Women get assaulted. Trans Women get discriminated against.  And Trans Women die.  Just like Cis Women.  In 2016 27 Trans People were killed in the United States. The majority of whom were Trans Women of Color. (Link)

So what am I getting at?  How does this related to my previous post regarding self care? Let's think about this for a second. When are we at our best?  When are we actually good people?  To me, the answer to that question is that we are better when we are a community.  When we come together to protect each other.  When we are a village that helps each person become stronger, happier and whole. So with our self care comes the care for others. We need to step outside ourselves and understand that we are not the be all end all of this world. We are merely a part of the puzzle.  We can choose to help create the big picture or we can get lost and leave a void.

What can you do?  How can you help?

Many times I see dialog of Cis gendered people discussing Trans people.  That's the first problem. We as Cis gendered people need to bring awareness to the cause without taking away the voices or speaking over Trans people.  This isn't about if you should allow a Trans person to use a public restroom with you.  The question is should a person be allowed to use a rest room. Change the focus of the statement from yourself to the issue at hand.  You can also get involved. Go down to your local LGBTQI center and volunteer. Get involved in a book club, volunteer to staff a booth or table at a Pride event.  Hand out flyers or help register voters at an LGBTQI Rally.

Most importantly, the one thing that you can do that will help is to listen.  Listen with the intent of understanding not with the intent of responding. Trans-phobia, Homo-phobia and Racism all come from the same place.  They are all based on fear and ignorance. Take a moment to learn about others. Embrace our differences.  Enjoy each other.  Listen.  You may find out we're not all that different.

We cannot claim to be one with the planet and one with the spirit while we continue to step on the backs of others. Take a moment, reflect. What are you doing to your people?  Would you like it if it was done to you?

Trans Women of Color Collective -
National Center for Transgender Equality -
National Center for Lesbian Rights -

More information:

Witchy Wednesday - Disagreeing with Pagans

Over the last ten to twelve years I have been exposed to many types of people in the Pagan-ish community.  I say Pagan-ish because the term Pagan is often time up for dispute as to what actually is and is not Pagan.  When I use the word Pagan, I am referring to any person who has a spiritual (or magical) path outside the three major religions.  Judaism, Christianity or Islam.   To me this encompasses with Witch or Warlock as well as those following Wicca or Heathenry.  In today's instant comment world and with the anonymity of the computer screen we are able to say whatever we want with pretty much little or no regard for the person on the other side.  Be it inside or outside this community at times it is blatantly obvious that people have lost the art of debate, discussion and rebuttal.

The real problems that people have are the same that happen in face to face debate however they escalate so much more quickly online.  As a person who has been on the interest since its creation, I can say that I have see the pendulum swing widely left and right on this issue and how has centered itself in the middle of a constant state of outrage. There's usually only one emotion in online disagreements and that is complete disdain for others.  We have loss the art of debate.

The main issue I see with online debate today is that the parties to the debate fail to debate the issue or topic at hand.  Instead, they resort to the typical school yard bullying tactics of name calling. Nearly ever encounter I witness inevitably one party calls the other a troll or attacks their family or background. This is not something that Pagans don't jump on the bandwagon for either.  One person calls another a fluff bunny or attacks their path directly resulting in the No True Scotsman fallacy which spirals out of control into an assortment of cherry picking, false analogies and other faulty generalizations. 

When strong personalities come into play online discourse quickly turns into real life attacks. A simple disagreement or difference of opinion can jump directly into parties making threats to the livelihood, business or reputation of the other. A quick search on Google reveals that all too often we have plummeted to the bottom of the barrel in our need to be right, our desire to silence the opinions of others on a social media platform.

With the changes in our current political climate in the United States, there is so much to be passionate about.  Many are commenting on things that they simply just do not understand. The fail to understand what things like Religious Protection laws and will actually do to the families of  United States Citizens. Illegal immigration is a serious situation for both the individuals fleeing their own country but also to the infrastructure of the United States. We do need a strong immigration policy. We do need to allow people to believe in the deity or the option to have no deity as they see fit. We do not however need to allow people to persecute others based on their faith.  We do not need to allow illegal immigrants to be abused by employees or those who may push them into the sex trade with out the ability to reach out to us, the United States for help. There should be, and can be balance in what we say and what we do.

