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Epic Blogger Award

Today one of my dear friends left me an award on my blog.  Vickie from Aoibheal's Lair gave me the "Epically Awesome Award of Epic Awesomeness".

The award comes with a few rules.

1. Display the award on your page.
2. Link back to the person that gave it to you.
3. List 10 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 10 other bloggers to get the award.

I got the first two done, now for ten things about myself... let's see.....

1. I love love love Tattoos!  I just got a new tattoo yesterday...
Photo Credit - Renee Olson
Tattooist - Elijah Olson
2. I love to work with Clay.  I'm working on a new piece, it's a dragon coaster.  The center dish is for holding a coffee mug.  It's still in progress.  I'm deciding on paint colors now while it dries.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

3. I have an amazing kid who just published her first book on amazon.  She created the book to use as a fundraiser for a chest reduction surgery.  Her current fund raiser status can be found here.

Photo Credit - A.L. Olson

4. I have a deep love for sexy music....

From Rap

to Pop

to Blues

5. I am a Devotee to the Goddess Hecate and a member of The Covenant of Hekate.  This will be my second year taking part as a solitary in the Rite of her Sacred Fires.   Hecate called to me last year and I completed the Rite of the Red Cord to devote myself to her.  I spend a great deal of time researching the history of Hecate as well as incorporating her into my art.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

6. I love animals.  I have yorkies, chihuahuas, 3 indoor cats, a parakeet, 3 grown hens, 6 baby chicks and a colony of 5 feral cats.  I raise yorkies with my hubby at ETKennels.  I also foster and rescue.  We offer a program at our kennel called "Always Home".  As part of our contract, any pups that can no longer be cared for are returned to us.  They will either live out their days in our home or will be re-homed with a new loving family.  In this way we ensure that none of our dogs end up in shelters.  We also offer support in answering questions, getting shot info and helping locating animal resources as needed for everyone.  Not just those who buy from us.

7. I am an advocate for LGBT Rights.  When I started my work with the LGBT Community, it was the LG Community and we had Pride in the Park in Norfolk VA.  There were 10 people and a hibachi.  I moved to San Diego and was completely blown away by the size of their Pride celebration.  I volunteered with the LGBT Center and began working with Marriage Equality.  I'm thrilled to see changes over the past years including Marriage rights for LGBT in many states.  Full federal equality is coming!

8. I'm gamer geek from days of old.  I started with a game called Tel-arena on a computer bulletin board and ended up working for Sony Online Entertainment as Lead GM Salonafinn.  It doesn't matter what you do in a GM situation, you'll always end up with one pissed off group and one happy group.  My exploits can still be found on Goggle today.

9.  I believe we should all have good food.  GMO scares me.  No one seems to think it's not a good idea to put different types of DNA into corn, soybeans or other food and then feed them to our kids.  It's just crazy.

10. I have a shop called Sosanna's Closet.  We're starting out vending at local events such as CNC Pagan Pride in Raleigh and Earth Day at Truely Unique in Wilson.

Now... I need to nominate 10 other blogs... let's see.....

I know many of these will probably have already been nominated but I'm going to add them just the same....

1. I adore Rhonda over at Good Green Witch.  Learning about our environment and sharing information on everything from plastics to fracking, Rhonda has an amazing way of delivering the information in an upfront, clear and concise way.

2. Kallan's Sunday Stew is just one of the great things on the menu at The Secret Life of the American Working Witch.  From current events, news to dealing with stress there's always something wonderful going on there.

3. Monica over at TransGriot tells it like it is even when it comes to calling out HRC on its treatment of the trans* community in the recent protests at the Supreme Court during the oral arguments around Marriage Equality.

4. Sam at Chronicles of an Anthropology Nerd, is not only a fellow tattoo and otter lover but also an amazing writer and a frequent shopper at Sosanna's Closet.   If you haven't checked out her blog, I highly recommend it.

5. If you want to stay up on all the latest LGBT News and happenings Joe. My. God. is an amazing blog to follow.  From finding the scoop on politicians on the down low to getting the dish on attacks in Paris at Marriage rallies, Joe offers up front and direct coverage of today's happenings.

6. Another of my favorite blogs is Pagan Culture.  Magaly shares her dark fiction as well as a glimpse into her personal life.  She's witty, strong and saucy.  Everything I love in a woman. She's currently hosting "Witches Fiction 2013 ... To the Bone", with stories and giveaways galore!!

7. Heartsong's Circle is always peaceful and enchanting to me when I arrive.  Alan has a way of being the voice of reason when hotter heads are popping off around.  He's centered and indeed sends out what I believe is a very positive loving energy.  Adding his posts and comments to your day will indeed make it a brighter place.

