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The Astrological Guide to Self-Care - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Astrological Guide to Self-Care by Constance Stellas

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am identify as a magical Buddhist. I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I believe in spiritually and holistic wellness.  I find that we can heal the world if we just sit down and and listen to the breath.  I believe that magic, science and nutritional well being are the cornerstone to a well rounded holistic life. I have recently updated my site from Confessions of a Modern Witch to my new page To Live Whole.  I welcome you to come along for my journey of health, wellness and self exploration.

I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 438,000 views.

As you know I'll be switching over to reviewing only e-copies of books shortly.  I will miss handling the books but the amount of trash that I had piling up for all the shipping was just overwhelming.  I will be doing a giveaway for the remaining physical books that actually arrive as well as asking my publishers to provide giveaway copies shipped directly to my winner's homes going forward for all giveaways.

Looking at the physical book, this is a really big book. The cover is brilliantly colored and has a assorted illustrations of the zodiac on the front and back.  This book isn't a take along book. Due to it's size I would lean more toward a library or coffee table setting for this piece.  The type face is fantastic. Sticking with the size of the book the publisher has presented the copy with clear to read fonts in a bold color that is extremely easy on the eyes.  The pages are smooth to the touch and dedicated to words are there are no illustrations inside at all.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

The book begins with self care.  I'm seeing this topic being covered more frequently in my reviews. I think the industry has finally learned that we cannot pour from an empty cup and granted us some space to take care of ourselves in our busy magical lives.  This author has dedicated the first three chapters of this book to this exercise. I applaud this change and really appreciated the suggestions within. Chapters four through six, Part II,  take us on a journey of caring for ourselves with the elements. Earth, Air, Fire and Water are given the same treatment with an overview of the basic mythology, the astrological symbols and the signs and seasons associated. Each section then gives us ideas on how to apply self care to ourselves based on that particular element.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Book

As we get into Part III we start looking at the signs themselves. Each chapter from here to the end of the book is dedicated to each specific sign. In reviewing mine I found some really great information.  I also found it odd that there were so many references to eating fish.  I'm a fish! Why would I eat one?  LOL  I did find a lot of these things I already do.  My bed is full of pillows and my home is indeed a retreat.

Overall a fun book to read, it is a great conversation starter and I can see how it would be enjoyed by many.

The Astrology Dictionary - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Astrology Dictionary Cosmic Knowledge from A to Z by Donna Woodwell.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Astrology Dictionary

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am identify as a magical Buddhist. I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I believe in spiritually and holistic wellness.  I find that we can heal the world if we just sit down and and listen to the breath.  I believe that magic, science and nutritional well being are the cornerstone to a well rounded holistic life. I have recently updated my site from Confessions of a Modern Witch to my new page To Live Whole.  I welcome you to come along for my journey of health, wellness and self exploration.

I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 438,000 views.

As usual I'll start with a review of the physical book.  This was a small book.  So much so that you could easily lose it in a backpack or large purse. It is rough to the touch but has a very attractive cover. The text is large despite the small stature and the book does not contain an index.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Astrology Dictionary

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Astrology Dictionary

This book is exactly as it is described.  It is an A-Z book of definitions related to astrology. It does take the definitions a step farther than one would expect and includes a bit of poetic license in its descriptions.

Moon, noun
Mistress of the night, the Moon's gravity stabilizes our climate and allows life to evolve and thrive. So the Moon symbolizes thing that nurture and protect.  Since she sheds on light of her own, the Moon's association with gathering and receiving. Memory and nostalgia are the functions of the moon...

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Astrology Dictionary

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Astrology Dictionary

The author goes on to tell us about the house associated with the moon as well as her colors and metal associations.

She says the following regarding Pisces:

Pisces, noun
Pisces is best when allowed to drift, to float without judgement in everlasting bliss.  Then, this Jupiter ruled sign can commune with the cosmos.  Pisces strive to be in the world, yet not of the world.  The constellation associated with this mutable water sign is the Fish, two fish that are tied together. Pisces may need to work to stay present, to reach for the stars without getting tangled up by their own feet.

As someone who has taken a tumble several times over the last few weeks I an say this is pretty much spot on.  (laughs)

Overall a cute book with some very skillfully written albeit non-scientific definitions of astrology terms.  A great book to have if you want a bit of light reading that can be whimsical and still contain a bit of magic.

The Astrology of Love & Sex - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Astrology of Love & Sex, a Modern Compatibility Guide by Annabel Gat.  Illustrations by Jess Rotter.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Cover

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Release Date July 30, 2019

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts over 412,000 views.