We have a choice to make as this year rolls on and we begin life under this new era of government. We need to have a strong look at ourselves and our values. What do we stand for?  What can we do to make the world a better place? How can we get our message our into the world without falling victim to the online hostility and rhetoric that is so prevalent today?

For the most part Pagans are pretty forgiving types of people.  Yes, that is a generalization. We want others to be happy.  We want to live and let live. We don't care what deity you follow or what magic you practice.  We are for the most part very caring loving, caring and we will fiercely defend those we feel have been wronged.  We just need to find a better way to deliver our message to the masses to ease the possibility of misunderstanding, distrust and anger.

What do you think?  What can we do to ease this season of discourse in our community today?  Is this a new thing?  Do you think people take things too seriously?  What would you do if presented with a personal attack on your livelihood after an online disagreement?

Rude or attacking comments will be deleted.


TDOR 2016

Today we remember all those Trans people who have been taken from us this year.  The violence against our Trans family seems to be increasing.  This election has many of us afraid.  Afraid for our LGBT, Women and POC.

Take a moment today and reflect on those lives lost and what you can do to put an end to anti-transgender violence.

Let's see if we can make that number go down next year.

To see the list of names of those lost - click here.


Pinned Down

Photo By Jcadamson
Today I sit here looking at my screen watching the trending stories on social media and wonder what in the world we have done.  I see my friends sharing stories of wearing safety pins while others share another story of a trans person being attacked and mocked just for being who they are.  I watch the stories come in of others saying that a pin does nothing. It is simply a hollow gesture that does not actually impact any change at all.

I sit and watch and I'm scared.

I see those I love welcoming into office, people who would take my rights away.  People who may very well be the start of interment camps and death for people like me.  People like my friends and family. People who are not like them.  And I think therein lies the real issue.  They are more afraid of us and I really don't understand why.

My brain is scattered and I'm not really sure what I can say to help those scared people be less scared. Maybe if we take it one fear at a time.

Three of our Fears

1. Immigration - Our country is only our country because of those immigrants that came here searching for a better life.  Those ancestors didn't come in and treat the people who were here well at all.  They basically took it from those living here.  Is that what you're afraid of?  Are you afraid that those people you hailed those founding fathers you so love to celebrate are going to come here and take away your home, kill and rape your wives and children?  If we look back, it is what we did when we came here.  But we have learned so much since then. We are better people now.  We care about each other.  Can't we take that fear and place it into a bag and mark it as to what is really is. Ignorance and Racism.  We can open our doors to those tired, weak huddle masses and still keep our family safe.  We just have to want to do it.  In 2016, no child should be kept awake at night listening to bombs explode.  No family should be turned away from our doors when they are fleeing oppression. We need to spend more time loving each other and learning to be good to one another.  We just need to do it.

2. LGBT Rights - This has always confused me.  Why do you straight people (some straight people, not all) care what other grown adults do in the privacy of their own home?  I don't get it.  Some people actually eat raw oysters.  EWW   Some people actually eat deer!!  YUCK - Guess what?  It isn't my business.  As long as they're not eating PEOPLE it is their business.  As long as Gay men are sleeping with ADULTS, guess what?  IT ISN'T YOUR BUSINESS!  As long as Trans* people are consenting adults, guess what??  AGAIN!  Not your business!  LGBT couples don't want special rights, they want the same rights you have.  That's all.  They want to be able to see each other when one is sick and in the hospital. They want to have inheritance rights and be able to use the same insurance.  No matter what Rush Limbaugh or Alex Jones says, they are not coming for your rights. OH and that shit Pat Robertson said about forcing Christians to have anal sex?  Yeah that's bullshit. And just to put it out there, I've found in my personal experience the ones that claim Christianity are usually the more freaky in the sheets.  Just saying.... 

