So many have asked me about my wire weaving. They ask, how do you do that? Have you ever thought of teaching a class?? How about a tutorial? Can you make a tutorial??
Well, I decided that I would do a quick intro series on what I call Wire Theory. Basically I'm not going to sit down and write out exactly how to make one specific piece. I think we can safely say there are plenty of people out there who do that.
You will learn the skills to create something like this carnelian piece that sold literally ten minutes after I finished it.

What I find most lacking in the tutorials available today is the theory behind the piece. What do you do when the wires are too short? What do you do when you don't have the right bead? How do you make something without a tutorial?? I'm going to fill that gap for you. My tutorials will be written in such a way to provide you with the gentle nudge you may be looking for to get started in become a Wire Jewelry Creator instead of a Wire Jewelry Replicator. My tutorials also come with support. At any time you have a question, or just want to chat about wire weaving, share your work or ask a question you can pop into the Facebook group and leave a message there or message my FB Page. I'll do my best to respond as quickly and as fully as possible. I've uploaded 4 PDFs and one Introduction file to the website and you can find them here.
Also in celebration of 38 years of LGBT Pride Parades I've added a coupon code for the month of June, LGBT Pride month. For all orders over $100 you can apply the PRIDE38 coupon code to get 38% off your total purchase. I've excluded the tutorials but everything else is fair game. EVEN items on sale!
So that's what's going on right now. Tons of stuff. Lots of pretties on the website, festivals coming up. So much to do. I really hope you all have a wonderful month. Remember to share your pretties on the Facebook page. I'd love to see what you're working on!