I'm going to start off with a review of the physical book.  In this day and age of e-Books I find that most publishers are skimping on the physical aesthetics of a print book.  Most are poorly bound or the pages lack luster.  The cover lacks definition and/or color and the art is pitiful.  That is NOT the case with this book.  This book is stunning.  The cover, although only two colors, is delightful. The front is decorated with the illustrative work of Jess Rotter.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Pages

I snapped a few photos of these images and man, they are fantastic.  As an out Lesbian married to a Trans-man I can tell you we do not see enough diversity in some of these books on love and relationships that cross my desk.  This one, however, is the exception.  I love the way this artist interpreted the signs and represented love across the board in such a way that, in my humble opinion, anyone can connect with.  This book is heavy too. A solid book with shiny gilded page ends that make for a wonderful feel.  If you are a person who loves to feel a strong book in your hands, this book is for you!

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Aries

On to the contents!

The author takes us on a journey through each of the signs telling us the ins and outs (pun intended) to hooking up with each.  Taking my own sign, the author tell yous about the Piscean at their best and worst.  First impressions, flirting and the how each sign can connect with this mystical fish.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Taurus

I did a quick check of course, comparing the signs of previous lovers and found that the author seems to be able to connect directly to the positive and negative aspects of each sign. Showing exactly how the ebb and flow of love and sex are intertwined.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Pisces
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Pisces

Cross referencing the signs (Pisces and Virgo then Virgo and Pisces) shows the skill that the author avoids the easy copy and paste here and gives the dirt on working with each sign, from that sign's prospective. My partner and I have been together 17 years and this book was dead right on our relationship.  For example the author writes:

On the surface, Virgo may not seem as mystical as Pisces, the psychedelic fish, but this is vary from from the truth: Virgos are deep thinkers, profoundly concerned with finding inner truth, which is something these two very much have in common.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Virgo
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Virgo

That is very much true in this relationship.  I loved every aspect of this book.  The artwork, the way the author weaves together the lives and loves of the signs.  They even include a poly relationship. So amazing to see. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Cancer

I highly recommend this book for anyone who longs to see diversity displayed in all its rainbow glory on the pages of a horoscope book.  No more pretending to see people who look like us.  This book takes on a magical journey, and we want to go back again and again!

Astrology for Happiness and Success - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Astrology for Happiness and Success by Mecca Woods.

Image Credit - Book Cover

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As usual I'm going to start with a review of the physical book. This piece came to me from Simon & Schuster and is on the small side for books that I have reviewed.  It is soft cover and the cover is just a thick paper. I think that it could have been made a bit better and a harder cover would help to retain the integrity of the book body. This book has no index but the chapters are marked in blue so you can slightly bend the page edges to navigate to the chapters.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Content - Astrology for Happiness & Success

The other offers us a small introductions before just diving right into the meat of the book.  The sections are divided by a blue boarder that allows you to flip somewhat seamlessly through the book contents. Each chapter has sections related to specific traits, aspects and correspondences to the astrological sign being featured.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Content - Astrology for Happiness & Success

Each chapter starts with a basic overview of the sign that gives the authors interpretations of what each signs strengths are. These sections are written quite well. The section for my sign, Pisces, is called The Mermaid and the Magician. There is even reference to the ability to see and feel the pain of others.  My life story.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Content - Astrology for Happiness & Success

The following sections talk about the approach each sign has to love as well as their color and scent correspondences. My colors were blue and lavender.  Spot on. Scents like jasmine, lilac, sweet pea and vanilla are central to my sign. The book goes on with the signs attributes when dealing with heartbreak and familial relationships. The following passage stood out for me:

The key to successful relationships with your family is in honoring your need for emotional support while also recognizing that, although you're deeply in touch with your feelings, you have to be able to speak up to family members and say exactly how you feel instead of trying to avoid conflict.

This is so me.  I sit back and let others run the show to my own detriment because they are family and my desire to preserve the peace. The section on the approach to wellness is short but dead on.  Here's a clip:

As a water sign, you are prone to losing your steam and getting emotionally burnt out.  Since the element of water is more responsive or reactive than active in astrology, you have to make sure you have ways to keep yourself motivated and focused so you don't grown stagnant. 

My entire life I have been attracted to the phrase "Green and Growing".  To me this last passage reinforces that mindset and I certainly won't be looking to change that anytime soon.