3. Abortion  - This seems to be a big one.  I can fully understand someone wanted to protect an unborn child.  I can also respect the fact that I do not have to feed, clothe or raise said child.  I do not have to make the sacrifices that it takes to raise this child.  I do not have the right to tell another person what to do in this situation.  It is not only a very personal choice to become a parent but also a choice that is full of financial and emotional commitments.  Now, let's think about this for a second. If person A has an abortion how does this impact me?  A perfect stranger?  The fact is, it doesn't.  Everyone should have equal access to health care.  We have addressed that over the years many many time in court.  A woman has the right to say what she will or will not do with her body.  She has a right to say, No I cannot raise a child right now.  Keep in mind this isn't some willy nilly choice. This is a hard choice that many women face. No one is walking around just aborting babies for shits and giggles. That doesn't happen no matter how much Dobson or any of those other folks at Focus on the Family want you to believe. Don't don't even get started with the whole "late term abortion" bullshit.  Do you really know who has late term abortions?  People with cribs and nurseries. People who have had baby showers and are waiting for their big day.  These aren't people who are just like, Oh shit I forgot let me run down and grab an abortion.  These are people whose lives are at stake and have no other option.  Seriously.  Stop and just think about where you would be if you were in this situation.  No matter what our President Elect says, Abortions DO NOT happen in the 9th month. Just stop it.

As I see it, if we can learn to accept the truths about these three topics we will be well on our way to becoming more open minded and giving people.  I'm pretty sure I heard some of your just say in your head, "Well my religion doesn't support ......."    Yeah well that's too bad. Also that's YOUR religion. Your religion doesn't make laws.  It doesn't enforce laws.  Religion is a choice.  You choose to be Catholic, or Baptist.  You choose to be Heathen or Wiccan.  You cannot choose to be gay.  You cannot choose to be black or white.  We take these descriptive characteristics and put them into little boxes and try to make people conform to those standards.  Guess what?!  I'm vegan.  That means I don't consume animal products.  It doesn't mean I lobby the government to make eating meat or using animal products a crime.  It means I....  *I* don't do it.

So what can we do now?

Looking at the choices that the President Elect has made for his cabinet I can say quite frankly I'm scared.  I'm scared for the PoC in our nation. I'm scared for the LGBT.  I'm scared for myself and my family.  But what can we do?  

Let's start by paying attention in local elections.  Make those votes you cast count.  Every time you cast a vote make sure it is for someone who supports a policy of inclusion. Make sure they are people who support the values you want to see in this country. When I ask the political affiliation of judges, I always get back, "This is a non partisan office".  Yeah bullshit. I want everyone from the dog catcher (figure of speech) to the President to appreciate PoC.  I want them all to respect women.  I want them all to understand that LGBT people are just people.  Just like they are.  So every ballot I cast reflects that.

Make donations to organizations that will help in making our world a better place. Focus on those that offer services to everyone.  I mention this specifically as the "bell ringers" are starting to gather in front of shops around your city.  Did you know that the Salvation Army denies services to LGBT people? So find those groups that will help.  I recommend avoiding large organized charities or parties that discriminate against others.  Find local places, volunteer at a soup kitchen, help a local animal rescue.  You can start to make a difference in your world just by stepping outside the box and offering to help.

Look up social justice groups and try to share good (accurate) information to your friends on social media.  I see a lot of shares that are from less that quality news sources.  Here are a few groups that I recommend.

Southern Poverty Law Center
American Civil Liberties Union
Amnesty International
National Center for Lesbian Rights
The Trevor Project
The Transgender Law Center
Lambda Legal

And most importantly, support your friends and family.  Be there for them when they are hurt. Recognize that when a Trans person is attacked, we are all attacked.  When our citizens of color are attacked, we are all attacked.  Don't be pinned down!  Take a moment and embrace our diversity.  We are a melting pot.  Let's care for each other as though we were family.

Thoughts on Scalia's Death

As I sat drinking my tea and working on my Facebook Page I saw a trending story on that said "Justice Scailia Dead"  - my mouth slightly open and paused for a moment as many of these stories turn out to be the famous internet death hoax.

I did a bit of searching and sure enough, Supreme Court Justice Scailia had died.  For a moment I was in shock and then I was happy.  I know it sounds horrible to some.  I thought long and hard if I should even bother to blog about this.  My grandmother's voice in my head telling me that "If I didn't have anything good to say ....."

Yes, there's probably nothing good to say from my point of view on this supreme court justice.  He was one of the strongest opponents on the bench on LGBT rights.  Instead of ranting about the many statements he made in his life attacking us, instead I'll just give a light of sites that you can go to to see why just for a moment, my heart lifted a bit knowing that he would no longer be able to add his hate filled opinions to the opinions our highest court in the land.

These are just a limited few posts related to the dissenting opinion while on the bench and some of the other comments he had made regarding women and the LGBT community.  While I understand that certain things are legal, I also understand that they are wrong.  Apparently Justice Scailia had issues making a distinction between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.

