My Altar

So here are a few pics of the altar. My hubby used plywood and then left the wood natural (cuz I asked him to) and then used a little wood chisel to carve out the Triple Goddess in the back part.

He also made a few wands for me which I have shared with friends. I'm not sure you can see it in the pics but it's on my altar as well. Next he's going to make me a wooden pentacle plaque with the directions and the elements on it.

I forgot to mention my hubby also made the dreamcatcher on the the altar as well. He makes them with the wild grape vines we have in the back yard. He puts little beads on them. They're really great. There's one missing from my altar due to a recent candle/dreamcatcher mishap. But we won't worry about that right now. (hides face)

Yes there's a bit of dust, you can certainly tell I use my broom more than a duster! LOL

Thanks for looking and have a fabulous day!

Blessed Be!


Alexis Kennedy said...

Just gorgeous! He is so talented! I love the wand you all gave me.. it's on my altar now :)

Thank you for sharing!

Rev. Renee Olson said...

Always welcome Kallan, if you notice in the back of the Altar to the right my little pouches are there. :)

Lilac Wolf (Angie or Angela) said...

Wow - that's a fantastic altar.

Rev. Renee Olson said...

Thanks Lilac!