Today I celebrate great news! I have been accepted ad the cartomancer for the Covenant of Hekate's newsletter, Noumenia News. My first publication features cards from the Angels and Ancestors deck. Take a moment and check out Noumenia News's information on the Covenant of Hekate's website. You do not have to be a member to subscribe! There's tons of great information in there and I highly recommend reading it.
Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray with art by Lily Moses
I'm thrilled to be back on the staff at Noumenia News. A few years ago I resigned my position as Editor in Chief after birthing this amazing piece of volunteer work in the name of the goddess. From the beginning the goal was provide a place for the members of the Covenant to come together and share their works of art and experiences around Hecate.
Today, I feel like I am returning home. I look forward to working with the other staff members and I hope to provide a service to the community as a whole.
My readings will be listed each issue using, for now, either my go to deck, Angels and Ancestors or I may use decks that I will be reviewing. Ultimately, I will be featuring my own, self printed cards (yes, I'm making the cards from scratch and printing them myself) dedicated to Hecate.
The images are created by my wonderful partner and best friend Elijah and will include a pdf booklet that will outline the meaning and layout of the deck. I'm using an old process to create this magical item the same way witches have done for years. I'll be making them by hand and crafting a single card at a time. The first deck will be mine to work with and get a connection to. Afterwards, I may offer printings for those interesting in obtaining a deck for their own work.
Below is an example of one of the cards in the deck. I'm super excited about getting this deck completed and can't wait to share a few readings with you.
Crossroads Card from the Crossroads Oracle by Renee Sosanna Olson
Art by Elijah Trent Olson
Look for Issue 56 of Noumenia News
Thanks for joining me on this journey.