The Super Bowl is over and we're finished with football fans seeing their particular team win or lose, or checking out the latest over the edge commercials. Maybe it was the national anthem that was the highlight or the half-time show.
For me, this was the first year that my husband and I ventured out to visit with friends and actually spend the day with other people. We visited some friends and my sister for the evening.
Our Super Bowl Munchies, made by my husband, consisted of a healthy Spinach & Artichoke Dip with organic chips, Amazingly good Black Bean Tacos with Tomatoes, Avacado and home made Pico, he made home made potato skins and a nice fruit salad with fresh melons and blueberries.
I sat with my goodies watching the commercials and was tickled to see the the cute VW Commercial with the kid in the Darth Vadar helmet using the force to crank his parents car. Just adorable.
Here's a peek.
Earlier in the evening they played a commercial by Living Social. This ad was a little strange to me. The story line is a very "manly" fisherman/hunter type guy starts using "Living Social" and begins to become more "refined". He gets in touch with his feminine side. So much so that he turns into a female. I can say that unlike the SNL skit that was in the media last week, at least this ad didn't seem to mock Trans-women and she seemed to be pretty positive about her changes.
Here's a look at this ad:
Now of course I won't even get into the sexual references by! But did we expect anything different? That group always makes those types of videos. I think of as the Hooter's of ISPs.
Over all, pretty good game. Great Food, Great Friends and overall a pleasant experience.
Super Bowl - Food, Ads & Thoughts
February 7, 2011

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