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Bone Songs Myth & Magic - February Theme - Self Love

  As a member of the group called Bone Songs Myth and Magic, a group of gifted Pagan practitioners offer their experiences and guidance in their field of expertise. This past month our theme was Focus.  I wanted to share my contribution to this group with my blog audience and offer you the opportunity to find us and join us for our journey into learning more about ourselves and how we interact with the magical realm.

Here's my offering for February's theme called Self Love. I hope you enjoy.

Love Yourself First

Happy February! It is that time of the year when our focus switches to LOVE!  But why is that? What makes February the month of love?  Well, in AD 496 Pope Gelasius I established the Feast of Saint Valentine on February 14th. Later in the 14th Century, February became associated with romantic love. Over the years lovers would exchange love notes (referred to as valentines), candy and sometimes keys as symbols of their affection. While loving others is certainly something that is extremely important, I’d like to talk about something that often goes unmentioned in this lovefest.  Self-love.

Self love is defined as having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Taking care of yourself and not allowing anyone else to detract from that.  Even if that person is you. Self-love is not allowing others to treat you in a way that lessens your worth. Holding yourself in a circle of love and honor where you require that all who enter, treat you with respect and care. 

From my experiences in life, I can tell you that often I was told that I needed to sacrifice myself, my dreams, my wants or desires to be sure that those under my care came first. My college classes set aside, my choice of movie or even what pizza to get was determined by others in my life. I could just “pick off” what I didn’t like and deal with what I was given. Many of you may be in a similar circumstance right now. I allowed others to dictate what I would allow in my life and in turn ended up being negative to myself. Self loathing and self abuse were commonplace in my life. 

I finally came to terms with what I wanted in my life and how I wanted to be treated. I had to stop looking outside for things to make me happy and work on what I already had within me. All the tools I needed for happiness were right here and right now. I had to simply stop looking into tomorrow or crying about the past and focus on what I had right now. What did I need to be happy? What did I need to feel loved? I needed to let go of the things that were making me unhappy, and quite often, the thing making me unhappy was me. 

I started mindfully doing things. I would mindfully practice my faith. Mindfully do my chores and mindfully practice self-love. These things helped me move from a position of martyr to champion. Today I do not sacrifice myself at the expense of unhappiness simply to please another. I’m sure you’re thinking, but how do I do this? What is something real and tangible that I can do today to practice self-love?

“The whole cosmos has come together to create you. You carry the whole cosmos inside you. That is why, to accept yourself and to love yourself is an expression of gratitude.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

Well, start small. Take a moment to appreciate things that you enjoy. You don’t need to paint the Mona Lisa, but you do need to paint; if it brings you joy.  You don’t need to be the next Marlon Brando, but if you love it.. ACT! So many times we just don’t try to do the things we enjoy because we can’t monetize it, or we can’t do it professionally. Look around your life and think about those things that bring you joy and DO THEM. Make some jewelry, draw a picture, play an instrument. Do things that make you happy and soon you’ll begin to see that all long within you is all you need for happiness. Be kind to yourself, take a long leisurely bath, or go for a run. Do these things that make you truly happy and you’ll see a change.

We have to look within ourselves and be sure that we are the best we can be before we can begin to take care of others.  Think about it this way, if we have a jug of water, and we use this jug to fill the cups of those who need water, pretty soon our jug will be empty. The same applies to love.  If we do not take the time to care for ourselves and nourish our energy soon we will have nothing left to give to anyone else.

“If you don’t love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love someone else?” - Rupaul

I have often heard that self-love is selfish. I believe this could not be further from the truth. To me, Self-love is caring while selfishness is manipulative. Self-care is looking for wellbeing and sharing and selfishness is taking something from someone else. To love yourself is not selfish, it is self esteem. It is putting your health and wellbeing in the forefront allowing you the energy and the strength to move forward in your care of others.

The World Health Organization defines self-care as “the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider”.  We have within us the power to heal the world. We just need to start with ourselves. So I recommend, for this Valentine’s Day, take yourself on a date.  Give yourself a valentine. Don’t criticize or say hurtful things to yourself. Love yourself first!

