I have no patience. I have very little attention span and I get bored really easily.
I spent a few hours, not many, trying to figure out how it all worked. Reading was fine and I enjoyed that but when it came down to actually finding the time to "STOP" moving and sit down to do the work, I failed miserably.
So, I'm not a scryer. I tried the mirror, which according to Hubby I had limited success with. I was able to answer a few of his questions with something that he had asked with something that seemed to form an answer anyway. It was really very hazy to me, nothing solid.
I then tried my lovely crystal ball from Pagan Stuff Cheap. It looks great! And probably works great too, for someone who will sit down and do it. I couldn't really see anything in the crystal. It does look fabulous on my alter tho.
Photo Credit - Renee Olson |
So I believe that my calling may not be necessarily related to divination, perhaps I'm more of a crafty witch. I've been working on my wreaths lately and finished quite a few of them. Along with Hubby's wands and dream-catchers; I think we have the Pagan decorating down to a science.
Photo Credit - Renee Olson |
You can see more of my crafty wares here in this Facebook Album. I do make crocheted afghans, quilts, dog blankets, baby blankets and all sorts of other things for sale. I will also custom make items, if you'd like a wreath/blanket with a specific color scheme or what have you. I do not have an Etsy shop, so I just use email and Paypal for purchasing.
Feel free to contact me if you'd like to buy any of these items.
Till next time...
Namaste & Blessed Be
Your wreaths are gorgeous! I'll have to keep that in mind for the upcoming holiday season.
Thanks so much for your comment, please be sure to let me know ahead of time if you need one for a specific season. I use recycled materials and cleanse them by the full moon so at least a month a head would be great. I currently just sold all my 8 and 12 inch wreaths so I only have the 16's available. I can make them custom if needed just email me. I have one spring and 2 winter 16 inches available http://on.fb.me/ppPvXM
Thanks again for your comment!
Blessed Be
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