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In Focus - Divination - A Review

 Today I'm reviewing - "In Focus: Divination" by Steven Bright.

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  • Release Date - November 30, 2021

I'll begin with the physical book.  I have reviewed other books in the In Focus series from Quarto Knows and they are all well made.  This hardcover edition comes with a lovely cover design as well as a 18X24 inch wall chart. It is full of illustrations and charts that provide a great deal of information, however I felt the font could be just a little larger on the title page. This book offers an well organized index, giving readers the ability to find information based on divination method or by object.

I have read several books based on divination.  Each had the typical methods that we all know. Mirror scrying, palmistry or firemancy to name a few.  This book delves off the beaten path by offering some methods that I had not heard of.  While including such topics as Tea Leaf Reading, Elder Futhark Runes, Reading colors and the I Ching; the author also includes some interesting chapters that I'll go into below.

Witches Runes - Based on incomplete text from the middle east, witches runes are said to be thirteen images that held power for the people of those times. According to the book, these runes are easier to read than some other types of runes based on their basic shapes and their limited number. The sun for example is a simple line drawing of the sun.  The same is the case for the star, the moon and the crossroads. The author provides a table with the runes and corresponding interpretations when the runes appear in pairs.  A pull of the man rune and the moon rune is said to indicate a secretive male.

Reading Shells - (Conhomancy) This type of divination is used around the world and according to this book they are central in practices originating in West Africa and is used in Santeria, Umbanda and Candomble religions. The author instructs the reader on how to choose a shell, the shapes and styles of shells and then breaks down each.  An Abalone for example is associated with peace, love and compassion. The way the shell falls can indicate its meaning, the dull side up would be a lack of these qualities, while shiny side up would be an abundance. 

Reading Flowers - (Floromancy) This type of divination is typically a handed down tradition kept within families with hand drawn images and meanings that are then interpreted by the reader with their own experiences added.  Some flowers have a widely accepted meaning that goes outside the magical community such as the red rose as being a symbol of love while the yellow a symbol for friendship.  The divination beings with the practitioner placing a group of flowers in a vase or on a table and the client picks one using their own intuition.  The reading is delivered based on the meaning of the flower chosen. Though typically meanings are kept within the practitioners lineage, the author has provided a simple chart with a list of flowers and their meanings for the reader. Gardenia equates to secret love, yellow carnation to rejection and the daisy to innocence or hope.  The author goes on to outline the parts of the flower and their meaning and give a detailed overview of flower scrying.  Over all one of the most interesting chapters for me in this book.

This book comes with so much more information. With over fourteen chapters, the author takes us on a journey of divination from around the world. PLUS a huge wall chart included!  I found it to be informative and entertaining. I believe this would be a great book for even the most experienced diviner as it offers a look into some not so common methods.  I highly recommend taking the time to check out this book.



In Focus - Reiki - Your Personal Guide - A Review

Today I'm reviewing  In Focus - Reiki - Your Personal Guide by Des Hynes.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Author Links - Link
Amazon Book Link
Good Reads Book Link
Good Reads Author Link
My Good Reads Profile
My Facebook Page

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

I'll being with a review of the physical book.  Overall a good sized book to toss in a bag or backpack for reading on the go.  The cover is vibrant and colorful.  The book includes a set of oversize cards in an envelope in the back cover that review the principals of Reiki.  Over the years my work with Reiki, I have always kept a copy of the principals near where I can see them each day.  Even if you do not work with Reiki, I find these to be a way to lift the spirit and help you manage a stressful day.

This book is dedicated to healing and after the brief introduction at the beginning the author delves directly into getting the reader up to speed on its fundamental use for this practice.  Each chapter address specific areas of focus such as Common Causes of Illness as the very first chapter and then broadens into understand self healing from the physical to the spiritual realm.

Chapter four takes us directly into self healing. I mean we can't love anyone else if we can't love ourselves, right?

While providing the steps for us to work to find the KI within ourselves this book offers meditations, mantras as well as tips and tricks to keep us on track in our Reiki practice.  The author even provides personal stories called out to help us understand the process and fully come into our own as Reiki practitioners.

The chapter on healing others includes detailed illustrations to show exactly where each position would be and how we should be providing the connection to our clients be they adult, children or our furry friends.  The principals of Reiki are amazing to me.  I love the fact that we only deal in the here and the now.  Just for today, I will let go of anger.  We're not worried about the past, the past is gone. We're not worried about the future, it isn't here yet.  Just for right now, right now I will let go of worry.  We can bring these principals into all aspects of our lives as we even address doing our work honestly, just for today.   While all are important the fifth, resonates with me on a personal level.  Today I will be kind to every living creature.  To me this speaks directly to not only the pets I have in my home but to what food I eat or what car I drive.  I am vegan so I do my best not to harm any living creatures to the best of my ability.  After all, how can you have a calm, centered life, if you are feeding on the suffering of others.  No matter how big or small those others might be.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

The author continues with sections dedicated to the chakras and auras leading directly into angles and guides. While maybe not the go to for everyone, I found these sections to be highly enlightening and worth the time to read, even if you do not agree with specific language of the text.  For example, some may not wish to work with angels due to their Christian influence however, I do not believe that it is necessary to always associate angels with a specific religion or deity.

