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Sex Signs - Your Perfect Match is in the Stars - A Review

Today I'm reviewing  Sex Signs - Your Perfect Match is in  the Stars by Constance Stellas.

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As with my other book reviews, I'm going to start with a review of the physical book.  This book is a great size. You can easily toss it in a purse or backpack to take along with you for a quick read while traveling.  There is also an full index that is missing in so many other books on similar topics.  My review copy is hard cover and has a good sized font face to ease these eyes for reading.

Below is a photo of my hand with the book for scale.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Sex Signs 

As we thumb through this book the author provides a nice introduction on the chemistry around the zodiac.  They also include a compatibility quiz at the beginning of the book.  While keeping this review in a G rating I can say that the question in the quiz are a bit racy.  It is recommended that this book be purchased by adults.

The subsequent chapters then take the reader on a journey through each sign of the zodiac.  Telling us the ins and outs (pun intended) for loving them.  This line really got me:

"Pisces is turned on by a strong lead.  Pisces respond to partners who know want". 

Now I'm assuming this is a typographic error and the author mean - "know what they want".  At least that's how I took it.  (note to my grammar police - there are a few type o's in this book)

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Sex Signs 

I was a bit surprised at the number of references to feet in my chapter. While not totally against any type of massages, my feet are strictly off limits. As I read through the chapters I noticed a few references to feet and wonder if the author was trying to work out something themselves.  LOL  But seriously - over all this is a cute book and has some interesting information and would be fun to perhaps use as a "foreplay" style night with the partner.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Sex Signs 

While not a must have for your witchy library, it is certainly a cute gift that I could see someone giving as a pre-wedding gift or maybe as part of a night of romance at home.

Over all - I enjoyed the book and taken for what it is, I would recommend it.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Sex Signs 

Pagan Blog Project 2013 - X is for X

Around the part of the alphabet it's really hard to come up with new posts with this tough letter.  Since the option is to write about any thing we want as long as we have it related to Paganism, I decided to have a look at the letter X.

X /eks/ is the cross shaped twenty-fourth letter of the alphabet.  It has been used as a person's "mark" or signature often for those that were unable to write their name.

In internet slang it's used to identified "zipped lips"  :X

We also of course have Xmas.  This is a source of debate this time of year between Christians and Pagans alike.  The historical reference here is related to the letter X being the Greek letter Chi which translates into English as Christ.  The last part of the word "mas" is from the old English word for "Mass".  So the word is actually Christ - Mass.   Even thought some think that using the letter X is removing "Christ" from Christmas, it's really not.

X as a beginning letter is pretty limited.  But as an ending letter??  Now that's where X jumps up and down and screams, "GO Pagans!"

One of the most important holidays for some Pagans is Beltane.  Beltane is a a celebration of SEX.  Beltane brings in the start of summer and embraces the fertility of the earth.  During this time a practice known as "The Great Rite" is symbolically performed by a High Priest and Priestess of some covens.

The next "X ending" word that I think is extremely pagan is the word Hex.  A hex is a magic spell, usually a curse that is cast upon someone or something.  Those pagans who do spell work may choose not to use a hex, believing that the Rule of Return will bring it back to them.  For every type of protection spell that might prevent a hex there's a plethora of opinions on why those are bad too, mirror spells for example is discussed here.  Personally I have no issue with using mirroring or ward spells.  I believe that in order to be able to heal you have to be able to hex as well.  While I do not knowing send out any negative energy to others, I do fertility spells, protection spells, healing spells and prosperity spells.   Each one of these though the intent maybe positive, can indeed negatively effect another person.

As a spell worker, it is extremely naive to believe that if you help one person get a job with a prosperity spell, that you're not stopping another from getting it.  For ever action, there is an opposite and equal reaction and magic is no exception.

So there you have it.  My contribution to the letter X.  I hope you've enjoyed the bouncing around a bit.

Namaste & Blessed Be

S is for Sexuality - Pagan Blog Project 2012

[sek-shoo-al-i-tee or, especially Brit., seks-yoo-]

1. Sexual character; possession of the structural and functional traits of sex.
2. Recognition of or emphasis upon sexual matters.
3. Involvement in sexual activity.
4. An organism's preparedness for engaging in sexual  activity.

So this week I’ve had an eye opening experience.  I’ve always known that pagan people are very open sexually.  We accept all sexual variants speaking very generally.  And of course we all know about “Beltane”.  The Great Rite is one of the hallmarks of Wicca.  For those that may not be familiar this is where the Maiden and the Male God are joined together usually symbolically by the use of an Athame and a Chalice in a fertility ritual.

