Today I'm reviewing Wellness Witch by Nikki Van De Car. This post includes not only my review of the book but also a giveaway. Be sure to enter the drawing for a copy of this amazing book. I'll be selecting 3 winners, who will receive a copy directly from the publisher! But first, let's talk about the book.
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Photo Source - Cover |
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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch. I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft. I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 412,000 views.
As usual I'll start with a review of the physical book. This book was colorful and presented with lovely illustrations by
Anisa Makhoul. Its a good sized book to toss in a backpack or gym bag and includes a hefty three page index front and back. The pages are not textured as some books do and the font is easy on the eyes.
I have reviewed several books by this author and you can find a few of them listed
This book is divided into sections called The Internal, The External and The Home. Each section has individual chapters for Healing, Soothing and Empowering that particular area. For example, the soothing chapters for each section include entries for healing bath rituals, charms for restful sleep and a recipe for lavender chamomile cupcakes. The author takes us on a journey of self healing by explaining that often the most powerful form of witchcraft is that which we do for ourselves. Self care is something that many overlook in the magical realm. Recently I attended a
panel discussion on separating yourself from your magical communities as a part of self preservation, or healing if you will. Each of the speakers had their own personal situations that led to a separation and a time period specific to each when they could return to the groups they left and one even was still apart from it. Self care is imperative to a healthy life. Work/Live balance is key. Even if that work is magical work.
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Photo Source - Wellness Witch |
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Photo Source - Wellness Witch |
The introduction of this covers our basic magical garden and our magical cupboard. Plants, crystals as well as essential oils are covered at a very high level with only 12 herbs, 7 crystals and 8 essential oils being included for their healing and soothing qualities. As one would expect lavender oil, amethyst crystal and rosemary hold a prominent role in healing and soothing the body and mind.
As we move into the Internal section of the book, the author takes us through the healing, soothing and empowering exercises. From growing Kombucha to creating a psychic power tincture the others provides a step by step guide to creating a sense of balance in those internal areas of our lives. My personal favorite begins on page 46 and covers the instructions on a divination tea recipe and a guide on Tasseography or Tea Leaf Reading. I have not attempted this form of divination and frankly have never seen it covered in a Witch 101 style book, so this was a new experience for me.
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson Photo Source - Wellness Witch |
The External section offers suggestions to tap into the strength required to deal with those things outside our own bodies. Massage oils, massage instruction and even a fire ritual. My favorite part of this section is the "Finding Your Voice Lip Balm". Just from the title, without a spell included I could see myself stirring the ingredients together, sealing my intention in the mixture. Then when applying before I leave my home for a meeting or before engaging in any speaking engagement, reinforcing my intention to strengthen my voice. Carry my message to the masses. By far, in my opinion one of the best pieces of this book.
The final section is dedicate to the home. It offers an array of wellness practices to help transform the home into a sacred place. A place that the author promises will protect, recharge and purify you. I recognized many of these practices from my own home. They mention on page 100 about adding bells for your door, which as many witches have practiced across the decades, offers tones and vibrations to invite near energy into the space. Making your own with clay, as the author suggests is a great way to bring your own energy directly into the bell or maybe take a bell from a second hand store and paint, write or draw sigils to set your intention.
Wind chimes on page 110, the author tells us is a way to cleanse the energy. I have several sets around my home as well as out in the property to hear the spirit of air as it moves through my space.
Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson |
Finally, incense! What would a witch be without this powerful and moving ingredient. I have several types of incense for different occasions. I personally love Nag Champa and Quan Am for daily use and a beautiful cone called Song of India for ritual. The author however, provides a recipe for a different type of incense. This is a way to invite visions or prophecy. Basically you take the herbs and sprinkle them over an open flame after taking the necessary preparations and welcome any visions that come about. The author provides a list of herbs that are safe, and please remember not to use anything poisonous. When in doubt, leave it out!
Overall, this is a great book on getting started into self care. So many witches (and mundanes for that matter) fail to take care of themselves before trying to help others. You cannot pour from an empty vessel so be sure to take the time you need to heal yourself. I found this book to be full of great tips that I had not heard of, as well as some affirmations of some of the changes I have implemented over the last few years to protect myself, my space and my magic from the ill effects of negativity and energy drains. I absolutely recommend this book for the beginner and the seasoned witch alike.
Drum Roll Please! The wonderful publishers of this book have offered to award a copy of this wonderful book to three of my fans! Please use the Rafflecopter link below to enter to win. I will draw the winners this Friday. You'll have 24 hours to respond with your mailing address to receive your copy. Please be sure to add Confessions of a Modern Witch to your trusted senders so you don't miss that email!
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