PS  - Don’t pick off the toppings you don’t like.  Order your own pizza!  



Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson - CSM, PMI-ACP

Ordained Spiritual Counselor

Certified Holistic Wellness Coach

International Yogi Certification

Certified Crystal Master & Aroma Therapy Practitioner


History of Saint Valentine’s Day -

Saint Valentine’s Day  -

Self-Love and What It Means -

Self Care Strategies -


Self Compassion -

How do I love Myself -

Learning to love Myself -


Journaling Entries - Use Valentine’s Day to write a “love note” to yourself. Complement yourself on what you do well or what you have accomplished this year. 

Do What you enjoy - Take yourself out to dinner or treat yourself to a meal you prepared at home. Make something special that you love and makes you feel good. Go for a walk, or spend some time outside in the fresh air. Living a healthy lifestyle will not only make your body feel better but it will help your mind grow and become more mindful.

Everyday Valentines - Grab a stack of sticky notes and jot down things on them that are positive and make you feel good. Stick those notes all over the house. One on the bathroom mirror. One on the inside of a cabinet door. When you see them, read them out loud. I have notes around my house that tell me I’m beautiful, that I’m happy and that I’m a good person. Read them out loud every time you see them. This is self-love.

Sex Signs - Your Perfect Match is in the Stars - A Review

Today I'm reviewing  Sex Signs - Your Perfect Match is in  the Stars by Constance Stellas.

Author Links - Link
Amazon Book Link
Amazon Author Link
Good Reads Book Link
Good Reads Author Link
My Good Reads Profile
My Facebook Page

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As with my other book reviews, I'm going to start with a review of the physical book.  This book is a great size. You can easily toss it in a purse or backpack to take along with you for a quick read while traveling.  There is also an full index that is missing in so many other books on similar topics.  My review copy is hard cover and has a good sized font face to ease these eyes for reading.

Below is a photo of my hand with the book for scale.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Sex Signs 

As we thumb through this book the author provides a nice introduction on the chemistry around the zodiac.  They also include a compatibility quiz at the beginning of the book.  While keeping this review in a G rating I can say that the question in the quiz are a bit racy.  It is recommended that this book be purchased by adults.

The subsequent chapters then take the reader on a journey through each sign of the zodiac.  Telling us the ins and outs (pun intended) for loving them.  This line really got me:

"Pisces is turned on by a strong lead.  Pisces respond to partners who know want". 

Now I'm assuming this is a typographic error and the author mean - "know what they want".  At least that's how I took it.  (note to my grammar police - there are a few type o's in this book)

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Sex Signs 

I was a bit surprised at the number of references to feet in my chapter. While not totally against any type of massages, my feet are strictly off limits. As I read through the chapters I noticed a few references to feet and wonder if the author was trying to work out something themselves.  LOL  But seriously - over all this is a cute book and has some interesting information and would be fun to perhaps use as a "foreplay" style night with the partner.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Sex Signs 

While not a must have for your witchy library, it is certainly a cute gift that I could see someone giving as a pre-wedding gift or maybe as part of a night of romance at home.

Over all - I enjoyed the book and taken for what it is, I would recommend it.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Sex Signs 

Modern Witchcraft Book Review & Giveaway - A Witch's View

Today I'm kicking off a book giveaway with a review of both books.  Thanks to the wonderful people at Simon & Schuster we have two wonderful books by Skye Alexander to review and giveaway.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson

About the Author

(from her Google Profile)

Skye is the author of more than two dozen fiction and nonfiction books, which have been translated into ten languages, and is best known for her work in the body-mind-spirit field. An artist, astrologer, feng shui practitioner, tarot reader, and drummer, she was featured in the Discovery Channel's TV special "Secret Stonehenge." A founding partner in the publishing cooperative Level Best Books, she also helps other authors get their work into print.

You can find books by Skye on her website and on her Amazon Author page.

