Showing posts with label protection. Show all posts

Bracelets - A Witch's View

So it has been a while since I shared some of my jewelry.  Here are some images from my most recent creation.  Hope you enjoy.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson

A Witch's View - What Makes a Home?

Because of my ability to work from home, I have the benefit of being able to avoid certain stresses. I don't worry about traffic or car problems.  The weather is generally not a concern of mine when planning my work week.

I'm also pretty lucky that I have a fantastic partner who supports my need to be creative.  He allows me the freedom and the understanding to do all the crazy things that I do.  I tend to spend a lot of time making jewelry.  I do dabble a bit into soldering but my passion is weaving the wires. It is so relaxing to me.  Recently I made a few pieces that I really loved.  I have shared them on here before and one of them is actually sold already but I can't help but share it again.

Photography and Jewelry by Renee Sosanna Olson

This piece really spoke to me.  It spoke to me about protection. While I was weaving the wires together I thought about the wrapping of the copper around the glass eye. Copper is well know for the healing properties it possesses.  I leveraged that along with the knowledge that comes from seeing clearly what is around you. The friends that are behaving as enemies or the family that is behaving as a foe. Using the eye as a way to see what you really need to see, you can open up a channel of knowledge simply by allowing the eye to see what you have been blinded to.

Many people use the adage "Home is where the heart is" , to me I'm one that doesn't give much thought to the structure that surrounds my belongings. A house is just a vessel that I use to keep my stuff from getting wet. At least it always had been.  Last year Hurricane Matthew came through and wiped out many people here in Seven Springs.  We lost our vardo, which took away our ability to travel to our events.

Flood Oct 2016 - Renee Sosanna Olson

Now we're looking at the possibility of resettling.  It leads me to ask what exactly is a home? What do we need?  We're looking for a place with protection from the elements, but also a place where we can live with like minded people.  A place that we can afford but also a place that offers protections for people like us. We want to be around people who think like we think and care like we care about those around us.

Since moving back to NC, my childhood home, I have found that being close to blood relatives does not make a place home. As many of you know I ended up caring for my mother in my home a few years ago and I have just now gotten over the negativity she brought into my life.  At the time I placed her in a nursing home my younger sister got mad at me and pretty much disowned me. This past Christmas she came to my cousin's house and broke down in tears. I have to admit I didn't feel as connected to her but I thought I would give it a try.  My birthday is next week.  She has messaged me once on Facebook since then.  I really believe if I was that big a part of her life she would have reached out a bit more.  It is something I long for, but have come to understand that we just do not have that type of relationship.

Kallan & Renee

Ideally what makes a home is a place where you are safe and cared for.  A place where you can count on those around you. A place where someone remembers your birthday or calls you just because they want to talk to you. A home is where your family is. Not blood family necessarily but those who come to your defense when you're under attack.  They offer themselves up to help you when you are down and they want to know what your day is like. Just because they love you.

Renee, Kallan & Elijah

I will be going home soon.  Our walls will change.  Our address will be different.  Our lives will be happier.  I'll need one of those little signs that says "Home Sweet Home".  And don't you worry, on the back will be a nice little eye, just to help me keep my eyes open to the world around me.

Witchy Wednesday - Protection from Harm

We have heard the old saying, "A Witch that cannot hex cannot heal."  I am a firm believer in that. Healing to me is a form of proactive protection.  We need to be able to set up wards and mirror negative energies back out to those attacking us.  This week I'm going to reference The Big Book of Practical Spells - Everyday Magic that Works by Judika Illes. I highly recommend picking up her book and supporting all of our witchy authors!

Judika has a section of this book dedicated to protection spells. From creating a magical garden of protection with dill, clover, gardenia, juniper and rose to bodyguard dream pillows you can find a good spell in this book to cover just about any situation.

The Scandinavian House Protection Amulet is one of my favorites.  Judika instructs the reader to form a cross with birch twigs, bind them with red thread and add crystals or roots to intensify the protection aspects.  Something simple and easy. - page 157

There are times however when you need to pull a bit deeper into your mojo to get those shields up.  If you have an attack from another witch or when that protection need to be from those in your own family. Along with mirroring spells and protection salts I often will use acorn magic to help keep those who should be close at a distance.  I'll share with you this week my basic protection from family spell.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

4 tea lights for the 4 directions
1 main pillar/taper candle (white) I keep this in the center of the 4 tea lights)
1 taper candle (red)
1 small jar or vessel that can be buried in the yard
Acorns with the top intact (you'll need one for each person who is attacking you)
1 raw chicken egg
1 bundle of sage
1 incense stick (Myrrh, Angelica, Cedar, Dragon's Blood, Clove, Juniper, Lotus, Sandlewood)

Use the sage to cleans the area you plan to work in.
Light the four candles from top, clockwise and recognize the directions/elements and welcome them.
If you call the quarters or request the presence of deities this is a good time to get that mojo working.
Light the center candle and focus your mind on that flame.  Welcome the magic into your body.

