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The Gift of Reading

 Have you ever wondered if there are people who can see things that others cannot? People who can see injuries in the body or pain that others are in? These people are called photo readers and clairvoyants.

Photo readers can see injuries and pain in photos or other types of information. They can see the injuries as energy and often feel the person's pain or sometimes sense infidelity or deception.

 Clairvoyants are people who can see things that are not physically present. They can see people's auras and often see injuries and pain in the aura.

The concept of auras has been around for centuries. It is mentioned in many ancient cultures, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. In the Western world, the study of auras was popularized by the work of Rudolf Steiner, a German philosopher and educator.

Some people believe they can see auras naturally, while others believe it takes training to develop this ability. There are many different methods for seeing auras, but some of the most common include:

Meditation: Some people believe meditation can help open the third eye, the chakra associated with clairvoyance.

Crystal gazing: Gazing into a crystal ball is said to help to reveal the auras of people around you.

Kirlian photography: Kirlian photography is a technique that uses high-voltage electricity to create images of auras.

The colors of auras are associated with different aspects of a person's being. For example, red is often associated with physical energy, while blue is associated with spirituality. However, the interpretation of aura colors can vary depending on the individual. Some people believe that auras are an important part of our overall well-being. They believe that auras can help us to understand ourselves better and that they can also help us to connect with others on a deeper level.

I am a photo reader and clairvoyant, and my gift is connected to Hecate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft. Hecate is also the goddess of knowledge and is said to be able to see things that others cannot. My gift is a manifestation of Hecate's gift of knowledge. I have even helped locate missing dogs.

I have seen injuries and pain in photos since my early 20s. I would often see injured people in photos and feel their pain. I didn't understand what was happening initially, but I learned I had a gift as I got older. I have used my gift to help people in many ways. I have helped people to find the medical care that they need, and I have also helped people to cope with their pain and suffering. My gift is a blessing, and I am grateful to use it to help others.

As people become more open to psychic abilities, there will be greater demand for photo readers and clairvoyants. Photo readers and clairvoyants will play a greater role in the medical field, helping doctors to diagnose illnesses and injuries.

Do you feel you have the gift?  What can you do to help improve?

  • Meditate regularly. Meditation can help open the third eye, the chakra associated with clairvoyance. There are many different types of meditation, so find one that works for you and stick with it.
  • Practice seeing auras with your eyes closed. This can help you to focus on the energy field around the person rather than the physical body.
  • Use crystals. Some people believe that crystals can help to enhance your ability to see auras. You can hold a crystal in your hand while you are meditating, or you can place it on the person's forehead.
  • Take classes or workshops. Many people offer classes or workshops on how to see auras. This can be a great way to learn from experienced practitioners and to get feedback on your own progress.
  • Be patient. It takes time and practice to develop the ability to see auras. Keep going even if you don't see anything at first. Just keep practicing, and you will eventually see results.

Here are some additional tips that may help you to improve your skill in seeing auras:

  • Pay attention to your intuition. Oftentimes, you may get a gut feeling or a sense that you are picking up on something. Pay attention to these feelings and see if you can identify them.
  • Be open-minded. It is important to be open to the possibility that auras exist. If you are skeptical, you will be less likely to be able to see them.
  • Trust yourself. If you think you see an aura, don't second-guess yourself. Just trust your intuition and go with it.

As a psychic, psychic readings, aura readings, and divination practices can be powerful tool for self-awareness, healing, and guidance. I have seen firsthand how these practices can help people to connect with their intuition, to understand their past, present, and future, and make better decisions.

I understand that not everyone is open to psychic abilities, but there is no harm in exploring these practices if you are curious. If you want to learn more about psychic readings, aura readings, and divination practices, please research on your own. There are many resources available online and in libraries. You can also talk to other people who have these abilities, and they can offer you some guidance.

Everyone has the potential to develop their psychic abilities. If you are open to the possibility, I encourage you to explore your own intuition and see what you can discover.
Thank you for reading!

Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson🔮
Keybearer to the Covenant of Hekate🗝
Founder of the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo🔥

Rolling with the Punches

 It has been an amazing few months. So many things have changes.  My profession (mundane) life has begun a new journey. I'm working on a few new prospects for my career and finding that things are not always as they seem.  After renewal of some certifications and putting myself out there, I have landed a better role and looking forward to how it will grow as I move forward.

I've also begun sharing my WFPB journey in a FB Group. My goal here is to share information to those interested on how to work through the struggles of eating out, grocery shopping and answering the questions of those around me as to what WFPB is and how to be successful at it. 

I still struggle with these last 11-15 pounds that just won't drop, but I do want to share with others that I have lost 130 pounds of excess body weight.  With that loss, I also lost my diabetes, my fibromyalgia and all of my prescription drugs. This led me to where I am today with mental clarity, patience and understanding for my fellow earthlings on this planet.

I've also started sharing some of my work from my shop page on TikTok.  I'm working on exploring my creativity in this new venue.  I hope you'll come by and follow me for the random, weird and sometimes cool things that I have going on in my life.

On my magical front, I've been working on Empath Empowerment workshops on my FB page. I'm alternating between readings for clients and offering support for those who experience the sometimes draining effects of dealing with being empathic. I look forward to helping our community learn to ward, protect and guide themselves away from negativity and learn to cope with the influx of emotions that can sometimes come up in our lives.

My next update is that I have had my shop up for about 2 months now. Things are going very well. I have sold out of several of my products and have limited space for new clients.  If you're interested in becoming a client you can click this link to learn about my packages. From ad-hoc or single readings to a committed contract where I make myself available to you for a selected time frame, each one offers my commitment to provide you with the most reliable readings, the best information and the support you need to wade through this murky quagmire that we call life. I would love to work with you, feel free to tap the chat button at the bottom of the page or reach out by purchasing one of my readings.

Overall, life is good. We're rolling with the punches as the world changes around us. I hope that you have an amazing Samhain and if you're up for it, reach out for a reading from an ancestor.  All I need is a photo and your energy to hear the voices of those passed.



Angels and Ancestors - Seasons

 Today I'm exploring more into my new oracle deck Angels & Ancestors by Kyle Gray, art by Lily Moses. I wanted to start with a smaller part of the deck and become familiar with the it. Not just memorize the author's meaning of the cards but really fully connect with the intent of the card and what it says to me. 


Autumn is a time of shedding of the old and resting up for the renewal to come. A time when all the things around us, most notably the trees drop their own dying leaves to the ground to make way for the new buds of spring. We also sometimes need to pass off our old selves and allow it do wither away in order to revive ourselves with a burst of color and life. Holding on to the old will weigh us down, releasing that energy will allow us to change and grow.  The raven on the card indicates healing in Celtic animal medicine. When it arrives in the spread, it indicates initiation and shows us to be aware of our own needs and desires.

Spring is a time of growth. It is a time to watch our seeds sprout and allow those changes that we have put in to come to fruition. Animals are coming alive to mate for the season, our buds on the trees are alive with potential.  This is a time to bring our new ideas and inspiration. Opportunities, abundance and growth are afoot when this card comes up in a spread. The card shows the fertile wild hare which in Celtic animal medicine indicates intuition and rebirth. The arrival of the hare can bring dreams into reality.

Summer is a time to bask in the warm glow of the sun. To feel the energy and power of the sun light and allow personal endeavors blossom. Get out into world and feel a connection to the planet. This is a great time to use that extra energy of the sun to create new things or further a project that needs a little push of creativity. This card showcases a honey bee, wings spread with amber honey combs around it. The honey bee is said to be a messenger between our world and the spirit world in Celtic mythology. When the summer card reveals itself in a spread look for messages that may be coming from the spirit world regarding clarity, change and opportunity.

