Showing posts with label Bones. Show all posts

The Vardo - Cleaning the Bones

 After we got the bones home Eli had to remove the wooden sides and bust out the drill and wire brush tools.  There was a lot of rust around the support brackets and on the front of the bones by the nose of the trailer.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Here Eli is giving me a break down of where each of the components will be in the wagon.  The front is projected to have a window and some pass through storage below the bed area.  We're tossing around the idea of making our bed out of straw.   I'll keep you posted on how that goes.  LOL
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

So here's the bones all cleaned up and getting a fresh coat of Rust-Oleum.  We went with flat black. So far I'm extremely pleased with how she's looking.  Next steps, floor frame.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Pagan Blog Project 2012 - X is for Xylomancy

Xylomancy is divination of the past, present and future using wood, twigs or fallen tree branches.  In biblical times seers would divine based on the pattern fallen tree limbs or other pieces of wood made when lying on the ground.  Like Dendromancy and Tephramancy (divination of ashes in burned tree trunk) it is thought that it has its origin in the tree worship.

I’ve searched the web and found several sites that are related to Xylomancy.  Most have the statements above and then links to various resources on trees.  Art of Divination for example has a list of trees correspondences.  For example it lists the Blackthorn for unexpected change and Beech for stability and energy flow.  

Some ways to practice Xylomancy include stripping the branches of ½ the bark and tossing them on ground to examine the random patterns made.  Further watching the way logs are arranged in a fire place while they burned was another form of Xylomancy.

I found this video of Yule logs burning if you'd care to give it a try.


I found that Llewellyn lists this as divination by observing the pattern of thrown sticks or staves.   To me this sounds slightly different then the first definition which makes it sound as though we’re looking at random tree limbs falling in or around someone’s property and the second like throwing of bones

I then discovered that if I could only get my FAFSA to recognize Hogwards as a valid college I could go take a course on Xylomancy and learn divination by analyzing pieces of burning word.  Again slightly different than the original definition and in my mind leads more to fire scrying than “wood scrying”. 

In my reading I’ve found that generally people ancient times (and sometimes me when I find my mirrors turned faced down) look at things that are out of the ordinary or different as an omen.  For example, if a baby died and a midwife was present she was sometimes accused of witchcraft and held accountable for the baby’s death.  If a black cat comes to your house, it brings difficulties, and breaking a mirror would be considered a bad omen.  

So there you have it, a very basic introduction to Xylomancy.  I’d like to thanks my dearest sister Kallan, for a wonderful suggestion of this word and to remind you to head over to check out her blog!

Namaste & Blessed Be

M - Magic for Money

Magic for Money

In this day and age of cyber covens and online witch schools it’s easy to see why some people get concerned about how some teach the craft.  We have online stores stealing the persona of artists in our community and using their image to sell “penis enhancement spells” and then other’s frowned upon for offering Tarot or other divination skills for a price.
Where does magic become a commodity?  Many types of divination charge by the ½ hour for spending time with a client and doing things such as Throwing the Bones or Reading the Tarot.  Many believe that this is a waste of time and believe that such things are works of the Devil.  In fact in many areas it’s a crime to do any type of divination.  Paid or otherwise.  At many readings I’ve attended, it’s required by the reader to state something to the effect of, “this is for entertainment purposes only, please seek legal or medical advice where necessary”.   To me, a similar warning should be offered by Pat Robertson or any other Televangelist for their “services”.

I believe that magic is an art form.  It’s more than the sum of its parts.  Sure the canvas has a price, and the paints have a price, but once put together by an artist those simple tools become a masterpiece.   We couldn’t look at a Picasso and offer the cost of materials to purchase it.  The same is true of divination.  In the hands of a master, these tools become the conduit by which art is created.  That art is not an accident and should be respected.  If you do reach out to these folks remember, this is indeed something they have invested time and energy in.  They are professionals and should be treated accordingly; after all, that’s why you’re going to them… right?

Then we move away from divination and into training.  Witch Schools; sharing the knowledge that you have with others for a price.  There are many witch schools available on the web.  I have not attended any of them so I cannot comment on their content or character.  I only want to offer a tip.  Do your homework before selecting any one particular page to send money to.
That being said, I want to talk about witch schools very generally.  It takes more than just a web page and a pay pal account to be qualified to teach others about the inner works of the world of magic.  It’s not for everyone.  It takes time and patience to share knowledge with others.  It takes hours of prep time for one class and can lead into questions from the group that opens up an entirely new realm of learning for the instructor.  Aside from the time and materials costs of many witch classes, I’ve seen online where you can pay a fee and move directly to 3rd Degree Witch by paying this fee…
I’m of the school of thought that knowledge is free to all who seek it.  If I’m coming to share what I have with you, please be mindful of my supplies that I need to provide or the gas for my broom to get to you.  I believe that we are here to share what we learn with others.  However we should not do so at the expense of our own families.  However tempting it might be to pay the fee to get your Grand PooBah title, I highly recommend finding a local group of pagan’s or perhaps even a coven that might be accepting new members and learn directly from that group.  Good groups are usually partnered with a local metaphysical store and have access to books and supplies at a reasonable cost. 
In my group for example we’re working on setting up monthly meetings where each members share bits and pieces from their path in a way to share knowledge with the group.  We work together to offer suggestions and share information on what exactly it means to be Hecatean for example. 

