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10 Minute Magic Spells to Harness Your Inner Power - A Review

Today I'm reviewing 10 Minute Magic Spells - Simple Spells & Self-Care Practices to Harness Your Inner Power by Skye Alexander.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

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Release Date: May 9, 2019
ISBN: 9781592338818

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

Starting with a review of the physical book, I will say this is a well bound book. I received a hard copy to review without a dust jacket.  The images are more like clip art in the book vs. illustrations and have a lean towards the color gold.  I like the simplicity and the directness of the images and appreciate the color scheme.  It includes a short but directed index as well as a list of resources at the end which in my opinion are key to any decent reference book.
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Src - 10 Minute Magic Spells
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Src - 10 Minute Magic Spells

This book is broken up into sections on not only the tools of the trade but also on specific spells for love, luck and happiness as well as health and well-being.  One of my favorite topics being health and well-being.  The first few chapters, on the surface appear to be quite elementary but I can say that once getting into them, I found them to be be quite deliberate and full of amazing information.  It is rare today to find a book that will try to not only share a spell or two but also provide a look inside the mind of the mystic and show just how magic is created.  Then the cursed references to "dark magic" begin.  Ah well, it can't be all the things, now can it?

I really enjoyed the sections on Mind Over Matter and found the tables provided within quite useful. Even the part on magical ethics was written well and provided a very basic understanding of the ole what goes around comes around take on life.   Part one of the book continues with information on casting circles, working with deities and the like.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Src - 10 Minute Magic Spells

Section two gets into the main part of the book, the magic spells! From using Tarot cards for love to or a talisman for success, this book offers the reader a nice list of spells to choose from.  Personally I like to add my own bit to making magic, but there is nothing wrong with using the words of another witch to get the job done. One way or another, your intention is what finishes that spell work.

Overall a really great book for a beginner and I feel the seasoned witch may like to have this on hand to pass down when the time comes. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Src - 10 Minute Magic Spells

The Practical Witch's Spell book for Love, Happiness and Success

Today I'm reviewing The Practical Witch's Spell book for Love, Happiness and Success by Cerridwen Greenleaf.


Author Links - Middle Earth Magic
Author Links - Your Magical Home
Amazon Book Link
Amazon Author Link
Good Reads Book Link
Good Reads Author Link
My Good Reads Profile
My Facebook Page

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As normal I'm going to start out with a review of the physical book.  I'm one of those people who enjoy picking up a book and flipping through the pages. E-books such as books in PDF or Kindle books just don't give me the same enjoyment as I get from holding a printed/bound book in my hands.  This book is solid. It is a hard cover with vibrant printing on the outside that entices the reader to open the cover.  The interior features a lot of illustrative art and is whimsical in nature. It also boasts of two full index pages, front and back allowing the reader to keep this book in hand for reference.

The author also added an appendix in this book which is critical for reference, in my opinion. This includes several tables on correspondences, full moon names and even a section on the Pythangorean system of numbering.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Practical Witch's Spell Book
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Practical Witch's Spell Book

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Practical Witch's Spell Book

This book is chock full of information that I believe every witch will benefit from. If you are an experienced witch and would like a fresh look at some of our old favorites or if you're a new comer to the craft, this book is for you.  It is written very simply in plain English for the novice to understand.

I loved the way the author presented the magical tips in Chapter 6 - House Magic for a Happy Home. There are several spells here for house cleansing as well as house warming. Often I sent rosemary and lavender as house warming gifts to friends and family. I am happy to see these simple spells and chants used in this book. There's even a spell to remove a haunting!  By far my favorite is the Bucks of Joy Floor Wash which includes the following spell:

Only joy is welcome here, no fear and doubt.
Spirits ill and energy dark, I cast you out!
sadness, anger, illness and doubt, I cast you out!
Welcome contentment and glee; this home is now happy and free.
Blessing to all who enter here.
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Practical Witch's Spell Book

Another sections I enjoyed was Chapter 9 - Pagan Parties and Sacred Sabbats. Those of you who follow me regularly will not be surprised by that choice.

Autumn is my favorite time of year and by far one of my favorite chapters in this book is called Lammas Day Feast, Harvesting Your Happiness. The author gives us a look at what Lammas is from a symbolic point of view and then adds some practical witchy tips including this wonderful chant.

