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Inner Witch Photo Challenge - Day 7

Loren of Primitive Witchery shared a meme earlier this month and I just saw it last night so I'm blaming Facebook for my late start on this Photo Challenge.

So the basics are you share a picture for each day of October based on the chart below. Tag your photo or post with the hashtag #innerwitchoctober

Our next photo is Waxing Moon

Waxing Strawberry Moon - Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Nature Photo Challenge - Day 7

I was nominated to do a Nature Photography Challenge by April. I will post a nature photo each day for seven days and nominate a new friend each day. Today I'm not going to nominate anyone but if you are up for it, post a nature photo (past or present) for the next seven days. You can copy and paste this text and tag me in your post . Just change the day and person you are challenging. 

Day 7

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Nature Photo Challenge - Day 6

I was nominated to do a Nature Photography Challenge by April. I will post a nature photo each day for seven days and nominate a new friend each day. Today I'm not going to nominate anyone but if you are up for it, post a nature photo (past or present) for the next seven days. You can copy and paste this text and tag me in your post . Just change the day and person you are challenging. 

Day 6

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Nature Photo Challenge - Day 5

I was nominated to do a Nature Photography Challenge by April. I will post a nature photo each day for seven days and nominate a new friend each day. Today I'm not going to nominate anyone but if you are up for it, post a nature photo (past or present) for the next seven days. You can copy and paste this text and tag me in your post . Just change the day and person you are challenging. 

Day 5

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Nature Photo Challenge - Day 4

I was nominated to do a Nature Photography Challenge by April. I will post a nature photo each day for seven days and nominate a new friend each day. Today I'm not going to nominate anyone but if you are up for it, post a nature photo (past or present) for the next seven days. You can copy and paste this text and tag me in your post . Just change the day and person you are challenging. 

Day 4

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Nature Photo Challenge - Day 3

I was nominated to do a Nature Photography Challenge by April. I will post a nature photo each day for seven days and nominate a new friend each day. Today I'm not going to nominate anyone but if you are up for it, post a nature photo (past or present) for the next seven days. You can copy and paste this text and tag me in your post . Just change the day and person you are challenging. 

Day 3

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Nature Photo Challenge - Day 2

I was nominated to do a Nature Photography Challenge by April. I will post a nature photo each day for seven days and nominate a new friend each day. Today I'm not going to nominate anyone but if you are up for it, post a nature photo (past or present) for the next seven days. You can copy and paste this text and tag me in your post . Just change the day and person you are challenging. 

Day 2

Photo Credit  - Renee Sosanna Olson

Nature Photo Challenge - Day 1

I was nominated to do a Nature Photography Challenge by April. I will post a nature photo each day for seven days and nominate a new friend each day. Today I'm not going to nominate anyone but if you are up for it, post a nature photo (past or present) for the next seven days. You can copy and paste this text and tag me in your post . Just change the day and person you are challenging. 

Day 1

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Ice - A Witch's View with Sosanna - Nature Photography Challenge - Day 7

I have been challenged to post 7 days of nature images by Heather Brooks Ray. I also need to challenge someone else each day to post images, but no one volunteered.  If you want to post your images I'd love to see them. For now, you just get me.

I had really hoped to have some new snow pictures for this post.  Winter Storm Jonas decided we to only get rain instead.  So here are some photos I took of our winter last year.  I really love the way the ice forms on objects.  It is just amazing.

Ice Storm 2015
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Ice Storm 2015
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Ice Storm 2015
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Ice Storm 2015
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Ice Storm 2015
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Ice Storm 2015
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Ice Storm 2015
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Ice Storm 2015
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Nature Photography Challenge - Day 6

I have been challenged to post 7 days of nature images by Heather Brooks Ray. I also need to challenge someone else each day to post images, but no one volunteered.  If you want to post your images I'd love to see them. For now, you just get me.

This is one of my favorite nature/outdoor photos I've ever taken. We went to the NC Zoo and I managed to get this awesome shot of the lions.  I just love them.

North Carolina Zoo
Photographer - Renee Sosanna Olson

I ended up with some really nice flowers as well.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson 
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Nature Photography Challenge - Day 5

I have been challenged to post 7 days of nature images by Heather Brooks Ray. I also need to challenge someone else each day to post images. I only had four volunteers for the challenge so today you just get me! 

I love the view of the eastern sky from my house in the mornings.  The sunrise is so amazing.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Nature Photography Challenge - Day 4

I have been challenged to post 7 days of nature images by Heather Brooks Ray. I also need to challenge someone else each day to post images.  Today I'll challenge JuliaShould you take this challenge let's see one photo per day for the next 7 days and please challenge another person with each of your 7 posts. 

Today my photo is of my sunrise. I have the amazing trees that help filter the dawn.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Nature Photography Challenge - Day 3

I have been challenged to post 7 days of nature images by Heather Brooks Ray. I also need to challenge someone else each day to post images.  Today I'll challenge TiffanieShould you take this challenge let's see one photo per day for the next 7 days and please challenge another person with each of your 7 posts. 