Most groups will ask that you attend a few meetings and then agree to abide by a set of bylaws before initiation into the group.  Ask questions and be sure the group is for you.  If not, move on. 
For a while now I’ve been looking to learn about Reiki.  I’ve met several people that work with it, I’ve even ordered books and cds to learn more about it.  I recall a quote from a book that said, when you find your Reiki Master, you will know.  So I’m waiting.  I’m sure it will come.

So Magic for Money, is it good or bad?  In antiquity we should trade eggs, or sheep for veggies.  We may even offer a goat or a pig for a wife.  We would certainly present an offering or payment to a priestess or witchdoctor that performed a service for us.  So then why shouldn’t we pay those people who are granting us a service?   You tip your waiter, why not tip your witch?

Namaste & Blessed Be

Throwing the Bones with Sister Sarah

Last night I attended a class at Kay Soto's store Truely Unqiue. Our Teacher was Sister Sarah and the Class was called "Throwing the Bones".

Throwing the bones is the ancient art of divination through the use of old bones. A specific collection of bones is used, each with a specific meaning. Those bones are then tossed on the ground or on an animal skin, each part having a specific meaning. The bones are then interrupted by a spirit worker or diviner.

In this particular version of Throwing the Bones, the bone set, or Bula is made up of four distinct bone pieces. The Thola, a short fat bone representing then older feminine positive. This is the foundation bone, it gives you strength. The Cohado, a long thin bone, is the younger feminine represents strength and endurance and concerns itself with the long term causes or outcomes. It can also represent chaotic or destructive female influences. The Imbay, the smallest of the bones represents the older masculine and clarifies a situation or adds credence to another bones message, depending on how it falls. The Scita, the broken bone represents the younger male positive and is the strongest bone in the reading. It highlights problems concerns or troubles plaguing the subject of the reading. The broken end often points to the bone or the field that it senses conflict in.

The field or locations on the mat, skin or ground are set up much like the peace symbol. The area is divided into three points or areas. The top right (called Earth) represents long time frames, and emotions such as love, hate, anger and base instincts as well as Ancestral spirits. The top left (called Plant) represents medium time frames. transient but long lasting situations such as career, education, relationships and finance as well as Familiar spirits. The bottom (called Animal) represents short time frames. Immediate but inconsequential concerns. Anxieties, worries and impulsive acts as well as Nature spirits.

As with many other forms of divination I have reviewed the instructor guides us to keep a journal of our throws and the outcomes. She recommends spending time casting for yourself and using situations that you already know the outcome of to see how the bones land. Find a set of bones that are unique to you and treat them as you would any other magical tool. Learn to feed and care for the bones much like you do a set of crystals or a tarot deck. Working more with a divination tool defines you as their keeper and assists in making sure that you are truly connected to the spell work you are preforming.

My thoughts on the class itself are pretty positive. Sister Sarah seems very comfortable with her art and gave a very informative representation of it. She was able to give a sample reading by asking the class to provide questions. At one point I felt as though she were directly addressing a question that I came to the class with. I have had a romantic situation which I have been helping a friend with over the past few months. I heard back that the love interest was professing undying love and a desire to move forward. With each example Sister Sarah presented in her "example" romantic reading the male influence was always separated from the female by the Cohado. She explained several times that this was showing an infidelity. As I didn't ask the bones the question directly I can not say that this specific message was intended to be an answer to my question, but it does lead me to believe that I should advise my friend to be weary of the situation.

Sister Sarah is a certified Root Worker and Psychic Reader. Her specialities include Setting Lights (Candle spells) Mojo Bags, Court Spells and Gambling Charms, Rituals for Love & Lust, Bone Diviniations and much more. Sister Sarah also has her own line of spiritual supplies such as oils, crystal bath, sache powders, incense, herbs and so much more. Her items are available at Truely Unique in Wilson, NC or at her Etsy Shop.

She is available for consultations and readings in person, by phone or email.

You can reach Sister Sarah by email at, by phone at 252-525-0923 or on the web at

If you would like to learn more about Throwing the Bones, Sister Sarah has a kit with instructions and sample clay bones to practice with. She will also be at Truely Unique's Kindred Spirit and Divination Night on July 30th starting at 3:00 PM and will be available to schedule consultations.

Remember, get out and support your local Pagan Shops, they really need your business.

Namaste & Blessed Be