O, ancient Lugh of the fields and farms,
We invite you here with open arms.
In this place between worlds, in flowering fields of hay,
You have brought the blessings we receive this Lammas Day.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Practical Witch's Spell Book

The author takes us on a journey from a five minute blade blessing to celebrating pagan sabbats. There are rituals and spells as well as a great index with correspondences and tables to make your magical life easier.  I think over all this is a great book for your magical library.

So now for the giveaway!   This giveaway will run for a week.  You are welcome to tweet each day to get extra points for the giveaway.  I'll make the drawing at the end of the week and contact the winner via email.  The winner will have 24 hours to reply to my email. If they do not reply with in the specified time, I will chose another winner.

If you cannot enter in the Rafflecopter link below you can also enter on my Facebook Page.

1 copy of The Practical Witch's Spell Book
1 Practical Magic Mini Book with Crystals
1 Set of blank note cards
1 Set of blank note books

Here are some pics of the items you could win!

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Practical Witch's Spell Book
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Practical Witch's Spell Book

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Practical Witch's Spell Book
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Practical Witch's Spell Book

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Practical Witch's Spell Book
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Practical Witch's Spell Book

Please note, due to rising postal fees, I cannot ship internationally. This is open to continental USA only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Free shipping to lower 48 only, US Only, Void where prohibited. Facebook, Rafflecopter, Twitter and Blogger are in no way affiliated with this offer.

Please note this are advanced copies of these books in some cases provided by the media publishing company for reviews.

The Witch's Spellbook - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Witch's Spellbook - Enchantments, Incantations, and Rituals from Around the World.

Author Website - LINK
Author Goodreads Page - LINK
My Blog FB Page - LINK
My Goodreads Page - LINK

Image result for the witch's spellbook by sarah bartlett
Book Cover
Starting with the cover of the book, my previous review made it hard for this book to keep up. Both were bound the same. The desperate need for a dust jacket was the only flaw here. The book is hard cover with excellently aligned pages and a fabric feel to the cover. On the first page (which is completely yellow) there is a tiny little voodoo doll icon in the right corner. I love this.  It set the mood for the book in my opinion. This little touch let me know this was going to be strictly a spell book.  There is a very brief introduction with about six pages on tips, tools and tricks and then BAM! We're into the magic.

The spells are broken down by category with all the usual needs. Love. Money. Home and Career. And where would we be without a section on protection, am I right?

Each page is a spell. It covers what you need for the spell, when to cast and the history behind the spell origin or source. There are references to Minoan, Roman cultures as well as astrological references and even Hecate makes an appearance. She is called upon by the epithet - Trivia.

In the section titled Career and Success

Part of the incantation reads:

"Come hither, Trivia,
Come now to the crossroads of choice
Come, having one mind with me
Draw near, and bestow grace upon my desire." 
~The Witch's Spellbook page 120

I like this book as it pulls from different paths.  Just a short 10 pages later we come upon Norse symbolism in the spell for enhanced Charisma.  The author uses Ansuz, Hagalaz, Jera, Dagaz, Mannaz, Wunjo and Inguz to pull together an incantation to sell your ideas, market your wares or increase your charisma.

Part of the incantation reads:

"Ansuz, Laguz, golds of old
Let my powers of persuasion begin to unfold
That all I say, write or desire
Will me the dreams to which I aspire.....
~The Witch's Spellbook page 130

Over all, a really informative book and one that I could see a beginner or maybe even a skilled witch look to for references across alternate paths of study.

Special thanks to Fair Winds Press for providing this book for the review.

Witchy Wednesday - Spells

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.  ~William Shakespeare ~ Macbeth

This week we're talking about spells.  Specifically banishment or binding spells.  Now some people believe that you shouldn't do magic on people without their consent and without causing harm.  I am more of the "A witch who cannot hex cannot heal" variety myself.   For today's chat I'm looking at a book called The Spells Bible by Ann-Marie Gallagher.  A small disclaimer, I don't use this book.  I'm merely using this as a reference for this blog post.  I believe that a witch should write their own spells. Sometimes you might need a little nudge to get you in the right direction but a bit of research and then let the words come from you.  I find that speaking from the heart is much better that uttering a specific set of words written by someone you never knew.  That being said, let's get started.