“We’re all killers at heart,” he said. “Of course, I have never taken anybody’s life, but I have often read obituary notices with considerable satisfaction. It just happens that circumstances have favored me.” ~Clarence Darrow 1926~

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson



This morning I woke to the images of my friend Julie Baker who posted a note posted on her door about her yard decorations. A neighbor said she was relentlessly gay triggering the viral twitter hashtag #relentlesslygay.

First let me say that, I totally support Julie.  I think that the note was posted is complete bullshit and shouldn't be allowed. That being said, I want to address the GoFundMe Culture.  Tonight as I post this.

Julie stands at over 9k in her efforts to raise money to color her house in rainbows.

Screenshot -

Just after I saw Julie's gofundme, I saw this one.  Ironically enough shared by another Julie on my friends list.

Looking at the two campaigns I can totally see that both are very worthy.  I would like to say however that a funeral vs a rainbow painted roof might be a bit more pertinent.  But who am I to say. Everyone is entitled to donate at they see fit. As a lesbian, people may think that I would be more in the camp of painting a roof.

Faith's Gofundme stands here:

55.00 after 3 days.

While I agree with confronting bigotry and weeding out hatred.  I don't think that a rainbow roof is the way to do it.  I really hope that at some point the 9K at this point will go for a few pieces of lawn decore and then a serious donation to the LGBT Youth group or maybe even something to benefit LGBT marriage groups.

I get being out loud.  I get telling bigots to F off.  But please...  please use this as a catalyst to real change.

*Note:  I am not saying that a hetro funeral equates to gay yards.  I'm just saying, let's make sure we're doing things that make a real difference.

Love is Never Invalid

This afternoon I saw a post shared by The Advocate magazine that the marriages in Utah have been declared invalid.  I did a quick search online to find it was indeed true.  I found this article on The New Civil Rights Movement where Utah Governor Gary Herbert announced that Utah will not recognize the marriages of 1300 same sex couples.

I remember years back something very similar happened in San Francisco in 2004.  I do not believe the majority can really understand what it feels like to be told that you are not valid.  Your relationship, your partnership, your marriage is void.  I blogged about this in 2011 in a post called 'Lawfully Wed'.

For the life of me I cannot understand why people need to do this.  How.... I just ... I'm completely and utterly blown away by the fact that these couples are treated so terribly.  Gay and Lesbian people AGAIN have had their rights shat upon and it is appalling.

I wonder how people would feel if their state decided that interracial marriage was wrong, and they were going to invalidate all those marriages.  Or how about religions, let's be sure that the religions match or guess what... no marriage!

Our country rants and raves about how free we are.  Citizens run around waving flags and cheering USA USA.... well today the state of Utah decided that not every one in that stated was worthy of protections under the law.

I sit here now, sobbing, my heart breaking for these families.  Just a few days ago I posted that I knew that we would see marriage equality in this nation in my lifetime.  I really, really hope that I was not wrong.

If you are a supporter of equality.  If you believe that ever tax paying citizen is entitled to fair treatment under the law, I urge you to get involved in the marriage equality movement.  Write letters, sign petitions.

Tell the Governor of Utah you stand with LGBT Families -
On Facebook  -
On the Web -

Give these families the rights that you already enjoy.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Spirit Day

Over the last few years, we've seen a rise in kids committing suicide from being bullied.  As adults, it's up to us to stop bullying when we see it.

GLAAD is asking that we turn our profiles on social media and our shirts purple for Spirit Day, a day that is designed to show support for LGBT kids and show them that there are people out there that care about them.

Take a moment to follow the link to turn your profile purple to take a stand against bullying.


Come Out Come Out Where Ever You Are.

National Coming Out Day is a day that celebrates all those who are coming out of the closet as LGBT people.  Founded in 1988 it was started on October 11th to celebrate the 1987 LGBT National March on Washington.

As many movements due, it started out slowly but then steadily grew to incorporate all 50th states as well as seven countries in 1990.

We celebrate this day as a way to tell others of our status to show them that we are not different from them.  We get up, we take care of our kids.  We go to work.  Just like they do. 