Photo Credit  - Renee Sosanna Olson

This book is filled with grids, inspirational quotes and antidotes as well as direct process for cleansing auras.  Overall this is a great book for the beginner and offers some new ways of looking at Reiki for the seasoned pro. The addition of the cards in the back are a great way to focus on specific principals at a glance and still benefit from the authors experience with the subject.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

In Focus - Astrology - Your Personal Guide - A Review

Today I'm reviewing another book from the In Focus series from WellFleet Press called Astrology Your Personal Guide by Sasha Fenton 

Photo Credit - Cover

WellFleet Facebook Page
Sasha Fenton Web Page
Book - Publisher Page
Author -  Good Reads - Page
Book - Good Reads  - Page
My - Good Reads - Page
Release Date - July 31, 2018

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 12 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

Each book I have in this series has the same high quality hard cover and is filled with great images. As a bonus each one has a pocked in the back that contains either a set of cards or a full color poster related to the topic of the book.  This one in particular has a huge single sided color poster with  the sun signs in a list and several tables related to the qualities, genders and elements.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Astrology

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Astrology

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Astrology

We have all opened a newspaper or website to read out horoscope of the day. This book takes that simple prediction and breaks it down by elements, and puts it all together.  Each sign is broken down in to common attributes, gender, symbols and ruling planet.  But taken a step further the author includes astrological houses, moon signs as well was rising and falling signs. I particularity like the way the author used famous people in the natal and event charts in the book.  You'll find familiar names like Tom Hanks, Jimmi Hendrix, Joan Collins and JFK to name a few.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Astrology

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Astrology

This is a great reference book as well.  It is packed with tables, charts and other reference materials that would make it a great on the go book for any reader or medium to keep handy.   All and all, I believe this is a well written, easy to understand and excellent resource for those beginning their journey or looking to have a quick go to reference book in their possession.

In Focus - Meditation - Your Personal Guide - A Review

I'm reviewing a few books from the "In Focus" series from Wellfleet Press.  The first is called In Focus Meditation - Your Personal Guide by Jacqueline Towers.

Book cover

WellFleet Facebook Page
Book - Publisher Page
Author -  Good Reads - Page
Book - Good Reads  - Page
My - Good Reads - Page
Release Date - July 31, 2018

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 12 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

Along with the other books I have reviewed in this series the publisher has produced a sturdy and well made book.  So many try to change the covers with specialized paper types or make the pages uneven to add some sort of character to the book.  To me, the best book has a solid spine, a strong cover and well aligned pages. This books meets all those requirements and more.  Like the other offerings in this series the book comes with several large meditation cards stored in the back of the book. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Meditation

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Meditation

The author takes us on a journey through meditation with stops along way to enlighten and even introduce new ways that meditation can and is used in various ways.  Sprinkled throughout the book are an assortment of quotes. From Bill Gates to Buddha you'll find something that resonates with your perspective here.   The author covers Mindfulness, Transcendental Meditation and Qi Gong just to name a few.  Mindfulness is my personal favorite.

The author covers several tools that can be used for meditation over several chapters including sounds, and meditative music as well as scents int he form of sprays, candles and essential oils.   Opening up the mind for determination and confidence for example is achieved by adding cedar wood to the room. Use lemon for clarity and bergamot as an antidepressant. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Meditation

Chapter five takes us through the Chakras with focus on opening, closing, cleansing and balancing. Taking the time to work with each chakra focusing on what the feeling should be as you refresh your approach to dealing with the world around you by centering and becoming present.  The author takes us through each step and provides a quick reference guide on what we should feel as we pass through each level.

One of the best known impacts of meditation is stress relief.  On page 71 the author tells us about creating a circle of confidence.  Creating this space to go back to when we need to refresh our view. For many years (and still today) I use a visualization called "Circle of Control" when I begin to feel anxious about something.  I see my circle of control, inside this circle are all the things in my life that I can control. I look at what the source of my anxiety is and see if it fits within that circle.  If it does not, I have to let it go.  I cannot focus on or attempt to control something that is outside the circle. I have found this to be a great way to focus only on those things that I can actually change and let the rest reside outside the circle and have less of an impact on my day to day life.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Meditation

My favorite part of this book is chapter 12.  Psychic Techniques.  I am a reader.  I use my gift to provide answers to my clients about their health or personal relationships.  In a sense being a conduit for discovering what is hidden from their view.  Meditation, separating yourself from the static noise of the modern world, allows these messages to come through more clearly. The author gives several types of techniques for the reader to try including psychometric, ribbon reading and flower reading.  My reading (Psychometry) of photos tends to take others by surprise at my accuracy and even the ability to spot when I'm being tested.  Once you hone your skill at reading you'll find that you're able to connect pretty easily and meditation only adds fuel to the proverbial fire. 

Overall this is a well written, easy to read book.  The author does a great job explaining the subject matter and the quotes are interesting.  I had not seen a book that takes meditation into the metaphysical world quite so directly and I think that any reader would benefit from sitting down with a nice cup of tea and diving right in.