The Reviews

The Modern Witchcraft Book of Tarot (available in Hardcover and Kindle)

I know you have all heard the old saying "Don't judge a book by its cover", however I can say that the aesthetics of a book are very important to me. When I first picked up this book I was happy that it was a hard cover book but that is where it ended. For some reason they decided to stagger the pages in the book in such a way as to created a layered page layout.  It really bugs me. I can't stand to try to work with the page, some bending down some standing up.  While most would probably not have an issue with this it is one of my biggest pet peeves. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Next they did another one of my no no's when they decided to switch up the font sizes and face for no apparent reason throughout the book.  One page is one size, and the page facing it another. It is distracting and annoying. I did managed to finish the book but still I really wish book printing would go back to creating works of art and not just toss together some pages haphazardly and then butcher the fonts.  To look at book making as an art I recommend checking out LaPulia Book of Shadows

Screenshot from LaPulia Book of Shadows Website

The author starts out with a solid history on the book, explaining the origins of the Tarot and how to understand the symbols and the language used within. The first chapters are short and very direct providing insight on different divination devices including i Ching, pendulums and crystals. I found it refreshing to see an entire chapter on Numerology related to the Tarot. Most know that their is a five of Cups for example, but the meaning behind the number is so often overlooked in some of these books.  I found myself making connections simply from reading this section and referring back to previous readings.

Part II of the book takes us into the cards themselves beginning with the suit cards.  It breaks down each one including their upright and reversed meanings.  Think of this section as that little handbook that comes with your deck. It gives examples about what the card means in relation to our modern daily activities. The Major Arcana follows with quotes from assorted magical and non-magical people, which I found delightful.
"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.  Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." ~Helen Keller

Chapter 12 jumps into Tarot Spreads.  This section is pretty straightforward and offers a series of card layouts that are easy for the layman reader to understand.  

The World Tree Spread has always been my favorite.  Below you can see the layout from Google Books. If you do not see the tree simply use the search box to type in World Tree and that image will be displayed.

Part IV of the book is called Using Tarot Cards in Magick Work.This section takes the cards and puts them in as ingredients of the spell work in question.  Love spells, Money spells and so on.  One stood out to me in particular. On page 247 the author pens a Goodbye Debt Spell using cedar, fire and the Five of Pentacles.

Rider-Waite - Five of Pentacles

In this spell we're asked to take this card and and visualize our debt "going up in smoke" if you will as we light fire to the card.  I have found that decks can be a bit pricey and I would recommend if you're going to do magic using the cards as ingredients that you think about other ways to incorporate them in order to save your deck. You could for example, make a photo copy of the card and use that copy or maybe pull in more of your own energy by drawing a likeness of the card and use that instead.

The last chapter of the book gives us a bit of direction on what we should do moving forward as a reader. It recommend two very critical steps in my opinion.  First and foremost, practice practice practice. I cannot emphasize enough how often I have had readings from individuals who all but pulled the book out to give me a reading.  I could have done that myself. Knowing your tools is one of the most important parts of a reading. Being able to connect with your cards and speaking with confidence will make your client feel satisfied in your reading and help encourage them to follow your advice. She also recommends working with a professional reader.  Go out and find a great reader and buy readings from them. Watch how they work.  Learn from them. In some cases you may find a shop or even someone online who may be interested in mentoring you.  At the very least get a professional reading.  My experience in the Tarot is limited. I rely heavily on my sister Kallan for these types of needs. My divination skills lay in photo (aura type) readings.  She, on the other hand is quite gifted in reading the Tarot and Totems. You can find her on her Facebook Page and see all the reading packages she has to offer on her website.

Over all, I'll give this book a thumbs up.  I think it is clear and concise and a great start for the beginner and a good reference for the experienced Tarot reader.

The Modern Witchcraft Book of Love Spells (available in Hardcover and Kindle)

As many of my avid followers know, I don't do love spells. To me love spells are just not worth the trouble they create. That being said I went into this book with the idea that I was learning love magic for the first time. The author takes the time to explain what magic is and how important our intention is. She says that a spell is not a religious act, though some choose to work through a God or Goddess. They are a natural, intentional and time honored method for directing the course of your life. To me that explains magic completely.  I think this was a really great thing to put in the mind of young crafters. She also covers the basics of days of the week, elements, creating an altar, casting a circle and all the "Everything You Need to Know to be a Witch"  categories.  I found this to be an excellent addition.  Unlike the other books that I have read that simply toss out an ingredient list and don't address the actual ethical principles behind love magic.

