Showing posts with label wreath. Show all posts

Pagan Blog Project – W is for Wreath

W is for Wreath

1. Something intertwined or arranged in a circular shape: as
   a : a band of intertwined flowers or leaves worn as a mark of honor or victory
      : garland <a laurel wreath>
   b : a decorative arrangement of foliage or flowers on a circular base <a Christmas wreath>
2. Something having a circular or coiling form <a wreath of smoke>

The history of the wreath is pretty interesting.  Wreaths originated in ancient Greece and Rome where members of that society would hand make ring shaped wreaths out of leaves, twigs and flowers.  These wreaths would we worn on the head and would usually represent the wearers position or status in the society.  Laurel wreaths were used to crown the winners of the Olympic Games.  The word wreath comes from the Greek word diadema which means a thing bound around. 

Today we have wreaths all year around, but traditionally wreaths were kept for Christmas.  There’s even a school of thought that says that Christians invented wreaths 1,000 years before Christ was born as a way to show the struggle of life through the winter months.

A quick search on Google will give you all sorts of wreaths.  From pine to dried willow wreaths can and are used to celebrate each of the seasonal holidays around the world.  Personally I prefer to have multipurpose wreaths that can do dual duty when it comes time to decorating.  And I've been known to dabble a bit in wreath making.  So when I get the itching for a new wreath I simply open up my closet and Voila!  New wreaths abound.

To date I've had several special order wreaths, which I gladly pack and ship around the US.

One of my Samhain Wreaths graces the doorstep at Mermaid Mansion and is owned by the lovely Mermaid Morrigan.


Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Known for her deep love of everything “Wreath” I've even had several of my lovely wreaths end up in the humble abode of the lovely Kallan Kennedy.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

(Notice the Spider in Steeler colors)

A few of my favorite wreaths include this wonderful idea I had of a wreath that covers the entire year.  So looking at this photo you can see that my “Wheel of the Year” wreath actually starts at Yule on the top of the wheel and circles all the way around, stopping on each season with a flower, decoration or fruit that represents that particular season.  

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Olson
I've got some with skulls for Samhain and Sunflowers for Litha, I've even got small butterflies and buttercups for Imbolc.  I always recycle my wreaths so each is made from parts of other wreaths or flower arrangements in order to help lessen our carbon foot print on this wonderful planet.

So in a way, my wreaths are not only circles abound or show the wheel of our seasons circling around them, they also represent our need to recycle, and re-purpose items in order to keep this lovely Earth a healthy happy place for us to live.

Here are a few of my other wreaths that I've created.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

If you’re interested in your own Wheel of the Year wreath or a custom wreath please feel free to contact me directly, or click on the tab at the top of the page to see my Esty shop.

Namaste and Blessed Be

Samhain's Sirens Blog Project & NaBloWriMo

Good Morning Everyone!!

This is going to be a very very busy month.  I've got a lot of stuff going on. First, I'm extremely pleased to announce that I am participating in the Samhain's Sirens Blog Project and Giveaway.

Over the next 31 days you'll be presented with informative, fun and amazing blog posts from our very on Samhain's Sirens.  We will be delivering messages related to our personal views on Samhain, Halloween and all things in-between.

I am your Crafty Siren and will be sharing all sorts of amazing craft ideas for this wonderful season as well as some great stuff around the Goddess Hecate.  Head over to our Samhain's Siren Blog for the info!

Remember to take  part in the give away complete all the steps necessary to qualify.  Following blogs, tweeting entries and sharing on Facebook will help you rack up the entries and qualify for some great stuff!

Next, I'm also taking part in the NaBloWriMo.  Thirty-one days of blogging madness.  This is the first year I've participated in this so I'm looking forward to it.

I'm hoping to stick to this schedule

Monday Memories - Stuff thought out my life
Talented Tuesday - Things I think are amazingly talented.  Music Art and so on.
Witchy Wednesday - What would October be like w/o Witchy stuff!
Thursday Tirade - Stuff that just ticks me off
Friday - Pagan Blog Project Post
Saturday - Samhain's Sirens' Saturday Craft-tacular
Sunday Shelter - Networking Pets that are looking for homes

Looking forward to an amazing month!

Namaste & Blessed Be

My Week Off

Wow... so it's been a crazy week off. I spent a lot of time working on things for the Wilson Pagan's group. I put together some content for their magazine, folded some flyers and ended up taking a "friend" out for reading with Sister Sarah at Truely Unique.

Sarah never fails to amaze me. So unassuming when you walk in but such wisdom pours forward from her readings. My "Friend" was amazed by how accurate the reading was and how much she got from it. I am pleased that I was able to help her get out there to visit with Sister Sarah. She learned a great deal from here and I highly recommend her for her for all your HooDoo needs. You can always reach her by email here.

I also worked on two Samhain wreaths this week. One whimsical and one more serious.

Next I worked on the family tree a bit again. I was contacted by my hubby's 2nd cousin that offered us some photos of his Great Great Grand Parents. Both a rather serious looking couple.