Take the marker and put the initials on the acorn of the person from whom you need protection. Repeat for each person on separate acorns.

Light the incense stick from the center candle and use the flame to light the red taper. Focus your energy on bringing the power of the elements, the magic of the directions and the strength of the deity/magic you called in the opening circle into this red candle.  This candle is now charged.  It is your power source.

Carefully hold the candle in one hand and then drop a single drop of red wax over the initials on each of the acorns. See yourself silencing the harm that is coming from each acorn.  Watch the wax encase the negativity being sent to you.  Focus your mind on stopping the hatred coming from its source.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

As each wax dot dries drop the acorn into the vessel you have chosen to rid yourself of this energy.

Take the egg and place it inside the vessel with the acorns and close it tight.

Close your circle as you normally would. - For me I simply reverse the process, extinguishing each candle in a counter clockwise manner and thank the elements for their presence.

The sealed jar should be taken outside and buried in a safe place and left alone.  If you can't bury the jar immediately, place it in the freezer until you can.

And that's it.  That's the best way to take care of yourself from family who is trying to harm you. I use acorns as they represent family ties and connections. The wax acts as a binding element to stop the harm from coming in and sealing it in the ground buries that connection.

Again I always believe that the best spells come from within so be willing to look up ingredients and find the right candle colors or herbs that will fit your specific situation the best.

Hope this is helpful to someone out there.  I had the feeling someone is getting some harm from their family.  Hang in there.  Protect yourself.

Witchy Wednesday - Disagreeing with Pagans

Over the last ten to twelve years I have been exposed to many types of people in the Pagan-ish community.  I say Pagan-ish because the term Pagan is often time up for dispute as to what actually is and is not Pagan.  When I use the word Pagan, I am referring to any person who has a spiritual (or magical) path outside the three major religions.  Judaism, Christianity or Islam.   To me this encompasses with Witch or Warlock as well as those following Wicca or Heathenry.  In today's instant comment world and with the anonymity of the computer screen we are able to say whatever we want with pretty much little or no regard for the person on the other side.  Be it inside or outside this community at times it is blatantly obvious that people have lost the art of debate, discussion and rebuttal.

The real problems that people have are the same that happen in face to face debate however they escalate so much more quickly online.  As a person who has been on the interest since its creation, I can say that I have see the pendulum swing widely left and right on this issue and how has centered itself in the middle of a constant state of outrage. There's usually only one emotion in online disagreements and that is complete disdain for others.  We have loss the art of debate.

The main issue I see with online debate today is that the parties to the debate fail to debate the issue or topic at hand.  Instead, they resort to the typical school yard bullying tactics of name calling. Nearly ever encounter I witness inevitably one party calls the other a troll or attacks their family or background. This is not something that Pagans don't jump on the bandwagon for either.  One person calls another a fluff bunny or attacks their path directly resulting in the No True Scotsman fallacy which spirals out of control into an assortment of cherry picking, false analogies and other faulty generalizations. 

When strong personalities come into play online discourse quickly turns into real life attacks. A simple disagreement or difference of opinion can jump directly into parties making threats to the livelihood, business or reputation of the other. A quick search on Google reveals that all too often we have plummeted to the bottom of the barrel in our need to be right, our desire to silence the opinions of others on a social media platform.

With the changes in our current political climate in the United States, there is so much to be passionate about.  Many are commenting on things that they simply just do not understand. The fail to understand what things like Religious Protection laws and will actually do to the families of  United States Citizens. Illegal immigration is a serious situation for both the individuals fleeing their own country but also to the infrastructure of the United States. We do need a strong immigration policy. We do need to allow people to believe in the deity or the option to have no deity as they see fit. We do not however need to allow people to persecute others based on their faith.  We do not need to allow illegal immigrants to be abused by employees or those who may push them into the sex trade with out the ability to reach out to us, the United States for help. There should be, and can be balance in what we say and what we do.

We have a choice to make as this year rolls on and we begin life under this new era of government. We need to have a strong look at ourselves and our values. What do we stand for?  What can we do to make the world a better place? How can we get our message our into the world without falling victim to the online hostility and rhetoric that is so prevalent today?

For the most part Pagans are pretty forgiving types of people.  Yes, that is a generalization. We want others to be happy.  We want to live and let live. We don't care what deity you follow or what magic you practice.  We are for the most part very caring loving, caring and we will fiercely defend those we feel have been wronged.  We just need to find a better way to deliver our message to the masses to ease the possibility of misunderstanding, distrust and anger.