Altar Photo - Renee Sosanna Olson

The next few chapters delve into working with candles, colors and crystals. There is a two page crystal and gemstone table on page 50 that aids in selecting the correct crystal for the right job. Pearl to strengthen self esteem, jade to enhance beauty and coral to attract love. Cleansing the stones and care is included as well. Which many books tend to leave out.

Crystal Magic - Renee Sosanna Olson

The section to follow includes a plant and talisman magic. Working with herbs and runes are the hallmarks of heathen witchcraft.  I have a friend who spends a great deal of time working in these elements.  I thought of her immediately when I stumbled across the "Attract Love with a Rule Talisman" spell on page 88.  This spell tells us to use the Old Norse rune Gebo (symbolized as an X) to make our talisman.

This is a Gebo Talisman created by Loren for her Primitive Witchery shop.  You can find this and many other Old Norse design items for sale in her shop on the web and on Facebook.

Art & Design by Loren Morris

The X we see used today when we sign letters "hugs and kisses" using the X to represent kisses "xoxo".

The author wraps up this book with a chapter called "What's the Next Step?".  This section summarizes what I believe is missing from magic today in three very clear steps.  One, Learn about different schools of thought.  No one is the be all end all on any particular subject.  We need to take the time to learn about other cultures so that we can grow.  Second, Work with other people.  To me this is hand in hand with number one.  We need to be able to meet and grow. We cannot grow alone.  Be it in an online community or in a coven reach out to those around you and see if there is something more you can add to your plate to enhance your life experiences. Finally, three - craft your own spells.  This is so very important. While anyone can recite a spell from memory it takes cunning and craft to create your spell using your words. Your emotions and your intentions. Take the time to become familiar enough with your magic that you are able to write your own spells.  This will be a skill that you will use for your entire magical career.

Over all, this was a very well written book. There are elements for the novice and the expert. There is indeed, something here for everyone. Even the avid "no love magic" caster can jump into Chapter 8 under the Editable Spells page and whip up something good for the cauldron. I recommend the smoothies. Just substitute that yogurt for coconut milk yogurt and you're good to go for a vegan surprise for your sweetheart!

The Giveaway

For the giveaway I will draw 4 names using RaffleCopter.  You can enter one time or daily by coming back and tweeting about the giveaway.  Each winner will be notified via email and will have 24 hours to respond with their shipping information.  If a winner does not respond within 24 hours a new winner will be chosen at random.  Each winner will receive one book (of my choice) either The Modern Witchcraft Book of Tarot or The Modern Witchcraft Book of Love Spells AND something special from my shop, Baublesmith.

You must be 18 to enter this drawing, materials are intended for adults, please use common sense when working with these tools. Not responsible for results of these spells. No purchase is necessary to enter. Void where prohibited.

Rafflecopter, Twitter, Facebook, the author or publisher are in no way associated with this giveaway.

Witchy Wednesday - What's Love got to do with It?

A week doesn't pass by without the request from either this blog or via my website with a request for a love spell.  Love magic is tricky business. You'll find some (like myself) who do not dabble in the affairs of love.

There are however a lot of practitioners out there who will certainly hook you up with a love spell. One books specifically - Love Magic by  Lilith Dorsey offers the reader 250 spells and potions to help get your love life off the ground.  The contents page tells us that we can expect the author to cover everything from Happiness and self love through marriage and fertility.

While not exactly Love Potion #9 on page 210 of the book the author assures us that working with the Elysian Fields Ritual will "bring about blissful dreams of erotic pleasure."  Certain something worth reading.