Next thing I did was work my tush off. The week before I took vacation hubby and I had been watching the show "Hoarders" on Hulu. Well that was enough to get us out there to clean up that shed finally. It's now nice and clean and ready for the bike to sit there this winter.

We had one of our rescues returned to us early in the week. Ginger who we placed with a family as a pet for their daughter ended up taking to the mother instead of the daughter and they felt that that just wasn't right, so now she's back here looking for another home. If you know anyone that would like to have a slightly timid but well mannered little chihuahua just reach out to me and let me know. Ginger is up to date on shots but however still needs to be altered.
Here's a pic of the little girl.

I've been working with the Hail Columbia Group to get awareness out there about the DC-40/51 initiative that Cindy Jacobs and Rick Perry have allied themselves with. We have several Coordinators and Facebook Pages for some of the States now but can always use more help. If you can help head over to the Coordinator page and volunteer to support a state. I've started up the North Carolina page with the assistance of my co-coordinator Heather Mauldin. Come on over there and keep up to date on some of the suggested rites or circles to send out positive energy to help keep our religious freedoms intact. We also take suggestions like this great idea that was submitted by a fellow pagan.

I've teamed up with the Wilson Pagan group to see if we can have some meditations or some sort of focused energy at one of the up coming events for that very purpose. You don't have to join a group to help out, each Tuesday night at 9:50 pm in your own time zone, set aside a space on your altar or where ever you feel fits best and send out some positive energies for our first amendment.

And lastly, hubby found a part time job. Thanks to all those out there that have been lighting candles and sending me mojo bag spells to help him find a job. It's not the one he really wanted, and we won't be millionaires but you know sometimes things that start out looking like "Tin" might turn out to be "Gold" later on.

Namaste and Blessed Be

Wheel of the Year - Wreath

My prized piece, Wheel of the Year is finally complete.

I spent the time this weekend collecting the items that I needed and arranging them with care around a grapevine wreath. The artificial flowers are recycled. At some point I'd love to be able to dry my own flowers from my garden and use them in a wreath but for now. These will have to do.

This wreath is 24inches across all natural grapevine with an assembled star in the center painted with gold paint and covered in grapevine. This is the largest size wreath I make.

So there it is. Finally complete. This piece was created for Rachel Riggs of "Silver Stars" in Fayetteville NC.

I'll be working on a Samhain Wreath next. One this same size and one the traditional door size. If you're interested in getting a wreath, I do sometimes make extras. For example I have two door size Yule Wreaths currently available.

Generally all of my wreaths tend to be custom work and I make them for the individual requesting it. Please feel free to email me with any questions or requests.

Happy Monday!

Namaste & Blessed Be

You, Me & Religion Interview

Just wanted to share my interview with the website "You, Me & Religion" Interview.

You can find it here.

I was very excited back in March when I got an email asking me to participate in this web site. A lot has changed in my life since then. As many of you know we no longer breed Chihauhaus and Hubby is looking to get back into the corporate world.

He's been applying for jobs all over the US but something interesting happened today. Today was my Grandmother's 96th birthday. She pretty much raised me until I was 5 or 6. She was talking to me today and I couldn't hear her so I leaned in to listen. She said, Did he find a job? I said, no grandma not yet. She reached out and grabbed my arm and said "I don't want you'all to move". I nearly cried.

Happy Birthday Grandma

So today, has been a big day. I sold four of my Pagan Wreaths that can now be found at Silver Star's in Fayetteville. I was published on You, Me & Religion and I found out just how very important I am to a little ole 96 year old lady in Hood Swamp NC.

It's so nice to be loved.

Please take a moment and tell those in your life how much they mean to you.

Namaste & Blessed Be


Scrying - Wrap Up

Welp It's been a while since I blogged about the scrying. What have I learned?

I have no patience. I have very little attention span and I get bored really easily.

I spent a few hours, not many, trying to figure out how it all worked. Reading was fine and I enjoyed that but when it came down to actually finding the time to "STOP" moving and sit down to do the work, I failed miserably.

So, I'm not a scryer. I tried the mirror, which according to Hubby I had limited success with. I was able to answer a few of his questions with something that he had asked with something that seemed to form an answer anyway. It was really very hazy to me, nothing solid.

I then tried my lovely crystal ball from Pagan Stuff Cheap. It looks great! And probably works great too, for someone who will sit down and do it. I couldn't really see anything in the crystal. It does look fabulous on my alter tho.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

So I believe that my calling may not be necessarily related to divination, perhaps I'm more of a crafty witch. I've been working on my wreaths lately and finished quite a few of them. Along with Hubby's wands and dream-catchers; I think we have the Pagan decorating down to a science.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

You can see more of my crafty wares here in this Facebook Album. I do make crocheted afghans, quilts, dog blankets, baby blankets and all sorts of other things for sale. I will also custom make items, if you'd like a wreath/blanket with a specific color scheme or what have you. I do not have an Etsy shop, so I just use email and Paypal for purchasing.

Feel free to contact me if you'd like to buy any of these items.

Till next time...

Namaste & Blessed Be