8. Inciting a Riot is indeed a riot.  If you're not following Fire Lyte, I recommend it.  From serious stuff to the fun, Fire Lyte says those things out loud which many of us just think about.  Over the holidays his confessions of retail kept me in stitches for weeks.

9. Fellow artist and blogger Tess, over at East Coast Craft & Curio has given us a glimpse into her life and what makes her tick.  Tess is an amazing person and I'm grateful to call her a friend.

10.  If you like current events, book reviews and general ramblings from a pagan mother prospective "I'm Not Hannah" is a great blog to follow.  I cannot begin to say enough about how witty and touching this blog can be.

Well there we have it.  My 10 things and my 10 Blogs.  I believe these are all incredibly epic blogs!

Head over and have a gander.

Namaste & Blessed Be

Liebster Award

As many of you know I participate in quite a few blog projects, giveaways and general marketing of bloggers, crafty types and the like.  I really enjoy getting to read up and coming bloggers and seeing what new things are out there.  I like to think that my blog offers others out there information and even a laugh or two.

I love to see other prospective and try to learn from others.  I get a few comments on my own blog from time to time and honestly I don't reply as often as I should.  Earlier this week I got a message on my Sosanna's Closet Facebook Page letting me know that one of my blog followers had selected my blog as one of her featured five for the Liebster Award.

Sabrina's Witchy Wonderland selected my blog, along with four others to bestow this award to.  Now I need to pass this on to five other bloggers with less than 250 followers and offer eleven facts about myself.

The idea here is to drive traffic via "word of mouth" to get other bloggers names out there.  Happy to take part in such an undertaking I'm really thrilled to participate.

So first here is my list

BoldlyGo - Blog about Trans* issues, disability and life.  The author rights with passion and vigor.

Good Green Witch - Blog about the state of our environment, from vegan-ism to deforestation.

The Cauldron - A Witch's Journey - From recipes, photography to spells, Stevie deliver's a delightful look at paganism and life.

I'm Not Hannah - Blog about life as a Pagan Mother, and the trial and tribulations associated with it.

Cordelia's Cauldron - Blog about being a Pagan Mom and Nana, I really like reading over this blog.

Now, I'm supposed to list eleven things about me you may not know.  I'm so very open here I'm not sure there are anythings about me you don't know. But here we go.

1. I'm a Counselor over at Pagan-Place.  I work the early morning at 6:00 am.
2. I now have a section on Kallan's Sunday Stew called "Sparkle and Shine".
3. I hate guns, but I support your right to have one.
4. I HATE biting into a raw onion.
5. I love love love Canyon Storm - by Gwain Nighthawk and Blake Octavian Blair
6. I have panic attacks.
7. I work 3 jobs.
8. My favorite color is purple.
9. I'm a Pisces.
10. I love Latin music.
11. I'm extremely shy.

Well there ya go.  There's my list.  I'll link over to the blogs above to let them know they've been selected.  If you get a chance to check them out I really recommend it.  Now I'll leave you with two of my favorite videos.

Ricky Martin - The Best Thing About Me Is You

Gwain Nighthawk - Flute Improv

Namaste & Blessed Be

Sunshine Award

This week my blog was nominated for the Sunshine Award.  I'm not really sure what the Sunshine Award means, but it appears to be one of those where we try to drive new blog followers to fellow bloggers sites.

I was nominated by An Eclectic Witch in Training and Bubbles & Broomsticks.  The rules for this one is that you post a link back to the blog that nominated you, then post links to ten other blogs.  That's a lot of blogs so I might not get ten in there.  Especially since I'm not really sure what this is really for.  Then they have a list of questions you need to answer.   

To help some blogs that may not have a great deal of traffic or to help others find some rare gems, I'll post a few of my finds below.

The Questions:

1. Who is your favourite philosopher?

I don't think I have one

2. What is your favourite number?

3. What is your favourite animal?

4. What are your Facebook and Twitter URLs?

5. What is your favourite time of day?

6. What was your favourite vacation?
Home with da hubby

7. What is your favourite physical activity?

8. Favourite non-alcoholic drink?

9. What is your favourite flower?

10. What is your passion?

Next I'm supposed to list out 10 blogs and share the award with them, here we go.

Very Inspiring Blog Award

This last week I've been nominated for the Very Inspiring Blog Award by Aoibheals LairSea Witch Cottage & The Cauldron: A Witches Journey.

I'm going to combine to the two.   The rules are you need to display the award on your blog, list seven things about yourself and then give the award to seven other blogs in their comments.

