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The Witch's Complete Guide to Self Care - A Review

 Today I'm reviewing - "The Witch's Complete Guide to Self Care" by Theodosia Corinth.

  • Book Link
  • Author Link - No link was located for this author however Quarto Knows did offer this : 

Theodosia Corinth is a practicing witch and writer born and living in Salem, Massachusetts. She writes and edits full time, and has worked as a professional tarot card reader. When she’s casting her spell on the world around her, she works with astrology, tarot, and the natural world to connect with her intuition and guide her writing. When she’s not writing, she’s busy tending to her overabundance of houseplants.

  • Release Date: October 19, 2021

I'll begin with a review of the physical book.  This is a larger book. It has a vibrantly illustrated blue cover front and back on this hardcover edition I was provided to review. Not the size to grab and go, but you could toss it in a normal sized book bag and take it on a bus or train ride as a traveling companion. In what seems to be a trend for this publisher, the title page font is miniscule. I would need to work with Sherlock Holmes to be able to read this page. The rest of the book is fine, just this initial page seems to be something that this publisher is sticking with in the books I've reviewed so far this year. The images in the book are fantastic, there are an assortment of styles from professional photography shots to simple line illustration the book's imagery is fitting and fanciful. The book has six fully load chapters with 168 pages that include an additional reading list, online resources and a decent sized index.

The author starts us on our magical journey by guiding us through our self care with an explanation of the roots of self care and how we should use this book.  Jumping right into body care, we're instructed on finding a way to use our bodies to practice. From dancing to stretches each movement we make is magical. Breathing exercises and meditation recommendations are not far behind. Closing out the chapter with cleanings baths and ritual herbs that can be used to help us provide our bodies with the nurture and care it so deeply deserves.

We then delve into the emotional waters of our self with a chapter (24 pages) dedicated to our emotional care. Mindfulness being front and center. The images in this section are stunning. I loved the section on goal setting and manifestation. This is something that every witch can work on and I found it to be quite rewarding. The following chapter on the Astrology & Tarot were well done and full of valuable information. 

Again with a focus on the self care aspect, the author takes us forward with how we work not only with our space and energy but also with those around us. Creating a support network and connecting with those like minded who we can share our path with. It his medically proven that having a support system in place leads to longer happier lives. Our familiars and our coven is just such a support mechanism that is powerful and rewarding. Finding yours should be something that is a strong foundation to build your practice. It may not been a group of 12 other witches that you meet with every full moon, but having someone around to call sister, and maybe have a cup of tea with from time to time will certainly help build that community.

The last chapter of this book is regarding magical communication. From how to use an altar to working with a spell book, we have an example of what working with these tools can look like. Then of course, we have the spells.  This book boasts of having well over 100 spells to choose from. The last pages of this chapter are dedicated to just that. From a spell for reflection to a spell for guidance, these pages include the materials required, the directions and then the step by step ritual to follow in order to manifest this spell into action. 

Overall I found this book to deliver exactly what the title promised. With follow up resources such as recommended reading lists and online resources this is a great gift for a beginner in the magical arts. The order of the chapters makes since and the dialog is clear and direct. I believe that this is a great resource for those exploring how to work with the magical tools they have to provide themselves with a positive, healthy way to care for themselves both physically and emotionally.



Happy Birthday to Me!

Photo Credit Renee Olson
Here I sit on my 51st birthday a changed person.  My life is no where near what it was like 5 years ago. This journey has been amazing.  I have spent the this time reviewing books, managing a business and a Facebook Page.  I have decided that, I've done enough of that. Those things no longer bring me joy. I'll still write or draw but going forward I think I'm going to just limit my time online and try to do things that connect me with the world as opposed to doing things that cause me to hide.

I'm going to be outside more and maybe even start taking photos again. I'm going to make art and enjoy making art. I'm going to love right here and right now. Instead of waiting for the next thing to happen, I'm going to go make it happen.  It's time for a change, and there's no time like the present.

Monday Meditation - Self Love

One of the most difficult things in my life that I have ever tried to overcome is my low self esteem. I am a people pleasure.  All my life has been me trying to be everything for everyone else, while not being enough for myself.  I spent so much of my time trying to be perfect. I would try to learn everything I could about a class BEFORE taking the class so I would know what the class was about before taking it.  The pressure I put on myself was  unbearable. It was obvious of the pain I was in just by looking at my health.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

While reading The Art of Living by Thich Nhat Hanh, I found the following paragraph profound:

People who are not at peace with their lives tend to let their minds wander back to moments that have passed and are filled with remorse and regret. Those with self-esteem issues dwell on things that people have said to them and feel worse about themselves because they let these thoughts and actions penetrate and become more important than the actual reality.