Recently I saw a quote that said:
 “Gay Pride was not born of a need to celebrate being gay, but our right to exist without persecution. So instead of wondering why there isn't a Straight Pride movement, be thankful you don’t need one.” ~Anonymous

As a lesbian, I look forward to the day when we no longer need a pride movement.  A day when we can all just look at each other and accept who we are without making judgments based on gender, race or religion.

HRC wants to know your story.  Check out the video below and if you'd like, share your coming out story with them here.

In celebration of closet doors flinging open around the world Sosanna’s Closet Etsy Shop is offering 25% off all purchases over 60.00 on Etsy with coupon code NCOD2013. 

Come out come out where ever you are!


Pagan Blog Project 2013 - C is for Closet

Closets are interesting little spaces. They are boxes designed for storage, or tucking away those little things that usually are not shown when company comes over.  There are all sorts of closets.   We have closets for LGBT that hide and sometimes protect people from being hurt.  We have broom closets that tuck away witches from public view.

At times closets can be a safe haven.  We go toss those things that we want to hide deep in the back.  We don our moral camouflage and go out into the world pretending to be something presentable.  Something acceptable.  Our closets hide those things that we use to hurt ourselves. 
This week I found myself in the closet from two prospective.  I do a lot to promote my shop.  I post on Facebook, wear my t-shirts around and sell on sites like e-Bay and Craig’s List.  Sunday night I sold a Wii to a very nice lady from Warsaw.  I sent her a text message that I was ready to meet her to drop off the Wii.  She replied with “I’ll be right there ~ yours in Christ”.   Immediately I reached for my pentacle and put it inside my shirt.  I did it without even thinking about it.  I didn’t want to jeopardize a sale because of any misconceived issues around my beliefs.
I have a solid basis for the belief that I will be looked at differently because of my faith.  Just recently I was told by the director of the Boys & Girls Club of Goldsboro that I would not “fit in” as a vendor at a local event. 

Even within the pagan community there are closets.  If you say the wrong thing, or challenge someone who considers themselves the “Supreme Witch”, you risk being blackballed, and shoved kicking and screaming into the outcast or “bad witch” club.  If you preach light and love all the time, you’ll be slapped with a “Fluffy Bunny” label and never be able to be taken seriously by those that believe differently.

I was faced this week, with learning that sometimes you have to come out of the closet.  Sometimes you need to stand up for yourself.  Even if that closet you’re in feels safe, people can still hurt you there.  Just the act of being in the closet, even if it’s a closet of your own design.  Even if it’s a closet that isn’t due to race or orientation.  Even if that closet, is just a place you go and hide when people hurt you.  Sometimes you MUST speak up and say, Hey, that’s not ok.  My feelings are hurt, and it’s not ok for you to do that.
I took a tiny step out and fought for myself this week.  I opened the door and shouted, it’s not ok!  It felt really good to defend myself.

Remember, as a survivor, we can allow others to push us around and even actively participate in being self-abusive.  Put that bat down, wrap your arm around yourself and squeeze.
You are worth it.
We are worth it.
I am worth it.

Namaste & Blessed Be!

Pagan Blog Project 2012 - Z is for Zealot

Z is for Zealot

A Zealot is defined by as:

1: Capitalized: a member of a fanatical sect arising in Judea during the first century a.d. and militantly opposing the Roman domination of Palestine

2: A zealous person; especially: a fanatical partisan <a religious zealot>

I've been a zealous advocate of many things.  For example, I fight for LGBT rights with zeal but I can listen to others and not be closed minded.  When I think about the word zealot my mind automatically goes to those of the religious nature.  I've met Catholic zealots, Protestant zealots and even Pagan zealots. 

To me, a zealot is someone who is so immersed in their own religious views that they have no room to allow others to have their own views.  They do not allow for any open dialog or discussion.  They are the “It’s my way or the highway” crowds.

One of these would be the folks out at Westboro Baptist Church (WBC).  Classified as Independent Baptists, WBC is listed as a hate group with the Southern Poverty Law Center.  This group was founded in 1955 by Fred Phelps and holds a hard and fast line on interpreting the Bible.  Known for picketing the funerals of everyone from the military to LGBT children, WBC has one other call to fame.  Recently it was published that a petition on the White House site “We the People”, to legally recognize the church as a hate group became the most populate petition to date with 297,566 signatures at the time of this writing.

However I’d like to point out that in my opinion these are not the only type of zealots out there.  As I mentioned above I believe Pagans can be zealots to.

