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The Ultimate Guide to Channeling - A Review

 Today I'm reviewing The Ultimate Guide to Channeling - Practical techniques to Connect with Your Spirit Guide by Amy Sikarskie, Founder of Spirit School.

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Release Date - January 18, 2022

I'll start with a review of the physical book.  This is a larger sized soft cover book. It isn't going to fit in your carry along bag, but it will fit in a full size backpack. The cover is slightly raised and has a lovely color. The pages are glossy and have some very small fonts on the initial pages but does enlarge as we move through the book.  It does revert back to the smaller font in some of the pages which could be a bit annoying. The color scheme is a lovely shade of calming purple, blue and green which I love.

The introduction page is beautiful. I love the color and the message. It is really one of the best descriptions of channeling I have ever seen. I love that the author states that we can channel in all sorts of ways. Music, singing, dancing and even through art. Not many make this distinction and I feel that it should be put out there more often. I always feel closer to the mystical realm when I'm singing and dancing around my circle. I can feel the energy come through me and messages are often received in this state. To me, that is channeling.

This book is divided in sections. In part one we have the Art of channeling, explaining exactly what channeling is. Part two is preparing to channel and part three is the act of channeling. Here the author talks about working with guided meditation, using tools and how to advance the work of channeling.

On page 30, the author mentions using the ancestors as guides in your channel experience. I believe these ancestors can be those we are directly related to, or those who may occupy the spaces that we're channeling in. Finding that connection can greatly increase the effectiveness of your channeling. Similarly working with mother earth, the elements or other beings such as spirit animals or archangels can direct your channeling to a specific place. Using this connection opens up the information locked in these areas and can greatly improve the effectiveness and accuracy of your channeling experience. 

The section on the charka is, in my opinion, one of the highlights of the book. The author provides in great detail each chakra and how it impacts your channeling.  The connecting with the energies exercise is extremely detailed and really effective. Take the time to go through the 60 minute version. I found a few reconnecting videos (not related to this book) that are great for just rolling through each of these and making sure everything is in alignment before beginning your channeling sessions. I'll include some chakra resources at the end of this article.

The entire book places focus on how to work with your team of support in the meditative process. From selecting who you will be calling on to establishing boundaries and guideline, the process is deliberate and fully explained. The author provides exercises for setting up your space and then connecting with those energies to help further the channeling experience. I felt the "Let Your Energy Flow" exercise on page 126 was very well done. With more chakra work and relaxation techniques the author gives us the tools to move the energy in our bodies. This chapter has several exercises to help get your energy moving in the right direction for the best experience.

I've always been fascinated by automatic writing. To me one of the ways of connecting with other sources of energy is with this technique. I studied Edgar Cayce for years and was really amazed as his ability to lay down and enter a trance state and then have someone write down his comments. While not a traditional automatic writing technique more of a dream state or trance state channeling/divination session, I found that if we could write from our dreams automatically this would certainly be the way to do it. But back to the book, this author gives us an overview of automatic writing, how to light trance write and then provides exercises to connect with the process. I think the inclusion of the message from the Council of Light was a great addition to the chapter.  I really enjoyed this. When you try it out, come back and tell me how you did. 

By far, I think the strongest chapter in this book is related to the support connection. Having a stable connection with the guides we choose to work with in this process is key to how successful we will be. The emphasis on the chakras, the breath and energy focus is something that I have found missing in many books on this topic. The author guides us on how to deal with blocks and doubts as well as begin our connection with our guides. Working through the process of the interaction with them and what we should expect. 

Well written and excellently illustrated, I found this book to be a great resource for those interested in channeling both novice and experienced alike. The detailed exercises and focus on how we care for ourselves really pinpoints the essence of channeling work.  To do a job well, you must keep your tools well cared for. As a logger sharpens their axe, so must we hone our tools to do the work that we do in the spiritual realm. I highly recommend picking up this book.



Chakras Explained

Unblocking Chakra - Overnight meditation

Automatic Writing

Edgar Cayce

What is automatic Writing?

The Book of Blessings and Rituals - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Book of Blessings and Rituals - Magical Invocations For Healing, Setting Energy and Creating Sacred Space by Athena Perrakis, Ph.D.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Cover

Author Links - Link
Amazon Book Link
Amazon Author Link
Good Reads Book Link
Good Reads Author Link
My Good Reads Profile
My Facebook Page
Release Date: 7/30/19

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

I'll begin this review with the physical book.  The review copy I received is a hard cover book but did not have a dust jacket.  The image on the front shows assorted religious emblems and is a very vibrant raised image on cover.  The art inside is illustrative art and lends itself nicely to the context of the book.  There is no index in this book but the table of contents is pretty extensive.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

The chapters are broken down by month and include an assortment of rituals and blessings that correspond.  January, for example has new year's blessings and directional invocations while September offers  prayers for Rosh Hashanah, Mabon  and a Honey Blessing Jar project.

As in many of her other books, the author provides a clear and concise delivery of the information within the pages. The chapters begin with a brief overview of each month which includes a brief history or explanation of that rites within.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

The October chapter provides a brief look at Samhain (Summer's End in Gaelic) and how the Celts may have celebrated this new year.  The author gives us several rituals and a project associated with the celebration of the dead. Creating an ancestor altar has been one of my yearly traditional for quite some time.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

I really enjoyed the diversity included in this book.  While reading up on Samhain I was delighted to find a section on Diwali.  Diwali is Sanskrit for light or lamp.  Its an ancient Hindu festival celebrated at the New Moon in October.

The blessing begins:

On this new moon,
we remember light's victory over darkness.
Diyas glow like treasures,
thunderous sounds boom triumphantly
illuminating the night with color and sound
Now is the time to delight in celebration.
Lakshmi, I honor you on this day.
Thank you for blessing us with your abundance.

Over all, this book is well organized, and provides a well rounded bit of information from an assortment of cultures. Including projects with each chapter provides the reader the opportunity to not only read about rituals they may not have heard about, but also the ability to put them into practice as well.   I believe this is a great book to have on your self to compliment an extensive religious text collection or to introduce yourself to new paths you may have otherwise missed.