The book isn't simply filled with love spells, there are quite a few spells to limit or remove unwanted attraction as well. (Which is oddly ironic in a book of love magic spells)  For example we have the Gone and Away Spell &  Downfall of Social Media on page 203 that intend to fix you right up when things have gone awry.

I don't tend to practice love spells for others. But I can give some advice on what I did for myself in my personal situation. There is the need to write things down and repeat them. There is also a bit of focusing of energy. But probably not exactly as you expected.  Relationships are not fixer uppers. We have to be happy with the person we expect to be in a relationship with exactly as they are today. In my case my partner and I sat down and created separate lists.  My list was what I expected of them. What I was ok with. And the same in reverse. We sat down together and compared our lists. After we went though each item one by one discussing them and understanding really what our expectations were from this relationship we were able to move forward. I sit here across from them 15 years later with only 2 fights under our belt, both feeling loved and 100% supported in every way. While you can set your intentions with some herbs, roots and flowers, one should always include the most magical ingredient around.  Communication.

...after all, you'll never find your hero if you're not honest with what you're really looking for.

P is for Peace

This has been a pretty crazy week for me.  As many of you know over the weekend not only did I break my toe (yeah I’m still going on about that) but I also had my grandmother’s 97th birthday, which I couldn’t go to and I hosted my first event at my house for Golden Phoenix Society.

The toe – yeah it’s fine, well not so much, it’s black and blue and hurts like crazy.

The party – she had a good birthday, I’m sorry I missed it.  I did take her flowers on Monday and spent some time with her.  I just thought it best to avoid any ‘drama’ with my ‘other family’ so I chose not to go.

My first GPS celebration - Great. I was nervous.  It went well though, I took a few pictures.  We had a bonfire and the next morning hubby found this:

This is a picture of the file pile, notice the one red carnation unburned.  I found it very interesting as this exact flower had been taken from the bouquet and singled out as being for Hecate, the deity I follow.  There was a roaring flame, so I can't image how it survived.  I've hung it to dry now and will put it on my altar.

The next day was Chick fil A day, and needless to say it was a mess.  There were people posting on Facebook and sharing pictures from the happy heterosexuals running around clogging their arteries with 400+ calorie sandwiches and a side of hate.  Along with lots of posts around what's actually being done with Chick fil a money.

On two different occasions over the past 2 weeks I have said the following statement:

I do not want to stop you from believing what you want.  Just as I don’t want you to try to stop me from believing what I want.  I want to live, worship and raise my family as I see fit, and you can do the same.  I do not believe in your God.  You do not believe in my Goddess.  I’m ok with that.  Why can’t you be ok with that?

On both occasions the “Christians” in question blocked me.  This leads me directly (or perhaps not so directly) to my post for the Pagan Blog Project 2012.

P is for Peace
peace noun \ˈpēs\

Definition of PEACE
1: a state of tranquillity or quiet: as
    a : freedom from civil disturbance
    b : a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom <a breach of the peace>
2: freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions
3: harmony in personal relations
4a : a state or period of mutual concord between governments
  b : a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity
5—used interjectionally to ask for silence or calm or as a greeting or farewell

I’d really like to understand why, (and I’m going to use generalizations here, so please don’t be take it personally) Religions can't coexist.

Christians believe one way, Jewish people another, Muslim another and so on.  Why fight each other.  I mean really no one can prove their side is right without the “end of the world” in each of their minds, so why not sit back get your worship on and leave each other alone.  In the end, when your side wins, jump up and chant Nanny Nanny Boo Boo and be done with it.

We have so much more important things to deal with than whose God is the best.  Our oceans are being destroyed, our ground water polluted our food being turned into a chemical cocktail that’s making one in eighty eight kids born Autistic.

Look around, we are a strong species.  We’ve gone into space.  We can operate on ourselves and repair the tiniest nerve or the biggest muscles.  We can create life in a dish.  We are able to do so many great things yet we sit back, pull out our guns and knives and decide that we need to fight over whose has the biggest God.