The banishment section of the book starts on page 366 and has an assortment of ways to get things back under control.  You can bind someone to their actions, send those energies back to the sender (my favorite) or cancel out the harm done by another.  In this case (and because it is the type of spell I do most often) we'll have a look at what this author calls the Bird's Nest Spell.

The Author's Supplies
1 charcoal disk in a fireproof dish
1 black candle 6-8 inches tall
1 white candle 6-8 inches tall
Matches or a lighter
1 teaspoon of dried juniper berries
1 intact bird's nest

I won't add the incantation here but basically the author has you repeat a phrase while running the nest through the smoke of the juniper berries and then leave the nest on your enemies porch/doorstep over night. If you're interested in the spell, I recommend using the amazon link above to pick up the book.  We should support our witchy authors.

I have one issue with this advice.  While I get that you may want your magic to be close to them, if this is a dangerous situation do you really want to be traipsing up to their house in the middle of the night leaving something on their property? My advice would be no.  Negative.  Stay far away from that.  There is plenty you can do from the safety of your own dwelling vs. rolling up on their property and putting yourself in physical danger.

Why not instead reflect that behavior back to them from your own doorstep. Mirroring is a great way to not only protect your space but also do send that magic right back where it came from.

My Supplies
4 Tea Lights
Enough Salt to circle your property
4 Apples
4 Mirrors (compacts are fine, better are mirrors with handles that you can stick in the ground)

Prepare your ritual space as you normally would (Call the quarters, call the gods, call the goddess)
Light each of the candles in the north, south, east and west directions on the ritual space
With your salt, apples and mirrors, focus on seeing your mirrors reflecting negativity away from you.

Repeat the following 3 times:

Sacred Salt
Protect my home.
Evil is stopped
Negativity is gone.

Mirror Mirror 
Reflect it back.
Stop this energy
Return this attack.

Open the circle and take your supplies outside.  (You may need an assistant)
Take the salt and use it to create a line around your property (See 1. Below)
As you get to the four corners stop and place an apple and a mirror while saying the incantation.

Once you complete the circle around the property go back inside and close the circle.

Mirror spells are a great way to protect yourself from things that may be coming to you and adding just a bit of justice back to those who may be on the prowl.  I would recommend that this be done on a full moon.  I like to use the full moon in October for this spell work.  Traditionally working with this type of magic is usually handled on the dark moon however I find the full moon to give me a bit more energy.  Remember to be mindful of your safety.  If you are in physical danger please reach out to someone you trust locally or to law enforcement for assistance.  Magic shouldn't be your only work if you are in real danger.

So there you have it.  A nice spell to take care of your space and return that negativity back to someone. If you try this feel free to drop me a note or leave a comment on how it worked for you.

1. Some of stated this is a bad idea due to the animals that may be harmed by the salt. Personally, I believe salt is needed, but you can symbolically drop the salt if you wish.

Bewitching a Witch - Casting Spells on Others

There are times in our lives when we all need a little boost of energy.  I know I do from time to time. Around the winter holidays I tend to get a little down and sometimes will post a request for others that may participate in that type of work to send a little boost my way.

The problem lies in when a witch takes it upon themselves to spell on another witch without permission.  It is never OK, in my opinion, to do magic on someone without their knowledge. That being said, I also have issues with any type of love spell or harm spell. I have enough to worry about in my life without being burdened with the return of energy from negative spell casting. My spells consist of prosperity, healing and mirroring.  I rarely do any type of binding spells either. Binding someone takes a great deal of energy.  This is something that should only be done if there is no other way to resolve a situation.

Now many look at my page and may think, your goddess is Hecate, Queen of the Witches, Mistress of Magic, Keyholder to the Crossroads, Guardian of the Underworld.  She is invoked when curses are made, how can you not do negative magic?  I didn't say I didn't do negative magic.  There may be a time when that type of magic may be called for, however for the most part I do not take part in that type of magic.

Casting spells on people without their permission is, in my opinion one of those things that get you kicked out of the "good witch's club".  Magic is a give and take of energy. Each energy sent out is returned back. When working spells, we need to be sure that we know exactly what we're working with. If I work a spell to reverse energies for a fellow witch, and they are working a spell to create a positive effect there is the chance that I could undo their magic.  Not to mention, it's just rude.