Although it's a bit chain letterish, I figure if nothing else maybe I can get the word out about some other blogs that I find interesting so here goes.

First, here's the image

Next, Seven things about myself:

1. If I were any more Pisces I'd be an actual fish.
2. I have a 25 year old daughter.
3. I am a devotee of Hecate.
4. I love native style flute.
5. I wear my heart on my sleeve.
6. I look for the best in everyone.
7. I just want to be.

Finally, I need to list out seven blogs and post a link to this page in their comments.

1. Through Thick and Thin - A couple's journey through weight loss surgery.
2. The Candy Corn Chronicles
3. The Deepest Well
4. Wendy in Wonderland
5. Ye Old Crone's Gazette
6. Witched Musings of a Witch
7. Transgriot

I hope everyone gets a chance to have a look at these blogs, and maybe give them a follow.

Namaste & Blessed Be

Butterfly Award

Today I received the Butterfly Award. This award was given to me by Sue over at La Femme Knitkita.

With this award come 12 questions. It's so fun because you get to know your fellow bloggers just a little bit better. Here we go....

Q1) Name your favorite color?
Purple is my favorite color, but I also love the color of a harvest moon

Q2) Name your favorite song?
The Best Thing about me is you, Ricky Martin. LOVE IT

Q3) Name your favorite dessert?
Pecan Pie - I don't get it often, but I love it.

Q4) What wizzes you off at the moment?
Right now my biggest issue is with states adding bigotry to the Constitution. For example, Marriage Equality. Everyone should have the right to be married to the person of their choice. As long as everyone is of age, I dont see what the big deal is.

Here's info in my OWN state. :( (LINK)

Q5) Your favorite pet?
I have several pets, but my favorite is my Turtle. Not a real turtle, but my yorkie Turtle. :)

And a more recent one just because I forgot that I had it!

Q6) Black or White?

Q7) Your biggest fear?
Losing my soulmate

Q8) Best Feature?
I think my best feature is my wit. I am pretty good at snappy come backs.

Q9) Everyday attitude?
My attitude changes everyday second of the day. I have bipolar disorder and I'm a rapid cycler, meaning I can be ready to fly one minute and just a bit later crying my eyes out. Generally I'm a pretty positive person and tend to be up more than down.

Q10) What is perfection?
Riding on the back of the motorcycle with hubby driving us around with no particular destination in mind. Just living life and being free.

Q11) Guilty Pleasure?
I've been spoiled over the last 5 years. Hubby has been able to stay at home with me. He had to give up a pretty good job to take care of me because of the bipolar thing. Now he's having to go back to work. It's scary here w/o him. I hate being alone and forgotten. I think him being here made me feel so much better, and now I have to get used to being home alone again.

Q12) When you’re upset you?
When I'm upset, I craft. I make wreaths and little brooms/besoms and things. Helps me keep that "sparkle" under control.

Here are some blogs I'd like to recognize:

The Single Mommy Blog

The Deepest Well, a Witch's Blog

The Candy Corn Chronicles

Two Dresses Studios

Pickin' Knits Pattern Co

EMKat Creations


Thanks again for the award. I hope you all get as big a kick out of this as I did.

Namaste and Blessed Be

Versatile Blogger Award

Last week I was mentioned by Aoibheal's Lair and sent the Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks so much for mentioning my blog. I really appreciate it.

The Rules after accepting the Versatile Blogger Award are:

• Thank the person who gave you the award & link back to them in your post.
• Share 7 things about yourself
• Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs.

So here goes seven things about myself

1. I am a solitary witch
2. I love Latin music, actually I love some of everything and all of nothing when it comes to music.
3. I am a vegetarian
4. I love documentaries
5. I hate onions - but I love onion flavor
6. I am crafty - I made wreaths, afghans and quilts
7. As my daughter said, If I were any more Pisces I'd be an actual fish.

Next, I need to share 15 recently discovered Blogs. So here goes.
1. A Pagan Mother's Life
2. Bringing Up Salamanders
3. Citizen James
4. Secret Life of the American Working Witch
5. Confessions of a Kitchen Witch
6. Cordelia's Cauldron
7. Ellen Dugan's Blog of Witchery
8. Goats in the Garden
9. Heartsong's Circle
10. Hecate & Hecatedemeter
11. Herscope
12. La Femme Knitkita
13. La Sirene Blog
14. PurrVersatility *Adult Content
15. Something Oddly

So there you have it... It's hard to only come up with 15. There are so many out there. Maybe I'll do this again next week just to get my other favorites in there.

Namaste & Blessed Be