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What on Earth..... Embrace the Sparkle

So this is day two of me taking my vitamins again.  For a long time now, probably about six months, I've been not eating the best in world and neglecting my exercise and vitamin routine.

I started taking them again yesterday and earlier this week I had hubby pick up 6 pieces of fruit for me.  I used to eat that many pieces a day!  I have to say it's been a very long time since I took care of myself.  I was in a major mania since just before Thanksgiving.  I always get a little whackadoodle around the holidays but this time it was really bad.

Hubby and I headed out on Thanksgiving and we had to turn around and come home due to panic attacks.  We decided it was best if I stayed away from my family.  I have a huge amount of guilt associated with it.  But still it's probably for the best.

I got word yesterday that hubby will be working on Christmas day and my silly brain decided that I should go over to my Grandma's house.  I know inside that's not the right decision. No matter what happens my brain will turn it around to a negative.  If my sister speaks, I'll say she's putting on a front.  If she ignores me I'll be hurt she didn't try.  If she doesn't show, I'll judge it.  There's really no reason to do all that stuff.  I keep repeating the same behavior over and over.

So I've decided that this year, I'm not going to go.  I'm going to stay home with my animals and just veg.  Maybe I'll work on the shop, or practice my embroidery.  I'm not going to go over there and feed that crazy monster any more.

Instead, I'm going to "try" (I know Yoda I know... Try NOT ... DO)  to keep eating my fruits and getting my vitamins in me.  Maybe the reason I'm on a sparkle now is because my diet is fubared.  I need to keep my fruits coming in and stop eating so many carbs.  Yeah that's the ticket.

Since my mother left I've gone from a size 10/12 back to a 12/14.  I know not a HUGE difference but a big deal to me.  Hubby confessed that he preferred a little meat on my bones so at least I know he's not completely grossed out by me.

(put the bat down)

So today I've had my breakfast and I'm on my third glass of water before 9:30 am.  That's a good thing.  I'm looking forward to the new year.  Good things to come.

No one can take away from you what you do not give them.   Do not give them the power to hurt you.  Embrace the Sparkle.

Namaste & Blessed Be

N is for Namaste

Namaste (NAH-mes-tay) is a greeting that comes from combining two Sanskrit words, Namah and Te.  Namah means “bow or adoration” and te means “to you”.  So translated literally, Namaste means I bow to you.  Namaste can be written or said when two people meet. 

There is a bow that is usually combined with the phrase where the hands are placed in a prayer position with the waist slightly turned and the head is bowed towards another.  It’s a respectful greeting that requires no contact, which is traditionally preferred in India.  This gesture can also be referred to as Anjali Mudra
My first contact with the word was when I started taking Yoga in California.  In working with yoga I found that there is a basic belief that there is a divine spark in the heart chakra, and it is expressed to others with this gesture.  The hands are raised to the heart to increase the flow of this divine love. 
This led me to start to learn about the Chakra’s.  

Because of my issues with side effects from pharmaceuticals, I looked for alternative means to treat my Borderline Personality Disorder and my Bipolar DisorderI learned that my issues were all related to an imbalance in the throat chakra.  I’ve since tried to work with videos on youtube and books to try to learn how to balance my chakras.  I’m still on that journey.

This is one of the exercises I’ve worked with.


I struggle with getting to a point where I can stop worrying about everything and slow my mind down enough to participate fully in the now.  It’s been quite a challenge and I know I’m not there yet.  

I look forward to each day and will do my best to be present in the now. 
Even as I sit here writing this, I can hear Yoda’s voice:

There is no try, DO.

Bad habits are extremely difficult to unlearn. 

Until then, I bow to you.

Namaste and Blessed Be