Recently a dear friend and fellow devotee of mine visited a temple and after asking permissions, said a prayer for me and had a statue blessed for me.  Just this week a package arrived in the mail.  My friend had sent me a statue of Kwan Yin, a deity related to compassion and mercy.  I was so moved by her gift.  When considering magical work for others be sure that your book and your words are in the right place.  Asking permission to do magic on a fellow witch is the right thing to do.

Pagan Blog Project 2013 - S is for Spells

A spell is defined as set of words, either written or spoken. For most of us, spells are very personal things.  We sit down with our books and being to jot down the words one at a time.  We look up correspondences to ensure that we’re calling on the correct planet or herb. 

Photo Credit  - Renee Sosanna Olson

Being a proper witch means casting spells in a proper manner.  This is something that really scares new people coming into the practice.  With wonderful authors out there creating their own spells ready for easy download or copy, it’s often very tempting for the new witch to just copy a spell and use it as their own.  When you’re working at home as a solitary using someone else’s spell may be just fine.  Using them in a ritual that is.  When sharing the work however, always cite your sources. 

I've spent a great deal of time over the last few weeks looking at different webpages and I wonder why people don’t just write their own spells.  Chants and rituals at times are repeated.  For example, I participate in the Rite of Her Sacred Fires each year.  We have set invocation that we do and for this I download the direct steps and complete it.  But the rest of the time, my spell work is my own.

The steps for writing a good spell are really very very simple. 
  • 1.       What is the purpose of your spell?
  • 2.       How will you cast your spell?

That’s it!
I know it sounds very simple.  But that’s really all there is to it.  What is the purpose of your spell?  If you identify your purpose of your spell you can then decide if this is something that requires ingredients or just the written word.  How will you cast the spell?  This will help you understand if you need music, chants or more. 
For many out there who follow the Wiccan Rede, there’s a verse in there that leads directly to spell casting:

"To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be spoke in rhyme"

This can be challenging to new witches.  Keep in mind, no one is judging you on this.  The goddess isn’t going to come down and scold you if your words don’t rhyme correctly.  Have fun with it.  Make it your own.  If it’s a serious subject, lead with your heart.  The intent is what counts.  As an exercise for yourself take a few moments each morning and just write a few lines.  I've been posting these as status messages on Facebook.  I’ll share a few here.

Betrayal destroys a heart once true,
Taking away the love within.
Curses coming from out of the blue
Turning a saint to sin.

Ego can be a monster,
If allowed to grow.
Self-esteem is a fresh green field never needing a mow.
Manage the two, with strength and grace.
Those who judge you, have no horse in the race.

It’s best not to put others on mountains high.
Judge for yourself what is right or wrong.
It only leads to a hearts long sigh,
When witnessing the fallen's swan song.

Time moves through us
As we through time
Opening and closing doors
Allowing us to sparkle and shine.

Through sleepy eyes I look at the world in awe
My heart, open and my mind steady.
I open my window and absorb the dawn
I look to the future at the ready.  

As you spend more time working on the cadence of the lines, you’ll lead more into the chants and spells.  Sometimes a chant is only one word, sometimes a spell can be a hundred words.  Just take your time and remember to speak from the heart.  All the rest is just pomp and circumstance.
Namaste & Blessed Be


Pagan Blog Project 2013 - B is for Black Magic

Black Magic is defined as using supernatural powers for the exercise of evil, to attack white magic or draw power from purely evil sources.

Synonyms: witchcraft, sorcery, magic and necromancy

As a child I remember as early as six or seven that you could indeed be a Good Witch or a Bad Witch. By the definition, even "White Witches" or "Fluffy Bunnies" are still practicing black magic.

I used to be one of those “rainbows and unicorns” (also known as fluffy bunnies) witch myself.  I believed that no matter what I should never send out anything negative or harmful to others.  I thought that I wasn't able to defend or protect myself because it would return that energy back to me times three.

This is a video I found on Youtube about fluffy bunnies or fluffy bunny witches.