I am a very open sexual being.  I have no issue discussing sex. I was introduced to Wicca via Tantric magic or Sex Magic and Tantric Yoga. 

I am monogamous.  My partner and I have been together ten years.  We have been faithful to each other for those same years.  Up until this past year I’ve been a solitary.  I did not venture outside my own walls as it relates to my spiritual practices, however I recently became involved with a local group and have had my eyes opened!

Through email questions and learning about events outside our group, I’ve learned that some consider the word Pagan to also mean “Free Love”.  Now at first, when someone asked me if I supported free love, I was like, sure love is good.  Everyone love.  I even checked it out on the old faithful Wikipedia to make sure I wasn’t agreeing to something I didn’t want to.  For example, I am completely accepting of any sexual activity that is between consenting adults.  I am NOT however, supportive of groups like NAMBLA.

Now that being said, I’m not one to bash anyone sexual appetite but can I just make a wee little suggestion here.  I’ve come up with a few things that may help ease tensions in a group setting.  Just because I’m pagan, specifically Hecatean, it does not mean that I’m automagically a sex maniac.  Please observe the following:

  1. I came out of the broom closet for spirituality, not sexuality.
  2. I am not interested in talking about your penis.
  3.  Openly diverse group is not code for swingers.
  4. I do not want to know what or WHO you did last night.
  5. Please do not touch me, a hug every now and then is fine, but unless you have a medical degree, I don’t want an exam.
  6. You are not twelve or Bevis and Butthead – you do not need to make crude innuendo.

There!  Easy breezy. 

Whips and Chains – Great! - Safe Sane & Consensual
Group Sex – Whatever floats your boat 
Talking to me?  Keep it clean please!
I am a wife, a mother and a lady, and if you can’t respect that, please leave me alone.

Namaste & Blessed Be

O is for Orgasm

O is for Orgasm

Yes, I said Orgasm

or•gasm   [awr-gaz-uhm]

1. the physical and emotional sensation experienced at the peak of sexual excitation, usually resulting from stimulation of the sexual organ and usually accompanied in the male by ejaculation.
2. an instance of experiencing this.
3. intense or unrestrained excitement.
4. an instance or occurrence of such excitement.

verb (used without object)
5. to have an orgasm.

1640–50;  < Neo-Latin orgasmus  < Greek orgasmós,  derivative of orgân  to swell, be excited

As a dear friend so eloquently pointed out to me in a chat earlier this week, Pagans are not ashamed of sex and that makes them quite good at writing about it.  Looking back on Pagan culture, and I’m using the term Pagan loosely here, we can look at the different aspects of sex.  Zeus for example is well known for his sexual exploits.  However Zeus is not the only God/dess celebrated for love and sex.

Buddhism has Aizen Myo-o, Celtic as Aine and Cliodhna.  In Chinese mythology we have Yue-Lao and even a deity for the gay man, Tu Er Shen.  The Egyptians have Bes and Bastet, while Greeks have Eros and Hymen. (No pun intended)  The lists go on and on.


Then we have to consider what any religion would be without a creation story.  Each one has their very own.

The act of reaching orgasm is thought to bring a person closer to the divine.  Some Egyptians believed that Orgasms where the key to eternal life and were part of the Chakra.

Early in the 19th century Female Hysteria was a medical diagnosis that had symptoms such as faintness, nervousness, insomnia, fluid retention, muscle spasm and shortness of breath just to name a few.  This directly led to the invention of the vibrator.  In 2011 a movie called Hysteria was released on this very subject.

On a personal note, I find that the longer the gap between the big O, the crankier I become.  So then when someone says, the following:

I have to agree.

Beltane is another time of the year when a young pagan’s mind leans “O-ward”.  The Great Rite performed at many Beltane festivals around the world depicts the Maiden Goddess with the God.  We symbolically complete this coupling by plunging an Athame, a phallic symbol into a chalice, a symbol for the womb.  Some covens move away from the ritual tools and create a mock sex scene for all to enjoy.

So what have we learned?  Pagans are way cooler about sex than most people.  The great rite meant that at least one time a year, someone was getting laid AND the lack of sex can result in Hysteria!
So get out there, seek to become closer to the divine and remember, some things are better shared.

Namaste and Blessed Be