I spent so much of my time in future worrying about things that hadn't happened yet, based on experiences I had from the past. I was already failing at a new thing because I felt I failed (which really means, it wasn't perfect) at something in the past. I think we are all hard on ourselves, but I believe I took mine to a degree of self abuse.

An example of this is my drawing.  I always felt I wanted to draw but when I would draw I would berate myself.  Nothing was good enough. I would compare myself to other artists even though I had only been drawing a few months.  Earlier this week I took a look at one of my old drawings. I really did a great job. I love this one. So much so that I might even pick up the pencil again. I need to love myself and stop looking for approval from other people.  I need to be ok, with who I am and where I am in my life.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Artwork - Maiden, Mother & Crone

I found a few videos that are helpful on this type of self work.  The first is to stop looking for approval from other people.

The second is a mediation to learn self compassion.

Learning to love yourself is hard. It isn't something we're all born doing as second nature. For me, I am still working on this. I want to be the best I can be for me. I want to be strong, healthy and happy.  Most of all, happy.

The Little Book of Big Feelings - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Little Book of Big Feelings by Maureen "Marzi" Wilson.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Little Book of Big Feelings

Author Links - Link
Amazon Book Link
Amazon Author Link
Good Reads Book Link
Good Reads Author Link
My Good Reads Profile
My Facebook Page

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 429,000 views.

The copy I have to review was a small hard cover edition.  The cover is vibrant with illustrations of assorted feelings.  The book is broken down into chapters related to an assortment of feelings and an about the author section at the back.

Written as more of a graphic novel, frankly when I sat down with this book I kept thinking to myself, how on earth am I going to review this thing.  While it has chapters there's no real structure in the traditional book review sense to the book. As I got into it I began to see what the author was going for.  Each of the chapters are set up with a basic feeling.  As many of us who have attended therapy know, feelings are feelings. They are temporary and they change.  We can't control them.  We can't pick them.  We have to see them, feel them and let them go. This book does a great job in explaining that in very simple terms.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Little Book of Big Feelings

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Little Book of Big Feelings

The section on being overwhelmed I found extremely helpful. The cartoon like take on resolving issues related to dealing with how we feel is a pretty new approach in my opinion. There are sections on boundaries and anger and how this author deals with those emotions.  I found this incredibly timely as my partner and I have been discussing mindfulness and how to deal with observing the mind in the mind for the minds sake.  But that's another story for another time.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Little Book of Big Feelings

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Little Book of Big Feelings

Overall this is a really cute book and I found that while it wasn't as childish as I thought in the beginning it was rather child like, in that it was basic and caring from a very innocent perspective. Just thinking that even on the hardest days, you can be grateful for pink starbursts was so adorable. Sometimes we need to just break things down to their most simple form to really discover those things that are truly important to us.

I think this is a great book to get folks talking about and feeling their feelings. So many times I find that friends, family and even I, myself am afraid of my feelings.  The last page says it so nicely.  Its ok to feel what you're feeling.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Little Book of Big Feelings

Tarot for Self-Care - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Tarot for Self-Care: How to Use Tarot to Manifest Your Best Self by Minerva Siegel.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Tarot for Self-Care
Author Links - Link
Amazon Book Link
Amazon Author Link
Good Reads Book Link
Good Reads Author Link
My Good Reads Profile
My Facebook Page

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 429,000 views.

As always I'll begin with a review of the physical book.  This is a hefty book.  I was sent a hardcover to review. The pages are easy to read and have clear plain illustrations.  It has a strong index and takes a different approach to most "How To" tarot books.  The book is divided into three sections, the introductions, self-care and the cards and how to optimize self-care.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Tarot for Self-Care

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Tarot for Self-Care

The author starts us off with a basic introduction into self-care, leading off with a paragraph dedicated to debunking the buzzwordiness of self-care. She provides a list of the types of self-care currently out there, including mental, physical and spiritual. As we move through the section she continues to provide insight on the methods for creating a magical mood for divination as well as a crash course on reading the cards.  From self cleansing shuffling techniques the author provides a great list of the dos and don'ts for manifesting a strong positive energy for the reader and provides several options for leveling up your tarot experience.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Tarot for Self-Care

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Tarot for Self-Care

As we move into part two the author breaks down each of the cards for us in great details. She provides a basic interpretation of each card and a list of specific self-care card activities for each. The author also includes (which is often a pain point for new readers) the reversed information as well.

