K is for Kindness
- 1. The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
- 2. A kind act.
Synonyms – Altruism, Compassion, Emotion, Empathy,
Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche
said that kindness and love are the most curative herbs and agents in human
intercourse. From a religious prospective
kindness is taught in most. In 1st Corinthians
Paul of Tarsus
characterizes love and being patient and kind.
In Buddhism, Metta which translates into
English as “Loving kindness” is one of the Ten Perfections.
Recently I was asked the following in regards to placement
of my mother in a long term care facility:
“Why do you care where she’s goes, you’ve made it clear you
don’t have a relationship with her, what do you care??”
I think a simple response would be the as follows:
I’m a kind person. I
donate to shelters, food banks and to the homeless. I pick up after my dogs and myself. I don’t litter. I hold the door open for strangers,
regardless of gender. I send out
positive energies and open myself up to pull those same energies back into my
life. I give of myself to others
sometimes to a fault. I wouldn’t toss
any living being to the side without regard.
That’s why I care.
I have two quotes that I love related to kindness.
My religion is very simple.
My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama
And as the Blues singer Albert Collins said… “Don’t
mistake kindness for weakness”
Namaste & Blessed Be
1 comment
Awesome post. Everyone tells me that I am to kind and humble. I tell them I would ranther be humble and kind and help others then to be miserable.
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