A haunting is usually a replay of something from the
past. Most hauntings are residual
hauntings. Meaning one moment in time
gets replayed over and over. One example
of this might be of a farmer going outside to milk cows. Usually it is something that the person did
in their life over and over, and it’s like the needle is stuck on replay.
When we started to remodel our carport to turn it into a
kennel building for our dogs, hubby and I experienced a lot of residual
paranormal activity. On several separate
occasions hubby saw an older gentleman walking first into the closet, which we
used to store yard tools, then out the back door into the yard. When I saw him, he was usually walking around
in the back yard, wearing a blue baseball cap.
He never noticed us and seemed to be going about his daily chores. The idea of residual hauntings is much like
the “Stone Tape” theory. Basically it means that the surroundings,
trees, rocks and even buildings record the energy of an event, and under
certain circumstances the brain can pick up these “tapped incidents” and the
eyes see them. When dealing with a
residual haunting, the ghost or entity will not interact with the outside
world. It simply walks or moves through
the paces of a previously completed pattern.
Now, at the same time, you can also have what is called an intelligent haunting. Intelligent
haunts are those which the energy or entity actually interacts with the living
world. This can range from knocking
things off a shelf to having responses to questions. I have had three incidents where I interacted
with the energy here.
The first time was when we first moved into our
bedroom. The end of my hall way seems to
be the source of the energy. I almost
feel as though it is a conduit for the paranormal energy coming into and going
out of the house. On each side of the
end of the hallway are doors. One leads
out offices and the other to our bedroom.
Originally when we set up the bedroom we had the head of the bed against
that wall, with the foot facing east. At
night when I’d lay down, I’d feel a face come around the corner from the end of
the hall and stare right into my face in a silent scream. It became so worrisome that I had to move the
bed to the opposite side of the room.
Now my head is pointing towards the east and the foot of my bed to the
west in the direction of the door.
The next time I was sitting in the Kitchen and was doing
research on the lady (Mrs. Mantha Rose) who owned the house before me. She passed away and her family put the house
up for sale. I was reading her obituary
in the local paper archives when I felt a presence in the room. As I was reading her obituary
out loud, I looked over my shoulder and there was a man standing by the
pantry. I said the first name Perry
Brock and the entity shook his head no.
I then read Thurman Rose and he nodded in the affirmative and
The final time I was sitting in my office working and I
heard a loud crash from our bedroom. I
went inside the room and found my jewelry box flipped neatly upside down on the
floor in front of the bed. It had been
sitting on the dresser. It have flown
3-4 feet through the air and landed with open face down on the floor. I started to pick my stuff up and I noticed
that hubby’s mother’s ring was on the floor behind the bed. It was a good 2 feet farther away than the
rest of the contents of the box. When I
began putting my stuff back in the box I noticed that my amethyst crystal had
shattered completely. I've often felt
the presence of energy here in the house and have come to accept that others
may live here and it is OK.
Today I have my ancestor alter set up with photos of those
who have passed. I've included the ring
that was tossed behind the bed, just to see if there is some energy associated
it with.
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Photo Credit - Renee Olson |
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Photo Credit - Renee Olson |
I make offerings to the dead on
Samhain and pay my respects throughout the year. I completely believe that hauntings are a
real thing and usually aren't something to be afraid of.
& Blessed Be
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