There are several more sections in each chapter that guide the reader through learning how to allow self care with topics such as - Fine yourself a Muse and Mind Your Energy. I was a bit skeptical when I first picked up this book but the author provides real context and direction instead of simple generic traits normally associated with astrology. One of my favorite books in quite a while. I highly recommend picking up a copy.

Witchy Wednesday - A Dunkin Witch

So I sit here today looking at the world from an entirely difference perspective. My mind thinks about all the plans I had in place at this point and realizes that things don't always go as planned. I think about what is around me here.  Here in this physical place.  Here in on this land.  Where my feet touch the dirt. I found this house while driving here on a house hunting trip some 11 years ago. Spotted a sign next to a road and literally only walk around the outside of the fence before deciding to buy it.  That was before the dogs or the deities.

The house ended up being part of a town that through research I found out was founded by my ancestors. The riverbanks there at Seven Springs held in my family for some time.  I learned that just 1/2 mile down the road, a cousin who was raised with me like a brother lost his life.  The house sits at a cross roads. We bought the house though the lot was small via email and phone from California without ever stepping inside. From the first day we were visited by spirits.  Though the years the house has changed. We have changed. Our focus, our drive and even our own personae has changed. Changed for the better.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

I had thought I would be saying farewell to these walls and this land. You see, everything isn't sunshine and roses here. We have a rough political system. We could use more opportunity. I see roads with dead ends that have pretty awful memories for me. Reminders of a less than perfect childhood filled with anger and mostly pain. I was looking forward to moving away from those daily reminders of things I would prefer to forget. It turns out that sometimes you have no choice but to face demons head on.

You have to stand up and claim your post. Your land. You have to walk in and say, this is my space. No one else has power here. This is my energy and my life. You have the power to allow others in or out. You are control. You are the magic and you are the power.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

I always joked to others that one day, a long time from now, kids would talk about that old crazy witch down by the river.  They would tell stories of sneaking through my yard or seeing me out in the illuminated in the light of the full moon burying something, probably a jar! I'll be a river witch, sitting on the banks collecting mosses and frogs.   Even thinking of myself as a river witch makes me a little uncomfortable. Though a Pisces through and through, water in my face is not something I fancy. I believe my fellow witches out there can attest to how a dunkin witch is a witch having a very bad day.  (reference)

So what is all this about? What is this crazy old river witch talking about?  Only time will tell, deary. Only time will tell.

Till next time.... 

Pagan Blog Project 2013 - Z is for Zodiac

The Zodiac is basically a grouping of twelve sections for the sky that is assigned a specific astrological sign for each section.  When a person is born, within a set month that particular astrological sign is assigned to them in Western astrology.  A quick web search will return many site that break down the way the zodiac is divided up.  These sites will offer an idea of what each sign represents and what can be expected when dealing with people born to these signs.  Sites like Astrolabe offer a free chart.

The Chinese Zodiac assigns a specific animal for each year and then recycles those animals back for each year forward.  I've found that the Chinese Zodiac has been more accurate for me than any of the others I've researched.  To find your Chinese Zodiac follow this link for a calculator.

Here’s a look at me, from my zodiac.

My astrological sign is Pisces. 

Generally a Pisces will do everything they can to help a friend.  They make few friends, but those they do make are usually lifelong.  They do not like to be in a position of leadership.  They prefer to stay to the background but make sure that things are completed.  They benefit most from a strong mate to help them stay grounded.  A Pisces is like both a mirror and a sponge.  They soak up what is around them and reflect that back out.  A Pisces has strong emotion and should really trust their gut.  Soaking up the pain of the world can be the downfall of the Pisces and they have to work to shield themselves from psychic energy as they are an innately empathetic. Being the last house of the Zodiac, the Pisces is all about uncovering the unknown.

There is no limit to the number of videos on YouTube that will tell you all about the Piscean.

I was born in the Chinese’s year of the Rooster. (Nope Kallan, I’m not making that up)

Generally roosters are generally healthy but can become stressed moody when they take on too much.  They are hardworking and highly motivated.  They can be bossy and have a “tell it like it is” approach.  They are motivated by success and are very detail orientated. 

Roosters have a tendency to be quite at times and moody at others.  There’s really no way to predict their moods which change often.  Roosters love color and often dress flamboyantly.  Roosters abhor dishonesty and will not tolerate or be a part of any type of deception.  They find it difficult to keep secrets for surprise parties!

So?  What’s your sign?

Namaste & Blessed Be
