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Real Talk Tarot - A Review

 Today I'm reviewing Real Talk Tarot illustrated by Juanita Londono Gaviria.

Deck Link

Illustrator Link

Release Date: October 5, 2021

I'll start with a physical review of the deck and accompanying book.  The set comes boxed and is of average size. It could easily be tossed in a tote bag or backpack.  The book is a small soft cover book with some pretty small fonts.  Even with my reading glasses on, it was a struggle to read the thin, tiny font. The book has no index but it does offer a short introduction in the front as well as a few spreads for those beginning their reading adventures.  

It also offers a quick reference guide. This is a list of all the cards in the deck (which are the traditional Rider/Waite deck) with a couple of keywords for each. For example, the Fool has the words risk and beginnings.  The magician has the words action, manifestation and ambition. The 10 of cups has family and happiness. I found this to be extremely useful addition to a tarot book. Not many think about this aspect and I believe it can help guide a beginner on how to work with the Tarot.  The card description section has the traditional upright and reversed meanings just as a typical deck with the addition of a short phrase before each section. On the chariot card the words are "you're going places, baby" and the emperor card has "father knows best".  Again I thought this was a cute way to update the deck and provide a fresh look at a familiar topic.

The main changes here in this deck are the illustrations. This is a completely modern take on the Tarot and our illustrator has taken the liberty of changing what we would expect in a traditional deck and flipped it on its head. For example, our death card (one of the most popular in the Rider/Waite deck) is riding a bus about town! Some of my favorite cards were the Justice card which feature a woman of color blindfolded with the scales of justice just to her left and right. The chariot card which again features a woman of color, this time with earbuds and a road running from top to bottom with cards, a bicycle and an airplane around her. 

Over all a cute whimsical deck that brings a bit of creativity and modernization to our traditional tarot. This is a great set for the novice and advanced reader alike. It offers a fresh look and a fun way to explore the mysteries of divination. 

I hope you have enjoyed this look at the Real Talk Tarot. If you use this deck or have any feedback feel free to contact the page.  Leave a comment or reachout over chat/email.



Amenti Oracle Feather Heart Deck & Guide Book - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Amenti Oracle Feather Heart Deck and Guide Book by Jennifer Sodini.  Illustrated by Natalee Miller.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Amenti Oracle

Amazon Book Link
Amazon Author Link
Good Reads Book Link
Good Reads Author Link
My Good Reads Profile
My Facebook Page

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 412,000 views.

Starting as usual with the physical attributes of the book, I have to say this is one of the softest books I have held.  The deck comes inside a covered box with the soft cover book laid on top. The book is a bit smaller than I would like but understandable considering the delivery.  The print is a bit small for my 50 year old eye and working to hold the book open was a bit of a struggle. But I did manage to be able to hold it, although awkwardly.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Amenti Oracle

The art on the cards is pretty amazing. It seems to be a cross between 1920's pop culture and 1990's flash.  The author gives us the background of the inspiration for the deck and includes a personal note on how it impacted her.  There are five options for reading the cards, from a standard one card draw to the more elaborate "As above so Below" draw.  The majority of the book is of course, definitions of the cards.  They are the 42 Ideals of Ma'at. I won't list them out here but I can say I found a special connection to "I live in Truth" and "I speak with Sincerity"

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Amenti Oracle

I generally have a difficult time with giving a fair evaluation of Tarot and Oracle cards, but the author helped me out quite a bit with a simple definition of the two. I had not really considered this until reading her piece on it.

"If the tarot serves as the blueprint of the spirit in structure and the archetypal elements that encompass the universe mind or consciousness, the oracle may be viewed as something of a Rorschach test, a peek into the subconscious mind and the language of dreams."

That indeed sums up exactly what I find when I use oracle cards and the approach I'm taking in working on my own deck.  I'll be publishing my own creation dedicated to the Goddess Hecate in the not too distant future.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Amenti Oracle

Overall this is a really nice deck. The art is fun and whimsical at times and feels very bold and modern. The descriptions are easy to read and the author provides an excellent backstory for the cards. I think this is a nice set for any oracle collector or devotee of Ma'at to have in their collection.

Memories - A Witch's View

I put an old memory card in my tablet from years and years ago today. It had a lot of old pictures on it that brought back so many memories.  Since I use this space - A Witch's View - to show you the world thought my eyes, I thought it would be fun to go through my old memory card photos and share those with you. There were hundreds of photos on this card.  Here are a few that struck me.

November 14, 2015 we were vending.  It was SOOOOOO cold.  It was also pretty Christian. I felt so out of place.

Photo Credit - Elijah Olson

December 25, 2015 - We had a Christmas Frog in the house.  Hubby grabbed it and set it free. It was warm for December. But yea, we had frogs.

December 30, 2015 - Apparently I was being a troll doll!  LOL

Photo Credit Elijah Olson

February 22, 2016, hubby was practicing his drawing.  He has mad skills.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Artist - Elijah Olson

March 21, 2016 Pandora playing with her "Sock-o-Monkey Bunny".

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

March 26, 2016, I made Eggs Benedict. We were not vegan at this point. No hollandaise, just eggs, muffin and sausage.

April 8, 2016, we had marshmallows.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

April 16, 2016, before a pee from Hurricane Matthew Eli and I were hunting for an RV.  We were thinking about moving from our house into a travel trailer. I found this photo on the memory card.

Photo Credit - Elijah Olson 2016

I remember walking around the trailer lots and my hips hurting so bad. No wonder. Thinking back to that time I don't feel like a new person. I honestly didn't realize how fat I was. You can see the pain on my face. I'm so glad that I took the steps to improve my life.  Today. Life is good.

In October of 2016 Hurricane Matthew.  We had upwards of 36 inches of water on our property.  This photo was taken when we were finally able to get back to the property after the water receded.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
We set the yard stick up next to the back fence.  You can see the waterline on the bushes. Pretty scary stuff.

Finding old memory cards are always exciting. Sometimes memories can be painful. Pandora left us later that year; her seizures finally getting the best of her. The house survived the flood and we're still here today.  At the time of this writing we're expecting another hurricane to come through. I'm on travel and will be worried the entire time. Eggs Benedict and Marshmallows are no longer a part of my diet. Time goes by and changes so quickly. Always take a moment to stop and appreciate where you are in life. There may not be a memory card that you can whip out to see these actual images but they all live in your CPU.  Dig in there and see what you can find.