One of my favorite cards is the Star Card.  She tells us the Star card speaks of hope and deep rejuvenation.  She explains that this card reminds us to hold tightly to our ideals and find comfort in them.  She tells us the card is reminding us to have faith that brighter days are head.  She then provides the following self-care activities:

Mind: De-stress by avoiding busy, bustling environments that can overwhelm your senses.  Instead of going to a loud, wild concert, visit an art museum.
Body: The Star calls for rest. Have a movie marathon at home, and give yourself permission to relax.  Pop a bowl of popcorn, invite friends if you'd like an put on a favorite film series.
Spirit: Invite loving, happy feelings into your life with rose quartz. Meditate with this crystal or carry it in your pocket.

The book is filled from cover to cover with this exact set up for each of the Major and Minor Arcana.  From the Fool to the King of Pentacles, each card is represented with the same outline. After 200 pages dedicated to this, the author then moves into part three.  This section helps us look to optimize our self-care practices.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Tarot for Self-Care

With sections related to meditation, crystal work and working with the shadow self, the author provides the reader with a way to delve into their own psyche and find within themselves the path to a higher existence through positive affirmations, meditations and dedicated self-care.  She provides a section dedicated the card relationship to the zodiac and had this to say about yours truly.

Pisces (February 19-March 20):  The Moon
The Moon tarot card is all about diving deep below the surface to get to the soft, tender heart of things, making it the perfect match for the emotional nature of the Pisces.  Pisces dislikes superficiality and thrives in uncharted waters. Reserved, The Moon represents the Piscean tendency to get caught up in worrisome what ifs and become anxious.

She goes on to talk about the self-care for the Pisces:

The loving Piscean heart is beautiful and something to be treasured, but you often get swept up in emotions and ideas. Other people's baggage, moods, and grief can affect you on a deep level. Setting emotional boundaries will help protect your heart.  Book a rejuvenating Reiki session to balance your energy. You'll feel more centered and in control.

Overall I found this book to be well worth the time to sit down and take a few days to fully review each card.  I took it from the single card daily pull but I can see how using the section on spreads could indeed help one use the tarot as a full fledged life coach.  Each card offering to the reader a way to pull themselves up by the proverbial boot straps, if you will and take each new day as walk to bigger and better things!

What Does May Bring Now?

So why do I hate May?  I don't even know.  The minute May 1 rolls in I start to feel dreary and annoyed at the world in general. I start to cry for no reason and become so testy it isn't even funny.  I'm not sure why it happens.  I look back at my past and try to figure it out but still nothing solid comes to mind.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

I know its the month of Mother's Day. Which is a challenge on two fronts.  My strained relationship with my own mother and my adult child.

I spent the day today looking over old posts and see how my partner and I are still being used as fodder for the various anecdotes and stories associated with their childhood.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised at some of the tall tales that I'm reading over there since they are a fiction writer. I think about what could I have done differently.  What, if anything, should I be doing now. It all comes back to a single question.  Does it bring you joy?   The answer is no.  Battling for a relationship isn't where I flourish. I don't do well with having to demand attention from someone. I prefer that someone wants to communicate with me.  They want to hang out or chat.  They want to share their life with me.  I don't want to be an accessory.  To me, I would rather not be included at all than to be tolerated. And at this point, basically I am just that.  A tolerated accessory, to claim the LGBT family title.  I'm worn like a sash in a pageant while the story line is told slightly differently each year depending on the current victimization.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Then there's my mother. My last discussion with her was being told that I stole money from her account after I did all I could to get her out of dept and healthy. I was shamed into hugging her and try to be a "good girl" a "good daughter" by my aunts. I was doing all the work while she sat in her denial with junk food as a partner and death on her lips. I struggle to even think about what I could say at this point in my life that would be anything other than nasty.  There is nothing left there and I don't think it could ever be salvaged.  While I know that she was a victim of the abuse just as we children were, she was the adult. As her adult child here and now, she still continued to be abusive. Stealing from me. Lying on me.  Being just as vile as he ever was.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

