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The Little Book of Self-Care for Leo - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Little Book of Self-Care for Leo by Constance Stellas.
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As always I'm going to start with a review of the physical book.  This is a small hard cover book, perfect size to toss in a bag or backpack.  The the cover has a textured finish and is colorful.  My copy came with a sticker "not for resale".  one of the more annoying aspects of doing book reviews.  The inside is printed in red ink and has no illustrations at all.  The contents page is six lines long. Yes, I said six, and there is no index. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Src - Cover

The author defines for the reader, self care and goes on to break it down into types of self care. Such as physical, emotional, mental and practical just to list a few of the section headers.  I enjoyed the section called "What Self-Care Isn't".  I think a lot of self proclaimed gurus forget this aspect and many who think they are taking time to careful themselves miss this entirely.

The author writes:

Self-care is restorative. Self-care is clarifying. Self-care is whatever you need to do to make yourself feel secure in the universe.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Src - Cover

The section on Governing Elements is incredible.  I think that this section is key to fully understanding Chapter 3 which defines the element of fire as it relates to the sign of Leo.  Leading directly into the second part of the book which includes self care rituals.  These rituals are short, sweet and to the point.  One ritual per page, front and back for over 100 pages.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Src - Book

While directed specifically at Leo, the suggestion on page 41 to decorate the house with peacock feathers hit the nail on the head for me.  Surround yourself with things that are beautiful and you will feel beautiful. 

Overall this is an adorable book that is available in all the signs of the zodiac. This would be a great graduation, birthday or bridal party gift. I highly recommend heading out and grabbing your copy today.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Src - Promo Materials