Take Z Budapest for example.  The action of banning all female identified trans* from her Dianic Wiccan rituals led to outright protests.  If I understand her logic, she believes that due to some of the rituals of Dianic Wicca being led skyclad; the members of her group would be offended if trans* members did not have bottom surgery.  A post by Teo Bishop on outlined the events he witnessed at the protest.  It is indeed a powerful review of the events.  Many bloggers took on the story and wrote about the event.  I wrote a piece here.

After this I started to be concerned with Z’s non-inclusion and felt that maybe this was not the kind of energy that I wanted to be associated with.  Then I saw the announcement on her Facebook page that she would put a hex on anyone that changed the words of “We All Come from the Goddess” to include men/male energy.  I was shocked.

I understand feminism.  Feminism is not male hatred, its female loving.  To me if you do not have the ability in your heart to care for others, you cannot care for yourself.  That was it for me.  I changed my ritual playlist to INCLUDE the version with “Hoof and Horn” and I do indeed think about being open, understanding and inclusive when I hear it.  I removed Z from my Facebook friends and stopped following her on Twitter.  That type of energy is something I do not need in my life.

So you see, you can have zealots all over the spectrum.  In this case I’ve addressed only religious zealots.  There are lots of others.  PETA for example.  I believe they are zealots for animal rights. 

Any time a person takes a cause and closes their eyes to the ability to see others as the true life energy that they are.  You my friend are a zealot.


This is my last post for the Pagan Blog Project 2012.  It’s been amazing! I’m looking forward to 2013.

Namaste and Blessed Be

Public Shaming – Yes, its a Rant

Public shaming has been around for centuries.  The Scarlet Letter is the fictional story by Nathaniel Hawthorne of Hester Prynne who conceives a child in an affair and is forced to wear a read “A” on her chest.  In this day and age however we certainly don’t have things like this happening right?  I mean with the music we have available now, the movies and TV shows we certainly shouldn’t have any need for a Scarlet Letter A.

Nearly every culture has some form of public humiliation for those that break the rules of society. Just four years ago a mom came under-fire for using public humiliation as a way to get her kids under control. 

However on the internet a new wave of Dog shaming has taken hold.  Here you can see images such as the following:

Though done with fun in mind this just shows that we are a culture of poking fun at others.  A Mesa Principal has taken this in a whole new direction.
In an Arizona High School has traded in its letter A for a new letter.  That letter is G.  Taking public shaming to its fullest extent the principal of Westwood High School decided that two of its mighty Warriors should be taken down a peg or two.  See these fine lads had been fighting and what’s the best way to tone down the aggressive behavior of his football players?   Give them a modern Scarlet Letter.

Principal Tim Richards gave his two fighting players two options.  One take a suspension or two, hold hands. 

One of the boys involved stated that he was embarrassed because people were asking him “are you gay?”  To further this crazy idea that this is a great idea the community of Westwood posted a sign that says “Westwood neighborhood supports Principal Richard”.

Source: CBS 5 News

So let me get this straight (no pun intended) the best way to correct or shame your athletes was to have them appear feminized and/or gay in public?  Why is that exactly?  Is that because being gay is a bad thing or something to be ashamed of?

Source: Facebook

First we have to look at the actual process of saying that two boys holding hands is a punishment and then further that they should be ashamed of this behavior.   This screams of bashing the LGBT community.  Here again we are used as punishment, in my opinion this is no different than when drill instructors in the military used the word “ladies” when referring to recruits or coaches using the same verbiage, because you know… Being a “lady” is a bad thing.  It’s less than. 

Here again we are perpetuating the acceptance of ridiculing our youth only this time the entire community is coming up and saying HEY, we support that! Really, Westwood, Really?  You support that?  You support telling high school kids that it’s ok to laugh at, point fingers at and humiliate your kids by calling them Gay?

I personally am appalled at this behavior.  We are standing on the precipice of the Supreme Court possibly taking on the constitutionality of denying LGBT citizens marriage and good ‘ol Mesa decides let get in a few jabs before the show.  What’s next dancing in Black-face?  How about maybe some good ol’fashion cross burnings?  Police there can already demand “Show me your papers!”

 Completely different from the viral video of just a little while ago when a Dad makes his son cry and then says "I'm a horrible Dad" because he son just wanted to be a single lady...