Framed between a sycamore and a black walnut this little bird posed perfectly for me.  I love how it turned out.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Nature Photography Challenge - Day 2

I have been challenged to post 7 days of nature images by Heather Brooks Ray. I also need to challenge someone else each day to post images.  I challenge PaulaShould you take this challenge let's see one photo per day for the next 7 days and please challenge another person with each of your 7 posts. 

My photo for today.  I call it Spring Awakens.  This cute little green plant with a purple bud was coming up out of the fallen leaves of winter.  Just love.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Nature Photography Challenge - Day 1

I have been challenged to post 7 days of nature images by Heather Brooks Ray. I also need to challenge someone else each day to post images.  Today I'll challenge LydiahShould you take this challenge let's see one photo per day for the next 7 days and please challenge another person with each of your 7 posts. 

Here is my photo for today.  This barn is across the field from my house.  The morning mist was evaporating in the sun.  It was amazing.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Gratitude Challenge - Day 20

I was invited to a Facebook Event called Gratitude Challenge, you can find it here.  For 20 consecutive days beginning August 1st, we're writing down things we're grateful for.  I thought it would be cool to add them as blog posts.  So for the next 20 days I'll be adding an entry a day.  Feel free to reply here and tell me what you're grateful for or head over to the event page and join the challenge.

Day 20

Today I am grateful for this challenge.  I've spent the last 20 days looking at the things that I am grateful for.  I really appreciate the opportunity to do this.  Thanks to the organizers for creating this opportunity.  I had a really wonderful  time.


Gratitude Challenge - Day 19

I was invited to a Facebook Event called Gratitude Challenge, you can find it here.  For 20 consecutive days beginning August 1st, we're writing down things we're grateful for.  I thought it would be cool to add them as blog posts.  So for the next 20 days I'll be adding an entry a day.  Feel free to reply here and tell me what you're grateful for or head over to the event page and join the challenge.

Day 19

Today I am grateful for where I live.  And by that I mean the United States.  With all the faults that we have, the inequalities and the poor, I am still lucky to be in place where I cannot be jailed (or worse) for my political or religious beliefs.  There are so many places in this world where people are burned or stoned just fore believing what they do.  Its very sad.  So today I'm grateful for living in the USA.

Supplemental -
There are many inequalities in our country.  We have racism, classicism and down right hate.  We also have the power to overcome that by joining together as a people.  One people, one group and demanding justice with peaceful protest.  We have the right to assemble and the right to voice our concerns over injustices.  WE, the people need to stop allowing a select few to run this country.  WE, the people need to take control of our neighborhoods and not allow those that would come in for the soul purpose of stealing, getting arrested or causing a scene to take the focus off the message that we are trying to send.  Take a moment and look at the real injustices in our country and focus on those.  This is a time for peaceful assembly, for fair and reasonable protect and for a community to come together to work on a problem that has been there for many years.
(steps off soapbox)

Gratitude Challenge - Day 18

I was invited to a Facebook Event called Gratitude Challenge, you can find it here.  For 20 consecutive days beginning August 1st, we're writing down things we're grateful for.  I thought it would be cool to add them as blog posts.  So for the next 20 days I'll be adding an entry a day.  Feel free to reply here and tell me what you're grateful for or head over to the event page and join the challenge.

Day 18

I am grateful for self expression - From tattoos to body piercing, I am grateful for the freedom to adorn my body as I'd like.  I've had several hair colors, lots of piercings and tattoos galore.  I'm so grateful for the ability to express who I am.  Even if its just for a minute!


Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Gratitude Challenge - Day 17

I was invited to a Facebook Event called Gratitude Challenge, you can find it here.  For 20 consecutive days beginning August 1st, we're writing down things we're grateful for.  I thought it would be cool to add them as blog posts.  So for the next 20 days I'll be adding an entry a day.  Feel free to reply here and tell me what you're grateful for or head over to the event page and join the challenge.

Day 17

I am grateful for computers.  I know it sounds weird, but probably 25 years or so ago an x of mine convinced me to buy a computer.  I ended up being on a computer bulletin board system (BBS) called Cupid's Playpen.  He created an account but made it female because females got free access.  He named the account Rooster.  I got online with a dial up modem and soon became a contact for the system.  I use to send message to people as they logged in welcoming them to the system.  My experience with this group actually helped me land a job with Verzion where I provided tech support for DSL.  That job led me to working with Sony Online Entertainment as Lead GM Salonafinn.

I love love love computers!

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Credit - Screenshot - EverQuest - Sony Online Entertainment
Being online helped me escape a sometimes painful life and be someone else for a little while.  It allowed me to find my soul mate and give me the opportunity to stay in touch with all my wonderful friends today.

Gratitude Challenge - Day 16

I was invited to a Facebook Event called Gratitude Challenge, you can find it here.  For 20 consecutive days beginning August 1st, we're writing down things we're grateful for.  I thought it would be cool to add them as blog posts.  So for the next 20 days I'll be adding an entry a day.  Feel free to reply here and tell me what you're grateful for or head over to the event page and join the challenge.

Day 16

Today I'm grateful for yoga.  I don't get to do it everyday but when I do.  I try to do it with Sage.  My cat.