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Adaptogens Herbs for Strength, Stamina and Stress Relief

Today I'm reviewing Adaptogens Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief by David Winston.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Adaptogens

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 412,000 views.

Today this book will be reviewed by Guest Reviewer Elijah Olson.  He is well versed in health, wellness and nutrition, currently working towards several nutritional studies degrees and a hobbyist in permaculture, and general gardening.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Adaptogens

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Adaptogens

Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief

Let's start by introducing the authors; David Winston, RH (AHG) , is a clinical herbalist and ethnobotanist with 50 years of training in Chinese, Western/Eclectic, and Southwestern herbal traditions. Steven Maimes has studied natural medicine for over 30 years. A researcher, freelance writer, and principle of SALAM Research.

The book has now been updated and expanded this year (2019) from its first edition in 2007. 

The information is laid out in a comprehensive three part layout. Part one gives a good introduction of what Herbal Adaptogens are, the history, actions and health benefits. Part two starts with full color monographs on adaptogens for identification, as well as in-depth information for the well researched adaptogens. 
Also covered in this section is comprehensive information on nervines, nootropics and restorative tonics.
Part three covers herbal adaptogens in use, including information on clinical use, herbs in combination and also an added chapter on adaptogens for our pets.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Adaptogens

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Adaptogens

I really enjoyed the layout of the book, it is easy to locate what you are looking for specifically. There is both a good index and glossary for those of us that may struggle with trying to remember or get lost in every clinical or herbal term. The authors have really given us a thorough reference book for daily use. 
So if you are interested in a very detailed, easy to pick up and find a tonic, tea, or food to prepare with ALL the healthy information including dosages attached...this is the book for you.

Herbal Remedies Made Simple - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Herbal Remedies Made Simple by Stacey Dugliss-Wesselman and Susan Gregg.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Herbal Remedies Made Simple

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As usual I'll start out with a review of the physical book.  This book is great for using as a working reference book.  The cover is hard, smooth and very sturdy. It is over average size, but slightly wider than your average book.  When the front cover is opened it is immediately apparent that this is not your normal herbal book.  This book comes in a spiral biding with the pages split in half.  There is, however not in the traditional sense, a contents page and a small index in the back of the book. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Herbal Remedies Made Simple
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Herbal Remedies Made Simple

The top and bottom halves of the book are not intended to be read together. It appears that the self care (skin, hair, etc) are on the top half while the herbs associated are on the bottom.  This book includes excellent photos of the process of creating assorted body products such as the Comfrey Joint & Bruise Salve on page 52 and 53.  I personally have used Comfrey many times for this type of treatment and let me just say it works wonders.  Other recipes include a body powder, a clarifying shampoo, Almond & Orange Sugar scrubs just to name a few.  The instructions are clearly written and the ingredients are somewhat common.  Most traditional kitchen, garden or herbal witches will have these ingredients readily available.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Herbal Remedies Made Simple
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Herbal Remedies Made Simple

The bottom half of the book is dedicated to herbs. It is separated in the categories such as strength and heart & mind.  Each page comes with a vibrant photo and an explanation of the herb.  Thyme for example is covered on page 50.  The author tells us that Thyme strengthens our will. It is recommended to use Thyme to purify the space and fill it with love and peace.  It is said to fill you with peace, love and increase willpower.  Witch Hazel branches are said to relieve the pain of loss and it is recommended to carry leaves from the branch in your pocket if you have lost someone to ease the pain on page 44 of the book.  The author offers us a page on Willow and how to use it to clear spirits, conduct a healing ritual or use them as a window to manifest dreams.

Overall this is a great book for getting started with Herbal Remedies. I think that it would make a great addition to any witch's personal herbal library.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Herbal Remedies Made Simple