So this has been a pretty incredible week. Lots going on in my life. Learning about stolen work and wrapping my
head around the fact that people don’t always tell the truth has been
daunting. Yeah I know I’m naive right?
So this morning when I woke up I remembered my dream. I thought I’d share here so you can have a
look at what goes on in my mind. Buckle
up. ;)
NOTE: The following
is a dream I had. It is not intended to
be taken literally or have any basis in fact.
My dream started out with hubby and I were at a party. Tim
Gunn, from Project Runway, came in and told me that he had to introduce me to the new lead singer
of Journey. The guy really wanted to meet me. I took Tim’s hand and we headed over to a big
table with tons of people around it. The
new lead singer stood up and held out his hand to shake mine. It was actually Dave Navarro, musician and a
judge on Ink Master.
Dave wanted me to make him something, I cannot recall if it was jewelry
or a costume out of these little tiny circles.
They were like the hole-punch you use for making charms. So I’m trying to put these little circles
together in this room that changed from the bar/party room to a hotel
room. Dave is coming out of the shower
yelling for his costume/jewelry which I haven’t finished yet. I start to panic and all of a sudden I’m now
in my grandmother’s house in front of the stove cooking hamburgers.
The stove is loaded with hamburgers.
There is so much meat on the grill I start to freak out because it’s
falling off the edges. (This is really
strange because I’m a vegetarian) I see
my extended family sitting around the table wanting me to finish the burgers. Then I hear my grandmother calling me from
the living room. I come into the living
room and she’s laying on the couch asking me to get her some ice cream. I said, Grandma why are you here? She said because I want some ice cream. I said, but you’re dead. She said, get me some ice cream, I want
vanilla. I run to the kitchen to get ice
cream. I look in the freezer and there
are tons and tons of little tiny yogurts.
I thought, why did my sister put the freaking yogurt in the freezer,
this isn't where it goes.
I dig and dig and only see flavors like Strawberry, Boston Cream Pie
and so on. No Vanilla. I go back and I say Grandma there’s no
vanilla. She said, it’s in there. Go find it.
I go back and my family is at the table asking for the burgers, which
are now burning on the stove. I start
unloading the burgers and one of my uncles says, did you get Mama her ice
cream. I start to cry and yell, there’s
no ice cream! There’s only yogurt! Why
don’t you guys understand?? He says
again, you need to get her the ice cream.
I said, she shouldn't be here.
She’s dead. Don’t you get it, she’s
dead and I start to cry. "She's DEAD" I screamed, "And there's NO ICE CREAM!"
I turn to the stove and wake up.
That is just a little glimpse of what goes on in my
brain. I really like both Tim Gunn & Dave Navarro. Project Runway and Ink Master are two of my favorite shows.
I’ll need to sit down and review
that it all means. I’m not really sure
on the whole thing. I welcome your
Happy Sunday
& Blessed Be
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