Over the last few years I've had a changing view of the magical world.  I've learned that if I cast a spell to help one person get a job, I’m also casting a spell that makes another not get the job.  The universe isn't as black and white as some like to think it is.

I believe that all energy out in the universe is in balance.  Light cannot exist without dark.  If you have never been in pain, you won’t appreciate feeling good.  I think that it is important to also note that some types of things are considered black, dark or evil simply because they are not understood fully. 

Many Goddesses such as Kali, Morrighan, Cerridwen and Hecate are considered “Dark Goddesses”.  To me these Goddesses portray a strength and perseverance that is unmatched by other deities.  From being a supreme war goddess to the holder of the keys to the underworld a Dark Goddess is indeed a strong one.

I light my candles and say my chants to the Goddess Hecate.  I ask for her wisdom to guide me through my life.  I take pride in the fact that even before she called me I was already living as many of her devotees lived.  As I embraced her I've been able to strengthen many of the gifts that I felt were always there for me.

I've started calling that dark energy in to assist with issues in the lives of others.  I've seen my art grow leaps and bounds since my dedication to her.

So to me, I don’t believe there is an underlying “evil” nature to Dark Magic.  It is when done correctly even so called Black Magic has its place.  On the next dark moon, pull out your candles and embrace the darker side of life.

Namaste & Blessed Be

Pagan Blog Project 2012 - W is for Witch

W is for Witch

Noun:   A woman thought to have evil magic powers.
Verb:     (of a witch) Cast an evil spell on.

noun.  hag - sorceress - harridan - hex - beldam - enchantress
verb.  bewitch - spellbind - enchant - fascinate – charm

Many of my friends have embraced the word Witch.  Even the title of my blog shows that I too identify as the word.  However what does it really mean to be a witch?  And what do we say about ourselves when we use it?

Over my lifetime I've been in many minority categories.  I've been called a Dyke, White Trash and Witch.  As many in these groups I took these words (reappropriation) and tried to embrace them as some form of empowerment.  Recently in a discussion group I belong to we talked about reclaiming these words as a way to take away the oppression that usually goes along with them and “take back” the power that is lost when a minority is singled out and ridiculed for a particular attribute.

Even though I sit and claim to be a proud witch, one of the most hurtful times in my life was just this past year when family members used it against me.  Posting on Facebook the words, you crazy WITCH still sting like fist to the gut.  Being called names is never a good thing but when someone so close to you takes something so near and dear and stabs you with it, the pain is unbearable.

So have we really taken the word back?  Are we really better off by calling ourselves witches.  No one can really say for sure, it’s a very individual process.  I do feel good about using “Witch” as a descriptive word for myself.  I think that even though it is empowering, there is still that little one inside of us that is hurt when people attack and words that we've chosen to make us stronger can still cut deep.

So what do you think, have you claimed a derogatory word as your own and then had it come back to bite you?  I’d love to hear your comments.

Until next time my pretties –

Namaste and Blessed Be

V is for Vodou


Haitian vodou is a syncretic religion practiced mainly in Haiti.   It originated in the French slave colony of Saint-Domingue in the 18th Century when the African slaves were forced into Christianity.  Vodouisants believe in a supreme being called Ioa.  The priests are usually people chosen by dead ancestors and sometimes use their powers to hurt or kill people. 

There are many forms of Vodou and each new people that practice add their own slant on the religion.  As these practitioners were Christianized their deities were made “Saints” of Catholicism for example and were still worshiped in the same way, only adding the elements of Christianity.
When looking at Vodou today we can see elements of these saints intergraded into many of the rituals. Popular culture has embraced Vodou and produced several movies that detail many of the rites of the religion.

In 1997 a movie based on John Berendt’s novel “Mid-night in the Garden of Good and Evil” set in Savannah Georgia featured a Vodou Priestess and Root Doctor named “Minerva”.  Minerva was based on a real priestess named Valerie Fennel Aiken Boles who was known to provide “work” for those that were willing to pay.  She passed away in 2009. 

Root Doctors are still alive and well and practicing today.  I have had a personal bone throwing and spent time with a wonderful Root Worker named Sister Sarah.  Working primarily in Wilson County, Sister Sarah will do a bone reading for you by appointment at a quaint little shop called “Truley Unique”.  Sister Sarah’s web store offers blessing oils ranging from blessings to protections. 