I’d love to have some dialog around this.  Is anyone as upset as I am?  Do you think this is a good thing? 


 Namaste & Blessed Be

A Post for Justice - Mallory Owens

Today is the day I usually save for my rituals to Hecate.  A group of folks that I’m friends with started doing Tuesday night rituals to keep our country in freedom.  I enjoyed this ritual; I looked forward to Tuesday so I tried to continue to do it.  When Hecate’s Supper or when a full moon is near, I usually post pone Tuesday and wait for the lunar event for my ritual.

Yesterday I saw something that really disturbed me.  A young lady, Mallory Owens, in Alabama was brutally beaten after being invited to her girlfriend’s house for Thanksgiving Dinner.  So while some were eating their dinner and enjoying the comforts of being with the family, this poor girl was beaten beyond recognition according to the complaint.

The family says this has happened before.  We don’t know why no one stopped him.  Her alleged attacker, her girlfriend’s 18 year old brother did not approve of the relationship.  Travis Hawkins Jr took it upon himself to punish Mallory for her crime.  Her crime was love.  

When I first saw the pictures I was confused.  How could the police in Alabama allow someone who did this to another living thing out on the streets?  I questioned the threads in my LGBT groups on FB.  I search everywhere I could think of on Google.  This couldn’t be true.  It just couldn’t.  No one would invite someone into their home and then do this to them.  I was in utter disbelief.  Slowly the news sources started to come in line with what the Facebook Page – Prayers and Support for Mallory had been saying all day.  They really did allow a person who beat this girl so badly out on the street. (news story)

As a survivor of domestic abuse, I can say I never reached out to the police for assistance.  I can say that I have turned in people who have attacked children.  I have been the safe house for kids to run to when the bullies across the way were coming. I am an advocate.  I have a strong sense of justice and law.  I believe this is why I am so attracted to Hecate.  She after all is the Goddess of Witchcraft and Justice.  As I sit here in these early morning hours and think about what I want to do to support Mallory so many things come to mind.  I’m not going to show you the pictures of her savage beating.  I’m not going to show you the blood pooled on a pillow behind her head while both her eyes are swollen completely shut.  

What I am going to do is ask you to do is take the hand of someone you love.  Your son or daughter, aunt or uncle.  Take the hand of your partner, lover or spouse.  Hold it tightly and think for one moment that someone could see you with their hand in yours and decide that you are not worthy of life.  That’s what happened to Mallory.  Someone decided that her love, her dedication to her partner was something that was wrong.  And the “RIGHT” thing to do, was to beat this poor girl nearly to death.

A petition has been set up for Mallory because the law in Alabama has decided that Mr. Hawkins was allowed out on the streets.  He was charged with 2nd degree assault.  I wonder, if Mallory had been straight, would he be out?  If Mallory had been his wife, would he be out?  We can’t say, there are lots of variables here.  I do feel this way.  I’ve gone to my partner’s family’s house for Thanksgiving before.  You’ve done it.  There’s always thought of “Will they like me?” “I hope I say the right thing.”  We don’t know if Mallory thought these things, but I do have to say, can you imagine the utter hurt, dismay and complete abandonment she must have felt as the first swings started?   Can you imagine how alone and confused she must have felt?  These wounds will take much longer for this dear soul to heal.

Below is the chant I wrote that I will use tonight in my ritual to call upon the Goddess Hecate to bring justice for Mallory.  I urge my blog followers to pick up your totems, open your prayer books, call your congress, and take some sort of action to stop this kind of thing from happening again.  If for no other reason, at least that Mallory was someone’s child, and no matter what you think of her sexuality, no one… NO ONE deserves to be treated this way.

Calling to Hecate for Justice
Hecate Hecate Hecate
Dark Mother, Mistress of the Night
I call upon you and your hounds under the dark moon
Bring forth your justice with all its might.

Hecate Hecate Hecate
I call out to you times three
Protector of women and those in need
I’m here at the crossroads, belladonna in hand
Requesting from you justice for this horrible deed.

Hecate Hecate Hecate
Hear my chant and bring forth justice
Vengeance is not what you give, nor what I seek
Bring forth your powers to protect the meek.

I will be donating a portion of my sales in my shop to her cause.  I don't have a huge amount of money but I urge anyone that can to please reach out and try to help this family.

Namaste and Blessed Be