What do you think?  What can we do to ease this season of discourse in our community today?  Is this a new thing?  Do you think people take things too seriously?  What would you do if presented with a personal attack on your livelihood after an online disagreement?

Rude or attacking comments will be deleted.


Pagan Blog Project 2013 - E is for Evil Eye

The Evil Eye is a said to be a look that causes bad luck or injury to the person who receives it.  Cultures all over the world have this belief but the strongest belief comes from the Middle East, Asia, Africa Europe and the Mediterranean.  However, today belief in the evil eye is global.  Even the island of Hawaii has it, but they call it the stink eye.

Many cultures have specific ways to ward off, or escape the evil eye ranging from handing up a blue stone, whispering prayers or drinking wine.  A common image for protection again the evil eye is below.

One of my favorite wards against the evil eye is close to another of my passions.  Heavy Metal Music.  Ronnie James Dio used a symbol called “Devil Horns” in his stage performances. 

This symbol was taken from the “Malocchio”; a hand gesture used by his grandmother to protect her from the evil eye.

In “Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey” (which I highly recommend) he discusses the origin of the gesture.

Personally, I believe that what you send out comes back to you, so those that send out things that are harmful to others should pay close attention.  I was recently contacted by someone who wanted “justice” for someone cheating on them.  I offered a gentle reminder that justice and revenge are two very separate things.

To protect myself I have a constant mirroring spell that I refresh around my property as well as keeping lots of sage on hand.  I've also been asked to create house blessing cords, which hang on door knobs and protection masks to hang on entry ways.

Pan Mask - Renee Olson - Artist

Protection Mask - Renee Olson - Artist

What’s your way to keep your home and family safe from spiritual attacks?
Namaste & Blessed Be

New Moon Rites

Today a group of us are setting aside part of our new moon rites to offer support for the friends and family of those involved in bullying.  We've created a Facebook Event for it here.

As many of you when I was a kid I experienced bullying.  I was picked on and shunned by others.  I was singled out and taunted for things that no child should even know about let alone tease others because of.  It was considered something that happens.  Just put on your big girl pants and move on.  Well, sometimes that doesn't happen.

Sometimes kids are so bullied that they believe their is no other way out of the situation and they believe, it will never EVER get better. Over the last few years I've been working with groups to help get the message out.  In my opinion one of the most moving pieces of this fight is the "Let's Get Better Project".

I want to use this time we've set aside to not only sending out protection for those currently being attacked, but also send out some healing energy for those that are the aggressors. Remember bullying comes from a position of possible self hatred. These kids that are attacking are themselves victims.

I'd like to see us pull together and create a web of positive energy across the globe in order to protect, defend and love these families.

Heather has created a spell that you're welcome to use for your ritual. Please feel free to use this or create your own as it fits best in your new moon rituals.  I'd love to hear about your rituals, or see your altar if you create something special for this event.  You can post here in comments or on the Facebook Event page.

Sending light, love and protection to those who need.

Namasta & Blessed Be

Bullying Resources
National Bullying Prevention Center

20/20 - Being Bullied To Death

Silver's Spells for Protection

Recently on I found a book called "Silver's Spells for Protection" by Silver Raven Wolf.

I've heard good and bad things about Silver's books. I did read Solitary Witch, Ultimate Book of Shadows. It was interesting and I enjoyed it. I had often wanted to pick up a couple of her other books like "To Ride the Silver a Silver Broomstick" but never got around to it.

For those interested Silver's Blog can be found here.

The protection spell book is nice. For those of us that don't write our own spells it's good to have a guide to go by. With the work I'm doing on the Columbia project I've found that it's a good idea to have a nice layer of protection for myself, my family, my home and for those participating in the magic that will help us protect our nation from becoming something less than free.

On page 13, (I'm not entirely sure she didn't plan it that way) there's a wonderful little spell for self protection. I'd like to share that with you now.

Take 3 deep breaths. Imagine a silver light flowing through your body. This is the energy of the Moon Goddess. Take 3 deep breaths and imagine a gold light flowing through your body. This is the energy of the Sun God. Take 3 deep breaths and imagine a white light flowing through your body. This is the combined energy of the Universal Life Force or Universal Love. Say the following:

“Blessed be my feet that walk the path of mystery.
Blessed be my knees that kneel at the sacred altar.
Blessed be my heart formed in beauty and love.
Blessed be my mouth that speaks the sacred names.”

Open your arms wide to reach out for protection and love. Close your arms slowly across your heart to signal that you have accepted these gifts. Then say:

“So mote it be!”

What a great way to get started. I love it. I'm looking forward to my journey though this book. I'll post some of my stops along the way and share what I find.

For now, I'm off to enjoy my Saturday. Tonight's a full moon, what a wonderful opportunity to invoke the Goddess.