I think the only relationship I really regret not having is the one with one of my younger sisters. I could certainly reach out and of course she like so many other members of my estranged family would welcome me back with open arms.  I just have to leave the past in the past. I have to accept them for being self centered and bigoted and I can come to the picnic.  I have to quiet down my voice and stop calling out relatives who vote Republican or those who clasp their pearls and their bible while their president takes away my families access to care.  I think I miss most of all, having someone to share things with outside my marriage.  I would love to go get my hair done, or have a girls day out.  It is deeply saddening to realize that even if I would suck up my pride and engage again, I would be faking the entire thing and find myself empty.  The fact is they just don't accept me and they don't want to give up the view they have on the world today.  I think that's why it makes me so sad.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
I have a wonderful job and I love my husband who is absolutely amazing.  I recently splurged and bought myself a new (to me) car that I adore. I'm cutting back on quite a few commitments that I have had over the years to help me be able to focus on some new things in my life.  I'm going to try my hand at painting.  Though the very thought terrifies me.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

May reminds me of festivals and vending like I did a few years ago.  It reminds me of the hustle and bustle of  packing boxes and greeting campers deep in the woods of eastern North Carolina.  A place now, where I am no longer welcome.  It surprises me to see the friendships that have grown since I removed myself from that venue. I think the emptiness comes from my own head trying to fully understand my part in this old place while being this new person that I am.

Photo Credit - Elijah Olson

I watch the wind blow through the trees and feel the fresh rain on my face and know that I am not part of that world anymore. I am separate from it and while it is of my own making, it is still has painful as a dagger through my heart.

Each door that has closed around me, has indeed opened another avenue of expression but still I sit at the end of the hall and see those doors.  I see them for what they are. A closed off area of my heart that can no longer open.  The hinges, rusted and the lock nailed shut.  I can see a light just through the keyhole.  I can press my eye against the lock but only see the clouded figures that dance in the distance in this world that I cannot access.

This is my May.  A time of reflection and rehashing.  A time of fires and fury.  A time when I sit apart from so many places I once frequented only to have the door firmly slammed in my face.

My grandmother used to tell me, April Showers bring May Flowers.  My question to the world, and to her if she were still here to hear my plea, what does May bring now?  The flowers are here. Now what?  I don't think I'll ever have an answer to that question.  I do believe it will get better. After all look where I am now. I can write about this and still keep a dry eye.

This May is much different than my previous Mays.  This May seems fresh and raw.  This May is about learning who I am and where I fit in the fabric of life. I do long for those relationships, but I also have to put myself in a position of growth. Where do I want to be in the future.  Who do I want to be?  I'm getting there.  Slowly, but still moving forward at a pace that is steady and comfortable.

Sometimes, simply running in the race is winning.

The Witch's Book of Self-Care - A Review

Today I'm reviewing   The Witch's Book of Self Care - Magical Ways to Pamper, Soothe, and Care for Your Body and Spirit.

Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Witch's Book of Self-Care

Author Links - Link
Amazon Book Link
Amazon Author Link
Good Reads Book Link
Good Reads Author Link
My Good Reads Profile
My Facebook Page

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As usual I'll be starting with a physical review of this book.  Over all I love the size of this book. Generally speaking books are beginning to become over-sized.  I'm glad to see one that I can easily toss into my purse or backpack to have something to read on the go. While access to internet is becoming more widely available, I like to have something on hand to pass the time while I'm waiting. This little book fits the bill.  The cover is nice and smooth without being velvety and offers pages that are a slightly beige color.  There are not a lot of photos in the book but there is a great deal of information.  The type face is a good size and the printing is done in a nice red color which isn't distracting to the eye. 

Around page 82 the author begins to talk about nutrition as self care. That isn't to say that the real information begins this page.  There is a great deal of wonderful information included in the previous pages, but for me nutrition is a huge part of my daily concerns.  I have kicked off a nutritional healing through holistic and plant based alternatives to a traditional diet.  If you're interested in learning more you can find Real Rations on the web and on various social media locations. While I was pleased to see a book refer to nutrition as being a self care necessity, some of the recipes were lacking. There were a couple that were plant based but most had meat or colonial ingredients that we now know are the leading cause of heart disease and type 2 diabetes in America.  I would love to see the author talk about the energy that we consume from a spiritual perspective and include what happens to our bodies we we are around negative people. If we experience negativity and pain from people we are simply sitting next to, what happens when we ingest the flesh of animals who are suffering. I simply cannot believe that the energy transferred would at the very least, have the same negative impact on our health.  This chapter goes on to talk about the benefits of herbal teas and provides several recipes for creating your own. 

Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Witch's Book of Self-Care
Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Witch's Book of Self-Care

Chapter four takes us on a spiritual journey to discover what we need to practice self care in the spiritual realm. It includes many sections on relaxation techniques including meditation, breathing and being mindful. The author provides numerous recipes for teas, incense and even instructions on creating your own set of prayer beads.

To me the most important chapter (if there could be just one) would be the section on household self care.  If we have clutter all around us, our mind and energy is cluttered. To be more present you'll need to adjust your surroundings to be present. The author provides several examples of energy cleansing and centering tasks such as rituals, room sprays and powders as well as just saying, clean your space.  Super simple but yet easy for us to forget in a busy day. 

Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Witch's Book of Self-Care
Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Witch's Book of Self-Care

This book is a great housewarming or birthday gift. We spend entirely too much time not taking care of ourselves and anything that takes you out of the rat race and brings you back to your center is a good thing.  I found this book to be simple to read, informative and full of information that I can see myself going back to.  Overall a great addition to your healing library.

Witchy Wednesday - Practice Self Care

Good Morning!  Happy Wednesday.  This week I want to talk about a ritual that many of us (not just witches) forget about.  We spend our days creating, working, caring for others and we often neglect our own self care.  We don't see it as an important part of witchcraft, which actually just fascinates me. Our bodies, our minds and our energy are the main components of a spell. Anyone can buy a candle.  Anyone can toss together some herbs, but your clients come to you. They have access to the same herbal shops that you do.  They have access to the same candle suppliers.  But still your inbox is at capacity with requests for your touch.  Your hand.  Your magic.

Created by Renee Sosanna Olson

Why do they come to you? Many times I am told I am abrasive.  I am militant in my support of LGBTQI. I am hated for telling the truth.  I am ridiculed for not toeing the line, yet my readings are always requested and my protection amulets, healing and defensive pieces fly off the shelves. Why is that?  Why am I not laid up with maladies and suffering from shortages of money or supplies?

I can tell you why.

I believe that each of us has a duty to create a space that allows ourselves to flourish. We need to be the force that creates this magic. We can only do this by caring for ourselves as we care for others. Now, that doesn't mean if you don't get two shits about yourself and you treat others the same that you're going to be successful.  That isn't how it works. I believe that when you take care of yourself, which I will define later, you open your body and mind up as a conduit for positive energy. Success finds you.  And to care for yourself means not only taking time to reset, but also to recharge your spirit. Take a walk in the woods, go sit the by the river. Read a book. Any action that takes you to a place of happiness.  That is what we want to replicate in the world.

Created by Renee Sosanna Olson

I believe that I always have the money I need when I need it because I give of it so freely when I have extra. I believe that magic finds me because I give magic to others when I can.  I go the extra step to support friends who are suffering or offer a hand when someone is in need.  The universe sees that and sends those same things back to me when I need it.

When people wag their jaws and gossip about me, it only enhances my success. When they continue to attack me, I flourish. If you find yourself saying things like:

"Why does this always happen to me?"
"Why don't have I have any good luck?"
"Just my luck, failed again!"

Take a moment to do a real inventory of what you're sending out into the world. What energy are you putting out there? How is that energy coming home?  Now I know what you're thinking, The Rule of Three, well, yeah maybe, kinda... OK not really.  Yes, I do believe that what you send out comes home. I do believe that if you meddle with others there is the chance that a big whopping rude awakening could be in store for you.  But I also believe that sometimes, shit happens and how you respond to that shit is determine what else shows its ugly head.

Created by Renee Sosanna Olson

So what do you do?  What is self care and how do you do it?  Well, as I mentioned earlier, you can take a walk.  Go for a run.  Have a bath.  Do any of the things that help you feel more connected to yourself.  You have the power within you to create a recharging station where ever you are. Take that time and get yourself back up to 100% before taking on any additional projects or work.

You'll be better for others and for yourself in the long run.