When I was a little kid I remember the fighting and abuse in my home.  I remember the turmoil and the confusion I felt and the ultimate sadness that was my existence.  Then one year a little commercial came on TV and when I saw it, it made me feel “peace”.  Later I found that it wasn’t just a Coke commercial that it was an actual single. I’d like to share it with you now.

I would sit and plug my ears, rock back and forth and sing this song over and over in my head.  Trying to find that place where that group of people lived.  I wanted to be in that house furnished with love.

Even now as I sit here, I can’t help but think this is exactly what I’d love to have.  Tears in my eyes prove that no matter how many times I’m called a Christian basher, or a sinner; I know that deep in my heart my goal is to indeed, teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.

So this week’s post for the letter P, and my P is for Peace.

Namaste & Blessed Be

L is for Laughter

This week for the Pagan Blog Project 2012 our letter is L.  I thought long and hard about what I wanted to write about.  Lapis Lazuli came to mind.   After all it is treasured to Hecate.  I thought about Witch’s Ladder, Lancaster Witches, Marie Laveau and even the Law of Three.

None of these really spoke to the mood I’m in today.  This week I had a very very tough week.  The remaining sister I grew up with showed a side that I hadn’t thought was there.  I mean knew she was pretty much self-centered and uncaring.  I knew that she had tons of unresolved issues from our upbringing that haunted her.  Unlike me, she has not addressed those issues and attended the massive amount of counseling sessions that I have attended.  Perhaps it is as she says, she doesn’t need them, but that is not my perception.

In any event, the knock down drag out occurred and over the last 24 hours I’ve been left feeling hollow and empty.  I felt a tremendous sense of loss.  It was almost as though I found out a friend had passed away.  My husband looked at me and told me I had a sadness on my face and in my eyes he had never seen before. I've seen this look before in my eyes....

I believe the laughter had gone from my eyes.  I am a very happy go lucky person.  I care for others around me no matter who they are.  I do not wish for anyone to hurt ever.  I’m against capital punishment and against corporal punishment.

I believe that to really live, you must laugh.  You must have a happiness that makes you wake each day and drives you to keep up the fight.  For a moment, that laughter was extinguished from my eyes.  I felt completely and totally distraught.  The sadness ran from my consciousness to ever single molecule of my being.  It was indeed dire.
One of the most amazing things about being a bipolar person is that, while I’m in it, the depression is paralyzing, I can’t move, I can’t breathe.  However, I rapid cycle, so it passes.  And passed it has!

Today the laughter is back in my eyes.  I have decided that I do not need to have drama and tragedy in my life.  I can and will take every day as a new happy glorious day.  I will not be put down, cursed at, and bullied into doing things that I do not wish to do. 
One of the most amazing things I’ve ever read is the five principles of Reiki.
Just for today, I will not be angry
Just for today, I will not worry
Just for today, I will be grateful
Just for today, I will do my work honestly
Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing

I would only add, Just for today, I will laugh.

Namaste & Blessed Be

The Day After...

So I sit here with my tea the day after the full moon.  I spent my evening rehashing and rehashing those things in my past.  Those horrible days as child when I lived at home.  I thought about how I would treat a stranger if their mother was sick.

I thought about what my own beliefs say about this whole thing.  Do I go to the hospital even though I have no emotion for the person there?  Do I pretend to be concerned when they explain the medical situation.  When in all reality all I'm really doing is sitting here remembering how she didn't protect me.  I've been told that simply the fact that I'm thinking about this says I have unresolved issues.  However, I'd like to point out that I didn't visit her when she was a mile down the road.  There is no love there.  At what point does one's "duty" to show up again because they're the oldest, become a burden that shouldn't be shouldered any longer?

I remember years back when my step-father died, my nightmares about him stopped.  Then when my bio-father died, after getting the photo from the coroner, those stopped.  Last night I tossed and turned, reliving in dream that awful things she's said and done.  Maybe death is the only way to really REALLY stop them.

Today is Tuesday, day after the full moon; day after my commitment to my matron.  Maybe it's fitting that these questions were presented now.

Incense fills the room, my candles flicker.  I have my chants on repeat.  Looking forwards to a better day.

Namaste & Blessed Be