Winter is a time when we stay close to home and care for ourselves. It is the dark time, when the sun is scarce in the sky and our minds move to making sure our basic necessities are met. We take care of what we need and then move forward. It is a time or retreat and hibernation. This card features the image of a wolf, cross seasonal, solitary yet pack orientated and strong.  Wolf medicine teaches us when we may need to stay together or go at it alone. When the winter card appears in our spread it tells us to move ahead of fears. While we want to move out of the dark, we need to become comfortable with the unknown and remember that we have light coming.  

So this is an introduction to the Season cards in the Angels and Ancestors Oracle deck. I found it to be a good experience sitting with just the four cards and learning about them. I really liked the connection this has to Celtic animal medicine. My sister does Celtic totem readings and you can find her at her page Bone Songs on Facebook.  

I hope you found this useful and thank you for helping me explore and connect with this deck while adding my energy and intuition to the Angels and Ancestors Oracle.



Everyday Offerings - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Everyday Offerings by Lea Redmond

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Release Date 3/12/2019

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an contemporary witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need to search for a creator. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 16 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

I decided to take a different approach to this book.  For the next seven days I'll follow the direction of this book and select a page.  I'll post what the image is and we can have a quick chat about it.  The entire week will be in one post.  I'll close with a final review.

Day 1

Receive - The card shows a snowflake in the right hand and the word receive in the left.

When I see the snowflake, I immediately think limited or losing. As a snowflake melts away when the sun shines upon it. It says to me that the things we receive, the gifts from our hard work or twists of fate. My mind says, be thankful; be appreciative.

Day 2

Harvest - The card shows two carrots on the right hand and the word harvest on the left.

To me the opened hands show grace, or thanks, giving to others. When I see the word harvest I think of plenty, the time of the year when we bring in the fruits of our labor and then prepare for the winter time or the time of loss.

My mind says, be thankful, be appreciative.

Day 3

Begin - The card shows an opened seed pod and a seedling on the right hand and the word begin on the left.  Looking at the card I see the message hope.  To me seedlings are  the ultimate beginning. It makes me courageous for the path I'm walking today.  I feel independent and strong.

My mind says, be hopeful, be positive.

Day 4

Pick a Good One - The card shows a ripe peach in the right hand and the words - pick a good one - on the left.  When I look at this card I see the full ripeness and readiness of the peach. It is nourishment. Our lives are full of choices. we can pick the a good road or a bad. I see this as a push to do the right thing.

My mind says, do good things and good things will return.

Day 5
Indulge - The right hand is holding what looks like a chocolate and the left has the word indulge.

When I see this representation, my first thought is of course poor eating, but then I understand the world next to it. Indulge. This is when you partake of something decadent on a rare occasion. For that I can certainly agree. Take some time for yourself and reward yourself with behaviors that make you feel indulgent.

My mind says, Celebrate life occasionally. We are here so briefly.

Day 6

Make Connections - The right hand is holding two bolts and four nuts and the left has the word make connections.

Looking at the pages makes me think of putting together the small things that make you happy into a spot that makes you happy.  You can connect the pieces in assorted aspects.  We pull together our lives into sections that make us better.

My mind says, reach out and bring together what you can.  I'm using this as a way to look at my current learning experiences.

Day 7

Be Sweet - Right hand shows a strawberry and the left the words - be sweet.

I try to look past the obvious submissiveness of the term be sweet based on where I have grown and the experience I have been through.  Setting that aside I can see how I could replace the word sweet with polite or understanding.

My Mind says, share your message with those who are interested in hearing it. Step aside and share the stage with those who have a message to share. Devote your life to equality of all lives, and take part in the steps to make that change a reality.

Overall, this was a really interesting way to present a daily card reading or oracle deck. Binding in book form makes this so much easier than pulling out the deck everyday. (Which I'm not above doing, so deck creators, I'm happy to review) The art is simple and fresh, the words, though generally positive are simplistic and if you're looking for deeper meanings, as with any deck, you'll need to dig within to find them.

I think this is a great edition to your bedside table or maybe in the bathroom as a quick peek before you're out the door for the day.