Vodou spells, Rum and dolls are the commonly known things of this fascinating religion.  I recommend taking a minute to chat with a real root worker or maybe reading up on the religion to separate fact from fiction.

Namaste and Blessed Be

New Moon Rites

Today a group of us are setting aside part of our new moon rites to offer support for the friends and family of those involved in bullying.  We've created a Facebook Event for it here.

As many of you when I was a kid I experienced bullying.  I was picked on and shunned by others.  I was singled out and taunted for things that no child should even know about let alone tease others because of.  It was considered something that happens.  Just put on your big girl pants and move on.  Well, sometimes that doesn't happen.

Sometimes kids are so bullied that they believe their is no other way out of the situation and they believe, it will never EVER get better. Over the last few years I've been working with groups to help get the message out.  In my opinion one of the most moving pieces of this fight is the "Let's Get Better Project".

I want to use this time we've set aside to not only sending out protection for those currently being attacked, but also send out some healing energy for those that are the aggressors. Remember bullying comes from a position of possible self hatred. These kids that are attacking are themselves victims.

I'd like to see us pull together and create a web of positive energy across the globe in order to protect, defend and love these families.

Heather has created a spell that you're welcome to use for your ritual. Please feel free to use this or create your own as it fits best in your new moon rituals.  I'd love to hear about your rituals, or see your altar if you create something special for this event.  You can post here in comments or on the Facebook Event page.

Sending light, love and protection to those who need.

Namasta & Blessed Be

Bullying Resources
National Bullying Prevention Center

20/20 - Being Bullied To Death

Silver's Spells for Protection

Recently on I found a book called "Silver's Spells for Protection" by Silver Raven Wolf.

I've heard good and bad things about Silver's books. I did read Solitary Witch, Ultimate Book of Shadows. It was interesting and I enjoyed it. I had often wanted to pick up a couple of her other books like "To Ride the Silver a Silver Broomstick" but never got around to it.

For those interested Silver's Blog can be found here.

The protection spell book is nice. For those of us that don't write our own spells it's good to have a guide to go by. With the work I'm doing on the Columbia project I've found that it's a good idea to have a nice layer of protection for myself, my family, my home and for those participating in the magic that will help us protect our nation from becoming something less than free.

On page 13, (I'm not entirely sure she didn't plan it that way) there's a wonderful little spell for self protection. I'd like to share that with you now.

Take 3 deep breaths. Imagine a silver light flowing through your body. This is the energy of the Moon Goddess. Take 3 deep breaths and imagine a gold light flowing through your body. This is the energy of the Sun God. Take 3 deep breaths and imagine a white light flowing through your body. This is the combined energy of the Universal Life Force or Universal Love. Say the following:

“Blessed be my feet that walk the path of mystery.
Blessed be my knees that kneel at the sacred altar.
Blessed be my heart formed in beauty and love.
Blessed be my mouth that speaks the sacred names.”

Open your arms wide to reach out for protection and love. Close your arms slowly across your heart to signal that you have accepted these gifts. Then say:

“So mote it be!”

What a great way to get started. I love it. I'm looking forward to my journey though this book. I'll post some of my stops along the way and share what I find.

For now, I'm off to enjoy my Saturday. Tonight's a full moon, what a wonderful opportunity to invoke the Goddess.

Pagan Culture is Having a Giveaway!

I went over to the Pagan Culture blog today and found that they're having a Giveaway! I love giveaways. It's such a great way to get to know the folks in the blogroll you follow.

For example I've recently listed a giveaway on Mighty Tea. It's one of my favorite Tea's in the world. So folks following me now know that I'm a tea drinker. Not something that always comes up in a blog but still a little interesting tid bit just the same.

Pagan Culture's giveaway is for a Custom Spell Kit by Kat. Generally I don't go for the spell kits because I find that spells are very personal and in my experience I've always felt more connected to spells where I put together my own components. That being said, I hopped over to Readings by Kat and was really suprised by what I saw. The photos are amazing, the kits look awesome and I really really fell in love withe the prosperity kit.

So Even if I don't win, I may splurge and get myself this awesome little kit from Kat.

Namaste & Blessed Be